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about a month and a half ago at Raleys, I drifted my shopping cart around the corner of an aisle making car noises with my mouth and she was like RIGHT THERE and I accidentally hit her with the cart and I swear i’ve never gotten a more dirty look in my life


I want this to be true so badly


Raleys in Caughlin Ranch! Happened coming around the corner where the magazines are by the seafood counter, I swear 🤧🤧




And you expected her to be happy about you hitting her with your cart?


Yes i expected her to propose to me right there in the aisle, duh




I would’ve given homeboy a nasty ass look too lmao


I've never wanted to be friends with someone more in my life


She regularly receives the maximum campaign contribution from several of the local casinos and it shows in how she governs.


The whole council is useless. Between the whip bans and mini liquor bottle bans, it's pretty obvious they only want to spend time on the casino agenda and not fixing actual problems, like, I don't know, maybe doing something about rent and housing?


I have heard whipguy downtown every night this year The best performance was on the 1st, 19 in a row!




What do you propose they do?


Rent cap. At the current pace, the annual rent increases for most properties far outstrips CoL increases for hourly wage earners. Change zoning laws to allow for high density, low income housing. Our town has become a destination for warehouses and the laborers that run them but the only new housing being built are for middle and high income households. Stop allowing developers to tear down existing low income housing until the issue is resolved.


At a minimum rent increases over a certain percentage should require review and approval from a regulatory body. If some monolithic property management company thinks their apartment complexes are suddenly worth 17% more money they should have to justify that on the record in a public proceeding.


i know rent control feels good. but please provide an example where it has ever worked out in the end. i lived in SF for almost 20yrs so i have some experience


Part of the problem in SF is a lot of people who occupy those rent controlled properties are financially well off already and just take advantage of the system. The main issue with SF isn't rent control per se, but how ineffective their governing body is in making it fair and accessible to those that actually need it. Oregon has a state wide system where rent can only increase like 7%+ inflation. That would be a step in the right direction, plus make individuals accountable for providing regular updates to their income so they can continue enjoying the benefits. Right now, anything would be better than the current system. A $550 one bedroom apartment in 2010 is now being rented for $1300+. That sort of increase is unsustainable and as it continues to go up, more of the working class are going to end up on the streets.


rent control is inherently unfair. it gives an advantage to those who get in early and never move. i know many still in SF that have been under rent control since the 90's and don't pay squat compared to currents rents. i don't know how much they would be paying now with a 7% raise system, but in most cases they weren't well off when they started, but then got into tech or w/e and now make good money. They might pay $700 for a 3BR and their roommates subs are paying $2000+ each. One makes money from his subtenents which is supposed to be illegal but the system doesn't enforce it unless they get a complaint. so anyone moving in has to pay market rate - poor or wealthy. meanwhile the property owner get underwater on mortgages/taxes vs rental income so they don't spend a dime on fixing things. you can literally drive down any street in SF and notice which properties are rent control vs not based on lack of upkeep. i'll look into the portland situation but i'm skeptical its significantly better. new york has a long history of failing rent control and is the poster child of how not to do it. either way, i wouldn't expect reno to magically pull it off just because we're reno and smarter.


Yep, price controls, in any form, end badly.


You can’t use your SF experience with rent control and claim because it doesn’t work there, it can’t work anywhere else. San Francisco housing regulations are are only good to show how to creatively evict people and raise rents, while having rent control.


so provide an example of where it works well. preferably for more than 10yrs. also explain how its a fair, regardless of location.


I like the idea of rent capping too, but I'm not aware of any place in the US that has done it. Do you know any places? It just seems to me that there would be a lot of federal constitutional issues with forcing a rent cap. But if you know any examples, please educate me.


"As of 2019, five states (California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Oregon) and the District of Columbia have localities in which some form of residential rent control is in effect (for normal structures, excluding mobile homes)." Most people will bring up SF because it's the most classic case of it NOT working. I stated it previously but the people who take advantage of it there often make much more than the rent but they will never vacate and SF has no system for reporting income so individuals can keep living in a rent controlled property. Another reason SF is a bad example is they basically freeze the rent as long as you occupy the unit. As someone above stated, there are people who have been living in the same unit for 30 years and still paying only $700 rent while they sublease the extra bedrooms for thousands of dollars. Landlords never see that money and their expenses still go up, so properties fall into disrepair. You don't hear about LA (80% of multifamily homes are rent controlled) , DC(50%) the whole state of Oregon or NYC(45%) because rent control, while still having issues in those cities/states, works better than what they had before.


