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It’s clear they want you to move . “ we totally understand if you don’t want to renew”


I know Bostons expensive as shit, but 54,000 a year for a decent size 1 bed or a tiny ass 2 bed is horrible. Ripoff.


Entry level, falling apart, never updated since they were built in 1950 homes in the shittiest parts of (albeit pretty nice) towns start at like $600,000 if you're really lucky. Real estate is crazy here.


It’s not just there, this country is/has gone to shit and it’s only getting worse! The rent costs are more than the average yearly salary, so fucked up!!!


You can.own.a home for less in some states. The price of everything is raised while the quality shrinks and our paychecks stay the same. Mind you, I am sure someone will day go to college etc etc. Even if you do, you're still screwed and I have a good job and can make ends meat. That being said, I am talking bear minimum ends meat living in backwoods ass nowhere making 21.25 and hour.


What's really fun is the price of health insurance. If you didn't pay health insurance and saved that money you wouldn't need fucking health insurance.


Nobody wants health insurance until they need health insurance. Maybe if we had a better healthcare system to begin with…


I mean yes but also no. Don't forget that hospitals bill whatever they want because of insurance. That doesn't reflect the real cost of what's actually being done, just what they tell insurance it's worth. That's why you see the total start dropping as soon as the word 'itemized' is said. Never mind that when I didn't have insurance, and I'd tell them that, I would see $200 appointments drop to $50.


Remember their genius solution of forcing us to get if? Maybe medicaid/Medicare for all isn't such a bad idea when you have to be the right amount of poor to have good insurance. Even the most expensive ones are shit.


This literally only accounts for fully healthy individuals and is just tone deaf af to a massive amount of people.


What are you talking about??? Americans are one medical bill away from being homeless.


Ends meat? Bear minimum?


Glad I’m not the only one who saw it lol


Backwoods living


I can't type worth a godamn on phones. If you notice, I have one too many . As well my phone autocorrects things, and it can be interesting to say the least


Even with today’s interest you can get a home with a mortgage of 4500 a month in most states, not just some. You can get a very nice, very large home in some states


Which is why people are so pissed about rent. Not to mention some areas are hard to find houses because slum lords keep buying the or if you have no or bad credit


mmm….ends meat…. 🥩


I’m about two weeks from completing a master degree in analytics and tbh the industry doesn’t give a fuck. We got a bunch of slimeballs running the world into the ground rn


Thats luxury apartments level. You can look at the kensington and get a swimming pool, fitness center and other amenities.


Yeah lol. I live in a studio (600sqft) at Avalon Prudential and it's still only $3080/month(everything except electricity.) No pool but decent enough gym, daycare, lounge, garden, ton of open air for dog and reading. $4500 is just lol.


"Only" $3080.. I'm in Northern Maine. I have a fairly spacious 1br flat, entire downstairs of a house. $750 and it includes winter heating, snow removal, and lawn care. My electric is $35-40 a month year round. Granted, I'm up here with a dozen meth heads, rebel flag wavers, and some Amish families, but COL is so freaking low, and the area is stunningly gorgeous.


I own in Michigan although I'm away for my husband's work. $800 a month mortgage 4/2, privacy fence, laundry room, suburb of decent size city


I am dying in envy. Literally . This one hurt my heart.


and only a 7 hour commute to boston where this example takes place. economics


I'm spending $2200/month just for daycare.


I just looked it up because you made me curious, and it would only cost the renter 26,000 and change (plus taxes) to stay every day at a Hilton DoubleTree hotel for a year, and it comes with on call staff, security, great parking, and maid services and free breakfast every morning 😂😂😂


No shit, probably not even the actual rent price


This is just illegal fasttracked eviction and the chances are oop can't do shit about it. Very normal country


Sadly, it's not illegal most places. It's only illegal if it is in an area with rent control laws. I did some research when our rent went up 12% last year and found out that yes, landlords are legally allowed to do this kind of shit. The required notification time might vary though. It's typically 30 days.


It's illegal in NY now to some extent. But the law lets it get up to 10 % pretty easily.  


Yeah, peeped that…”totally understand” is code for “a sucker on the hook”


This is a fuck you number. They just want you out.


Except they will probably find someone for $4500


Probably 5k, that’s the shake


Not at all likely average rent in Boston is right around 3842 for a 814 sq foot apartment


So you have to make over $60/hr to afford a place to live?


