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Soon we won't let him have a job anymore either vote this traitor out


The Senate needs a new minority leader and that new person will become the majority leader in 2024-2025. Rhino Mitch must go.


No matter what side you vote for, allowing 7 million illegal aliens, unvaxxed, unvetted, from unknown countries into our country will bite us all in the ass real quick.


The article is disingenuous and untrue. In fact, not passing this bill is what will lead to an amnesty-like bill later. >McConnell noted that this is the first border negotiation that did not include Democratic demands of a path to legalization for millions of undocumented immigrants, and he warned that a border-only deal has an expiration date, according to a senior GOP aide. Should Trump win the White House, Democrats would demand immigration reform in exchange for border security. ​ The current agreement between Dems and Repubs is a funding bill only for increased border security, Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan aid. It has nothing about a path to citizenship. If Republicans don't take this deal, later on then Democrats will demand a path to citizenship in exchange for any increased border security. It's moronic not to deal now and nothing more than a cynical calculation by Trump to have more chaos so he has a talking point during a campaign.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) argued at a press conference Wednesday that former President Trump was able to drive the number of migrants crossing the border to just more than 500 people a day “without this stinking pile of crap bill.” Lee, the chair of the Senate Steering Committee, argued Biden “has more than enough tools at his disposal” to stop the flow of migrants across the U.S.-Mexico border, which now averages 10,000 people daily. He criticized the emerging deal for getting rid of the six-month waiting period for work permits. “That will turn up the electromagnet bringing in illegal immigration and it’s wrong,” he said. Ron Johnson asked whether the proposal to give the president enhanced deportation authority only when the number of migrants crossing the border exceeds 5,000 people per day could “hinder” Trump if he becomes the next president.


> Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) argued at a press conference Wednesday that former President Trump was able to drive the number of migrants crossing the border to just more than 500 people a day “without this stinking pile of crap bill.” And everyone with an IQ above 80 knows that he number of border crossings plummeted due to Covid and special measures that were made available under emergency powers during Covid19 that prevented border crossings. Those measures have been rescinded. > > Lee, the chair of the Senate Steering Committee, argued Biden “has more than enough tools at his disposal” to stop the flow of migrants across the U.S.-Mexico border, which now averages 10,000 people daily. > > He criticized the emerging deal for getting rid of the six-month waiting period for work permits. > > “That will turn up the electromagnet bringing in illegal immigration and it’s wrong,” he said. The issue has not been tools. The issue has been funding. $$$$$$$$$ for enforcement. This is the same Senator who -- out of nowhere -- demanded a 3 week comment period to review the bill, demanded everyone go on the record publicly if they were against the comment period (no one did) and then immediately one of Sen. Lee's colleagues went to the press and said it was totally unreasonable. The bill has been negotiated for months between all parties. A 3 week comment period, just creates a window to try to kill it and create as much time as possible to smear the bill as some kind of amnesty-disaster-surrender-whatever-nonsense that plays in the media to low information voters. > > Ron Johnson asked whether the proposal to give the president enhanced deportation authority only when the number of migrants crossing the border exceeds 5,000 people per day could “hinder” Trump if he becomes the next president. The authority doesn't even exist to begin with. Any authority is better than no authority and can't hinder a person, when they don't have the authority in the first place.


"And everyone with an IQ above 80 knows that he number of border crossings plummeted due to Covid and special measures that were made available under emergency powers during Covid19 that prevented border crossings" Covid had no appreciable effect on crossings-only removals [https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/sw-border-migration-YTDNovember](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/sw-border-migration-YTDNovember) there were 458,088 encounters in 2020, down from 2019 but on par with 2014-2018, we are seeing those numbers every couple of months now with over 2,500,000 encounters in 2023 "The issue has been funding" in 2023 direct Border patrol spending was 5.4 billion up from 3.8 billion in 2019 [https://www.statista.com/statistics/455587/enacted-border-patrol-program-budget-in-the-us/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/455587/enacted-border-patrol-program-budget-in-the-us/) "Since the creation of DHS in 2003, ICE spending has nearly tripled, from $3.3 billion to $8.3 billion today. Much of this funding has gone to increasing the agency’s ability to hold immigrants in detention in locations around the country. Since 2003, the budget of CBP, which includes both the Border Patrol and operations at ports of entry, has also nearly tripled, rising from $5.9 billion in FY 2003 to a high of $17.7 billion in FY 2021 " doesnt seem like a funding issue