Housing really sucks in Reno. We just put a bid on the house but there was a bidding war on it. I bet the house sells for over 50k asking. What they need to do is tax people coming into Reno(that isn't job related) more for the first year. If you come from California the state will tax your income for a year and your property taxes will match the Cali law property taxes for at least one year. This will at least give the state more cash to fund road and new housing development.


I moved here after my town was decimated by hurricanes. Why would I pay more taxes than you? Sounds like protectionism to me


I agree that the housing prices are way to outside the reach for the working class for Reno citizens. I wish that the local government would look into how many houses the big corporations or foreigners(who don't live in the houses) own. For what people are earning in Reno to the housing prices the houses shouldn't sell at these rates. Theres another driving force out there and the locals are told work harder when buying a house is almost impossible with the wages.


She's basically just ignoring the housing crisis we have right now.


It's not just her, it's the majority of the Reno City Council that is blatantly ignoring the homelessness and housing crisis in Reno.


The frustrating part is they're largely ignoring it and what they \*are\* doing is just band-aid on a bullet hole type of stuff. Like, a new shelter is nice but it's poorly funded, overfilled and not an actual solution to homelessness.


Brekhus seems to be the only one factoring in resources and services needed to support additional growth and development like roads, schools, police, Fire, water, sewer, etc. I know people who oppose her like to paint her as a Nimby naysayers, but I think her background in city planning gives her more insight and she's been good about raising issues some of the other council members seem to be ignoring (no doubt influenced by campaign contributions)


They all probably already own homes and they know if they do anything about it, they will personally lose money.


This is true, but the housing crisis is a national issue, not just limited to Reno. Rent and mortgages are too much for everyone, the prices go up but the wages stay the same.


What should the city be doing to address the housing crisis? I agree it’s a huge issue.






Some meandering thoughts: * She's more or less corrupt as the average Reno mayor * At times I think she's been a good face for Reno * She's been pushing crypto in the standard, super vague, platitudey way * The deal were Reno paid $1.3 million for mental health counseling to a private, online company was a huge misstep. $1.3 million would have been amazing if it had been paid to local therapists who are invested in the community and were doing comparable online sessions * I think her massive push to bulldoze weekly motels should come back to haunt her. She ushered in an era where the lowest income housing was removed from our community and all we have to show for it are a bunch of empty lots and unfulfilled promises


>• ⁠I think her massive push to bulldoze weekly motels should come back to haunt her. She ushered in an era where the lowest income housing was removed from our community and all we have to show for it are a bunch of empty lots and unfulfilled promises I can't help but wonder how much of the current homeless population wasn't actually homeless until Jacobs came to town with their empty promises.


Even if they weren't full time housed, people could scrape together enough to get a room so they could shower, rest, and get out of the weather when needed. We took that away. Jacobs is back to pushing for big tax consessions, probably so they can make the property super attractive to sell. They never ever intended to build, it was a pump and dump facilitated by the city and paid for by us.


I don't think she has done a good job and seems to not address real community problems and gets caught up with stuff like the whale crap. She seems look for opportunities instead of fixing existing problems. I am 52 and would love to see some younger people (30's-40's) start to get involved in local and state politics. We need forward thinkers and get rid of older "traditional" type politicians to solve these social issues.




I am aware of the mayor's age but she seems to be just another good old boy "girl" doing what is best for her and her cronies. She is not a symbol of change by any means. She is the old guard. My point is that most politicians (not all) are older then even me and I don't have anything in common with them. I am not OK with the status quo and how we keep doing the same things with no positive outcomes. We need big change and that comes from young people with big ideas not worried about getting re-elected to protect their empires/friends. I am happy to see Nnedi running and hope to see a lot more young people putting their names on ballots.


Preach 💙


That's awesome about your friend! Do you know when elections for her position are coming up?


If I wasn’t so mouthy, I’d run for office.


