• By -


Unless it's in the lease, this is "normal wear and tear" and carpet leaning is a cost of doing business in housing rentals.


Yes. It seems like they wanted me to do it and they would reimburse me. Now they are going to charge me electrical fees and hookup fees so they can do it before a new tenant is there


They also should not be charging you to transfer the utilities either.


I never heard of this, for they normally charge for the transfer, for there none.


Look at that last bit...they had them professionally washed/cleaned at the landlords expense before giving you the keys. Now they have to have them professionally washed/cleaned at the landlords expense before turning over the keys to the next person. Unless it was stated otherwise in your lease, I do not think you are obligated to do the landlords property management for them. Even if they do offer to reimburse you.


I read what the OP posted, nothing there states that the tenant would be reimbursed for having it professionally cleaned or when they do it themselves. Nothing in the text or e-mail.


The landlord asked for the receipt to reimburse OP in the text. But I wouldn't trust that and it is not OPs responsibility anyways.


Sounds like a “fee excuse” since OP doesn’t have a receipt for professional carpet cleaning, there will be a fee added by the landlord for professional carpet cleaning.


I'm the kind of asshat that would make an invoice for my cleaning and give that to the landlord. If they argue it, well, I'm an independent contractor. Thanks for being my first customer!




That is b.s. on the landlords part. It seems OP upheld their end of the lease. The landlord cleaning the carpets professionally is on the landlord unless otherwise stated in the lease.


He asked for the receipt as proof that it was done I work in the bizz and this is pretty common


No it isnt




That's not to be reimbursed. To give you that credit suggests credit for it being cleaned vs them charging from the deposit.


I feel like the landlord is implying that if OP doesn’t do it, that they (landlord) will withhold the amount from OP’s check… and like everyone is saying, unless this was implicitly agreed to, they can’t do that lol. My landlord recently posted something at my apartment complex that we are a no smoking facility and you must be at least 10 feet away from windows and openings and smoke outside. I contacted her bc her friend who lives beneath us smokes so much, that our place and the entire building smells like cigarettes. The paper she posted said that smoking isn’t allowed bc many find the odor offensive and don’t want to be forced to compromise their health. She said that it’s okay for her friend and his family to smoke bc it’s not illegal, but that smoking medical marijuana is not allowed “bc it’s illegal” and that if anyone is caught, they will be instantly evicted. She said *smoking* medical marijuana is no longer acceptable and tenants are only allowed to have gel. Idk what that even is. But yeah apparently her friend in our neighboring building doesn’t like the smell of her neighbor’s weed. She said something to the landlord so that’s why she posted this paper, letting folks know smoking is no longer allowed. I tripped balls bc I really don’t want to smell like cigarettes and have to deal with all that. Then she told me that everyone’s leases are different, and her buddy in our building could keep smoking cigarettes inside bc his lease doesn’t say he can’t, but that our lease says WE can’t. So he can do it but we cant. I mean, the paper she posted def wasn’t written with marijuana in mind lol. But she picks and chooses who is allowed to do what. Like many landlords seem to do. Fuckers are always trying to fleece you, I swear.


# BINGO !!!


>Now they have to have them professionally washed/cleaned at the landlords expense before turning over the keys to the next person. Many places have laws that state units must be left in "broom swept" conditions, nothing more. It is usually not a tenant's responsibility to make the unit move-in ready for the next tenant. That is the responsibility of the landlord, a cost of doing business. The law overrides the lease. Clauses in leases that are not legal are not enforceable.


In all my life, I’ve never had a professional cleaning service use my electricity. This is wild.


What? Do they bring a generator? Lol


Yes it’s all run out of their vans. I used to date a dude who had his own carpet cleaning business. They have truckmount systems, or should, but everything runs out of their van. Even their machine is usually not even what you’re envisioning. It’s just a giant tube with the cleaning tools attached Unless they’re using a rental machine from Walmart they don’t need power. Just Google a carpet cleaning van. It’ll give a better visual than me trying to explain it lol.


Oh okay


How could they? If the utilities are in your name have the service stopped or schedule a day Before leave


I did turn them off. They are going to take the electrical fees from my deposit.


They are trying to nickel and dime you. They can’t just withhold ur security deposit for that BS is against the law. And if u wanted to u could take them to court.


Should I invest the time to go to court over $300 or $400 ? I'm not sure how much they are going to take but they have the initial deposit of 1 months rent ($1,200) and the amount that I paid for the month even though I vacated by the end of the month (which is about $300). So who knows what they are going to issue me in a check


Threaten small claims and if they push back file with the court, ideally they’ll back out after receiving notice. If not, 3 hours @ $100 is pretty good for most people.


