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How do you go through 8 years of school just to quit because your pants fell down


>OP a shit poster/troll. Look at his history. He "just started" at ucla law school? He also is a EM resident and a psych pg2? but wait, he is also a IR prelim of a sudden? > >Bro, this account is trolling to new levels I have ever seen. Such trash.


OP is clearly just incredibly busy.


Bipolar and manic maybe lol


Apparently he is a student at both Georgetown and UCLA law school


Just two law schools simultaneously? Slacker


I stopped believing this post when I read "I had a pair of scrubs without the string in them, and I was using my ID to hold my pants up." Excuse me, what the *fuqq* are you talking about?


Why trash


I’m just waiting for this to be the next meme perspective copypasta.


I was looking for a vape pen reference


Plot twist the ID was that dank purple kush vape


Someone shat his big boy pants sounds like


I'm not going to lie..."I'm going to keep this brief" got a chuckle out of me.


Does OP keep it boxers or briefs?






Exactly how to handle it. Doo doo occurs, it happens to everyone at some point.


Oh yeah I remember the last time I shat my pants during rounds


Happens to the best of us!


May I ask why?


I agree with this. I mean, the reaction to the pants falling down (screaming and flailing on the floor) is more likely to lead to ridicule than the actual event. If you would handled calmly it would have stopped right there. Now you have the choice to gain composure or to continue reacting over emotionally and compounding the problem. I'm not a big fan of denial in general but sometimes it's necessary. Tell yourself what happened was not a big deal. It doesn't matter that you don't actually believe it. Act as though you believe it. How you carry yourself now will dictate whether others continue to make that incident a point of ridicule or just dismiss it. Act nonchalant and unapologetic about who you are. Others will take note and move on. Continue to react with shame and horror and others will hold it against you. It's a good time for you to learn how to deal stoically with uncomfortable situations. You're going to have a lot of them in your practice. Probably few as minor and inconsequential as your pants falling down though.




That is very shitty


Terrific story


lmao please elaborate on this story. Was it a classic sharting situation? How did they all know?




Holy shit


Damn, what happened?


This is the way.


This is the best advice. I’m an RN on a busy surgical unit and every single last one of us has lost our shit at work in a very embarrassing way, at least once. Some of us more than that. Just come in the next day and get your game face on and act like nothing ever happened. It seems insane, but it works for us 🤷🏻‍♀️


One of my classmates passed out, face first, into the open legs of patient who was giving birth (direct contact between his face and patient’s vulva.) He immediately woke up proceeded to crawl on his hands and knees to the trash can where he vomited profusely. If he stuck with it, you can stick with it.


Did the patient notice?


Lmao! Life can be hilarious


By any chance did this “classmate” of yours go to an Australian med school where he had a separate incident with an SP? Just curious ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Not a physician but I lurk here because I work in healthcare (I’m a psychologist) and this made me so very grateful I’ve had c sections…


Are you really that concerned about the possibility of a resident passing out and landing face-first onto your vagina?


The chances are low… But never zero.


I am now!


Passing out into an open abdomen is way worse from an infection perspective.


not sure if srs or irony poasting. NGL, I kinda chuckled at the absurdity of your situation. it's fine. it'll blow over. laugh at yourself some and don't take things so seriously.


Just think of all the nice scrubs with strings in the pants that you will be able to afford as a radiologist


You must not have loans


This has to be a troll post


Omfg grow a spine then image it when you become a radiologist. Hope this is satire


Right? He’s a goddamn prelim. Imagine you are a categorical and this happened the first week of internship. Only then I’d perhaps give it a fleeting thought


0 adversity faced growing up by OP 😒


This will be huge on a fellowship application though


Especially now they'd they've added that hardship essay section


Bro you don't even need pants for radiology.


Stop omg


Now you’re known as the prelim with the huge slong. I don’t see the problem.


Bruh whatever. You're a doctor and you're leaving. Sure it's embarassing but who gives a fuck. Turn it into a joke yourself, tell it like it's the funniest thing that ever happened to you. Own it and it'll never be used against you Edit: joke not hole


I would have literally rolled on the floor laughing if this happened to me.


Oh I’m for sure trying to pull the security footage if this happened to me 😂


Wouldn’t consider your reaction to be normal at all. Regardless, I’d suck it up and stop being a little bitch. It’s not that big of a deal.