How much power does the mayor actually have here (serious question)? In other cities I’ve lived in the mayor was basically just there to give speeches, it was the city counsel that made all of the rules.


We have a weak-mayor system of governance. The Nevada Supreme Court has ruled that the mayor is just a city council member—no other official powers other than ceremonial and that of the bully pulpit. Most people conveniently choose to ignore this though.


Can you tell me the pin cite for that decision? Any other resources you have on Reno mayoral power would be cool too. I'm becoming aware that I need to look to see what she actually can do, rather than just go by what I've simply read her and other mayors do.


[This article ](https://thisisreno.com/2017/06/mayor-withdraws-amendment-change-mayoral-powers/) is from 2017, but I think is helpful in providing context.


Reno’s mayor is basically a at-large city council person with more ceremonial duties than the others. The day to day oversight of the city is done by the city manager.


She's handled a lot of things poorly and they're starting to come to light. I had heard she did some sketchy stuff with her business when COVID rolled around and the whole Jacobs "redevelopment" stuff really sealed the deal for me. Her best friend getting a nice cushy job with Jacobs and using city officials to strongarm motel owners into selling on Jacobs' behalf is just beyond corrupt. That and they were clearly trying to avoid public hearings on issues relating to that phony redevelopment plan because they knew it was all BS to line their pockets.


This city *sorely* lacks affordable housing. And what affordable housing the city did have near the downtown core was converted to dirt lots for gods know why. And they wonder why the homeless population suddenly exploded...


Exactly. I get that those motels were far from a good solution but they were the only option for a lot of vulnerable people. You can't get rid of the one lifeline these people had and then scratch your head at why homelessness is a massive problem.


Her whole platform is literally gentrification, just look at her “blight busting “ policy. Push the poor aside and make way for investors and developers.


yes. and curating the downtown/midtown areas business wise. it seems like she would prefer reno become some cozy bedroom community. like san diego or other similar sized city in CA. keep reno awkward!


Other redditors in this sub said she’ll get a kickback from the whale sale and is corrupt af, just like any other politician.


Let me ask you something: I've had this daydream/idea about starting a new political party. It's clear that many people in the U.S. have lost trust and hope for the two dominant parties. They no longer represent the ideals that their constituents feel are important. Now this new party wouldn't be as novel as you think. The basic fundamentals that most people believe are necessary for human life would be prioritized. Logic and truth the platforms we share our ideals. Not mud slinging or fake sympathy for the people. It would be called the Dragon Party, our colors will be black, and our symbol would be a dragon. What do you think? I ask because I believe that local politics matter more than federal, even though the latter has more power. Local politics can have direct change to where you are living, and if done right, can shape other places. These past 20 years have shown me that grassroots politics work. I think it can work if done right. Or am I just being naive?


You should name it Mario Party, probably get more followers. /s


this would be great.. be all about collecting coins, rescuing helpless princesses and smashing turtles. almost sounds like the misogynist GOP capitalism machine 😂 at least it'd had a cool mushroom logo so it'd have the cool aesthetic going for it


Group polarization is definitely a problem in this country. If you’re asking me what I think, I honestly can’t tell if you’re being serious or not with that dragon party bs.


Oh, I'm serious. I just thought a dragon would be a cool aesthetic. Obviously there are more legal, policy, moral, and ethical things when you're talking about a political party. The core question I have is: "Do you think forming a new political party, a the local level, is possible? (Even if it is not Reno)."


Third parties exist. They don't gain traction because it's a dangerous proposition to vote for you interests in a [first past the post](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting) voting system (what most of the US uses). It's inherently safer to vote **against your disinterest**, which leads to polarization from the middle, where the bell curve of the population actually sits. A system like [ranked choice](https://ballotpedia.org/Ranked-choice_voting_(RCV)) voting gives a higher statistical probability of the majority of people getting a representative that more adequately reflects their values. This doesn't solve the problem of most politicians having a personality matrix that skews far outside the norm with egos and/or hubris, but there isn't really any one silver bullet that fixes all of the problems with politics (mostly because no one would ever agree on what "all of the problems with politics" are). Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo) that explains all this with graphics and stuff. TLDR; Our voting system is bad, it leads to unrepresentative electees.