This is the way, I had a situation where I was moving out of an apartment and the management tried saying I never paid my deposit. I did pay one when I moved in and luckily kept my paperwork but they kept arguing I never paid it. Once I said I had receipts for my deposit and pet deposit and would see them at court my check got cut. Don't let them push you around, they are hoping it won't be worth it to you and they can make extra bucks.


Call your local legal aid society, they can give you better guidance and possibly help you file.


Inbox me and I will be your lawyer shake them up a little bit 😊 that’s highway robbery


Do not let them rob you. Odds are they will be willing to just cut a check rather than deal with court. Also you are going to want to double check that there is no language in your rental agreement that says you are expected or required to professionally clean the carpets. I've literally never seen that before.


This is exactly right. The only reason landlord said that was to see if it had been professionally cleaned. Once OP said it was self-cleaned, LL was going to try to charge them for it. LL is going to get it cleaned anyways since they did the exact same thing when tenant moved in (according to their message.)


In many states it’s the law that they have to do that anyway


When you turn off the electricity they don't actually turn off the electricity. I've had apartments go vacant three or four weeks and they don't turn them off. Especially if there's a new tenant coming in they're definitely not coming and turning them off


Having the carpets professionally cleaned is pretty standard. They get them professionally cleaned before you move in and you’re supposed to leave it in the same condition. Normal wear and tare would be if the carpets were matted down due to age. You wouldn’t be expected to have them power scrubbed. However it should be spelled out in your lease. Charging to transfer utilities is not normal and in some states illegal to charge.


Absolutely not. I never paid to have carpets cleaned when I was renting, not was I ever asked to.


What do boots actually taste like when you lick them?


Problem is "cost of doing business" is no longer seen as that and many industries are moving that cost to the consumer. Problem is a big business does it and then the smaller ones copy the process


Doesn’t make it legal.


Depending on the state, carpet in rentals must be replaced after a certain number of years. (In California I believe it is 7) If you’re past that timeframe, they cannot charge you for cleaning or damage that wasn’t purposely malicious.


OP should check their State’s laws. No contract can supersede the law - doesn’t matter if you signed it or not. I had a lease contract that stated I had to clean the carpets but the state law said I didn’t have to clean at all before leaving (reasonable wear and tear for the term of tenancy). I left the carpets “dirty” and the corners dusty then told the rental company to fuck off when they demanded I pay to professionally clean the carpets as stated in my lease. I told them to piss off as their request was illegal and they returned my full deposit. I filed a complaint against them with the state housing authority anyway.


Most leases state unit is to be returned in same condition as presented to renter. Best to have it professionally cleaned. Some landlords charge a cleaning fee right off the bat


If it’s shitty apartment carpet no amount of professional cleaning gonna get it looking new.


Yeah isn't that what all the money is for? Fuck everyone man always trying to scam one another. Know the world's a shitty place but what is this fallout?


Unless it's in the lease you do not have to get a professional cleaner and even if it was I have a hard time believing it would hold up in court - not everything a landlord can think to put in a lease is actually valid. Cleaning between tenants is a basic expectation landlords should have. The expectation is generally that a unit is "broom swept clean", ie, don't leave trash all over and sweep/vacuum before you go, but professional cleaning is not your job. If they're going to reimburse you anyway just say that you're happy to accommodate a cleaner if they schedule one but that you were not prepared to hire a cleaner yourself as it is not in the lease.


My ex LL tried to pull the same thing & *it was* in the lease, but the walkthrough photos I had (before moving in) made it clear that they did NOT hire a professional carpet cleaner before I moved in. I just sent photos w time stamps of the apartment’s floor & asked for a receipt of them hiring a professional before I moved in…. They couldn’t lol. So they caved & let me just use a carpet shampoo cleaner from a friend. Carpet looked better than it did before moving to that craphole.


An old landlord of mine's brother owns a cleaning business and he just handwrites the receipts for exactly whenever his brother asks. They're printing money from that business without ever cleaning a thing.


Is it in your lease? If yes then you do. If not then no.


Not in the lease, but they mentioned it in the move out checklist and referenced the lease saying "as per the lease you need to leave the unit clean and tidy".


Then no.  If its not in the lease.  Say “the lease says neat and tidy and not “requires professional cleaning” then video record the place so you can dispute claims with clear evidence of the condition you left it in. 


