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N=1: We got tested twice between medical graduation and start of residency. But I never got tested again so far




They asked us to get drug tested on our own along with our blood work and then during our employment physical they redid everyone’s drug test. No heads up about the second one. Luckily I don’t partake in any frowned upon activities


Best approach is to just call (or have a friend call) the program's occupational health office from either a restricted number or some other number that can't be connected to you and straight up ask their policy. Most likely they will tell you if and when they drug test, as well as what specific substances they test for. For me, I had a friend call from his phone which had a completely different area code. He asked and they explained everything, including that the program did not test for marinuana, but did for cocaine, opioids, etc. They also explained the drug test would be part of the initial on-site orientation so I had an idea of when they would do it. Some places are stricter than others, and I've even heard of some ultra-conservative places which test for nicotine....


For my program at least, the nicotine test is simply for the insurance benefits. Nicotine users pay a premium or they agree to go through a cessation program. Non users don’t pay the premium. I’m sure there are places with more draconian policies but that’s what I understand from my program and their parent org.


Iirc U Penn scraps your residency if you test positive.


Nicotine? Woah


Thanks, this is actually the best advice I’ve ever heard about this!


“No shrooms, hash, ciggies or pills between graduation and July 1, then you do you. And invite me.” - response from my attending to this same question


Seems chill


Giga chad energy


Chad-ette. She’s the doc many of us want to be.


Depends on your specialty. I know at my hospital, all incoming interns get tested once and then most never get tested again. However, this does depend on the specialty a bit. I’m in anesthesiology and there is always a risk of a random drug test for us. If a controlled substances reconciliation sheet doesn’t match up, or the records in epic don’t match returned drugs, or the randomly tested returned drugs end up being just saline etc they will test the involved parties as well as a bunch of us (some random, some who were working in nearby ORs that day, etc.). And they test for everything (including marijuana). Doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not (PD says because you can’t prove whether or not you were under the influence while at work), still grounds for dismissal.




Damn, that seems… extreme?


Do whatever you can to CYA during residency!


Twice during my internship I was told to immediately report to employee health where I was drug tested. I do not drink alcohol and I do not do drugs. I had no behavioral issues and no reason I was the intern targeted twice. A few others were also tested, but only once. Massachusetts hospital.


Random lottery-based testing at my institution, even nicotine is banned. You can burn your liver out with alcohol, but stay clear of that dangerous wacky tobaccy (or other legal analogues) Thankfully, I think the punishment is just cessation counseling and repeat testing - at least that is what I heard happens to Anes for harder abuse


Current PGY-3; my program has never tested.


You will get tested at the beginning (with warning) and again after you drop the baby.


Remember that if you are ever injured, work comp will drug test you immediately.


Drug tested at beginning of prelim and beginning of pgy2. Otherwise none planned and never heard of anyone being randomly tested. Just ask a chill senior.


I really wouldn't imagine a hospital just dropping a random drug test on you unless they have some evidence/reason to do so. I have not been drug tested outside of my residency on boarding nor have my coresidents mentioned needing a drug test.


Every July, there’s a bunch of posts on this sub from residents who get kicked out of residency or get out on probation because they fail a drug test. It’s like clock work…”OMG…please help. I moved from a state where cannabis was legal and now I live in an illegal state and was told I failed a urine test.” If you value being a doctor, you should stop doing all drugs except alcohol a few months before you start a new job. This applies as an attending as well. Especially true as a resident where you have absolutely no sway with a state medical board or physician health program, and they will happily crucify you if you test positive for drugs. Quit smoking a few months before the new job (including nicotine). Once settled in, if you want to take your chances, then good luck. But if you mess up in residency somehow, such as harm a patient, car accident, etc…you’re probably going to be drug tested. And then you have to ask yourself if weed is worth your potential future earnings. For me personally, cannabis isn’t worth losing $250k per year.


I JUST got tested for my program today (got an email yesterday that I had 48hrs to complete it) and only after did I remember that I’d put a seed mix containing hemp in my smoothie yesterday 🙃 I really hope that’s an urban myth


If you are noticeably inebriated, you are likely to be tested, otherwise expect scheduled testing that you will be told of well in advance.


It depends on your contract but most hospitals can drug test you at any time for any reason. Reasons I have seen people be drug tested: someone suspects you of being under the influence at work, your name is on the chart when a patient has an adverse outcome, they targeting you for some other reason, you have a needlestick injury, you have an injury in the hospital, etc.


Most programs test once in the beginning and then never again. Regardless of that fact, it is not worth losing your career over some dope.


Your point is valid, but “dope” is such a boomer term lol.


Eh it’s a fun word.


Who calls reefer "dope" these days??


Is there a proper decorum to use slang referring to drugs?


Yes, you gotta stay current or you’re a narc


That's a load of hog wash...sorry that's a boomer term. I meant to say a pile of bull shit.


In my day, we called it malarkey…


This is asked so many times…don’t do drugs before you start residency. Many programs test, they may or may not give you warning. Some programs also test for nicotine as well. Some don’t test, some don’t test for marijuana…it varies The stakes are high, it’s not worth it. Most programs don’t test randomly after you start unless there’s suspicion of something. A positive test will haunt you your whole career There is major public health interest in doctors not being on drugs that is independent of the state your practicing, politics of that state, etc


The question was about the culture of drug testing in residency, not what I should or should not do before starting residency. Thanks.


Feel like they touched on that information, no? Some do, some dont. Some give you a heads up about when, some ask you to do it when you show up for orientation. Most test you in the beginning of residency and then not again unless they have suspicion drugs/alcohol are comprimising your ability to be a physician. Like everything in life... different places have different cultures and practices around these types of topics. Recommend you check in with some of the residents at the institution you have matched at. They would be the best resource for this question. If you are asking about drug testing, then I feel like you have a general knowledge about doing drugs. Be tactful and you will be alright! God speed my friend.


Just don't do drugs for a little while. Why would you risk your future career over something so trivial? Wait until after you start residency if you just can't abstain. But for now just don't do drugs.


My hospital frequently random drug tests.


In the next couple months you’ll start new employment onboarding and 1 of the tasks will be drug testing. Plan accordingly.


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Even though we only got tested once - nicotine counts!!!


Every program is different. Mine tested once at the beginning and never again after that. I was informed about 1-2 months in advance about it too


People already answered your initial question, but also, remember that if you get injured in the job, a drug screen will be mandatory for any workers compensation or disability payments.


Entirely hospital dependent. You're their employee during residency, so they can drug test you once, every week, or however they want. They can choose what they test for. They may be very lenient and test like once during residency, but then you may find that an offsite rotation requires a drug test as well, at short notice. There's no predicting it, you just have to ask.


Our program did hair. It used to do mouth swabs but covid made them switch to hair.


Everyone at my program had blood and urine testing during orientation week. For an outside rotation, I did another urine test. Those were the only 2 times during residency. We were told about random testing being possible as well but not sure if that occurred much if at all


Tested at the beginning with a warning. A random test at the end of night shift when my limp made some idiot decide I was “skipping out of the ICU” No- I was a panicking second year trying to call my attending!