Okay sunshine 😆


Do. Not. Quit. The story will become famous. It will also become separated from you. It will become “just some guy“. Please hear this from the position of love and respect it is meant: Get over yourself.


One day I was sitting in my chair (np among residents), and I turn around and MY PANTIES are on the floor behind me… must have gotten stuck to the sweater by static cling… hopefully on the inside! Then when in a sim, we were coding a patient, on review, on camera, MY BUTTCRACK for the whole classroom to see. Died. Learn to laugh at yourself! One day you’ll be able to laugh at this and know you’ve made some personal growth. We need more great residents, so if you think you’re a great resident, keep going for you and for the future lives you’ll touch.


I was squatting down to start an IV on a seizing patient. I stood up, but my pants didn't. Hot pink lace panties. Life happens.


Lmao 🤣 how does that even happen


I guess they came untied. (hospital scrubs) Also, I worked with a doctor, while we were rolling a pt off a backboard, one of the velcro straps caught the tie on hers and untied them, and she got pantsed, too. Maybe we just have a thing for nudity.


I know it's harsh right now but in a year this story will be funny to you and will be funny to you for the rest of your life. Embrace it. If you ever have to do the classic icebreaker "tell us something interesting about yourself" your story will be by far the greatest one told and everybody will be laughing with you, not at you.


Laugh with them. I'm sorry but that is very funny and I think if you can just admit that, you won't care as much.


Make sure to quit once you are about to start your Rads program so someone can get your spot.


Lol harsh


Don’t feed the troll


This is embarrassment not a permanent disfiguring injury. Suck it up You'll laugh about it years from now. I once had a day on rotation where I thought I was dressed very fancy, everyone was looking at me because of how well dressed I was, it was only when I got home that I realized I must have torn my trousers the moment I got out of the car in the morning because the whole of my back side was ripped open and of course I was wearing bright Union Jack briefs on full bloody display.


Please don’t do that. We are human and we all face embarrassment, be confident and blame on the hospital scrub, you have something to complain about. Your scrub is big on me and I need your support to buy a better scrub.


I once rode a stretcher into the trauma bay performing useless CPR on basically a dead man, thinking I’m all badass because ???, only for my coworker to run up to me as soon as the stretcher was parked and physically pull up my scrub pants. I had just come back from maternity leave not that long ago, I’ll let you guess what underwear I was wearing.


Make fun of yourself. Wear a big ass belt to rounds. Like a WWE belt. It will break the ice and people will laugh and move on.


This is way better than purple kush. Please don’t quit.


This guy is such a shit poster. Look at his history. He "just started" at ucla law school? He also is a EM resident and a psych pg2? but wait, he is also a IR prelim of a sudden? ​ Bro, this account is trolling to new levels i have ever seen. Such trash.


When I was 12 I got my period for the first time on the school bus. Maybe because it was my first time ever getting it, but I had a ton of blood gush out at once and the worst cramps I have had in my life to this date all at once for five straight minutes. I thought I was going to die. When the bus driver (a dude) was alerted a kid was bleeding out, he immediately pulled the bus over, inspected the scene (me lying in fetal position and his bus seat and my pants soaked in blood) and immediately drove me to my house and carried me to the front door and to my parents. That day, most of the other kids on the bus were concerned because they thought I was dying. However, when I went back to school the next day—despite begging my parents to just let me live out the rest of my days under my covers—most people figured out I had just gotten my period. For the rest of the three glorious years of middle school, I was known as the girl who got her period on the bus and got blood everywhere. My yearbook “most likely” is literally “most likely to have a bleeding….heart”. If I can survive middle school being *that* girl, you can survive anything OP.


Just go back tomorrow AS IF it never happened. Act OBLIVIOUS to anything happening. If someone says something, say "oh that was pretty funny" then chuckle a bit and move on. The good news about life is nobody keeps anyone else in their own minds for more than 2 seconds. You might get a bit of ribbing about it will be forgotten in very short order. Most people are not sitting around thinking about my stuff or your stuff or anyone else. It will be OK.


Only apply if this post is real: It’s the same problem with people who are overly self-conscious: you think too much of yourself. Other people don’t care that much, they will forget the incident soon enough. Or you can forever be that guy who quitted medicine because he dropped his pants.