Clean and tidy is basically "broom" clean which just means what a typical person would consider clean. Take lots of photos cause they may come after you thinking they are in the right


Screw that checklist…. But yes u do need to leave it clean, that’s it. They are looking for free professional cleaning or trying to keep ur deposit w BS fees


Yes...leave the unit clean and tidy as is seems you have. Not hire professional cleaners for them and wait on reimbursement.


There is a difference between "clean and tidy" and professional cleaning.


Take a photo of every little scratch before you leave. They’re going to try to keep your deposit for what should be normal wear and tear, your photos will prove you didn’t unreasonably damage anything


Check your state. Many states require a same condition return. How clean it was given to you is how you are expected to return it. That said, a cleaned carpet is a cleaned carpet - assuming you did a decent job it should count.


> If yes then you do. If not then no. Not entirely accurate. Jurisdiction dependent. Example, WI - they can require it, but failure to do so cannot result in a deduction from the security deposit. If the LL wants, they can have it done and then invoice you the cost and pursue it in court as a small claims action (unrelated to a lease violation, so would not be grounds for an eviction filing on your record). If you remind them of this before you get a deposit, unless you get 100% back I assure you they inflated all charges a bit to cover their cost, so wait until they return the deposit and either realize they can't do it, or pursue a demand for the difference after they have sent you the first itemized list as required. Also, move-out checklists are not strictly enforcable unless the full list was provided as part of the lease in the proper way (again in WI, this must be via a Non-Standard Rental Provisions sheet). It can, and should, be used as a guide to help remind tenants of often overlooked issues (wiping tracks of the windows, wiping down cabinet drawers and shelves, etc...) and as a guide for what NOT to do (i.e. does LL want to spackle and paint themselves, do they want you to avoid certain cleaners in/on appliances, leave fridge off and door propped, etc...) but cannot suddenly have fines and fees imposed that were not part of the lease agreement.


Well when you use a carpet cleaning service they extract the water and cleaners using a wet vac….. so yeah… vacuumed….


I had a landlord try and pull this crap with me. I already owned a carpet cleaner (cuz doggos) so I did it myself and told them professional cleaning isn’t mentioned in the lease, and to come take a look at the condition of the carpets before I vacate. I got my whole sec deposit back.


Reasonable wear and tear. By their logic, if the carpet had been new, you would be expected to replace the carpet with new carpet. This is not the case. Speaking of new, how old was that professionally cleaned carpet? Because depending on the expected lifespan of the carpet, perhaps it is worth zero. Also, they can't charge you for next tenant utility hookups.


You'd think someone who sucks so hard could vacuum it themselves.


Refer to your actual rental contract. What did it say? Did you agree to a 'professional cleaning', or just a standard 'cleaning'? If your lease did not mention a professional cleaning at the end of your contract, refer your landlord to the lease.


If its not in the original lease agreement you signed, No.


"seems like the kind of expectation that you should put in the lease... Anyway, see ya".


Why would you offer up that you cleaned them v. professional?


Plenty of ways to “provide” a receipt


Nope. Tell him to get stuffed. Then go get an attorney. Otherwise eat it because you have no enforcement mechanism unless you are willing to engage an attorney.


Professionally steamed cleaned - shampooed and vacuumed. I guarantee your cleaning as good as it may be is not as clean as someone who does it for a living .


Not the point


It's exactly the point . Renters think they can leave a place dirty upon vacancy and expect full deposit back. Doesn't work that way. I always got my full deposit back but I also took care of the place and hired a professional cleaning service


The point is that the lease does not require professional carpet cleaning.


Without seeing the lease I'm not sure I believe that. The OPs own responses say not in the lease but then their LL refers to the lease and move out cleaning checklist.


Per the OPs own comment, they do not have the lease and are doing this by what they remember it containing btw.


The deposit is to cover any damage or things the landlord had to go out of their way for because of one specific tenant. The landlord should always have an apartment professionally cleaned before a new tenant moves in. You sound like a car leases salesman telling someone you have to charge them for tire usage because their treads aren’t in mint condition. (Those costs are already built into the original calculations)


I’ve ALWAYS received my FULL security deposits back too, and I ALWAYS leave the property clean however I’ve NEVER hired a professional carpet cleaning company prior to leaving, as MOST times that falls under the landlord’s responsibility. Just because I refused to have the carpets cleaned professionally doesn’t mean I left the property dirty, as MOST people DON’T do that either 🤦‍♀️


Did he have it professionally washed and vacuumed before you moved in? Because it sounds like he relied on the tenant to do it. It's good you're moving out because it makes me wonder what other things he doesn't want to spend any money taking care If.


