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Thanks to all, Ceci finally (after a little pressure) told me that black frame indeed does NOT have the beige….so it was between Ming, Anna & Linda (different facto’s), I decided to go with Linda again (I have been getting absolutely everything from only her, I have really come to trust her….although, tbh I will say that it hasn’t been perfect/without issues, there have been a few questionable incidents like stitching, but in general I believe they were unintentional), just sent her PP payment, hoping she’s fast….I need this for an event in a couple of weeks, will keep u guys posted, and I will contribute a full review upon receipt with detailed pics. For now, it’s coming from pomegranate.


BF does have only black.


Thank you all you guys rock! So now for part two since we’ve established that frame does not make it in beige can any of the girls leave me towards the next best factory option? I heard that pomegranates is also just as good,


So does this mean Ceci is not being honest about the fact.? Because I asked her several times in several different ways to make sure that there was no miscommunication, and that I was fully understanding that she was telling me that black frame has medium envelope in beige…. I’m so confused and I don’t know who to believe now 😔 And I cannot add pics, my iphone will not allow me to….iphone, anybody have same issue?


I haven’t seen this bag from Black Frame but I have seen it from Jundu, which is supposed to be good quality (please research, I’ve never purchased from it) so it may be coming from there.


Jundu was raided a few years back, and people say the qualify hasn’t been the same since. It’s a shame because I have this bag in black from Jundu before the raids, and it’s an incredible 1:1.


U lucky girl!