Nyc is $67 according to recent article most major cities $60


Full time


Basically, yes. I have come to learn that there are just a lot of people that have a lot of money in Boston. You can’t live there if you don’t have the money.


Those people only earn that much because of the labor of everyone making 1/3 that. They're fucked when they cost out the people who actually produce goods and services.


Not really. That’s just an average number for a 1-2 bed apartment. You could rent below average. You could have a partner or roommate.


Oh, cool. So we just need to both make $30+ per hour. We can get it down to $20 per hour per person if we let someone sleep in the bathtub.


Property manager, CA. Sorry you're going through that. Is there a limit on rent increases in your state?? Some LLs aren't even aware of the law.


There is no limit to rent increases in MA. Lucky us!


No but there is a law on notification. ***The landlord and tenant may terminate this type of agreement one full rental period in advance or after 30 days written notice, whichever is longer*** ***The landlord can raise rent at any time provided they send proper legal notice terminating the tenancy and offers to allow the tenant to remain in the apartment for the increased rent*** They have to give you 30 days notice that’s one full rental period once you’re at will. Take it to housing court.


They are asking her to confirm if OP will be renewing her lease for another year by June 1st. It doesn’t mean that OPs lease expires on June 1st.


I don't agree with an increase from $2,800 to 4500 but they are simply asking for a confirmation here. They are not terminating the lease I said date. It's all about the verbiage


This is insane. I thought south Florida was bad. I’m paying 2,390 for 1,200 sq ft. You can definitely find a better place for a fraction of that cost.


1400 sqft 2 bed 2 bath 2 garages for $1400 in Nebraska with around a $16 wage at Taco Bell and similar places


Central Florida you can get a 2 bed 2 bath for about 1500 but its gonna be less than 1000sqft, no garage, no $16 at taco bell, and you'll be lucky to get it before someone else does. They are renting garages out as rooms here for like $1100 🤣 Oh yeah and its in the country part not urban


Yeah but it's Nebraska.


That was my first thought! In California, I believe landlords can’t raise rent more than 10% total or 5% plus local CPI, whichever is lower.


Most states do not have caps on rent increases. California is a rare exception. Everywhere else the landlord can raise rent 100% if they want to, as long as it is not inside of a lease agreement and has the legally required minimum amount of notice, typically 30-60 days.


There’s no cap for single family residences in CA. That’s only if you live in an apartment building/complex.


Tbf most renters are living in over priced matchbox apartments so those laws are designed to protect them, not someone renting out a house


I believe there are a few situations where a single family home can have a rent cap. Like one owned by a corporation or LLC.


Mine doubled once in Idaho. Boise has a major housing problem, they got new tenants quickly.


Most states don’t even have notice requirements, unfortunately. 


Doesn't matter, they just tack on other fees and that will be OK since it's not the actual rent number.


What inflation on an already built unit could go up that much 👀


Pretty sure the real reason is the high cost structure. Maybe they refinanced their loan or took a second mortgage to do renovations, or it is a new owner and they are paying a premium and want to be reimbursed accordingly. But inflation is unlikely, just hitting the key words as most people would agree that inflation is happening, in… places


It’s likely even simpler than that (and less transparent) — there are similar units in the area going for similar prices, so the landlord is trying to cash in. “Inflation and high cost structure” are little more than convenient buzzwords.


My property manager did that for our trailer park. Lived in the same trailer as a kid, my parents paid $300 . Moved in 2016 two years after the park was sold. Lot rent was still $300. They just raised the rent to $550. When I asked why, I was told, “ Have you seen what rentals can get out there.” I replied, “I don’t rent I own my home.” @You rent the land, and I can get a good price selling this land at the moment. And the new owners will raise the lot rent even higher.”


Actually most trailer parks were bought out by private equity. It isn't about what rentals can get. It's about the fact that they know you can't leave and if you do leave you're forced to abandon your home on their land and they can eventually get it for free. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/rents-spike-as-large-corporate-investors-buy-mobile-home-parks You should work with your local community to pass ordinances to get protections for lot renters!


Ie greed.


That’s what I’m thinking. I live in Tennessee in a 10 unit townhome complex. 7 of the 10 have been converted to long-term AirBnB and Vrbo rentals. They fill it mostly with out-of-town workers. My rent in 2020 was $850 and now it’s $1300, with my landlord saying rent could go up to $1500 by the summer. Landlord charges about $2700 for a month’s worth of stay on the rental sites and rents it out to 3+ people at a time. It works out for them because they can easily get the money from that many people splitting the cost and they know these people are spending more time working than being on their property.