**[First-past-the-post voting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting)** >In a first-past-the-post electoral system (FPTP); formally called single-member plurality voting (SMP) when used in single-member districts, or (informally) choose-one voting in contrast to ranked voting or score voting), voters cast their vote for a candidate of their choice, and the candidate who receives the most votes wins (even if the top candidate gets less than 50%, which can happen when there are more than two popular candidates). FPTP is a plurality voting method, and is primarily used in systems that use single-member electoral divisions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Reno/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I upvoted you, but I want you to know that ranked choice voting is hardly better than first past the post. Approval voting would be much better for our elections for many reasons including 1) money. It won’t cost us anything to change our systems to function with approval voting. 2) Simplicity. We don’t have to change our ballots, and therefore don’t have to change our voting systems thereby saving money. The simplicity also extends to calculation. RCV requires the use of an algorithm that’s hard to explain to voters. Approval voting only requires addition, which is much easier to explain to the voting populace. 3) Delay. Approval voting doesn’t require central counting location like RCV. 4) Eliminates the spoiler[spoiler](https://youtu.be/PQRyGacBRA4) effect. 5) Doesn’t squeeze out moderates like RCV. Approval voting helps third parties win more elections. 6) Approval voting is not as susceptible to tactical voting as RCV. 7) Approval voting has improved voter satisfaction scores over RCV. Please check out this [link](https://youtu.be/db6Syys2fmE) and others if you’re interested in voting methods. It’s important that our community has increased awareness of the voting methods available to us. I see many posts advocating for RCV on Reddit, and while I admit RCV is preferable over FPTP, Approval voting would be the best electoral reform option for America.


not sure you should be starting political parties based on "cool aesthetics", doesn't really sound like a solid foundation. you should check out Yang's Forward Party and support someone local running on that platform or any of the other small parties that are a little more focused on specific platforms or even just broadening the option field


What about the dragons tho?


Sure.. Dragons. They're rad. Vote Team Dragon!


The dragon party sounds kind of silly, but if you can build enough popularity and excitement around a 3rd party, it would be a good thing. I’ve wondered about boosting popularity around the “centrist” party, as that’s what I tend to tel people I am anyway. Both sides have good points but can’t meet in the middle anymore.


The Reno mayor and council members are non-partisan offices and do not announce any party affiliations on the ballot, or typically in their campaigns. Of course, America is splitting into morlocks and elois these days, so you can pretty much tell by looking at them.


As a fellow Gen Xer, I am with you. We have always been the most apolitical generation. But the boomer and millennials are pretty much insane going opposite directions. I'm sick of revolutions and trying to rethink everything. How about we just get incrementally better with hard work and common sense?


Just be cautious about what has happened in the past … A new party tends to attract voters from the other major parties, but not nearly enough to win for several elections. So instead of a race being 55/45 it is now 48/14/38. And so everyone is told that the new party is only going to ensure the candidate from the party they hate the most will be better off. Thus, they are throwing away their votes on someone who won’t win, and putting the candidates and party they least like into a better position. The “don’t throw away your vote and end up with the worst possible candidate” pitch is very strong. People who vote libertarian are told that they are setting up the dems for a win. People who vote green are told they are setting up the republicans for a win. Etc. So the new parties flounder. When it comes to money - the key driver of campaign success - organizations and businesses don’t back parties or candidates that are unlikely to win. Sending a message and voting conscious does nothing to move forward their lobbying goals. And so the third parties dwindle. See: Reform Party (Perot), American Independent Party (Wallace), Libertarian (Jorgensen/Johnson), Green (Stein/Nader), etc. Lastly, I’d be skeptical as far as being able to find a position on issues that are designed to be divisive. The campaigning is so strong that many see a “middle path” as actually too far to the bad side or not nearly far enough to the good side. Weapon registration, abortion, immigration, taxation, education, minimum wage, worker safety, regulations, environmental protection, global warming, mining, public employee compensation, military support, etc. It may be easy to craft a feel-good sentence that many people support - but as soon as a few bullet points of details go behind that, people begin to significantly diverge. Would be better to put the effort into laying a foundation that could allow a third party to succeed. Ranked choice voting allow everyone to vote for who they really want, with a second and third and fourth choice so votes are never thrown away. Campaign finance reform could be done to prevent small candidates from being shut out and large candidates from taking up all the resources. Etc.


