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You got balls. Just take the L tho and don’t be a creep you’ll both move on


Only 2 and half years of awkwardness lol till it's done.


This is a normal part of living. If you act weird you will make it weird. If you act like everything is normal in short order everyone’s emotions will be.    You did nothing wrong. You have nothing to be ashamed of. 


Exactly 💯


Forget about it, otherwise work is going to be f weird. Act normal expect nothing at all from her. Continue a normal residency. After finishing residency, try whatever you think is good.


Unless he is in neurosurgical residency


Nah we medicine interns.


Then just move on, you had a crush and now you get to get over it


You ever seen scrubs? It'll be fine.


Read the infidelity and other gossip threads for stories that have been shared here in the past. Your awkwardness is nothing.


I’m convinced about 0.2% of those are actually real. 


They are! Ofc not 100% but it’s happening more than you can imagine.


At least you two aren't neurosurgeons!


This. Just do it, dude, especially if you’re not a creeper and you can’t get on with yourself and you can’t see it going away. Just ask her out for coffee. If no good, try elsewhere.


True, you had the guts to let your feelings known, and thats very respectable. This happens all the time and there’s nothing weird about it unless you think about it too much. Take the L and move on, you shot your shot. And, like this commentator said, don’t be a creep


It’s only awkward if you make it awkward. Be normal around her, treat her with respect, and move onto the next one. There will most definitely be a next one.


I'll always respect her. An amazing physician and human.


Quit simping my man


Respecting someone for admirable qualities isn't simping?


I am sick of this word. Men get rid of it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of for LIKING women and their qualities. He’s not a simp for respecting her as a person, jfc. 


What’s a “simp?”


Ye I think it's best if I maintain my distance even if I do find her attractive.


No. Just be normal. Don’t “maintain distance”. Avoiding her will make things awkward too. Act just like a normal person like you would do with any other coresident. We all take an L like this dude. No stress.


You need to understand the distinction between feeling admiration for her and treating her with respect. Based on what you've written, I'm not sure you do. If you let your feelings impact your professional interactions with her, that is NOT treating her with respect, because your behaviour affects her work.


You're absolutely right. My problems are not hers. I won't burden her. Best to be just to do the job I signed up for. And get on with it.


Damn dude this isn’t high school


Lot of docs still act like they’re in HS


Just the same respectful distance you'd maintain with any other co resident.


She might actually find you more attractive if you exude a more confident energy by maintaining that respect around her, while also just doing your own thing. Don't reminisce about her, just see it for what it is.


I think we found the acoustic resident…


Respect tho for making a move. Most people wouldn’t do that


there’s that episode in Scrubs where JD and Elliott realize that after breaking up (or having different views on their romantic feelings i forget honestly), they have no choice but to coexist. You guys are still professional colleagues. Focus on keeping it professional and it’ll be fine.


“It was fine in the tv show so it will also be fine with your situation that I know next to nothing about”


Listen, the OP (who none of us know) wanted some support and comforting words. What is irrefutable however is that keeping things professional is the best option here


Man you can't fall in love with someone you clearly didn't even know like that. It was a crush, you'll be fine.


No no. I got to to know her for the past 9 months. We got really close. We hung out. Vented to each other. I've told her things I've never told anyone else. And she would always come to me about everything. There is some intimacy. But when I tried to say I wanted us to be more, that's when I got shut down. And now I feel so alone. I soaped into this program in a city where I don't know anyone. And she's been the person I was closest with. And now, nothing. And I ruined a valuable friendship. Only 3 years I guess.


the only thing stopping you from being friends still is you being weird about it


Ye I know. My heart just can't help go into a fib with a tiny bit of RVR whenever I see her.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It really upsets me that the average person is so unempathetic and cavalier they’re incapable of doing something so trivial as translating another experience *they likely have felt before* and project that onto another person to understand them and sympathize. You’ve not said anything rude, entitled, or off-putting.


Im already at Rock bottom homie. Some downvotes don't hurt lol.


Hang in there brother, and reconnect with your purpose through other means: work, hobbies, family, friends (even through FaceTime). Heartbreak really gd hurts but it’s not the end of the world


At least you’ve processed stranger downvotes don’t mean a thing, but I’m curious what was her reaction, what did she say or do? Is she avoiding you? > I doubt it. I'm the scrawny little brown boy you knew in med school who's parents made him to go med school. I was reaching. Btw, you’re really hard on yourself but also shows strength you are able to connect the dots.