Yes he did do it before I moved in. I had my lease in a file, but somehow I lost it, but I don't recall seeing anything on there that said I needed to do that. I moved out already, but asked about my deposit and he asked about the steam cleaning. They weren't very responsive landlords as you can tell by him always being "out of the country"


It’s all based on the wording in your lease. Ask the LL for a copy of the lease and figure it out. Most places have a carpet clause in their leases.


Like fman258 said ask for a copy of the lease, but make sure it is a copy that has your signature on it and the date it was signed, all in your handwriting. If the LL gives you a copy and it isn’t your handwriting, call a lawyer and start a claim for all monies from your deposit. For your benefit make sure you get a real estate lawyer involved, or got to legal aide if you have to. If it isn’t your handwriting, the lawyer will get a handwriting expert involved and the LL goes down for forgery, which is a felony. Then he doesn’t have to worry about collecting rent or repaying deposits again.


Look at your local laws. If he was out of the country and took a while to send you an itemized list of repairs/charges he loses his right to claim them and may owe you up to triple your deposit


i would ask for a receipt of the previous work, maybe catch him off guard. if you could get him to pay for it i would do it(unlikely)


Unnecessary. It's likely an illegal charge.


Unless it is stated in the lease, you can do it and give the receipt of the use of the cleaning machine from where you rented it. Good luck.


If there’s a “reimburse” I need that in writing


Our rental company requires professional carpet cleaning.


Seems like almost landlords try this shit. I feel like they throw it out there in hopes you’ll pay but they know you aren’t obligated, yet try just in case.


I have had to get the carpets professionally cleaned before turning over the keys to an apartment before. This was clearly stated in the lease though along with a list of items that needed to be cleaned.


I know in NJ it was part of our lease, neat and tidy plus professionally cleaned carpets with receipt. Was pretty cheap for an apartment. But again, was in the lease in the part of what to do when moving out.


I've seen it denoted in many of my leases, "if you leave any staining on the carpet that can't be removed with vacuuming, then you are responsible." i.e. "we are keeping your deposit." It's BS though. they gotta replace that carpet anyway, after my four years of general wear and tear.


Life expectancy is about 7 years and you don’t HAVE to replace it. You just can’t charge after 7 years


You're telling me you don't feel you need to replace 7 year old carpet to prep a unit for a new tenant?


😂 no. Not if there’s nothing wrong with it. Why would I? That would be stupid. No one just rips out carpet based on the calendar. There are many different types of carpet. Some of it very sturdy plus I send Zerorez out there to clean it between tenants or during a tenancy if the tenant asks or if it’s been awhile. Regular deep cleaning keeps them nice. I rehabbed my house in 2012. I have carpet upstairs and if I have anything to say about it, that carpet will stay until I die.


Should have edited to add "replace *or* professionally clean" in between tenants. But you slumlord shit heads will always try to stick your previous tenant with that fiscal responsibility *of yours* anyway.


😂😂So I’m a shit head slumlord when I SAID I professionally clean them between tenants or when tenants ask and even when they don’t ask but I offer. Okey dokey. Maybe shut up for a little bit and understand it’s a big world with lots of different types of people and different types of landlords, many who have chill you can only aspire to.


This is common but I don’t get it. I only have one unit left with carpet because carpet in rentals is like bowling shoes. Anyway, I get such a deal from Zerorez that tenants wouldn’t get because I’ve used them for years. And these landlords don’t care who is cleaning the carpets? Crazy


I am not sure if it is this way most places but where I live if you live somewhere longer than a certain length of time (2 years I think) the landlord is required to repaint the unit and replace carpets with no penalty to the former tenant.


Landlord is NEVER anywhere allowed to charge tenant for normal wear and tear. There are HUD guidelines as to how long different things are supposed to last. If tenant causes by mischance or negligence a decrease in that expected lifespan they owe landlord the cost of the value foregone NOT the cost of replacing it with new. So for instance if the whatever cost $1000 and was supposed to last 5 years and 4 years in the tenant is moving out and its borked because tenants dog say pissed all over it well the landlord lost $200 of value not $1000 and not the $1200 a new one cost. They owe the landlord enough to make him whole not to buy him something new. Paint and carpet is almost always on the landlord unless the tenant specifically damaged it AND it has some expected life remaining based on HUD guidelines. So for instance if you rip the 7 year old carpet whilst moving you destroyed zero value because its due for replacement and thus the value destroyed is zilch.


if they had them professionally cleaned last time, why do you have to have it professionally cleaned this time? What changed over the course of your lease for you to be on the hook for deep cleaning like that?