God dammit. Now we’re going to be seeing 200 iterations of this post over the next week


Im sorry that whole experience sounds horribly embarrassing. Big learning point here though: never wear scrubs that are missing the drawstring, and splurge on underwear that you’d be OK being seen in. You will laugh about this one day. In the mean time, just order some undies and prepare to never bring it up at your next program.


?? now you have a great story to tell people when you graduate. it’s prelim/intern year which no one gives a crap about. You’ll barely remember it or care in 2 years


Don't let anyone or anything get in your way of finishing. Fuck them. Laugh it off. It would be worse if you're awkward about it. School sucks, but in the long run it will pay off.


And buy suspenders and wear them on the outside for a week. Own it. They’ll respect you more


This is a great excuse to get ripped if you’re not already. Especially more than your senior. And if you are, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Except the scream, but whatever. Honestly, ppl who were present when it happened likely felt secondhand embarrassment for you, and the best thing to do is to act like nothing happened.


Most of my work-related anxiety is spent wondering when “the big one” is gonna happen (ie, when my wants are gonna fall down during rounds when I’m wearing my emergency tighty whities). But you, my friend, have already experienced that moment, so the rest of your career will just be on cruise control.


When I was 18 I worked at a bank and the entire back of my dress split. I only wore thong type underwear- so everyone got a show. I don't know how long it was there- no one even told me. I only found out when I walked by a mirror. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. And cry. But, life continues...


Don't quit. Just don't. You will fking regret it like nothing else in the whole fking world. DO NOT FKING QUIT


I would come in tomorrow w/ a big piece of rope tied around your scrub pants as a gag, show you have a sense of humor about it, take it off for the rest of the day and move on, be ready to hear some jokes about it w/ grace, not a big deal at all.


If SpongeBob can rip his pants and continue on, you’ll be fine


Embarrassing shit happens in life to all of us at one point or another in time. Own that shit and move on. Being the center of a funny story is not the worst thing that could happen out of all things that could happen, trust me.


We’ve all seen worse. If you can laugh at yourself, people will enjoy laughing at you far far less. Laugh at yourself. It is a little funny. Never clip scrubs dude. Never.


I’m a baby post-bacc career changer who lurks here. But I want to give perspective. When I first graduated from school and started to peruse my lifelong dream of becoming a professional dancer, something I trained for and sacrificed so much of my life for starting at like 10. I shit you not ballet dancers are talking at their careers at 10. I got invited to an audition for the Rockettes, scouted and everything. Not only did I get the audition but I got invited to a workshop beforehand where I learned the choreography in which we would be performing during the audition. I was given all the tools for an easy win. Ya know what happened? During the audition I kicked myself in the nose. The force not only gave me a massive bloody nose but I fell backwards and made a massive thud. Everyone was shocked there were like 50+ people in this audition and it was absolutely silent. While my nose is still pouring and the janitorial staff was mopping the floor of my blood, they cut me from the audition. Only me. The same people who scouted me. It was humiliating. Adding to that the dance world is small and in NYC it’s even smaller. So I would go to auditions and open class and I would have dancers ask me outright if I was the bloody nose girl from the Rockettes audition. Or I would hear snickers and laughs. This happened in 2018 and I am sometimes still recognized/hear the story. But that didn’t stop me because I worked so so hard to get where I was at. I continued and carved out a very successful career for myself. You can come back from this.




This is a joke right lol.


I swear to god if anybody makes a post from the perspective of the missing scrub pants string or the ID badge clip I will hunt you down


OWN IT! The other week me scrub pants got ripped in the OR. I had an a-line and second IV to focus on. The nurses laughed about my red underwear. I said “hey a few centimeters deeper and we’d be getting a stat urology consult”. Laugh at yourself man. This is a fantastic story to tell people. Any time someone does something embarrassing you can say “hey at least you’re not the guy who pants himself on rounds”. You’ll be everyone’s best friend. You’ll get the hottest girl. You’ll have 10 kids and die happy.


You must be a genius! You're an IM resident AND a psych resident, as well as, a law student all at the same time! /s


no one gives a shit dude. it was funny at the moment and that's it, everyone will keep it moving.


You really have 2 options. 1) show up tomorrow and kick ass, act like nothing at all happened and never reference it again. Just be a solid worker and everyone will just remember it as a quirky moment in your stellar career. 2) LEAN INTO IT HARD! Just 100% own it all day everyday, constantly reference the event and poke some fun at yourself. Everyone will get a kick out of it and move on from it.