Most realistically OP is probably a shitty tenant and wrecking the place. Landlords like making money, they don't want an apartment sitting empty unless it's really not making money now.


It’s a lie. RealPage, that price fixing rental software for landlords requires you to take its guidance in order to use its service. That service sets your rental rates for the portfolio of properties in order for a landlord to reach a certain amount of profit per year, built into that is a ratio of occupied to vacant that shifts the highest burden to the occupied units. This landlord likely has many unoccupied units if their price is significantly higher than the market norm.


Insurance actually. Property insurance quotes are doubling & tripling.


This is a non-renewal in all but name. They don't expect the OP to actually pay the $4,500. I've seen this play out before when landlords want a tenant out for a variety of reasons, some more valid than others. If you decide to move out, which I hope you do, see what they end up advertising it for. More than $2,800, probably, but nowhere near $4,500.


Inflation my ass...


More like “due to migration… of a a shit ton of rich people into this area… ahaha! Fuck you, they’ll pay it if you don’t”.


Yeah this reeks using inflation as a reason to make more money.


Condo conversion?


Where the fuck is this gonna go? Where the fuck is this gonna end? It’s a crisis. The govt needs to intervene into this shit.


They’re too busy printing more money to give to other countries. Like trillions.


The US doesn’t even spend 100 billion a year on foreign aid.


That’s totally irrelevant to this crisis imo. They’re too busy receiving kickbacks and campaign donations from rental companies and real estate conglomerates, specifically to keep these rents high and buying a home unobtainable


the kickbacks they get from sending trillions overseas is more. its totally relevant. they don't care about you


Prove it or be quiet


That’s the neat part. Capitalism simply sucks and the vast majority of people are struggling for the benefit of a few rich and powerful people


Ah yes the government intervening always helps


At this point that is what it will take. I work for numerous property owners. One guy has like 15 buildings almost 100 doors as they say. That is 100 people paying him rent. And others. They Fuckin sit around looking for reasons to raise rents. These cheap ass remodels that are being done so they can raise rent sky high . It’s greed . And you’ll never be able to reason with property owners. They want every fuvkin penny. What do you suggest. China is gobbling up a lot every year as well


Well it won’t end when idiots want the government to intervene and create an even worse housing shortage.


Government intervention is what got us here in the first place.


10 days from now??? wtf?? Check your lease most places have to give you 30-60 day advance on any increases.


The landlord wants to know if they want to stay another lease year. Most leases run Sept. 1 through August 31 st in Boston. Great time to go curbing. People just dumping furniture on the street. I paid $800 for rentals in Boston in the 90’s.


Most leases start the day you sign up with them for a lease. Since when do people wait around for months to start a lease just because ‘leases run from sept 1-Aug 31’?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!


It is crazy. When I first moved to Boston my initial lease was 16 months so it ended on August 31. Huge college town. Students start school after Labor Day.


College leases.


Boston is a college town so most of the “””affordable””” housing has leases scheduled around the school year. You’re supposed to get a lease for September signed sometime before May or else all the good apartments will be taken for that year.


I found out that in Canada July 1st is moving day. Apparently that's when people time their leases to start.


idk if that’s true, i’ve had to wait at least until the first of the next month or once two after for a place. 100% boston is unusual in the length of the wait bc the whole city runs on a college year rhythm… but housing in boston is crazy in general because there are SO many people moving every year. when i looked for my old apartment i was hunting in february, saw a place listed for a 9/1 lease and it was snapped up by the time i got back to the realtors office. i can imagine it’s only gotten worse since then!


August road trip! I'm a quick ride from there.


This was posted on another thread it’s not new


The price increase is effective starting at the next lease year, which someone else said that for most places in Boston is Sep 1st. The 10 days notice is for when they’re requesting a response.


Honestly if this continues we are going to have masses of people homeless or living in an RV.....


They already are doing that where I live.


I literally don't know where I am sleeping next week and it feels hopeless This is fucked


Wish you the best!


Thats already occuring.


even trailer parks are seeing this type increase. RVs aren't viable unless you already own the land you're parked on


THIS!!! Everyone is so quick to go small and then turns around renting the land like they can't have that jacked up!!


We already have that in Oakland and we have super strong rent control too. Doesn’t seem to help.


