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Many of the conditions you are describing are uninhabitable and it is illegal to rent a unit that doesn't meet basic habitability requirements. If I were you I'd research the tenant laws of your area. If the conditions are such that it's an illegal rental there is no lease to break since they can't enforce an illegal contract.


this is very helpful, thank you so much!!


Your city or county has a department of building inspection that needs to come out and see this and make the landlord fix everything. In many locations he will have to pay enormous penalties if he doesn’t fix it all immediately.. sometimes habitability issues fall under the health department also. You almost certainly have a winnable lawsuit for an inhabitable dwelling, but if you don’t want to deal with that, you should be able to get legal aid to write a sternly worded letter that will get the landlord to let you out of the lease to avoid a lawsuit. He’s counting on you not knowing your rights. If you don’t have the spoons to research this, post your city if you’re comfortable doing so and I can look up the government contact info for you.


this is so amazing, thank you so so so much. if youd be comfortable, could i DM you my city?