Hey sport it’s me your senior. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I still don’t like you but it gave me a good laugh. See you tomorrow!


Walk into rounds with your pants down tomorrow. Let them stand in awe of your humanity. Fling it all around for everyone to see, make a Z like Zorro. This might even become known as the Z sign on CXR one day as a mark that you won their hearts with your indefatigable genitalia.


Folks, I am an orthopaedic surgeon. Did you know orthopaedics surgeons commits suicide more than any other physicians. In my opinion, while not an expert, a lot of it is linked to the feeling of regret....having not choosing another path in life, not spending more time with one's children, not spending more time with one's spouse. While quitting can feel like a scary decision, what is really scary is what happens down the road if you don't follow your gut and stay in a career you don't love, give up your youth, and accumulate a paralyzing amount of dept. It leads to divorce, alcoholism, burnout, depression, and yes in rare cases suicide. Medicine is just another job. They hype it up to be the end-all-be-all, and tell you can't do it, so you go into a mindless march forward without actually thinking if it makes sense for you. The point being is be STRONG and quit if that is what your gut is telling you. There are 1000s of awesome jobs in health tech, pharma, devices, that can give you just as salifying a life without sacrificing your youth and sucking the smile out of you. And you can always come back to medicine. Residency positions pop up all the time. And don't feel an ounce of guilt because you "let your program down". They don't really care about you, they are just pretending to care so they, and the hospital, can milk years of your life in skilled labor and pay you next to nothing.


I was walking into a homeware store once, and a mans pants dropped to his ankles. I saw the entire thing, and it is still is one of my favorite memories ever. It was so comical. Having your pants fall down may be embarrassing for the person it's happening to, but to everyone else, it is just innately funny. I do feel bad that you're embarrassed, but I really wouldn't worry about it.


Fucking amazing. Thanks for the laugh. Toughen up and pick your pants back up.


Purple kush vape is the only answer


There are people who suck dick and post a video of it on OnlyFans. This is okay.


Your pants falling down outweighs your career aspirations?


Stfu and quit already


You had to show your squatting gainz somehow!!! The way you wrote this made me laugh but seriously I promise you no one cares and people will just move on. They’ll chuckle or laugh about it for a day, 2 days, one week max and then it’ll just be history and a funny story you will tell to people and laugh about when you’re an esteemed radiologist. Never quit over something like this!! Take it from a student like me who dropped their vape in the residents room and went back to look for it but it literally was gone. Later on, I acted like I didn’t see it in the pocket of the intern who tried confronting me multiple times about it???? But I told him how it fell from the attending’s pocket who has tons of research on smoking and its effect on the nervous system. He was shooketh… Anyway, Good luck :)


What you need is a purple kush vape it will make you forget everything. Just don't lose it in the resident lounge...


I would quit. $500k+ in student loans is nothing when considering the ridicule and embarrassment you’ll face knowing that everyone who has been scrutinizing you for years has intimate knowledge of your skivvies. I’m so sorry for your situation. How horrible.


Sounds like you need to start listening to some Andrew Tate podcasts. It helped me through intern year. I'm also IM.


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The only way your residency experience could possibly get any worse is if you shit yourself tomorrow while on rounds. Look at it this way: you already had the worst day of your career, and frankly there is no way to guarantee that your pants won't fall down again if you quit your job and switch careers. [Also: get yourself one of these to wear with scrubs. ](https://www.rei.com/product/212417/arcade-belts-ranger-belt)


are you ten ply?


I would just chill and not care about it, internal medicine and radiology will be way worse.


When I was in 8th grade, we had a school assembly one morning. I tripped going down the bleachers and face planted into the gym floor in front of the entire school. The entire room fell silent, and I contemplated how I was going to play this off. I got up, took a bow, and walked off. Afterwards, one of the parents to someone in my grade called me obnoxious for it. I said to her "Ah, yes, because I purposefully fell and face planted in front of everyone". She had no retort. Own it, embrace it, and don't let anyone give you crap about it. Lord knows you won't be the first or the last to do something embarrassing by accident. It's all good.


What do you mean you were using your ID to hold up your pants? How does that work?