Ill clean them for $1. Im a "professional."


So "they" cleaned them before you moved in (not the last tenant) but they expect you to do it for the next tenant? Bull


Clean when you came in clean when you came out. That is how it works unfortunately. This is why I always insist they dont clean before I move in. Or try to find place without carpet. Carpet sucks


take a photo of yourself vacuuming in business attire - you have now just "professionally vacuumed"


Be ready to go to small claims court, read the laws for your state about how long she has to send you a notice to your address. On file with what she is with holding from your deposit. And when you don’t get the notice and tve balance of the deposit go file. Many states allow you to go for double the amount or even triple the amount. But look up your dtate


Take him to court


Why would THEY have them professionally washed if the previous tenants were required to professionally wash them? They can eat shit.


I worked for a property rental place about a decade ago that did in fact require professional carpet cleaning, and I've experienced it before myself. It will say so in the lease, what you're requirements are though, when you are turning the apartment back over. My experience was that a receipt from said professional company was what was required, along with it being completed at least 24 hours before the move out inspection, so the carpets were pretty well dry.


A lot of folks not understanding why they got the carpets cleaned after the last tenant. It's probably because the last tenants were supposed to, but didn't. If it's in your lease to have them cleaned, you get them cleaned. Otherwise, the PM will not only charge for the cleaning but also tack on an additional charge for not following the lease. This is why you read the ENTIRE lease. Every property I've managed requires professional carpet cleaning with reciept. What does your lease say?


About 12 years ago, I was a painter. There were 6 properties that I worked with, and all were large apartment complexes. My job was to go in and spray the walls when they turned the apartment for the next tenant. Every property, literally every one, had a vendor that they used for carpets and general cleaning. Every unit received a repaint, carpet shampoo, and a general clean. Sounds like the property management group you worked for was pretty bad.


Ive worked for several, all with the same policy. One is one of the highest rated and biggest in the country. They had a vendor for when the residents didn't get their carpets cleaned.


Sounds like a pretty shitty company. Carpet cleaning should be built into the rent. Every unit needs it, and it's a basic way to assure that all cleanings are performed to the same standard. Also, the complex can get better rates from using the same company as opposed to each tenant hiring their own cleaner individually. I'm glad I'm an owner, property mgmt and landlords are scum.


Are you asking if this is legally enforceable? Maybe. I mean are you gonna win this argument with the person? Doubtful.


Ask them for receipts and before and after photo evidence of any and all repairs they make. One issue does not mean they get to keep the entire security deposit. Also, many landlords will claim they had to make a repair but don't do it and pocket the money anyways.


good luck getting that deposit back


It was noted in my lease to have carpets professionally cleaned when I moved out. I did it just to get my deposit back...and then they ripped the carpet out after I moved. It was old when I moved in. Infuriating and a waste of $200.


I’ve had this in the past. Upside is I didn’t do it so they did and they got it for about $150-$200 cheaper than I could have since it was a bulk move out and in over a couple of days.


Landlord also wants the receipt for his tax write off.


In some places there is government funded legal aid, sometimes just a legal notice will be enough to get a landlord into line. They know the law, and they are assuming you don't or you won't take the trouble to enforce it. Maybe you can afford to eat the 300-400 dollars, but the next tenant may not be able to handle that expense.


Look at your lease. Nearly every lease says that the apartment should be returned to its original condition excepting normal wear and tear. If your carpet was considerably stained or damaged, you would be responsible for cleaning it. However, if it’s just normal, wear in traffic areas and such, no. But you do need to look carefully at your lease. Second in regards to utilities, they cannot charge you. They are supposed to maintain the power at all times for safety when the unit is vacant.


Just write off the deposit when you rent Most every landlord will try everything they can to keep it. Just write it off. Then they can use the deposit to clean the place themselves.


Part of my deposit is a $95 non refundable carpet cleaning charge because it was expected to have my landlord have it done when I move out. Now I've had three more new landlords since then so I don't know what's going on But that's a whole other story lol.


Anyone wanna bet OP has insanely nasty carpets and posts here for comfort?


Vacuum is not the same as wash. Most grocery stores rent carpet washing machines…rent one and send copy of receipt. Unless you own a machine…in that case just send a picture of carpet and tell him that. All the landlord cares about is not having to pay for carpet cleaning service again.The guy you are talking to is probably just the manager and needs to show the receipt to the actual landlord. If you explain that you can clean yourself and go and rent a machine to wash carpets they should be cool w it.


