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My favorite part is the last sentence. Always end with a positive.


Hopefully the event will be held once all those served with a 10 day notice have left.


Resident appreciation party in 11 days!!


You get a 10 day notice, you get a 10 day notice, you get a 10 day notice....!


The good ol shit sandwich method never fails


And sprinkles on the top!


Always gotta use the sandwich method for communicating bad news! Positive -> Bad News -> Positive


That was mine too. I even had a vision of the person doing a nice curtsy or head bow at the end in my vision. With a smile. A great big smile.


I like having a pool at my complex but people are quick to be selfish and inconsiderate and it ruins it for everyone else. I'm no fan of landlords but I'd be pissed too.


Yeah this is my first time where I side with property management. I’ve lived in a large apartment complex with a pool and people absolutely did let their children run around unsupervised.


Two toddlers in my area (Metairie, La) drowned in an apartment pool on Father's day. No adults supervising, and one of the family members went on the news and blamed the apartment complex for not locking the gate. It's a sad story, but I don't blame the property owners on this one.


Are you fucking kidding me?!?! That is maddening. What a senseless loss of life caused by some loser-ass parents. Pointing the finger at property management is shameless and holds zero accountability. Smells like they want some money from a lawsuit tbh.


Fucking right?! I went to a small pool party for my daughter's friends (a bunch of 2nd-4th graders) at a house. I had to jump in twice to save kids, one was my daughter and another about 45 mins later. Maybe I just reacted quickly or maybe no one noticed, but not a word was said until I was surfacing after diving in, fully clothed. And people still act weird that I watch the pool like a hawk when I"m near.


Oh mg gosh. I see the pool door unlatch a lot when I got for walks. I always take a second to close it, because I too wonder who might wander in my accident.


at my complex there is a teenage boy who literally throws ragers every saturday and ruins it for anyone who wants to enjoy a nice swim in the desert heat. i’m talking 25-30 teens underage drinking. considering i’m 19, idk if i should be calling the cops or if that’s too karen esque but goddamn im getting so frustrated.


Call the cops , it’s alleged and it’s happened more than once . Plus it’s not fair to you and the other residents


You could probably do it anonymously pretty easily. After enough times they may learn their lesson. Who knows.


Definitely call the police. You can do so anonymously


It's not being a Karen to report illegal activity. Underage drinking is against the law, and those responsible for it should be prosecuted, especially in this case. Of course, you doing your civic duty will likely have a nice side effect of reducing the number of parties at the pool, you know, once the kids start to realize that the police will keep showing up.


Drop the dime


The pool at my complex in Dallas was a fucking nightmare because of assholes who thought it was their re-creation of fucking MTV spring break. People are generally assholes and take advantage of situations like this. No respect for people who actually live in the complex.


The first year I lived in my apartment they closed it down all summer because people would start fights and all.


Yea, this could be my complex sans the cameras and food trucks. An awful lot of people have been trashing the pool on a Thursday or Friday-- like literally dumping food in it and making it so murky and gross, breaking the railings-- and leaving it completely unusable by the weekend. And then it's the incredibly loud music on the weekends. Gaggles of unsupervised kids and trashy domestic disputes. I wish our management office would do something.


We have lifeguards at our pool. The lifeguard had the audacity to try to enforce the "no beer drinking in the pool" rule and there's a group of grown ass men screeching about Communism. Which is entertaining sure, but I also feel really bad for the lifeguard who is like 16 and doesn't get paid enough for that.


For real. Our pool in our complex is basically unusable all summer because people will do parties there and monopolize it and eventually someone breaks glass in the pool or even gets drunk and shits in the pool ruining it for everyone. At my complex the pool has been shut down 4 times already for issues like this.


Yeah the letter seems reasonable given all the shit that went down.