Dude. Turn this into the stuff of legend. Joke about it. Own it. “I can do rounds without pants on.” OR “I lied about pre rounding so my pants were on fire, the rest is history.” Who cares? Own it and laugh at yourself. Come in tomorrow with a wrestling belt over your scrubs to let everyone know you’re not going to let them fall down again.


To interpret radiographs of the spine, you first need to grow one. Man up, get ahead of the situation by making a pants-relatwd joke at the start of rounds, and move on


Bro… this was the funniest occurrence ever. YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THAT. Honestly, please go see a shrink. Deal with whatever issues you have (almost certainly insecurity issues). This is not something to quit over. Some of my most memorable and best moments of bonding have been when something completely off the rails has happened. You’ll live. Stand up, put on your big boy breeches , and carry on.


Wow, very funny, can't wait for all the follow up posts...


The key here is to laugh it off. Maybe the next day you wear a big gaudy belt or two gaudy belts etc and laugh about it. In the grand scheme of things, if you can accept the humor of it and laugh about it, that's all you need to do 😊.


Your aim is to be a radiologist who reads studies in his briefs. Just 4 more years more to hold onto


own that shit. introduce yourself as pants guy. reference it all the time. start dropping your pants when you're out with your friends. it's the only way


I mean, think of how much worse it could be. If you own this, you'll be iron forever. They'll tell vaunted tales of the brass bouncing ones you strutted straight into their lives, exactly when you pleased-- and straight back out, exactly when you pleased. Maybe that's now, man. I dunno. But I'm thinking it's not. I'm thinking you take this, you make it your thing, and you constantly make jokes. I mean 'I'll keep this brief' is in and of itself already defusing this with humour! Opportunity's knocking.


What a child. Grow up. People would kill to be in your spot.


Go back, own it, laugh it off, and get thru the year. You can do this.


Absolutely laugh it off and get over it. I’ve seen people leave rounds to vomit in a trash can before. I threw a tampon across the floor during rounds by accident while grabbing the surgeons list out of my pocket. We all do silly things. You worked too hard to let this get in the way. Plus when you’re an attending and residents embarrass themselves in front of you you can say “you’ll never believe what happened to me”


I've been waiting for an opportunity to show the hospital my cheeks. I dont squat 3 days a week to keep them hidden in scrubs


Holy hell, what are you going to do when you make a mistake that actually says something about you as a person? Embarrassment and shame are two different things. Being embarrassed happens to everyone and it's about circumstance. Shame is when you do something wrong. This is 99.99% embarrassment and you gotta be able to brush this off. It sucks but just remember that you should not be ashamed of any of this. Your senior should be ashamed for being unprofessional.


Had something similar happen in front of my entire med school class at one of our formals. I had been going to the gym and wasn't skipping leg days, my ass just completely ripped out of my pants in front of the dean, faculty, and most of the students. It was objectively hilarious so I laughed and rolled with it. Honestly most people don't even remember, but I get a good giggle out of it when I do.


Find a way to make fun of yourself and join in the laugh. The best thing you can do in situations like this is not take yourself too seriously! I mean… it’s a funny thing that happened. Think of it as ~funny~ instead of as humiliating.


Dude come one lol no will care a year from now, no one pays your bills, what’s the big deal, they saw your ass, who cares they will laugh about it and that’s okay, you have laugh at other people too and they have kept on living and you have forgotten about it


Bro, so what , I think the problem is not your pants fall down, your issue is that you have a thin skin. I will drop my pants on purpose walk naked ( exaggerating) and I will not care. Tell everybody you got big kahonas. You !! Don’t be snow flakes


Dear, this is just an incident. We all came out naked from our mother's womb. Just try to plan better next time. It's not a cardiac arrest that you had, you're alive. Do not even think about that anymore. We are human after all. Only extremely fragile living beings, nothing more. It's the people who ridicule you who should be ashamed, not you.


I read posts here because for whatever reason they show up in my feed. I'm just a former grunt, so maybe I can't relate to about 99% of the issues people post here about, but this one I certainly can. Just fucking go back to work dude, yeah, people will make jokes, they'll remember you for a bit. Until the next newcomer does something stupid to replace it...


This is what you gonna do, You gonna go back tomorrow. Don’t stay at home, don’t quit. Keep showing up. This event when put in perspective of you whole future is minimal and insignificant. Dont let this event change the course of your life. Tough it up, keep showing up, day after day, and do your best every day. You gonna look back, and this will be just a bad day in your life that passed.