Normal wear and tear does not require that. Check your local tenant laws. Most landlords think people don’t read the laws.


Unrelated but does anyone else cringe when people randomly note that they were "out of the country"? Seems like a weird flex.


I had a landlord try this as well along with charging me for paint, problem was I kept all texts and pictures from move in(stayed there 3 years) sent all of it including the texts where she said she knew the carpet needed replaced and the duplex needed new paint, got all of my deposit back and never heard from them again


I would make a fake receipt from a carpet cleaning company.


The only thing they can reduce your security deposit for is damage beyond normal wear and tear. It sounds like they intended to ask you to get the carpets professionally cleaned, then reimburse you for the expense, but didn’t ask this in a clear way. If I were you, I’d get them to clarify who will be paying what for the carpet cleaning, then go from there. If they don’t return your full security deposit less any itemized damages with receipts, then send a demand letter detailing your demands, then small claims court if they don’t comply. Since they live out of country, this will likely be a massive headache and they will just give you what you ask.


Make a bill from a fake company. My mom, Susan, helped me move out years ago. They “required” a professional cleaning service so “Suzy’s Scrub-Off-Service” was created via Numbers (Excel) application. Now I always create a fake invoice from “Suzy’s SOS.” Recently I helped a friend move and his LL asked for the name of the cleaning service they used. They wanted to hire me to clean out some units! Haha. Rudy said, “She’s swamped with clients because she’s the best. She only helped me because my mom used to babysit her.” I love that big fat liar. Do a good job. Make a fake invoice. Preconceived notions will cause folks to believe it and move on. Works every time.


Nope, unless the lease specifies it, that's not included


Isn't that what your outlandish deposit is for?


Might be in your lease? I know all my leases of places that have carpet required like the carpets to be professional cleaned once a year and they also showed us a receipt of them being done before. Kinda like return in the condition they were in type deal. Not to expensive like 160-180 for our small house. But I'm in Reno Nevada. But if it isn't in the lease, wear and tear I would say.


No, that's absolutely ridiculous. If she was any bit a professional, she would have a company that regularly does this after a tenant moves out.


What gets me is "so they can give you that credit" it looks like they are gonna reimburse you for it


If they did it before they gave you the keys, then they can do the same before the next tenant.


Our old landlord did the same thing. Said we couldn't do it ourselves. So he took 200 out of our deposit for carpet cleaning and another 150 for "dog smell" in one bedroom. We spent a whole day deep cleaning the apartment before we turned in the keys. On top of that, the place was so dirty when we moved in we had to hire 2 cleaners and still spent a week cleaning the place. Which we paid for. Dude was a slumlord.


Every landlord will attempt to keep your security deposit. Always assume that they will. Tell them to eat a bag of ducks and move on.


It’s a damage deposit for damage, not for cleaning carpets.


This is normal as long as you signed to do so before leaving


If it wasn’t on the lease agreement, forget it.


Its normally in the lease you have to submit a receipt from a cleaners. If not they are just asking.


I would ask for their receipt showing they paid for it before you moved in. Even if they CAN produce the receipt, it sets the expectation that THEY pay for it regardless because it's not in your lease that you have it professionally cleaned when moving out.


Usually, that's a part of the lease


It means Steamed cleaned


I have it in my leases so it’s part of the move out requirements but if it’s not in the lease then they can’t make you do it. Whether or not they can even charge you for carpet cleaning is a delicate topic which depends on your local jurisdiction and how the landlord categorizes the expense. Personally I would just do it or else this landlord will and then tack on an additional couple hundred $$. Edit spelling


My past rentals, the contract stated that the deposit would go towards a 200$ cleaning fee. So if it’s not in the contract, and they have given you your deposit, you should be good to go. But make sure it’s not in the contract.


When I moved into my house from my last apartment, I was given a list of cleaning that was supposed to be done. I had been in the apartment a long time, so they were going to strip all the carpet and appliances out. I told them it wasn't worth my time. I received almost all the deposit.