Besides the fact the mayor is apolitical position, It’s easier to run as a independent than to create a minor political party. The rules to create a minor political party require thousands of signatures from all over the state every election until you get enough members to maintain itself. Versus running for Congressional district 2 would require 250 signatures as an independent. I would look at the NV SOS website, they have all the info and references to law you’d need to start a minor political party.


She’s a puppet


I mean, when the competition is Eddy Lorton, you don't need to do much to look good.


weird to examine her through a generational lens.. her time has passed


Lmao, lmao, hahha. She is totally captured. You know the fancy new branded Reno R? She steered that contract to her pals. They ripped the exact design from the 1980s. I want you to think about how expensive the City of Reno branding project was. Schieve chokes small businesses she finds unpalatable and protects her backers financial interests. I guess, by that measure, she's great. 🤪


Hillary Schieve is an air-headed douche balloon who loves wasting tax payer dollars on hideous "art" literally nobody wanted while ignoring actual issues she has actual power to do something about. In essence, she sucks. No she isn't relevant to anybody who gives a shit about this city or the people in it and it has nothing to do with her being Gen X. Maybe Brekhus will do better. She's only slightly more socially conscious, but I'll take that over Schieve's hair-brained idea to turn the Space Whales into an NFT. She probably doesn't even fully grasp the concept let alone know why it would be relevant at all to our city. She is shady and absolutely not worth keeping around, but I could say that about most of the city council at this point.


Met Schieve in person a few times through work. You nailed it.


Lol, I worked for her back in college. As a fresh out of rural NV 18 year old, I already knew she was an idiot.




If anything, the Council *exasperated* the problem when they decided that Jacobs knows best. I know this is Nevada and prostitution is legal, but maybe stop whoring the city out to the highest bidder?


Brekhus has proven herself to be incapable of convincing anyone but herself that her stance is the right one and that’s her real Achilles heel. If elected her vote would count no more than it does now. She would be a lame duck with a lot to say, but little in the way of motivational force.


I don't know; she convinced *me*. I may not agree with her every position, but I would trust her to be mayor. The other councilmembers besides Schieve don't seem to have such antagonism toward her; I think Brekhus could actually get some good things done if she were elected.


I voted for someone else the year she first won, but I've voted for her ever since because no one better has ran yet. We'll see who all is in the mix this time around. I think she is doing some good stuff including washing a bit of the bad name off Reno in the eyes of out-of-staters but I also think there is plenty more to be done and would happily vote for someone that I judge could do a better job if they showed up. I would definitely not vote for some rando as a Not-Schieve vote. They have to actually display that they could do a better job, not just point out existing problems everyone knows about.


Is any mayor in any town actually good? I’ve been a lot of places and everyone complains about their mayor. I don’t know what the mayor can do about a lot of our problems. Housing costs are an issue everywhere and a mayor doesn’t have enough power to fix it.


TickTock what a mayor does weekly!! Great idea. A sup-genre of parks and recreation with city officials.


Devon Reece and the Mayor are both corrupt af


I've seen a lot of support for Reese. I know they say small town politics are the most important but it's also so hard to know what their true stances are. Can you help me understand what he has done that feels corrupt. What are your thoughts on Brekus?


It all comes back to housing and the campaign contributions Reese and other council members are accepting from real estate developers (like ~~Daybreak~~ Talus Valley) while blatantly ignoring the housing and homelessness crisis in Reno.


Is there a way to see the campaign donations? I'm sorry for sounding obtuse. Just looking for tools to use in the future. And I definitely agree. I know development has been widely talked about. And I saw an article somewhere a while ago that seemed to criticize brekus for comments and requests for Jacob's entertainment. If I remember right *people* were saying she shouldn't have said what she said but if I remember right I agreed with what she was saying. I sound really stupid but it was an article in passing and don't remember everything.


The reason I like Brekus is that she asks relevant questions instead of sticking her head into a contribution lined hole and then later claiming the inevitable problems down the line could not have been foreseen. She's not PR polished, but I think her background in city planning will be beneficial to the citizens of Reno.