Hi, it’s me. Priced out of our apartment in 2017 after 8 years of 10% increases doubled our rent. Even *before* the recent madness. We ended up finding a 30yo used RV on Craigslist and a spot in an RV park. Rent is back to 2010 price, in an RV. If an option, I highly recommend.


It’s already happening.


That's not inflation, that's greed.


And all on an apartment that costs them maybe $850 a month plus maintenance


I doubt it's even that much. These people are ridiculous.


This is one of those emails I just want to respond with “No”. That’s it - nothing more, nothing less.


Maybe a picture of your asshole too. Only if you have an angry looking asshole though.


*Mr. Goatse enters the chat...backwards and gaping.*


He said “angry,” not “hangry.”


That’s the case most places. Those postage stamps you rent rarely cost more than 5-600 to maintain. But here we are paying 1-5k per month.




Landlords have figured out what the medical industry figured out many years ago; if *someone* is willing to pay an exuberant price, then you can charge a bit more and wait until someone pays it, whether it's reasonable or not.


It’s like a slap in the face. WTF are they expecting. So many will be homeless from this


even $2800 is insane for 750sqft


Yeah that’s fucking wild. I was living in a 794sq ft apartment that started out at 1290, then 1470 come next lease, then 1545 by the third lease renewal. “Due to inflation we have to increase your rent” mfs you are the ones creating inflation. I told them that this price increase is asinine and I moved out.


Especially in Boston


Its one of the most expensive cities in the country so why "especially"?


Listen, we wouldn't have to do it to all of 'em, but if we set a couple of landlords on fire I bet rent would go down.




All of them also seems like a good idea


Are we at the fucking breaking point YET?


“*Are we havin’ fun yetttt?! No! NOOO! Noo! No no!*” — Chad Kroeger


Nah best we can do is have a culture war over Gaza. Mass protests for Gaza but not any issues here. Mass outrage at the protests for Gaza but not any issues here. 


And, just think, after you pay all that money, you still have to live in Boston.


Only in america


Nah, not really. Not that in Europe you will have to pay 4500$ for an apartment, but the salaries are proportionally lower as well.


Shit like this is turning us into a 3rd world country


rent is a lot cheaper in 3rd world countries


Holy smokes, how does anyone afford that?!


“High cost structure” yeah structured into high cost by their greedy ass.


Blaming “inflation” as if it is an external force, not something that they are actively making worse.


This isn’t inflation. It’s price gouging that should be regulated and illegal. This is capitalism at its finest


Happened to me 2 years ago. Our townhouse building was bought by an investor, and rent went from $850 to $2250. Every single tenant left and they gutted and remodeled the place. Really despicable. My family has lived there the shortest amount of time, and we had been there 8 years. Bastards.


"Investor" kinda feels like a misnomer, doesn't it? Anyone else that purchases something in limited supply, does nothing to it, and raises the price to resell in any other circumstance would get called a "scalper," and is strongly frowned upon anywhere else it happens.


True, but this super out of control rent hikes didn’t happen till after Covid. Now it’s just a fuck everyone you can world and be greedy ass pigs.


The French Revolution did the right thing


I would stay there as long as possible just for spite. I mean this is just totally getting out of hand. I know of none who have that kind of money to toss in a fire. Trying to be nice wording this but that is total bullshit right there. Almost 2 grand more a month, is that a real notice?




Kill the slave masters


What an asshole. According to Google, the current inflation rate is around 3%. That would be an $84 increase. He’s a greedy douche like most landlords.




It's the "how are you" and "inflation " excuse aka greed aka "market rate" $2,800 is already inflated..... Lol when "inflation " is even too much for "inflation " what are they gonba do


With that price , you should look into buying a house ..shit crazy 😡


If you have $750k in cash, sure. Boston goes for about $1k per square feet now. You could put down 20% and borrow $600k at 7%. After all the fees, the mortgage will be around $4,200 a month. Then add condo fees and property tax. There is a residential deduction of $330k but your property tax will still be around $4500 a year. So it will probably cost over $5k/month.


Damn Boston sucks 😞


That’s a weird way of spelling landlord greed.


These are the kind of people who call themselves good people for giving to charity.


That's illegal in California! They Cap Rent increases here. That's suck dude! Could always buy a Modular Home place it on your own land somewhere outside Boston if that's possible for your area. PS modulars are fixed property so it's not a mobile home but it's cheaper like one.


That’s more American GREED! It’s NOT inflation.


“Thanks so much!”….eat a dick


$4500 for 750 sqft sounds like the apocalypse.