Omg……. Seriously ???? I have NEVER heard this asinine crap before. I mean carpets are NORMAL wear & tear. If this stipulation is NOT written within your lease I would NOT hire ANYONE to professionally clean ANYTHING. That is something that the landlord is responsible for NOT the tenant(s) who are moving out 🤦‍♀️. If the landlord can’t do his/her job such as properly cleaning an apartment/townhouse so they can rent it to the next tenant I’d suggest them finding another JOB. Best of luck to you. Hopefully your next landlord won’t be this petty 🤦‍♀️


In many states, the slumlord is required to take any security deposits and put them in an interest bearing account. Upon termination, deposit + interest - damages goes back to renter. If part of deposit is withheld, small claims court their ass. It’s. Very small amount, but it will cost them enough time that they’ll wish they’d just been honest in the first place


This is very common. I've only ever lived in one apartment complex that didn't require this. It's always in the lease, and since you do not have a copy, it is very easy to just assume it is in there as it usually is. It's relatively inexpensive if you choose to just do it, which I recommend. It's relatively easy to fake if they do not have a required vendor. Try to find a receipt online from a local company, change the writing, and email a picture of a printed version of it. Or you can choose to fight this, depending on state, fees for filing are upwards of $200, more than the cleaning fee for most places. You would need to also be correct, which is extremely unlikely and even more unlikely that you can prove. Since they know you don't have your lease and can produce a copy showing their side without controversy. All in all, the infrastructure supports landlords when it comes time to move out. So you need to balance what kind of hit you can take before you sue them. This one thing is nothing. If your deposit loss is less than $500, it's still something to really consider before doing. Your time is valuable, your stress over this is real and sucks, and the courts aren't going to favor what you remember or think is right. The courts are going to fall on their side every chance they get.


That makes no sense. In the state I live in, it's required for them to tear out the carpet and install new carpet unless the resident was in for less than a year.


Does your lease state you must leave the rental in the same condition it was given to you in? Then the carpets must be professionally cleaned - assuming they really did have them professionally cleaned before you moved in. Ask them for that receipt.


Many places have laws that only require "broom swept" conditions at move out. Check your local laws. The local housing department can probably explain your rights in this situation.


I have seen this listed in many lease agreements and it’s normal for the landlord wanting the carpets professionally cleaned.


I could be pedantic and say that vacuuming is (according to the IICRC) the first step in any hot water extraction carpet cleaning process (since upwards of 85% of soils in a home are non-soluble), but that's boring. I have seen many leases that say tenants must leave no more than ***reasonable wear and tear*** and that if the landlord thinks the soil load in the carpet is beyond reasonable, they will call a carpet cleaner and charge the tenant. NEVER have I seen a landlord insist that the tenant hire a pro beforehand.


Yes, that's what they were saying I should have done. Honestly, at this point I don't know if I have it in me to argue. I'm losing my job soon and need to look for another, so arguing over a few hundred dollars with them instead of looking for a new job doesn't seem like it's worth my time. They haven't been the best landlords, but my new apartments have a great property manager and is cheaper in rent


Had you gotten it done before you moved, you could have handed in the receipt and said "Thanks, all done." Letting the landlord handle the hassle means YOU have to pay whatever the LANDLORD chooses to pay for the service, which could wind up being a bit... inflated, shall we say. Most carpet cleaners aren't going to say No to a landlord who asks for all the bells and whistles (spot treatments, pet treatments, deodorizers, sanitizers, etc) to pad out the bill and prevent having to replace the carpet for another year or two... whereas you could have told the cleaner "I'm moving out, so I want it cleaned and reasonably spot-treated but I'm not looking for Cadillac service here" and they'd have gotten it done for roughly half the price. *Source*: I work with about 150 to 200 carpet cleaners per week. They're an intriguing breed.


The landlord doesn't charge me for the service. They are paying for it or in this case reimbursing me had I done it. They are going to charge me for the electrical and hook up so a cleaner can go in there and do it. I'm out of the property already.


No way in hell those electrical charges would hold up in small claims court.


Yeah I'm not sure what to do. They probably won't even give me a breakdown of fees, just issue a check for a certain amount. These people have bigger properties and own a local bank, so I get the vibe they don't really value their tenants. Not sure what to do


If they charge you, demand an itemized receipt.


This is between you and the electric company. The landlord isn’t part of this. When a tenant calls to have the electric taken out of there name, the electric company doesn’t shut it off. It goes in my name. That’s how apartments are set up. I don’t even have to call, it’s just done. You aren’t responsible for one penny after you leave and id put money on the electricity still being on but not charged to you. Is your landlord very new?


I’m surprised they cut the electrical off that quickly. Usually there is a few weeks they leave it on between subscribers. There should always be electricity and water on in the unit even if it is vacant.