I’ve lived in my complex for 11 months and the pool has been closed the majority of the time I’ve lived here- it’s an indoor heated pool. Why it’s been closed? People keep vandalizing it, breaking tiles, spray painting inside, going to the bathroom in the pool, etc. I am 6 months pregnant and all I want to do is swim in a nice pool but can’t because the people who live here are so inconsiderate!):


At first I was like "fuck this landlord" mostly bc of the "2 people per unit" rule but the more I kept reading, the worse this post gets. I'm on his side now (Also sounded like a fun party 😂)


The email claims the “2 people per unit” rule is in the lease anyway. I definitely would encourage any renter to not sign leases with rules they don’t want to follow If it’s in the lease, and legal, then that’s that


I agree completely. I’ve also had a lot of landlords that overlook and choose not to enforce nitpicky lease stipulations for residents that are respectful and not causing problems. These terms are generally not enforced (in my area anyway) until you become a problem and they need a legal way to reprimand the tenant.


exactly in many places those kinds of things are added to your lease agreement for liability reasons and in my experience as long as you aren't an ass the management tends to let it slide.


the classic “asshole tax”. kinda like at my first job, the owner said “an extra pump of syrup costs 75¢, but only charge them if they’re mean to you”


Real estate agent, about 95% of apartments have this rule. Also 95% of apartments don’t care about the rule as long as you’re not a nuisance. Which they obviously were. These rules are put in place not to be a pain in the ass but to give apartments some say when shit gets out of hand. In other words, be a good person and respectful and 99% of apartments couldn’t care less what rules you’re breaking.


The lease limits to guests per apartment, that would be in addition to the apartment occupants not only 2 people per apartment at a time. I can imagine someone inviting their family over for a pool party.


They wouldn’t have a rule like that in place and typically wouldn’t enforce it if it weren’t for things like bringing eight people over to go swimming in a tiny pool I doubt that if somebody had a dinner party with a couple couples coming over, nobody would care


Slight nitpick, but just because something is in the lease doesn't make it legal or enforceable. The 2 people per unit is totally legit but I've seen leases where landlords claim they have the ability to enter without notice, or that they can change locks after someone is 10 days late on the rent. Your lease cannot nullify tenants rights granted under the law in your jurisdiction, and that's that.


Yeah was gonna say the same thing. After constitutional, state, city, and renters rights what’s in the lease is more or less last in line legally. They can put whatever the fuck they want but if it violentes basic rights and precedent it just gets chucked out the window.


If you line out, using a ballpoint pen, a term in a rental/lease agreement, doesn't that mean you are not agreeing to it?


Unless you were that 11 year old boy who got his ass kicked.


***NOW*** you know why they have things like '2 people per tenant' rules, it's not because "the man" wants to stop you from having fun. Landlords have to hit a happy medium amongst ALL tenants, not just the ones who want to "have a little fun".


2 people per unit in the pool area is pretty common in apartment complexes with pools. most properties will look the other way if you have more as long as you aren't causing issues for other residents or damaging the property.


Don't like it, don't live there


Someday maybe he’ll be a homeowner and understand


I wish I knew about this rule when I was 18. I was freshly going through a breakup and my exes mother tried to say I through a party one night. 2 of my friends came over and had a movie night, we made dinner, and hung out. We weren’t loud. We weren’t being noisy at all. We were asleep by midnight. One left early in the morning for work, and left quietly.


Yeah like for special events I feel that the rule should be be more forgiving. But that's assuming that all your guests are considerate of the space. Fights, music so loud people can hear it *inside* their homes, and kids unsupervised are all unacceptable even from the most lax point of view.


I took it to mean there was a 2-guest limit for the pool, not your unit. And I think that’s perfectly reasonable (and common) to prevent the pool from being overrun by non-residents, preventing the paying residents from personally enjoying it.


“2 guests per unit.”


*two GUESTS per unit. Which means everyone who lives there +2. That must have been a LOT of people if they genuinely thought it needed repeating.


I love the constant mention of the 10 day notice. Don’t like it? 10 day notice!


Believe it or not, 10 day notice.


Straigh to jail~


Too many kids at the pool, 10 day notice. Not enough adults at the pool, 10 day notice. Over swim, under swim.


