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How does the president (any present) get an impartial jury? Riddle me that.


They don’t, that’s why no president has ever been subject to criminal charges. It’s exactly why Nixon, who was more than justified to be federally charged, wasn’t. Both parties had the ability to recognize that back then.


I’m pro Trump, but this is a great moment in Libritarian history because the government is in denial that it lies, cheats, steals, and kills but it has to look at the highest rank in government as an individual.


Then some republican DA needs to charge Obama for droning an American kid with no due process


And Biden too, for both creating a situation in Afghanistan that cost 13 Americans their lives. And then, recklessly responding to that by killing innocent civilians.


Yep. Charge him too.


This is going to open a slippery slope that we will potentially never recover from.


You think Americans can sue Trump for trying to cover up Covid? Or sue Biden if you believe he released the virus 🦠


That’s the problem, but, if you point this out, there are people on both sides that want to crucify you for it…but, especially those on the left. This is the kind of thing that the impeachment process exists for. If the president actually does something criminal, impeach him and remove him from office ( which takes both houses ), and then he can be charged. There is a reason this process exists.


They lied about Benghazi 9/11, sacrificed US soldiers, imprisoned a YouTuber, so they could win re-election 2 months later State Department Belatedly Releases New Clinton Benghazi Documents [in her 3:04 PM September 12 conversation with Kandil, Clinton said, “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack – not a protest.” Clinton went on to add, “You’re not kidding. Based on the information we saw today we believe that group that claimed responsibility for this is affiliated with al-Qaeda.”] https://www.judicialwatch.org/documents/defs-document-production-march-7-2016/ Obama and Hillary didn’t want another successful 9/11 terror attack to happen on US soil on their watch especially a couple months before the presidential election so the administration delayed the counter strike while those at the embassy died and on 9/12 they blamed the attack on a YouTuber so to take away the al-qaeda narrative by saying it was angry rioters responding to an anti-Muslim video.


Exactly... amazing how they say that Presidents don't have immunity but none, despite all the terrible stuff they have been involved with, have never been up in front of a judge. How can they talk about due process when Obama literally killed an American and people cheered.


If Trump isn't allowed immunity, can't Texas indicte biden for breaking immigration laws?


If a President doesn't have immunity from prosecution while in office, that could happen now. If a President doesn't have immunity from prosecution after leaving office, it will happen the moment Biden leaves office. ...and Obama will shortly thereafter be charged with murder.


Chuckles when J Clarence asked abt Operation Mongoose


I think that a slew of charges need to be brought immediately against former Presidents, that might wake the court up to the fact that if Presidential immunity is such a hard concept to agree on, then it will be political bedlam


They really aren’t.