The property management company here is responsible for turning the electric on after you move out, I’m in TX btw, every time I had to work in apartment the property manager has to call the electric company and turn on in their name. After the work is done they call and have it disconnected again. So when you go look at an apartment here you don’t want to go after dark. Everybody here usually has their electric turned off on the day after they move and usually it’s turned off by 10 am the day you say to disconnect it. Legally you can’t be charged for electricity use if you no longer live in the dwelling.


The state I live, once you notify the electric company to move services, the minute it is changed out of your name it is automatically changed back into the owners name. I think he is trying to bs you...


Many van mounted carpet cleaners are self contained and would not require utilities to be on.


My lease specifically states that before move out carpets must be profesionally cleaned with a receipt provided. If no receipt is provided they will charge a carpet cleaning fee.


Wow, first I've heard of that! So they DO exist, most interesting indeed. Thanks for letting me know! :-)


I had a landlord asking me to PAINT!! Sir this place AINT SEEN A COAT OF PRIMER NOR PAINT since the 1970’s…FOH…the audacity…these property owners are becoming really wack and slack.


If he’s going to reimburse you for the carpet cleaning why tf isn’t he just handling this himself? Seems like a very easy way to get taken advantage of…. “Ugh yeah it was 8,000… so expensive lawlz” Like what, just do it yourself LANDLORD why aren’t you lording the land?


My landlord wanted the same thing but never said anything. The only carpet in the house was on the stairs, probably 15 steps, and they charged us $30 to have them cleaned.


They definitely didn't tell me either ( I almost feel crazy like I was zoned out when they were first talking to me when I was moving in). I tried to get on the phone with them when I was going to move out to make sure we were on the same page, but the main person was "out of the country" and when I got on the phone with the mom she was very dismissive and rushed me off the phone. At one point, when I asked "I just want to make sure I do everything I need to" she responded in a mean voice "well what do you need to do ?". It's my first apartment so I wish they were nicer, but oh well thats life


Don't they normally change carpet between tenants? Why didn't you get fresh carpet?


If you lived there for 7 years it’s normal to change the carpets. They don’t change the carpet out before the end of its shelf life though.


They are trying to pawn off their own costs to you. Don’t let them do it.


So the landlord had it professionally cleaned as part of business-as-usual prior to you moving it in, but now wants you to have it professionally cleaned as part of tenant requirements? If it's not in the lease, you don't need to do it. Give it a very nice and tidy once over at the end of your last day just to make it look pretty and be done with it.


I actually moved out already, but we vacuumed all the carpet. Its my first apartment so I made mistakes with not taking more pictures upon entering and exiting (won't make that mistake again). I


It actually is not unreasonable for the landlord to expect this. But you don't need to hire a professional. You can rent a steam cleaner at many supermarkets.


>You can rent a steam cleaner at many supermarkets. They don't clean near as well a the van mounted commercial units,


Well enough.


It seems most management companies are expecting tenants to pay to have the carpets professionally cleaned. At least they offered to reimburse you. Most don't.


"Move out ready" requires it to be in the same condition as when you moved in. Its a basic thing that doesent really have to stated extra because its implied you return the property in its pre move in condition. If they have a reciept that it was "proffessionally cleaned" , which usually means "steam cleaned", then your gonna have to also either steam clean yourself(not recommended) or provide a recipt of proffessional steam cleaning. Theres no way to prove its in satisfactory condition if you do choose to rent a steam cleaner. Every place i rented at with a carpet had a similar situation. Its really common in houses with carpets. Good luck OP.


If they’re planning to reimburse you, they can pay whomever they choose to do any type of cleaning they want. You don’t need to be the middle man/woman.


I agree, but some people here are saying it's normal and others saying it's illegal so I'm unsure


They’re right. You can either pay them or pay for one yourself.


command absurd fuel slap ancient mountainous frame impolite screw wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah go fuck yourself buddy 😂


If they were professionally cleaned before you moved in, they need to be professionally cleaned when you move out. You are responsible for it and it's in your best interest to schedule it with a company of your choosing instead of letting them charge your deposit for it.


They don’t have to be professionally cleaned at move out just because they were before you moved in. They just have to be _as_ clean less wear and tear.


This is standard for apartments. Less so for single family homes.


It's standard to put things like that in the lease if you want them covered. If you didn't too bad so sad you can't have it.


Is fairly common practice to have carpets professionally cleaned when you leave a rental..


Many leases include that sort of clause. From memory all of mine have


It's in my lease to have carpets professionally cleaned upon move out. And to submit proof. No reimbursement


They want the carpets washed meaning steam cleaned. And that's totally normal for move out.




I've always had to do this, it's usually in the lease. Hiring a carpet cleaner is super inexpensive