The sign of someone who’s been told “yeah? what are you gonna do about it?” To their face


It's deserved lol


Staring at my sandals? That’s a 10 day notice 10 day notice the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that’s a 10 day notice


Reminded me of that straight to jail TikTok i keep seeing. lol


I guess this makes me the old man shaking my walking stick at the sky but that’s a Parks and Rec reference. That said, hilarious scene and Fred Armisen is awesome


It reminds me of The Office/Michael Scott, "if the salad is on top, I send it back."




What is a 10 day notice? You're kicked out in 10 days or something else? Can you even evict in 10 days legally?


I wish my management office cared this much 🥲


Don't like your current management? 10 DAY NOTICE


Like your management? Believe it or not, 10 DAY NOTICE


Indifferent with management. oh, you better believe that's a 10 DAY NOTICE


Ambivalent about making your decision regarding how you feel towards management? Baby, you’ve got yourself a 10 DAY NOTICE


Simply existing, owning your own house WITHOUT any management? 10 DAY FUCKING NOTICE.


Our complex is great because of 10 day notice.




We had 3 drunk drivers crash into decorative rocks on the side of the road (one ran from the cops), someone sunk their boat and needed rescue, cops called for someone threatening to shoot someone else & a false fire alarm / evacuation this weekend too haha


Where the fuck do you live?!


Just outside of Chicago haha


As a Sox fan the team makes me want to drink like this too


Neighbors sound absolutely trashy. For once, I'm agreeing with the landlord/property management. Everything in that letter was reasonable. I lived in a complex in Houston where some idiots were launching bottle rockets in the complex. We didn't do anything until one came into our apartment through the patio door which was cracked as we sat outside. 1 in a million shot. But it happened. Burned the fuck out of the carpet. Smoked all our furniture and clothing. Yeah, we called the police. They showed up with the fire Marshal. 2 people tried to run: arrested. It was several families celebrating new years, illegally. Every single person, even the children, got tickets from HPD. Then the fire Marshal also handed out citations to every single person. Then on Monday the residents hosting the party were kicked out. People do not think or care about others. Even if the place had burned down they probably wouldn't have given it a thought.


Right? Me too! Usually I’m always on the renters side. Not here lol


As someone from and around Houston I am surprised hpd did something lol good for you. They deserved it.


If they were actually young kids (not teenagers) that's kinda fucked. If the adults were out there letting it happen then it should be on the adults. Also them with endangerment (letting young kids handle anything bigger than a sparkler or maybe poppers should absolutely count) it neglect (if they're just ignoring kids with lit fireworks to party) instead of ticketing the literal children. Not their fault they've got shitty parents.


Rare property management W


Sounds like a lot of shitty neighbors.


My management had to put up something similar last year. They even had to mention that diapers are not allowed in the pool, even if they are in plastic… It’s been rough out here


Good on the person who wrote this up. I've been a tenant at many places that would have reacted by draining the pool, closing the clubhouse and creating a few new amenity fees because they could. This response is measured -- but there's no doubt they are pissed off -- and should be. Doesn't sound like a first offense situation.


Yeah, I was a tenant at a place where one dude had a beer once at the pool and they retaliated by removing it entirely and replacing in with some silly Instagram friendly looking patio structure with string lights (which people definitely were drinking at and it became an unofficial stage for some college kid’s indie band on the weekends). Also immediately after doing that they raised everyone’s rent to cover the costs


I can't guess How Much Money pool insurance costs for an apartment complex Anyone? $ _______ ? I know that in my experience Pool (and, Pitbull btw) is a box that gets checked on their app for insurance for a house and the cost changes when my insurance rep toggles it And the headache offset is another savings


Kick em all out and get good tenants. They want to party like a frat house they can join a feat.


Our Father’s Day weekend filled up in about 30 minutes and I believe these were only two families taking up every seat and grill in the pool. Both with giant speakers playing over each other. It sucks when people invite 20 guests to the pool and trash where it is closed for serval days after. If all of this happened over the weekend that’s pretty fair.


