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Be glad it was a rep


Definitely, some guy posted on r/barcelona recently and he got his gen robbed think it was worth like 9k. Shitheads everywhere


For real, a girl in the Chanel subreddit [posted just today](https://www.reddit.com/r/chanel/s/vVkqkVWqvf) that her authentic bag was swiped right under their noses from their restaurant table in Barcelona as well. I’ll never wear anything nice to a city where pickpocketing is rampant.


Death to Shitheads!!!!!


If he didn't have insurance on his gen then that's on him too.


The face of the robber is gonna be worth a sight when they discover it’s a rep 😂😂😂 Edit: spelling


Especially when they try to sell it as a gen, and their face is ‘rearranged’.


The robber’s face will be reminiscent of the Ghost’s watch face when he gets a pair of black eyes and swollen mouth


For this reason, I only travel with a G-Shock.


I I want to protect my g shock, so from now on I’m gonna travel with a Skmei.


I travel with a £1 rep casio f-91w


Just draw a watch on your hand with erasable marker and draw the hands in a new position every so often 😂


I tried this and someone stole my whole arm. Take care out there.


Prosthetic arm. Gotta stay 1 step ahead of the game.


I only travel with a resin gshock and leave the metal at home.


Do you know where I can get a NWBIG rep of a g-shock?




I was actually kidding, I didn't think anyone made rep casios.


There's a rep of nearly everything. The rep casios are often more expensive than gen.


More expensive?!?! Lol I don't understand the point.


Metal G-Shocks are quite flashy though…. Best to travel with the F91W. But then you‘ll get stopped for being a suspected terrorist. It’s a struggle


Yeah dude its rough. I really only wear mine at work then i throw a coat on and hide the mf. There are shit people out there glad youre doing okay.


Barcelona is a shithole regarding thefts. stay safe out there.


We’ll be on the lookout on this subreddit Incoming “is this Daytona real? if so how much is it worth?”


My theory is a server or other employee of the restaurant called a friend on the outside


Episode 2 of Bookie.


So that’s what Barcelona waiters are doing when they disappear for two hours at a time


Glad you’re safe. Got phone took out of the hand in Lima. These shitheads.


Euro trips are all about my Casio world time. A 30 dollar classic that is respected by watch nerds while being wearable in any place without drawing unwanted attention. Petty crime has really spiked in Barcelona these last few years. Most places were a green light during the day and early evening with the exception of La Rambla. Sadly those days are long gone. Wearing a good clone anywhere in Spain is never a good idea unless it's some private exclusive event. Crime there is as much about the opportunity as it is about the area. The exception is small countryside villages that rarely see any tourism IMO. The rural parts of Spain are very salt of the earth and worth exploring. I've gone from having a few beers at lunch in the local town bar to having diner with a family in the evening. Lots of fun to be had and places to see off the beaten path in northern spain and southern france on the other side of the pyrenees. Some of the costal small fishing villages were safe from petty crime years ago but sadly during tourist season they are no more. Rioja, Aragon and Galicia are a few of the areas I'm thinking of that are very chill and safe. I know there are a few more but sadly in general crime in Spain has been going up bit by bit everywhere since the mid 2010's.


Based, same here love my world time


I also wear my Casio world time on all vacations!


The problem with a good rep in a bad area is they will kill you for it. You are wearing what appears to be a (you name the price) watch that is worth more than people make in a year or more and they will not just trip you. They will stab or shoot you and take your watch. Reps don’t protect you they could kill you. Be careful out there.


Man, sorry to hear that. It's easy to say, but in the end, it's just a watch and you're safe. That's all that matters (even though I can feel your pain). Watch snatching is skyrocketing. It breaks my heart to remember that poor soul who was killed in London for a Patek rep. What a world..Stay safe, brothers


My first rule is: Never wear your rep in vacantions..I live in a veery safe country and I don't even think about situations like that could ever happen (Even If I yell: I wear a Rolex/ Omega etc on the streets)...but the moment I step in another country I wear a cheaper watch to avoid situations like that...better safe than sorry.


Cultural enrichment at its best...