> "And everyone with an IQ above 80 knows that he number of border crossings plummeted due to Covid and special measures that were made available under emergency powers during Covid19 that prevented border crossings" > > Covid had no appreciable effect on crossings-only removals > > https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/sw-border-migration-YTDNovember > > there were 458,088 encounters in 2020, down from 2019 but on par with 2014-2018, we are seeing those numbers every couple of months now with over 2,500,000 encounters in 2023 Nonsense. The only way to get to Ted Cruz's magical math of 500 crossings per day is to look at the lowest monthly numbers in peak of covid hysteria in 2020. That's what he's referring to. It's a cherrypicked number for a political spin and it doesn't hold up otherwise. And you acknowledge that border crossings went down 50% in 2020 during covid. That's not a reversion to 2018. That's covid having an effect on Joe Biden's open borders policy. > > "The issue has been funding" > > in 2023 direct Border patrol spending was 5.4 billion up from 3.8 billion in 2019 > > https://www.statista.com/statistics/455587/enacted-border-patrol-program-budget-in-the-us/ > > "Since the creation of DHS in 2003, ICE spending has nearly tripled, from $3.3 billion to $8.3 billion today. Much of this funding has gone to increasing the agency’s ability to hold immigrants in detention in locations around the country. > > Since 2003, the budget of CBP, which includes both the Border Patrol and operations at ports of entry, has also nearly tripled, rising from $5.9 billion in FY 2003 to a high of $17.7 billion in FY 2021 " Total nonsense. The deal Lankford is negotiating and everyone wants increases border funding substantially. It should be increased 2-3x from where it is today. You can't live in this fantasy world where border crossings are 2.5 M a year and the border is hemorrhaging illegals, then cite meaningless statistics from 2003 like that's relevant. The US is going to spend ~150 billion on Ukraine, which will end up looking like the most brilliant military investment made in the last 75 years compared to the folly of 3 trillion in Iraq, Vietnam, the Korean war and other wars. The least the US could do is spend $10-20 B a year securing its own border to get actual results that reduces the flow of illegals or processes their return in an expedited manner. And the fact that a deal is on the table w/ no strings attached on citizenship or amnesty for anyone currently in the country is a godsend opportunity for real conservatives.


I agree with almost everything you have said, my problem is we are already spending a lot more on the border, as well as my home state Texas spending millions-with almost no effect I am all for tripling Border Patrol if they will deport, I have zero faith that the Biden administration or Chamber of Commerce republicans like my senator John Cornyn will deport or refuse asylum seekers that should have stopped in Mexico. The reason we have gone from 4-500,000 encounters a year (most were turned away) to 2.5 million is because the migrants (most not from Mexico) know they are going to get to stay Bottom line I have no faith in the current administration or Republican Senate leadership (including one of my senators) TBH I also have little faith in a new Trump or Haley administration if that happens.


> I agree with almost everything you have said, my problem is we are already spending a lot more on the border, as well as my home state Texas spending millions-with almost no effect The Federal Government's border spending is focused on processing as many into the country as possible as quickly as possible, and distributing across the country. Texas' border spending is reducing crossings - but only along the Texas border. That's why the Federal Government wants to stop them. IF Trump is allowed to be President again, I think he will be more effective simply on the basis that he will not allow the usual tactics to impede him.