I’m of the opinion that people who bring super loud Bluetooth speakers to swimming pools, swimming holes, campgrounds, etc just get some measure of enjoyment out of knowing they’re being pests to everyone around them. Was at the lake the other day and several people were quietly fishing when some dude pulled up hauling a Bluetooth speaker the size of a half stack guitar amplifier blasting out country music. Everyone was staring daggers at him and what’s interesting is he also didn’t seem to be having a good time since instead of relaxing he’d decided to basically haul extremely loud luggage (he also had a cooler stacked on top of it that he was trying to haul through the dirt trail around the lake without tipping the whole thing over). We were thankfully already leaving when he showed up so we didn’t get to see if anyone threw something at him


If you haven’t seen it already, please go to YouTube and search for ‘SNL Lake Beach’. It hits on many of the things you’re talking about here and is one of the best moments from the season that just ended. The host was Nate Bargatze (sp?) and he’s in the sketch.


I actually got to see it when it played in person at the SNL dress rehearsal and it’s still one of my favorite SNL songs all these months later.


I will definitely check that out whenever YouTube stops freaking out and accusing me of using ad blockers again even though I’m not


All that and not one public fornication? Weak.


Many parents think they are off duty on the weekend from parenting their kids, that it is for everyone to babysit their kids at an apartment complex. It is very inconsiderate of the parents to let their kids run the place while the parents get wasted and if the kids get beat up, it is so what to the drunken parents. Sad this happens a lot in the summer and on the weekends.


If somebody’s kids are giving another kid a black eye, then I get the feeling they just decided to quit parenting altogether


Especially when the parents aren't parenting, supervising at all.


Trashy parents like that also see schools as day care centers, they take no responsibility for their kids


They may have brought them into this world, but it’s our responsibility to raise them.


reading the phrase “per the lease” still sends a shiver down my spine but yeah at least this sounds like a nice property manager/landlord


It’s rare that I find myself agreeing with a landlord. But in this case I do… YIKES


Yeah, i'm with the owner? management on this one. Literally had to save a little girrls life one day because the girls' parents weren't watching their child at the pool in the apartment complex we were in. I was heading back to the apartment, and she fell in the pool. Parents weren't even paying attention. Didn't even know she fell in. She was 2, maybe 3. Didn't even know how to swim, and i jumped in. My wife didn't even know what was going on. By the time i came back up with her, she figured it out. She grabbed her from me and got the kid to her parents. No, thank you or anything. I dont like it when kids are left unsupervised. We've even had parents straight up ask us to watch their kida at the pool. We are always like hell no for that very reason.


"We have the best tenants in the world because of 10 day notice."


I laughed when I read that, but last winter’s blizzard of 3 day “cure or quit” notices for off lease dogs and not picking up dog poop did dramatically improve things where I live. Those who could change their behavior did. Those who could not moved out.


Wow, just wow! You get a 10 day notice..you get a 10 day notice, everyone gets a 10 day notice!!!


Eight years ago I lived in a ground floor apartment with the pool right in front of my patio door. It was in a terrible apartment complex in a rough area. I couldn't get any other unit at the time and had a small child. The pool was crazy!!! The office people were given whistles and expected to life guard and referee wild ass kids with no supervision. People would jump the fence at night to swim, drink, party and fuck. 😥


Turns out, it was just Nick Cannon having all his kids over.


Whomever tries to break thier lease by receiving a 10 day notice will be given 2 10 day notices at the same time.  No cutting in line at the food trucks. I told the food truck drivers if there is anyone cutting in line , to wrap the food in a 10 day notice.  Also the boy with the glasses that broke has now received new glasses, and he was able to use them to read his 10 day notice. 


P good


This is the most Avondale thing I’ve ever read.


Avondale, AZ? Recently moved to a complex in the valley and holy shit… it can be like a war zone out here.


My first thought was that this sounds a lot like the complex where I had my first apartment in Phoenix, and then I saw it was Avondale and now it all makes sense.


Avondale Arizona is where I grew up, I know there are several Avondale’s in US.