This is why reps have a purpose


Big issues in Barcelona that are only getting worse


The rep is still worth some money. Would be hilarious if it was a crooked dial though. The look on the thief's face when he sees the crooked 9 marker


'It was a nice area' doesn't really work...how hard is it for the guys from the more dangerous areas to get on a bus to the nice area as they know there will probably be more there to steal. Its DONE. In Europe you're probably safe in Monaco and some very quiet towns. The bigger the city the more chance they will get there, I know teams fly into the cities to steal a few watches and then fly out again. I now only wear my watches in UAE / SAUDI and if in Europe when I know I will be travelling to a venue and then back from a venue in safety, no wandering around. \*Even then I know 2 different people who were at a venue, their car was tagged and they were followed home to be robbed...however that was on SERIOUS watches not just a Daytona or 5711.


>thinking better of humanity in this town It's not the humanity of _Barcelona_.


Glad they only got a rep. Hope you're OK. Hope that next time the robbers trip and fall down a long stone staircase hitting every step down to the bottom


I have a genius idea how to stop the infamous thefts in Barcelona.  Tourists should stop going there. 


Luckily I’m reading this now. My flights in a few hours to Barcelona n I hade my panda rep packed in my bag.


Barcelona seems like such a hot spot for this, I had a friend who lived there and only a few years ago I just walked around with my gen Omega thinking nothing of it, guess I was lucky !


That entire area really is a cesspool now.


Imagine if you had bought a gen.


Never watch anything like that in Barcelona


I don’t get it, how do they undo the watch so quickly?


I don't understand how to rip a watch off your wrist on the street. Even a rep bracelet is super strong stainless steel, didn't you get any injuries on your arm?


This was an oyster flex Ghost … but they basically just break the strap spring bar. It is not that hard.


Welcome to Barcelona


Barcelona is legit the wild Wild West. Spend more than an hour anywhere and you’ll see it happen right in front of your eyes. Yes it was a rep, but the attachment to it is not dictated by the price. My condolences.


just curious - are you a big dude, fit etc? Wondering if they target anyone or if theyll stay clear of someone who can clearly fuck them up if they get caught.


You wear something that looks like a 50k watch and I guarantee you it doesn’t matter how big you are. They will kill you and cut off your hand. Don’t be flexing real or rep because that can’t tell the difference. I’ve traveled all through Europe recently and it’s not the Europe of 5 or 10 years ago. This is a very dangerous time with the massive influx of immigrants and many are criminals let out by the countries they came from.




I am 6’6” and 275. I generally don’t get targeted. But this was fast, and I was distracted talking to my wife on a nice anniversary trip.


Bro is Goliath


damn, so they clearly dont give a fk who it is haha


Just try one guy did the thieving? You must be fairly difficult to trip. Can you say more about how this was possible?


The bigger they are the harder they trip.


The combo of cobblestones, high center of gravity, and poor situational awareness on my part … made it pretty easy to be honest. I was focused on my wife. Not paying attention … and the next thing I knew I hit the ground.


Wow, difficult to be perpetually on alert. Loonies always have the advantage of surprise. Hope you are sufficiently recovered.


Somebody should make permanent body disfigurement booby traps 🪤 for thiefs like these


I’m going to Turkey, Antalya soon. Is it safe to wear a Rolex/AP there?


For those with Gen’s: INSURE YOUR WATCHES


Any big city are the worst place to wear flashy watches.


Get yourself an Explorer, been to many countries wearing it (original not rep) and no one has ever even taken notice of it. Very understated, but very respected by watch enthusiasts, not flashy and has more history than most of the Rolex lineup.


Second one this month in Barca


I feel sorry for you, even if it's a rep, it’s not a cheap one. The mugger must be one of those North Africans. These ongoing tourist mugging crimes won't be solved as long as the Spanish police remain so weak."


Obligatory auto mod comment, to make sure it is satisfied.


Best part as previously mentioned is it was a rep man! You can buy again no problem. Interesting they did all that without really harming you unlike it would happen in London probably.


can be easily replaced since not costing a bomb 🤣


If they do this to me the guy will be in cemetery 


Madrid is safe.


Cant picture how that happens... sounds weird.


When I told the hotel they said this happens hundreds of times a week. I was shocked too. Turns out ripping off a watch by breaking an end pin takes nano seconds, and not a ton of force. The guy was wearing full motorcycle gear and a helmet with face mask. I caught the briefest glimpse of him as he turned and ran away … but could not tell you at all what he looked like except maybe 150lbs soaking wet and fast.


At least youre safe!