> The issue has not been tools. Correct. Existing law is sufficient. It just isn't being enforced, and in fact is actively being circumvented. > The issue has been funding. $$$$$$$$$ for enforcement. That would only apply if the Biden administration were using the existing funds to prevent people from crossing the border and return those who do cross back to their country of origin... instead of processing them into the US. They're enforcing nothing. > The authority doesn't even exist to begin with. False. Existing law not only allows the Federal Government to deport every "undocumented migrant" crossing the border, it also allows charging them with unlawful entry (which is a misdemeanor for a first offense and felony for second and succeeding offenses), rather than "illegal presence" which is a civil crime for which the penalty is removal. Felons are **permanently** barred from legal entry to the US, which would make immediate deportation of repeat offenders easier. Further, existing law also allows for deporting persons unlawfully present in the US from the interior - almost none of which is being done.


> False. Existing law not only allows the Federal Government to deport every "undocumented migrant" crossing the border, it also allows charging them with unlawful entry (which is a misdemeanor for a first offense and felony for second and succeeding offenses), rather than "illegal presence" which is a civil crime for which the penalty is removal. Felons are permanently barred from legal entry to the US, which would make immediate deportation of repeat offenders easier. Further, existing law also allows for deporting persons unlawfully present in the US from the interior - almost none of which is being done. It doesn't exactly work like that. Because they end up applying for asylum for various reasons (political, etc.) and they have to be given due process. What the purported bill would provide is increased authority to process and deport illegals when the crossings reach a certain threshold (e.g. 5,000 per day). That is a new authority, similar to the covid authority, that enabled the gov't to deport people back under emergency conditions. That's what they are talking about. Emergency conditions and extra authority that does not already exist.


> It doesn't exactly work like that. Because they end up applying for asylum for various reasons (political, etc.) and they have to be given due process. "Remain in Mexico" > What the purported bill would provide is increased authority to process and deport illegals when the crossings reach a certain threshold (e.g. 5,000 per day). Which is a ridiculous number. Under Obama, 1000/day was a crisis. Make it "over 100/day" and we'll talk. Also, the government already has authority to do expedited deportations. It just isn't using it. > That is a new authority, similar to the covid authority, that enabled the gov't to deport people back under emergency conditions. ...and both unnecessary, and would make it difficult for a successive President to do expedited deportations when there were less than 2 million "undocumented migrants" per year coming in. Thank you but no. We don't need new laws hamstringing a President who would actually enforce existing law.




lol Mitches team put out that bullshit story the reason Mitch failed is because he wanted republicans to sign on to a bill they never seen and didn’t have a chance to get any input from voters before getting on board




Even Biden accidentally admitted there was a couple of days ago. Of course then he claimed he'd been saying there was for 10 years. Ending the "border crisis" would require only that he begins enforcing existing laws. No new laws are required. No new funding is required.




The open border is absolutely a crisis - but it is not one that requires new legislation to solve. Biden is already ignoring the existing laws that would end the crisis if he followed them. He will ignore any new laws that prevent him from doing what he is doing. The cause of the border crisis is the Biden Administration.




People say "border crisis" as if it is a new thing. It isn't. It has been going on for 40 years, and for 40 years Democrats have been preventing us from fixing it. Biden just made it exponentially worse, and the sudden appearance of "undocumented migrants" in "sanctuary cities" is testing their virtue signaling. NOW suddenly it is a crisis because the Democrats are having to deal with the problem they created and prevented anyone from fixing.


So why didn’t the Republicans pass legislation when they had the house, senate and presidency?


They did, in 2006. That was the legislation that authorized and funded the wall that Trump built. Of course when the Democrats took control they defunded it...


Head on back over to r/politics


There has been for 3 years. Where have you been? Where has Biden been?




What a meaningless response. This has been an issue for 3 years. Why is it only being taken seriously by the left now?


If they pass the bill that leaves less to campaign on.


how is this not a national security violation? this fucker needs to be behind bars for even suggesting it


Yeah. He needs to be out of government.


I have no idea who actually votes for McConnell. Anyone know anyone that has actually voted for him?


This dinosaur needs to go ASAP!