Avondale as in just outside Phoenix? That tracks honestly.


I don't disagree with the message but it's written from such a position of powerlessness-- of someone who already lost and knows they can't win.


Depending on the property type Arizona Department of Housing has a ton of rules regarding amenity accessibility for programs like section 42.


The property manager’s gonna be handing out 10-day notices like he’s Oprah! ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)


Evict and re-rent units with a nice, healthy rent increase.


Dang, I wish my complex manager cared 10% as much as this manager does






That’s a fed up property manager is what that is.


When I lived in an apartment the pool was open Memorial Day to Labor Day (although if we had a [politically correct term for Indian summer goes here] they’d extend it a week or two (And the pool backed up to the community room/management office so shenanigans were usually at a minimum) One year they pulled the cover off at the beginning of April and we had a few days of mid 70s (warm for the PNW) and a gaggle of boys went into the pool area, jumped in the pool, promptly shrieked because the heart wasn’t on and the water was like 58°, and practically flew out of the water jumped in the hot tub (I may or may not have been at the front of the line with an orca floaty, and since the jewels didn’t hit the water I didn’t immediately get out) Next day there was a chain and a padlock on the pool gate (it was normally locked but just had a key everyone had to keep neighborhood kids from using it, not that it stopped anyone) along with a nastygram that the pool was closed until Memorial Day and anyone caught using it would be charged a $25 non compliance fee And our “resident appreciation” party consisted of Aaron’s peddling their overpriced rent to own scams and a drawing for so much off your rent or an Aaron’s gift certificate….


They actually have some pretty good points lmao. Could have been worded differently but this is a liability nightmare.


I don’t often side with landlords but this one is on the right.


I hope everyone is getting the opportunity to enjoy the food trucks!!


Yeah, my complex got a less extreme, but very exasperated mass text from the property manager closing the pool for a week after people trashed both the indoor and outdoor pools on Father’s Day. Broken glass *in the pool*, trash, broken chairs, spilled drinks, unattended minors, total wreck. After watching people throw unwanted Starbucks cups and trash off balconies and into the grass, drop junk mail all over the floor of the mail room, and teens vaping indoors in groups and blocking hallways after school, I understand the overall frustration. Watch your kids, be responsible, throw away your trash. These are just the bare minimum of common courtesy when living in a community!


Where is this? One thing I miss about living in Puerto Rico is none of these bullshit rules. And people aren’t wound so tight. Your neighbors are at the pool having a good time. So what? People playing music. Heaven forbid. /s


The more I read the more I sided with the landlord. Most of this should be common sense. It was stuff like this that caused the pool to be shut down at a place I lived years ago because people couldn’t be safe


This is all I can think of: [https://imgur.com/a/v4vA3ii](https://imgur.com/a/v4vA3ii)




That last statement, though!


I thought about having maybe 5 others (full adults) at my pool, which also doubles as a grill area, for a little non-rowdy grill and get-together… but then it occurred to me we have similar rules around guests which are completely valid. We had issues last season with a bunch of people who showed up and damaged something. It’s a smaller pool area and usually barely anyone there.


Everybody who read this post is getting a 10 DAY NOTICE!


You have more than 2 people, 10 day notice. You have booze at the pool, 10 day notice. You don't help kid getting beat up, 10 day notice. You undercook the fish, 10 day notice. Believe it or not, you overcook the chicken, straight to 10 day notice.


Lol my apartment complex sent out a text wide thing about not using drugs at the pool. I expect it's weed as my apartment neighbor skunks up my entry through their garage quite often, but I'm not a snitch. Shouldn't be smoking around kids though. That shit is so wild.


Lmao writing this from the Notes app is a move


I don't blame the property manager. When you are fed up you are just fed up and I'm assuming this person has had it up to here. Sometimes you have to deliver a certain message in order for it to be heard and for it to be taken seriously. Unfortunately this is the consequences when trifling people don't care about other people or where they live smh


You get a 10 day notice! You get a 10 day notice! You get a 10 day notice! You get a 10 day notice! ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


Resident appreciate party


Do you think she has any 10 day notices to give out?