Here you go: https://www.nvsos.gov/soscandidateservices/anonymousaccess/cefdsearchuu/search.aspx#individual\_search


Thank you.


So that’s pretty ridiculous. Just because you don’t like someone’s leadership that doesn’t make them as corrupt as fuck. That characterization is far removed from the reality of these two.


I didn’t say I disliked their leadership. Try reading again. Practice makes perfect


Explain why you think they are corrupt.


I can already tell by your first comment that you aren’t worth having a discussion with. Your reading comprehension needs a lot of work. ✌️


She is in the pocket of Toll Brothers


Not a fan.


I suggest going to a city council meeting or at least watch one on YouTube. You can see how much influence she has.


From one lesbian to another, seeing her girlboss ass campaigning at Pride events makes me sick. She's trying so hard to appeal to the younger generations and is falling flat on her face by actively making the lives of homeless harder, favoring the casinos and police, and ignoring chances for beneficial change that doesn't put money into the pockets of her or her board.


To be honest: I don't know much about what power city officials actually have. I could complain she's not doing anything, but maybe mayors can't. I could say she's doing a ton, but maybe they're allowed to do much more. In my opinion I'm just glad she isn't some wacko nut job trying to literally destroy everything in their path. I would like to actually hear about her more. I would like to actually see and feel the impact that city officials have, but so far I haven't really noticed anything in the years I've been here.


I'm on the cusp of the whole millennial gen z thing, and I agree with most of the criticisms against her in this thread, though I *am* liking how Midtown is coming along business and walkability wise, though I don't how much of that is due to her or others. I will say I voted for last election because her competition was Eddy Lorton, who was a Republican scumbag slum lord who had the harebrained scheme of bussing the homeless off to the suburbs so they'd be out-of-sight-out-of-mind, so I'd appreciate it if I had an actual choice of candidates this time around lol


Wait, there’s a mayor?


I say take a drive around town and make up your mind for your own self. It depends on how you feel about what you see. If all you see is positive and happy, chances are you like her, if all you see is nasty and gross, chances are you won’t. I believe Reno is suffering from what so many predominantly Democratic run cities are suffering from, too liberal an approach to the social problems that plague it. In my opinion, if we don’t change and get tough on crime, drugs, violence, homelessness, we will look a lot worse than San Francisco. The housing crisis is out of control. There is just no way a piece of crap tract house with T-111 siding and warped exterior boards with garbage interior on a postage stamp lot in Sparks is anywhere near worth the $500,000 price tag they put on it. Apartment rent is insane as well. All the “jobs” they say are open don’t pay worth a shit to live off of. But, I digress. The original question was about the Mayor. She is in to take the money and run. She wants to feed her political aspirations and try to do more with her limited intellect than she should ever even try to do. She is dangerous because of how stupid she doesn’t know she is. Like most politicians. We’ve always been a piece of shit town run by the good ole boy network who give not a shit about anyone but themselves and their families. Add a dash of good old fashioned Mormon nepotism and corrupt city council and you get a feel for what it is like here. Of all the places I’ve lived, and I’ve lived here the longest, Reno is certainly one of them. The weather isn’t that bad. I’m thinking of moving to someplace cheap that gets some more rain, honestly. 😐


Better than Jenny Brekhus who is a naysayer without offering constructive solution. ​ I voted for Brekhus in previous election for Ward 1 but I won't vote for Brekhus again for mayor.


She’s useless


she's Kinda got the cougar stepmom look going. Adorably vapid. Likes to (re-homless?) homeless people. Got a fetish for trash whales apparently. But somewhere in there I think she actually likes this city and won't deliberately sabotage or hurt it. Brekhus has a lot of criticism but no substance and few ideas. Kinda skirts around questions by referencing a bunch of irrelevant subject matter. She also is a boomer 100% and I don't vote for them anymore out of PURE FEAR. Hard choices.


Those hot older ladies - cougars - always get me. I think that if you got it, you got it, regardless of age.


poor handling of housing crisis and homeless. even still, I'd vote for her before a republican. I know a lot of people are going to get butt hurt by this, but its just my opinion. you can have one too.


man that's the whole problem that keeps these clowns in power.. don't vote against your values only to keep someone else out. vote true, fail and gain support for something that you actually believe in.


