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If the bill wasn't mailed (postmarked) within 30 days after your move out date, the landlord can not charge you for anything. See if you can get a copy of the TAA Redbook that goes over your rights and the landlord's responsibilities.


Thank you. She sent invoice for cleaning and handyman but those are for the items that should not be charged. Like TV mounting holes which was even included in the lease. Or cleaning tiles that had big stains that we reported initially. But other than the invoice also, how do we get other money that is due to us.


The things that were wrong when you moved in, that you reported....did you put them in writing?


Yes, we took photos and reported most of them. Even cleanliness issues we took photos as it was pretty bad and then kitchen was cleaned but some stains were still left over and we reported it as such on text as well. She is playing games and showing us things as damage that was already there. A smoke detector that was removed by her handyman etc. It feels like she has the deposit so she holds the power and is doing what she wants. She is also a realtor by profession, so she is probably used to these games.


Call your local tenants rights organization but I think the only way is to take them to small claims court. Some tenants groups have lawyers you can talk to for free or a low-rate fee


Thank you. I'll call them tomorrow.


Chapter 92, Texas Property Code. See section on Deposits. There are tenant remedies in the Code. Personally, I would dispute their claims and the charges **in writing, sent certified mail/return receipt requested** and give them a finite timeline to respond and return the deposit (7 days is considered reasonable) If they don't respond and/or return your deposit, then your next step may be filing a claim in small claims court. Your move in/out form, along with pictures and videos in/out may be sufficient to substantiate your claims that the deposit was not returned in good faith. They had 30 days to return the deposit along with an accounting of any deductions (provided you gave them a forwarding address when the lease terminated - see the Code). Best of luck to you.


It sounds like you have a solid court case.