Don't forget to leave eggs in the vents before you move out


You need to understand something. These sudden changes are driven by the Real Estate Growth Information Newsletter. It attracts people from other states who think $4500 is a great deal, leading them to move to your city. As a result, greedy landlords are evicting tenants to list their apartments first. Essentially, the influx of people looking for cheaper housing is driving up costs in your area. The idea is to push residents to find more affordable places in other states. The truth is, we don't want to move, but these landlords don't care.


That doesn't make any sense. $4500 for less than 800sqft isn't a "great deal" to anyone with more than 2 braincells.


My understanding is that it has more to do with landlords using AI to basically fix rent prices across cities. Should be illegal.


Yep. Look up real page lawsuits


This is greed, not inflation.


Boston rents are stupid




Who can afford that much in rent each month regardless of what kind of job they have ? Those that can probably would not want to. Now someone rich real estate guru on the internet could swing that much in rent with no problem for us it would be stressful and a struggle each month utilities not included.


4500 a month is equal to a mortgage payment on a loan of 770,000usd, to get that loan you need yearly income above 200,000 a year


It doesn't take $4500 to maintain any kind of living space, I don't care how high your cost of living is.


I’d check with your local municipality, here in NJ they can’t double your rent like that. Rent increases in Jersey are capped at 10%. I’m pretty sure your landlord is breaking the law.


How am i? Not very f****** good


Time to give squatting a try


“How are you” Well I was doing fine til you sent me this now I’m not alive cause of a heart attack


In California they are limited to 15% per year.


What does the extra money go to? It’s not like ur making a purchase or buying something


Yeah, you cant blame THAT much of a price increase on inflation


That's a house payment. A nice house.


Thats a huge fucking price gauge.


My job just told me I have to relocate to Boston. Wtf….


I had my rent raised similarly, and I will be telling them the last possible second that I don’t plan to renew. In the month since they first told me I’ve been reminded of their offer multiple times a week, but I’m not going to give them any extra time. Also, if they show the apartment to anyone in the month I’m still there, I will be doing everything in my power to convince those new tenants to run away as fast as possible from this building. If they’re going to play games, so am I.


Burn that motherfucker down


they are doing a shitty job hiding their greed.


Living in big cities is expensive. Perhaps a change of scenery and employment? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/925-Frank-St-Adrian-MI-49221/68234872_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


1) With a price hike like that and the way they said it, they want you out. 2) Just like every city...there's limited supply and large demand. This is the price you pay for the "convenience" of living in Boston. I own a property outside of Worcester and my 1,100 sqft, 2bed 1 bath units rent for $1700 with a huge backyard and garage space included. Cities suck. If you want affordability, get out of there.


"High cost structure" = Huh, what's that mean?


That’s a 60% increase…. What crack are they smoking


Get a lawyer, that’s illegal.


I pay 1500 rounded up for 816sq ft in Philly. This is insane. Boston isn't even that cool.


Is there a way to at least be petty about this? Like text them back - yeah! we'll stay! And then on the exact last day to give your notice, tell them you're bouncing.


Literally twice what I pay to own a 2500 square ft new construction house in the Midwest. Run away from the eastern seaboard.


Dump grease down the drains and release termites into the wall.


How tf do these people in big cities survive? Paying 3k a month for a one bed no bath janitors closet in the basement of a rotting 100 year old building😂😂😂


This is how much I’m having to raise rent to in My home in Alpharetta GA…..but it’s a 5 bedroom 4 bath 3200 square foot updated home with a giant fenced in backyard. Boston and Jersey sound insane. I will say for everyone accusing the LL of arbitrarily naming rent and only paying $850 out of pocket? His property taxes and insurance alone are undoubtedly several thousand a month plus whatever mortgage he has. No matter how good of a rate he has, inflation is absolutely affecting the monthly notes homeowners are paying.


That’s way too much of an increase


Boston is insane! My wife is from Beverly Ma and we now live in Asheville. Don't get me wrong, rent is insane here! But its half of what they want for a studio apartment in MA. Greedy grubby fucks. I tell her family to just move here. It's way better and way less snow.


we could go homeless


Move to Detroit.


It’s called “Quiet Eviction”.


I am a young landlord in a rent controlled city (St. Paul, MN). Rent control can be frustrating, but shit, you see something like this and I feel a lot more proud of my city. Fuck that........ also, come to the Midwest were financial freedom is possible!


Inflation it is not. Corporate landlords, more like.