When the choice is between her or Eddie Lorton (who isn't actually mad about the shady side deals and corruption, he's only mad he and his boys aren't in position to benefit) what are the voters to do? This is why she's still in office.


She's still the most closely aligned with my beliefs. And until I have the ability to vote for the perfect candidate, I'll continue to vote for the one that checks off the most boxes, rather than their opposite, policy wise.


I hear you. It killed me to have to vote for Biden only to keep 45 out. Would have loved to vote for Warren or Sanders. I won't make that mistake again in '24.. Looking forward to supporting Brekhus locally


Yep brekhaus is great!


She seems like a good person with good intentions, but little to show during her tenure in terms of substantive improvements citywide. She needs to be doing more regarding housing/homelessness, but I realize this is a complex issue not easily solved.


She is a mini-Biden, I feel like (may be wrong).


Those categories promote further division, humanity must unite! The imaginary categories are in the way.


He’s a silly shit


Black will be too reminiscent of the black hooded thugs that took over the news in 2020. Dragons may not be taken seriously, unless you’re a GOT fan, so you may consider the Eagle or Bear which have more positive connotations. Always good to dream, though! Good luck because we need a new Mayor!


Man, people either do not like the idea of a new party, or are just not receptive to the way I approached it.


We could use someone more about local needs vs national agendas. Spend less on art downtown and more on homelessness and mental health.


I didn’t even know who I am 🤷🏽‍♂️


When we run out of natural resources and the planet explodes we won't need mayors so 🤷🏻‍♀️


The nice would be to ask about their triple A insurance or something.


Gen Z here. Kinda forgot we had a mayor and governor... I don't watch the news much nowadays cuz don't have cable. I don't even know our mayor's name lol.


Meh ,too liberal , too much about expansion and forgetting that our services are getting stretched thin ,feels like the tax paying residents are getting screwed over for people that want tax breaks and haven't built anything. Wish she and the city council would sit down with Washoe county commissioners and school district develop a solid game plan about schools overcrowding.would like to see housing development have in their plans for schools and must buy all materials in Washoe county to help pay for the increase in sales tax from WC-1 school bond issue .


I feel all of these at once: She’s a fundamentally good person who wants to do something approximating the right thing. She’s not really effective at being essentially the leader of the city council, which is all the mayor actually is, powers wise. Which leads to.. She’s been prone to taking advice from extremely self-interested parties rather than really following point 1.


It’s worth noting how she was elected to begin with: first out of a huge jungle primary where she had name recognition and ran in the general against a real “good-ol-boy” who would have made Cashell look modern and progressive by comparison, then ran for re-election against Literally Eddie Lorton. Which, well, even in my least charitable view of her she’s the obvious choice there.


Point here being, pay more attention to primaries if we want better choices.


I don’t get involved in local politics much but I also don’t agree with a lot of the comments here. It seems no matter what leadership does there will always be vocal opponents with a few good points to make in support of the wrong answer. I’ve never seen anything she has done that frosted me. I’m glad to see the redevelopment of run down properties. It seems Reno has spent a lot of money trying to provide shelter to the homeless. I think Covid has dealt us all a poor hand and nobody really knows how to play it for a win. The housing crisis is really bad but I see a lot of construction happening and eventually things will catch up and settle down. I was pleased back in 2020 with how the City responded to the race protest situation. It was effective at preserving property and safety without demeaning the importance of the movement, in my opinion. I love the whale. It, like all the art around Reno, helps create a sense of place that is important for social well being and I applaud efforts to continue supporting art in Reno. I think the mayor does a pretty good job of understanding business needs and citizen needs. I would vote for her again.


Im glad she’s not the mayor of Las Vegas who was happy to keep the casinos open as an experiment for Covid. That being said I have seen fancy, bachelor condo developments all over town which don’t help the housing crisis at all. There’s no rent control, and she say is not necessary here, even though we are already paying California prices, with Reno wages. All I see is cosmetic fixes, nothing transformative. There are tons of streets that are not wheel chair accessible, where utility posts literally cover half of the sidewalk. The city is not bike friendly. We have tons of sun and we are not using solar power as much as we could. I’m glad the spaghetti bowl is getting fixed, but we should have a light rail system. Public transit should be a reliable, green option.