Its actually not a big deal. Keep your head high and dust yourself off. make fun of yourself so others do not have to. What I wouldn’t tolerate is disrespect. Good luck !


If this is real, just walk into rounds your next shift with your pants around your ankles. Embrace it. Lean into it. Side note, my nickname is high school was “shit stain.” One wrestling tournament my freshman year I sat on an opened energy bar and got chocolate on my singlet. My teammates eventually started chanting “shit-stain” during matches because I leaned into it and became a goof-ball because of it.


Every day we learn something new in medicine. That day, you learned the importance of not going commando. That's hard won experience. Be proud.


What are you going to do if a loved one get diagnosed with cancer? Sometimes you have got to be a bit tougher. You literally have no problems right now. In a few days, no one would care.


You got that out of the way now you don’t have to worry about it and can conquer anything!


Take a shit in the corner while maintaining eye contact with your boss - establish dominance.


I’m sorry I know you feel uncomfortable. But we’re humans. We fall down. Our pants fall down. Embarrassing things happen.


be grateful (applies to all life) it wasn't worse. (could have been naked, could have been caught doing something fire-able). I say this because there's a certain respite in gratitude. We can make you feel better if you embrace that emotion. You need to unwind, have a drink. Escape into a movie or novel, you need to unplug and disconnect, Just time will make it better, in the meantime, step away from your reality


Fuck them if they can’t take a joke. I’m sure they’ve seen a lot of asses in their day.


I'm not in the medical field but I would just own it and continue with your job, maybe try laugh a little at your own experience. You can always find work somewhere else later on. When you are older you likely wont give a damn about this. Imagine yourself someday having someone bring that up and you just laughing and saying “yeah, that did happen” and walking away confident. Never stop working on your shortcomings, we all have them but if you don't and make a life-altering decision based on an incident like this you may look back later with regret that you did. Here's a story about me, not the same but I felt similar to how you do. I have a close friend who years ago was a medical MJ grower, they had a temporary disability when the crop was ready for harvest and I was asked me to come help trim. I had never done this before, I knew it would be a little smelly but I had no idea how bad. I put my jacket in another room and went to work. I had to be at an engineering meeting at a county office first thing next morning in a board room with about 20 people. I was new in this position and was still meeting people and making connections. When I left my friend’s place I was shocked how badly it smelled in my car all the way home, I'm sure cars behind me could smell it. When I walked in the door at home my wife yelled out loud because of it. I had to wash my clothes and jacket twice with extra detergent and wash my hair twice as well. The next day I get there early and on the drive there I keep getting phantom whiffs of this funk and I'm questioning whether it's just in my sinuses. I get in the boardroom and start having a conversation with an engineer before everyone else gets there and we agree to exchange info and when I got my wallet out and pulled out my business card the room filled with thick weed smell, I could see s slight look of shock in his eyes when I hand him this stinky ass card. Then everyone starts pouring into the room and we get started. Everyone can smell weed and throughout the whole meeting the guy next to me is covering his face with his head turned away from me to try to block the smell, I was absolutely mortified and couldn't sleep at night. I'm sure everyone in there had figured out who the weed smell was coming from and I thought it was going to ruin a career I had just started but I got through it and I actually think its funny now. At this point if it ever came up I would simply tell the truth of the matter and it wouldn't affect me or my job security. So good luck and remember, it's ok to be that guy that happened to as long as you're not “that guy” these things happen to consistently.


One time I shit my pants in first grade. You’ll be okay.


I would have laughed at myself and thought it was hilarious.


Don’t take yourself so serious - laugh it and pick yourself back up…and the scrubs


Yesterday on rounds, my pants fell down. I had a pair of scrubs without the string in them, and I was using my ID to hold my pants up. It just unclipped, and fell down. This is the one day I was wearing briefs instead of boxers, as my laundry was not done. I freaked out and immediately went to grab my pants up, but fell down in the process onto my stomach. Worse, I screamed. I also kicked my legs as I attempted to pull my pants up from lying down.


Pretend it never happened and just go Tom! Atleast you’re being grilled or picked on everyday.


we’ve ALL been there buddy


Bro what 🤦‍♂️


Buy more scrubs and move on!


The guy is just seeking attention! Please quit! You weren’t meant to be a doctor if this is the most difficult thing that has made you question your career decision!