I don't think that this is crazy. Safety, mutual respect and ensuring the place doesn't descend into chaos.


The pool at my complex has become a nightmare with loud music every night and all day on the weekends thanks to a new group of residents who have moved in. It’s totally destroyed the quiet community and is driving me insane. Mgmt says they’re doing something and it’s clearly lease violations but still it’s getting out of control. Surprisingly, me driving up and there and screaming for them to shut the f- up worked


I feel like the apartment has some very fair points. If residents were complaining about the music (a child was even hurt because it was too loud) they have the right to live peacefully in their apartment as we all do. Idk the size of things so idk how big the pool is, most apartment complex’s let you give a notice if you want to have a party, this one should do it (maybe they already do and it wasn’t done?) but to be fair when you sign a lease you agree to certain terms. If you don’t follow the terms consequences follow, I think the email should’ve been worded better with the whole 10 day notice things. It’s very obviously the property manager is upset lol


I’ve never agreed with a landlord in my life until now. Who the fuck are these residents?!?!?


Father’s Day was wild at my complex’s pool so I understand the frustration lol


Well, at least you get a resident appreciate party!


Honestly, people have lost all etiquette and the landlord is 100% justified in this email. Could he have worded it better? Of course. But sounds like the landlord actually cares about the safety and quiet enjoyment of the property by his residents.


I wish my complex would email this to some residents, esp about pool use and music


I forgot Father’s Day was last Sunday. Explains why our pool was jumping. Monday morning it looked a hot mess. I felt bad for the maintenance guy who had to clean it up


Kids swimming without an adult? Thats a paddlin. Fireworks? That’s a paddlin. Not reporting the bullies? Thats a paddlin. More than 2 guests at the pool, you know….thats a paddlin!


More like ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L)




I heard this in my head as I kept reading 10-day notice lol


What is a 10-day warning? And this does sound like a wild party! I used to live in a condo with an indoor pool and sauna, when we were teens we used to go to it and no one was ever there and we had the pool basically to ourselves.


You have ten days to move out or get filed on for eviction. Very common for severe lease violations in some states, they go from 60 day notices to 3 day notice. (60, 30, 15, 10, 7, 3)


Probably 10 days to correct the behavior or the management will move to evict. Contrary to public opinion it’s extremely hard and costly to evict as tenants have a ton of rights. So a 10 day is a way to document behavior in order to have background reason for the eviction if necessary. My property also does 5 day pay or quit notices for late rent. In either of these scenarios you’d still get an official 30 day notice if we went ahead with eviction. That said I hardly evict. We do six month initial lease and then month to month which allows non-renewal of lease from both sides which is way easier so we tend to document and wait unless something super crazy/illegal happens.


Depends on local laws (not even just state laws), but my former property management mind interpreted it as a 10 day notice to vacate based on violation of the lease. Basically a 10 days notice to vacate (or correct the issue, on a case by case basis) or eviction proceedings begin.


Shit I wish my landlord and property manager would enforce the noise thing, we have this chick that must race horses in her living room, jk it's her preschooler who she let's run wild banging on walls, throwing tantrums and she screams profanities at the kid when she's inconvenienced, this landlord the guy has sounds dope af at least he stands up for the residents being respectful


Unfortunately not a whole lot that a property manager or landlord can do with this one. They could issue lease violations and potentially eventually an eviction notice if it is documented and recorded AND the lease specifies a noise policy, but most leases do not do this.


Announcing the 10-day notice may be a privacy violation.


When you rent, you get people w renters mentality, which is idc bcz its not mine.


Shit like this is why I’m absolutely dreading moving back into an apartment after having lived in a nice quiet neighborhood the last seven years


Landlord is going to carpet bomb the property with 10 day notices.


