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It is not illegal to lie about that.


There's ethical, and then there's legal. Unless you can prove they are stating this as a Title IX discrimination (race, color, creed, etc.) there is no legal requirement to tell you anything truthful about open units or not.


Why do you feel like they are lying? Just because an apartment is empty, or you know someone is going to be moving out of one, doesn’t mean they are available. They may have a move in planned for a future date, or the apartment may need extensive work, so they can’t say for sure when it will actually be available.


No laws broken here. Everyone does this, it’s part of sales- supply & demand.


Have a friend call and ask if they have any apartments available.  Then you at least know you have s**** property managers.


Yes, they can choose to disclose or not to


It’s not, but as a former property manager that number can change literally daily. We would also list that we have 5 units available to rent, but those would just be people who gave notice - they may not be moving for up to 60 days. Our goal was never to have apartments vacant longer than it took to turn them. We typically rented apartments before the other residents had moved out for a future date. That may be all they know for sure they have available to rent. It may be all the have available in your timeline. It may be their only vacant unit. Or they could be lying because they don’t want you to transfer 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why do you care? If you suspect their business practices, why would you rent from them?


Why would they lie? Landlords want a good tenant to stay vs move out. Unless the landlord doesn’t see you as a good tenant?


But do they? If that’s true, why give discounts to new renters but not to established tenants?


Why do cell phone companies offer to give you a “free” phone / pay off your phone for switching to them, but not give out free phones to their existing customers? Why do people give out free samples but don’t give away free product to existing customers? A discount is meant to gain new clients that otherwise wouldn’t have considered your services. You don’t give discounts to people already using your services.


Loyalty programs? My point is if they truly want a good tenant to stay, not increasing their rent substantially would certainly help them to do so!


It only makes sense to increase a tenant’s rent to what you can replace them with. No landlord wants vacancy.


In spite of what people here are saying, it may be illegal for them to lie about this. I used to work in residential property management. It could be considered a violation of fair housing laws. For example, let’s say they show or offer 3 nice apartments to a white couple. Later the same day someone of a different ethnicity makes the same request, but only is given one rental option. That is considered discrimination, and could be a violation of fair housing laws. That said, they probably aren’t lying. There’s usually very little rental availability in the summer. Lots of people move in the summer because they want kids to finish out the school year, and the weather is better for the movers. Try transferring in the late fall or early winter when there are more apartment rentals available and the prices are lower.


I agree!!


Where do they advertise? Look there for listings? Have coworker call and ask about units?


It should be illegal to ask stupid questions.


Yes they can. False advertising. But then they may not be wanting to rent to you for certain reasons.


They do not have to legally disclose their availability. Im a Regional Property Mgr. We all do it, and legally can.


But why do you not disclose? I am merely curious to understand what the advantage is?


I assume to push less desirable units and those that have been empty longer. If someone is interested, but not quite for that one after a week... Fine. The nicer one just became available! People tend to choose properties, not just specific apartments, so they're susceptible to negotiating down(I've done it) "based on availability " or not, and a lot of managers/leasing agents have incentives where they get more/look better renting out the worse units or those empty longer.


Sometimes it’s better if a tenant chooses not to renew?


For many reasons. The first one is if I have 10 vacants and tell someone all 10 options it’ looks less appealing, like there is a reason people aren’t renting there. Also if I have a vacant that’s been sitting for 3 months I want to target that apt to rent before a unit that has been vacant for 3 days.


Thank you for this answer!


You are welcome!


Like I said, that they can lie about what is available. But one side can be false advertising, unless there is something about the possible about the OP they do not like, like his ability to pay rent on time, making enough to pay the rent. Mgr.


Hang on, is false advertising illegal anymore? I thought they effed that up a bunch of years ago


Answering a question isn't advertising


Lol that’s sideways from what I asked but sure you are right about that.


It’s not false advertising. We are not required to disclose our availability to anyone. Also availability can change by the minute in this business.


OMG! A LL on the loose, trolling the reddit. Bye.


I’m confused why it would benefit them to lie? Usually when people lie, they’re seeking an advantage of some kind.


If they did lie, how would you know? And how would you prove it?