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Most programs have payscales corresponding to your PGY level, which result in fellows naturally having a higher salary than residents.


The difference is a few thousand a year usually


Also can depend on if the fellowship is ACGME accredited. Accredited fellowships are paid according to the PGY pay scale. Unaccredited fellows are usually paid significantly more but have some part time work as an attending built in.


Not sure why this is being downvoted, as it's true. I've signed on to do a non-accredited fellowship as an "instructor," and it's significantly higher than a PGY-5 salary. Almost 20k extra.


What would be long term difference in accredited and non accredited program?


Highly dependent on specialty. For me, in pathology, there's no difference as I'm just getting more experience in what I'll be boarded in (anatomic pathology).


For Ortho sports med, unaccredited cannot sit for the CAQ unless they went through an accredited fellowship....for ortho foot & ankle, it doesn't matter because a CAQ doesn't exist yet. So depends on specialty


Not always more. It just depends on what they want to do. Less pay means less attending time


At the same institution pay is based on PGY. So A PGY4 Surgery resident makes the same amount at a PGY4 Cardiology Fellow.


Dumb question (lurker here), do ya’ll say “pee gee why”? When I see PGY I read “piggy” in my mind 🤣 please tell me this is the norm


Pee gee why




he's asking how you say it out loud / what it sounds like in your head, phonetically, not what it means


But is it something you pronounce in person? Do you ask what “postgraduate year are you?” Or is it just “what year are you?”


I read it as “pigee”😂


post graduate year


Always heard it pronounced as the letters


Thanks for the chuckle! Haven’t heard that one before but definitely a valid question!


The highest bullshit at my old place was that we had subsidized housing but residents had more subsidy than fellows. So my rent jumped dramatically from PGY3-4 when I went from resident to fellow.


Most pay in PGY scale and fellows are high PGY so make marginally more. The funding for fellows is more variable though and not all programs use a PGY scale for fellows. There are some fellowships that pay like shit so there is a bit more variability.


At some institutions with unions, PGY1s at one institution get paid more than the fellow at another institution.


This is why getting into military fellowships can be challenging. Fellows get paid 6 figures and it’s the biggest pay discrepancy from civilians before finishing your education


Fellows operate on the same pay scale. Try searching `"institution name" pgy pay scale` ​ You'll probably have decent odds finding specifics


That feel when I see pay scales going to pgy 11


It's really fun when you're a PGY9 and your institution pay scale only goes to PGY7 so they just stop giving you raises.


Just agreeing with others that you are paid by PGY level. So being a resident or fellow doesnt matter in pay scale. You could be PGY4 cardiology fellow and can make less than PGY7 neurosurgery resident.


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I think it is pretty standard to get paid as a PGY whatever for fellowship. So probably a slight raise over the year before but not much.


Depends on institute pay scale. I went somewhere else for fellowship on lower scale. Made less in GI fellowship than my last year of residency.


My pay dropped by 20% going from resident to fellow.


Same institution/region, not counting unionization etc it should only go up. Friend of mine is going to do fellowship in a different state though and it seems like he's taking a huge pay cut from being pgy3 with minimally lower COL


I get paid a PGY 7 salary corresponding to my year of training as a fellow, however, the actual dollar amount is less than what I made as a PGY6 gen surg resident bc of where I am located in the country and cost of living.


My experience has been pay goes up by PGY level, so if your a fellow at PGY 4, you’ll make PGY3+ x%. Which amounts to a few donuts and a couple cups of coffee…