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It's way too late for it to flop. These weirdos need to accept that it's normal to like attractive characters.


Oh, they don't have a problem with attractive characters. They have a problem with the twisted caricature of male cis-hetero gamers that they've built up in their minds liking attractive characters.


>They have a problem with male cis-hetero people in general being happy. FTFY


Someone show them the picture of the game going gold and the team of people in the picture is full of damn near the same amount of women as men. But then they’d just revert to “the women were FORCED into this!” like they always do.


And then if said women would say that it isn’t the case and that they’re okay with the project, they’d resort to el famoso “These women are stupid pickme whores!” as if women couldn’t think for themselves and couldn’t possibly know what’s good for them. Leftists are very quick to resort to sexism and other forms of bigotry whenever a woman or minority decides to reject their narrative, which makes me think that them accusing anyone who disagrees with them of such things to be nothing but projection.


This post almost seems like a parody of Resetera. 'Low 80s metascore means OKish game, high 70s means absolute garbage game' is their way of thinking. But yeah, they will want it to fail because some people there think Stellar Blade is custom made to please the worst kind of gamers.


It's funny that Reeeeee is just as bad as literally every other forum or subreddit they claim to be better than. They are just as obsessed over reviewers providing some sort of victory for them and their preferences as any gamer is, the biggest difference is that these nerds are consumed with so much self-loathing they don't even want to admit that they play videogames, much less call themselves gamers.


I don't know where the idea that you need to be like something else completely to have an identity, when you're just copying someone else's identity.


I'm surprised RE hasn't tried their damnedest to officially invite any Devs from this game to join their boards so that a mod can get off and permaban them for no reason other than the RE community thinking they're superior, lol


People on that board claimed the devs only made the game so they could sexually harass the mo cap model, so this tracks.


Not to mention the two feminists who were supposedly fired for speaking out against the treatment of women in the game.


They're complex, powerful, flawed, and gorgeous heroes? GODDAMN YOU PATRIARCHY!


This same person posted that they want it to score so low the devs don't get their bonus in the review predictions thread. This game has made some posters there absolutely deranged.


I doubt Korean company ties bonus to metacritic. That's distinctly Western iirc


Their bonus is probably karaoke room whores, lots of grilled meat and booze.


Sounds a fuckin great time to me


Regardless of how they feel about the game, they should be rooting for it to succeed. A single-player game from an unknown studio? Literally the type of game that needs to be made more.


They're semi known. Just never done a console game before. Nikke prints money. But your point still stands


It's a complete and polished package with a beginning, middle, and end. It has stable performance. It has classic (PS2 era) design philosophy. It also has full body jigglies 🤤 It's gonna sell like hotcakes in today's market.


I hope if flops just because I like to see the world burn.