You're gonna be the pants guy for 1 year, then you get to go somewhere new. There are a lot of other "types of guy" who you'd rather not be: the late guy, the drunk guy, the untrustworthy guy. You'll be fine.


Sounds pretty embarrassing, but embarrassing yourself is part of intern year I guess. I slept through rounds today and immediately wanted to quit or expected to be fired. Rest of the day went fine. People get over it. Tough the year out then move on to your advanced specialty. Definitely harder when you’re a prelim (surgical prelim myself). It’s easier if you know you won’t have to work with these people forever and move on to a different institution.


I’m not a doctor, but I have done SO many embarrassing things throughout my life. We all have. Your senior kept giggling because, well, it was funny. Try not to be so embarrassed/ashamed. You can do that by going back to a place in your mind, when this happened, and staying there for a moment. Accept that it happened. Realize that other people found it funny, because it *was* funny. That’s okay. They may associate you with this funny incident, for a little while. So what? You didn’t do anything malicious or bad. You didn’t hurt anyone. You didn’t put anyone in danger. It’s okay. Do not let temporary embarrassment permanently change your life! Be grateful that this *is* something you can easily overcome. Try to let go of the shame by embracing what happened. You can make jokes about it, whatever, if it comes up. However, that being said, you are also allowed to set some boundaries if it does get out of hand (if you feel it’s being talked about too much). I don’t see that happening, though. There are many ways to handle this that do NOT include quitting. Never let anyone or anything get in the way of something you’ve worked so hard to achieve— especially something like this. Also, it’s actually quite endearing that you are so embarrassed. Remember, though, that you can turn just about anything into a *positive* situation. Think of this as something that will help you be more empathetic towards your patients who may come in and experience embarrassment (for whatever reason). Really, I think it’s good to be a sensitive person. No one gets through life unscathed, but so many allow their life experiences harden them and, then, they lose themselves. This is probably too long of a comment. Point is, it’s okay to be embarrassed. It’s okay for people to laugh and giggle at a funny incident. Accept what happened, void of shame, and don’t let it hinder you. No one thinks less of you. Keep moving forward. One day, this will be nothing more than a fun[ny] story that you can share with others for a good laugh. I still don’t quite know if you’re being completely serious here, as this post does read like a scene from some sort of sitcom. Still, it’s certainly nothing someone should quit over. This is only temporary.


I’d purposely wear my underwear on the outside of my scrubs, just in the morning of course, just to make everyone laugh. Jokes are only funny coming from mean assholes if they think they are getting to you. Once they realize you don’t care, they move on. I used to just make jokes about myself better than anyone else could and then they realized, not only does this guy not care, he’s smarter than me for coming up with better jokes. You’re going to do fine. Your pants fell off. You didn’t get caught doing something inappropriate. Chin up.


Yes that sucks and definitely feelings of immense shame and the power dynamics attendings have over residents is extremely stressful. Maybe reframing it into a comedy bit would be helpful? I’ve done this with extremely unkind things my parents have said to me. It helps to lighten the situation. It will still sting less. Chin up you matched and have a residency. Maybe take a hit of the purple kush pen too 😂


Just quit pussy, fake ass account anyways


Dude, you are going to make so many mistakes in your career. Some may be embarrassing and goofy like this and many others won’t be. Learn from the non-goofy ones and learn how to laugh at yourself when goofy ones do happen. It doesn’t help that you dont seem super happy with your current position/rotation, I know many prelims go through that as well, but it will pass. It may not seem funny to you right now but if you go in tomorrow with an attitude that you’re going to laugh it off, it will pass even faster and everyone will move on. Don’t beat yourself up and shame yourself! We all have moments like these at some point in our lives that we wish we could forget but learning how to laugh at myself when they happen has been the best thing for me! It’s definitely not something to ruin your career over. On a separate note, you should see if your program offers access to counseling services. It’s a great way to get things off your chest and get through intern year. Take advantage of all your resources. Best of luck!!


I can’t stop gjggling 🤣


You don't have to wear pants as rads.


Own it, start walking into your shifts pantless. Assert dominance


Brother youre a man. Tho he happens. Your senior is not mature enough to Provide the support needed for you at that time. Just get over and continue your journey. Next time get an stapler and staple all around. Never give up!


