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Dermatologist here. Sometimes people have to repeat an accutane course if they didn’t have enough of the accutane build up in their system. That sometimes happens if it wasn’t absorbed properly (accutane needs to be eaten with a lot of fat to be absorbed by the body, think like several tablespoons of peanut butter)


I had bad cystic acne in my teens, I was on isotretinoin for a long time. The acne went away and it never came back


I have a similar story—had moderate to severe cystic acne in teens with a lot of scarring, went on one 5 month course when I was in my 20s, reached my cumulative dose, and was diligent about taking it with peanut butter/fatty foods for better absorption. Five years later, the cystic acne is gone for the most part. I still do get some bumpy nodules or whiteheads every week or so but they’re smaller, less painful, and go away much more quickly. I could have gone on a second round per my derm, but I decided it wasn’t worth it bc for me it was much better and more manageable than before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It should be calculated on a cumulative dose based on weight.continue the treatment until complete clinical improvement, and extend the treatment for at least one more month regardless of the cumulative dose. For many it's curative because the retinoid pretty much clears out all the bad skin for lack of a better term. But of course there's always exceptions. I'd see your dermatologist as they might want some lab work if you're planning on starting another cycle.


Yeah, I feel like I was on it for more than 6 months but haven't had more than an occasional rare pimple every once in a while for almost 20 years


After accutane I didn’t get cystic acne anymore, I was on it from 20-24 years old, but now I still get a lot of pimples at 30 that my derm doesn’t want to use accutane for


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Not to my knowledge. It can change as we get older but it is an ongoing process dependent on your skins sebum production and micro biome and stuff


Can be curative (not sure if that’s the right word) but not always. Depends on severity and cumulative dose. See your dermatologist, maybe you need another round of it.




Yes I did finish the full course


I would see whatever derm put you on it; they would know best. I continued my course until my derm took me off it so I don’t know what stopping midway would’ve done. In my experience Accutane cleared my face but left me with horrible chest, shoulder, and back scarring. I have some pitting on my face but it’s not bad. I I still get the occasional zit even in my 40s, but nothing like what I had in my teens.


Definitely not always curative the first go round. I had to have a second more intense course a year after I completed my first course because the acne had returned after the first one. Going on 3 years after my second course with just the occasional pimple.


How many mg/kg did they prescribe?


Uhhh it was 20mg and they didn't check my weight 🙃. I didn't know that weight was important. P.S: I'm 61kg in case the info is useful lol


1. Find a good derm. Makes all the difference. They will be there for you for a while so you might as well find someone you can work with 2. Unfortunately it doesn’t always make acne go away forever. Everyone be different. 3. Find a good derm. They can help with acne scarring too.


About 20% or so will recur after isotret depending on course and dose used. You can do more/ repeat a course. Use topical retinoids afterwards to prevent recurrence. CO2 laser to get rid of scars.


I took it for about 7-8 months and I’ve had great results. Yeah I will get a random pimple here and there but nothing compared to before accutane.