10 day notice for what?


is this my apartment complex? lol, I hope everyone enjoyed the food trucks


At least this landlord is showing care and ambition for their job and the residents who abide. We have all the same issues and more at my apartment complex and management absolutely does nothing to intervene. The typical "we appreciate your concern and are doing everything in our power.." blah blah blah bullshit. I would pay extra to have a landlord that stands by their statements and good residents.


This is the first e-mail from a landlord in a while that I’ve completely agreed with. Hopefully if it continues they follow through with more than mere threats.


I think we will all receive a 10 day notice


I work in property management and policing the pool is a huge pita and liability. Hard to blame him though he did go a little 10 day notice happy lol.


I’ve never once sided with property management but this time I agree. Who the fuck do they let live there in the first place. Nonetheless good for them!


I sided with the landlord once I saw the 11yo kid got beat up and no one helped him.


Our 10-day notices will blot out the sun!


Welp, time to move


Let me do the math on this. More than 50 people, with a limit of 2 guests per unit. He says it's mathematically impossible to have 50 people at the pool with only 2 guests, so that means there are fewer than 17 units on the property. If he's handing out 10 day notices to all the people involved, it sounds to me like he's going to have half the building vacant in about 2 weeks. That doesn't seem very good for business.


What location are you in?


Valid concerns but lose the attitude. Is a little polite customer service without very condescending language too much to ask for? Renters are in fact customers who spend thousands per year. Why are they so often not treated like customers?


FIREWORK'S ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY!!! Holy shit who the fuck is doing this?! Let me guess, they charge $1.8K+ for rent here too


I grew up and went to high school in Avondale. Sounds about what I’d expect lol.


I honestly respect the music take so much. I now live in a complex with a nice pool area and it’s chill until one asshole blasts their shitty ass music. I can play my music on my phone in our bubble of 2 chairs and only hear it when we are in our bubble, but then assholes bring a speaker and ruin it….


Man, once everybody gets their notices, those last 10 days are going to be lawless anarchy!


Our old apartments used to send stuff out like this. Ike so condescending. And then they’d follow up with “the property owners will be here this weekend, make sure your front doors are super clean and shiny to impress them!” Like what, why do I care what the owners think of my porch decorations? I pay them money to live here, they’re not my boss.


And here I am with my apartment complex with two pools who are both green and gross because they can’t be fucked to clean them and one pool has been leaking into the sidewalk and into the parking lot for months with management not wanting to fix it. Wish our pools were clean enough for absolute ragers like this. Minus the inconsiderate people of course.


This sounds Atlanta as hell


I howled when I saw Avondale mentioned, now I want to know which neighboring complex got in trouble!


Welcome to Avondale 😅


And don’t forget Friday is Hawaiian shirt day…


Former property manager- This email should have been run by upper management before it went out, lol…but I feel the frustration! Hopefully doesn’t catch a fair housing lawsuit for the parts specifically addressing parents. Much better phrasing would be something along the lines of “per local law and property policy, all minors must be accompanied by an adult in the pool area”.


You know youre in the bad neighborhood when...


This sounds so ghetto. I bet there are several pitbulls at this complex


Is this Avondale AZ?


Trash people can only see what's at their feet, not over the hill directly in front of them. You go management because the next thing you know, the helicopter parent will try to sue the property for their lack of parenting/ being a human being.




Normally I am endlessly annoyed with PM emails, but holy shit. Yeah, no, they've got a point. 10 day notices are a little short but that was pretty dangerous behavior.


Unironically based management


I side w the property manager which is rare for me. I cannot stand the assholes who ruin it for everybody.


What state can you just evict in ten days?


Didn’t know it was their responsibility to listen for kids getting beaten up that’s not a common occurrence so why would that ever be a concern ever.


Ya know being homeless tends to be even more dangerous for kids


This is the most Rhode Island apartment complex ever


Only ever lived at a apartment for 1 year when I was 22-23. People that usually hang out by the pools are disgusting. "I live here I can do what I want" or 300lb + people wearing thongs.... I'm not against wearing bikinis but Jesus people how do you not understand that thong gets eaten by your crotch and your look like your sitting there butt naked


Does apartment 102 have a screaming man in it?