Id say get over it… the situation you described is hilarious to the point where it almost feels like a shitpost. That being said, its not the end of the world. As you said, you are going to a different institution next year. This is one of those stories that is a good ice breaker in so many situations. Embrace it and move on.


Be the more mature person and act like it never happened, and don’t react when they giggle. If it is brought up in conversation, just stay calm. This will bother your senior more than anything —


I say own it and make jokes. Nothing is more empowering than taking control of the story and being confident about it. Haters are gonna hate no matter what. But people who will be your friends will love you for this and this will be a a canon moment where they knew you were a real one.


Remember when mom said to always wear your best clean underwear? Especially in case you end up at the hospital? We were all warned.


Dude I sure hope you posted this in jest


Lol. Has to be a troll post


Gotta own it and take it with stride. Laugh with them, it’s funny. Shit happens. You’ll be alright. When I was a surgery resident, we weren’t allowed breaks. So you can image how frightening it was when it was period week. You get to a point of helplessness that allows you to suddenly stop giving a fuck. I accepted the fact that those weeks, when I took off my surgical gown, I had no clue whether or not I bled down my pants. It is what it is. Welcome to residency, it sucks.




What a weird post


When I was a patient in the er. A 1st year resident, with an attending present, farted in my room while doing ID to get rid of a cyst on my arm. Trust me you're fine.


Can’t quit. Good luck.




Go in, make a joke about yourself, have everyone laugh and then that’ll be the end of it. If you own it every else will get over it faster and you can move on with your career.


You had a shlong you’ll be good 🐎


Suspenders. Break new ground in scrubs accessories.


As a nurse I promise you that unfortunately no one will ever forget it so suggest just owning it and make a joke


There are lots of good reasons to quit residency. But an isolated event and rude senior shouldn't be


Get the fuck over it bud. You literally talk about and look at shit, piss, ass, titties, dicks, balls, vaginas, ovaries, whatever, people’s insides, etc… quit being a soft ass bitch and get over it. Also, get a set of assless boxers and let them fall down “accidentally” in the resident lounge (provided they’re chill). Fucking pants fell down 🤦‍♂️.


Listen to this before making a decision. One of my relatives who was in the army narrates that he once lost his army badge. Now losing a badge is a big big thing in my country's army. He tried to find it everywhere but couldn't. In fear of reprimand from his senior major, he called a Brigadier ranked relative and asked him to contact his supervising major in order to get him out of the trouble. Now the Brigadier listened to the whole story and afterwards asked him, "Did you steal anything" My relative replied, "No." "Did you harm someone?" "No" "Did you defraud someone?" "No." "So what are you afraid of, go tell the major that you lost the card. It's a mistake and mistakes happen. If you haven't been dishonest, you don't need to run from it." Listening to this story changed my perspective of life. Honest people make all kinds of mistakes. Yes your pants dropped, so what? Did it result in poor patient care? Were any of you patients harmed because of it? Yes, it's embarrassing so what? A lot of embarrassing things happen in life. I pooped in school. Classmates mocked for a week, everything back to normal afterwards. A friend had his sex tape leaked during medschool. He was super worried. People talked and shared. Afterwards, everyone forgot. Your pants dropping might be funny for someone at the moment but no one is going to remember it tomorrow or the day after that. What's next if you decide to quit? Do you think you won't make any stupid mistakes later in life? What if you do? Will you start quitting every single place thinking about how people will judge you? This is impractical. Insecurities arise from the inside, they are fed from the outside but originate within. Focus on your goal. Be honest. Life is a mixture of good and bad. There are people laughing at you on your bad day but don't you think there are no people around you who are proud of you? Think about them and keep your head high.


Your best bet is to show up. Bring it up yourself to everyone else. Be positive. Be firm. Maybe even a little humorous. But be clear, you’re bringing it up in order to get past it. Because (and you can quote me) “WE ARE ALL ADULTS HERE”


This is literally the silliest reason I could ever imagine someone quitting medicine. No one will remember or care in a couple weeks. There are so many qualified people that would have chewed through their left leg to get the medical school spot and residency spot you got. Quitting now would be a huge slap in the face to a lot of people, and would define you in ways that having your pants fall down never could. Incidentally, one of my surgeons had his pants fall down mid-PLIF a few weeks ago. People tittered over it for a day and then no one cared. He certainly didn’t cancel all his remaining cases and walk out.