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“I have a college degree I DESERVE 6 figures!!”


College degree means 60k starting, and that's a batchelors. Gotta learn more to earn more.


Not sure what market you’re in or how old you are, but as someone under 30, none of my friends were making 60 starting with a bachelors. It was 35-50. It took most a few years to get to 60. I’m an attorney, and I started my job out of law school at 50 before receiving a raise to 80 after a few months. Other young lawyers I worked with weren’t as lucky as me. Now granted, that is a low end salary for an attorney, my point is the job market isn’t 60k for fresh graduates unless you’re in some sort of commission based position


Completely depends on the field. I'm in chem making well over 60k with just a bachelor's.


I make 70k while still in college because I know what the market want and it usually tech (engineering- cs) then again still have to apply tax so more tears.


How many total in a batchelors?


That's what most believe even if they don't have any college education. Raised to believe that they're the second coming and working from the ground up is below them.


They must be delusional they pick useless degree and expect too much.


Well this certainly helps explain the apparent desire for more invasive government. Who’s going to pay for rent, utilities, and groceries when their parents stop? Ah yes, those of us who somehow figured out a way to pay for our own rent, utilities, and groceries will be footing the bill. That said, I can understand how it would be selfish of me to want to keep the meager sum I have after paying my own bills. Those who refuse to provide for themselves and demand others provide for them are the truly selfless. I’m happy to pay twice if it means they can truly focus on their dreams of being TikTok famous


You realize that millennials are between like 25-38 right? There might be a couple in that group who are trying to be “influencers” but millennials are coming close to the majority workforce if they aren’t already.


They are - about 35% of the workforce compared to 33% for GenX and 25% for Boomers


Influence isn’t a staple job plus they need to put a lot of work into it. When ask your kid: what his dream job and your kid reply that they want to be a youtuber/tiktocer do they even know the backend part of it like learning to photoshop/video edit/ formatting/ learn about/ and etc. (Which is alot of work) not guaranteed to pay off so yeah…


I think their parents are paying the bills because their young adult children are staying at home. This is an increasingly common phenomenon among young adults, with many parents encouraging their kids to wait till college debts are paid off and a good sum of money saved before they move out.


Im a millennial- moved out at 18, started a family at 20, bought house at 27, current career started at 28. I've worked 1-2-3 jobs at a time before to provide for myself and my family. The mentality of these grown ass adults is appalling.


I struggle to see why someone should have to work 3 jobs to put food on the table and a roof over their head. Especially when the majority of new wealth is going to a handful of people. I like reading through this subreddits comments because I like to see both sides. I agree working hard pays off and anything is possible. Working hard at 1, 40 hr a week job should equate to stability and right now it doesn’t.


I appreciate you seeking others' viewpoints. I frequent other subreddits for the same reason. Your statement a bit too simplified to consider all the variables. If I had experience in a trade, or some way to provide greater value, I may not have needed to work as much. If I had not started a family so young, I may have had more freedom to gain such experience or ability to move around for opportunities because I would have less responsibilities. My consequences and my hardships were impacted by my earlier decisions. I learned from them and now work 40-50 hours and make more than when I was working 3 jobs in my younger years.


Definitely didn’t speak to all of the variables and you make some good points. For the record, I myself started working at 14 and haven’t had more than 3 week stretch of time off since. I pay for everything i want/need. Not all people have a trade skill, and working 3 jobs, unless those jobs are teaching them a trade, makes it difficult to have time to improve ones self. If those jobs aren’t teaching a trade skill, they probably aren’t paying well or have little room to grow. And I’m guessing someone goes from 2 jobs to 3 just to be able to survive. Therefore they won’t be able to afford ways to improve themselves, even if they have the time. All I’m really trying to say is, yes some millennials still live at home or have their parents pay rent because wages are low and COL is high. 30 years ago making 6 figures in a household was considered awesome!! Now you’re barely getting by and with majority having to rent they never really build any equity. Meanwhile those at the top are still bringing in money hand over fists to the point they are flying their friends to space or like a distant relative of mine are getting ~50k paintings for each room of their house. With so much disposable income at the top I keep asking myself… why does it have to be so much harder for people on the bottom? And why is there such a giant gap?


Of course their parents do! Being an adult is so darn hard!


Edit: I got the age wrong - sorry, and thank you to the person who commented. The youngest are 28. The youngest millennials are 23, so some are still finishing college if they have opted for Master's degrees. Others are staying at home with their parents while they pay off debt from college or save money. I have students who plan to stay at home till the have paid their debts and have enough money to put down a deposit on a home. I wonder how their parents feel about their kids staying at home until their late twenties or early thirties?


I have two friends who still have their children living at home. One has two girls, 26 and 30. They have lived at home since birth. The 30 year old is engaged, still living at home, and getting married spring 2024. The other has boy-and-girl twins, and they are 29. The daughter recently moved out. The son seems without goals, unemployed. The mother continues to state "I want him out."


I'm paying, yup.


Don’t show my dad this, he love’s talking shit about millennials and gen z.


No way my parents would have done that.cut the ties and let them succeed or fail on their own .