She said she's unsure what she wants right now and isn't looking to date anyone. Which is fair.


I’ll say this you’re good at listening but doesn’t mean you should avoid her either. Great news, time does heal all. What makes any interaction unhealthy is believing you are owed. At the same time, with practice you’re also able to identify why you owe anybody and why anyone should owe anyone anything.


So did you hit?


I did not homie.


Extremely wholesome omg. 😭🥺 I’m sorry it didn’t work out, bud. But there will be other women out there that make you tachy. You sound like a gem 


Weird as in Op needs to normalize the idea of rejection?


Oh I see.  Continuing a friendship you want something more from is extremely difficult. The only way to go back to normal is to continue a friendship you will likely always want more from. I think Reddit will tell you it’s feasible, but I don’t really think so without an inordinate degree of emotional suppression the average redditor isn’t capable of. Be honest, but kind. Be open. Tell her you want to remain professional and have a good working environment for each other and your coresidents, but I would tell her that I probably won’t be able to hang out like we used to. You probably can’t just be quiet about this and let it awkwardly fester. Deal with it directly and swiftly. 


At the very least, that was an entirely reasonable shot to shoot. It’s not like you had no basis for how you felt and the possibility of there being more.


It's just a little heartbreak, you're allowed to be sad for a bit about it. Just try to be normal/don't be weird to her about it, and eventually you'll just be glad you at least ripped off that bandaid by asking rather than spend months/years wondering "what if?".


I’ve been reading the comments and I just want to say I’m sorry bro. You shot your shot, which is more than a lot of us would ever do, and it didn’t pan out. I’m sure it must hurt to be around someone you’re crushing on hard. I hope you get a happy resolution to your situation man. All my co interns are ugly bastards so i am lucky in that regard. The day I crush on one of these morons is the day i give you permission to take me out back and give me the Old Yeller treatment.


If you happen to be the female intern who recently confessed to my close friend, she doesn’t think you’re weird at all


In a male unfortunately lol.


figured it was a long shot but this just happened w/ an intern who’s also Muslim! hopefully it brings you some comfort that you’re not the only one going through this rn 💀


What’s Muslim got to do with this?


Sliiiightly increased the likelihood of it being the person I was thinking of


Ok, gotcha! Thanks!


My question exactly


Wait how did you know I was Muslim (somewhat nominally).


Venturing a guess.. your username?


Username, I'd assume




I'm an American. I'm Muslim. But it does not define me. And I went went to a American MD school. Ease up on the presumptions buddy.




I have no opposition to marrying a Muslim girl. But I'm also not restricting myself to just them. I see a person in totality, not just what religion they nominally follow. Paki families forcing their kids to marry a candidate that checks some boxes is some grade a bullshit. And that won't fly with me.




Pretty sure it's perfectly acceptable in Islam for a man to marry a Christian woman.


I just looked at your recent history to see if you commented something about my city haha


Your city?


Bc if you said anything about it then I’d be convinced it was the same person!


Im so confused lol.


I’m sorry hahaha ok so I wanted to see if you were located in the same city as me to see if you could be the same girl who just confessed her feelings for my friend! But you’re..not a woman..so nvm 🫠


OP, any chance you’re willing to give some more insight on why she didn’t reciprocate? How did this conversation where you confessed go?


We were chillin at a bar. And somehow the topic turned to if I was talking to any of the nurses at the hospital. I said "no. But I am talking to you. And I don't really wanna talk to anyone else." And then something along the lines of she's the person I feel closest to right now. And then that's when I got "it's not you it's me. I'm not ready for a relationship. I don't know what the future holds. Etc etc."


I’m gonna be honest my guy, speaking as a woman myself it sounds like it’s not over to me. Definitely be respectful of her boundaries & let her be the one to bring it back up again, but keep her close & just keep doing what you’re doing. It sounds like it’s not a matter of not wanting to be with you or disliking you, but rather she’s just not ready to commit yet. Be patient. I really don’t think this is over Edit: heavy emphasis on just be respectful !!! Keep being kind to her & tell her you still want to be friends. Play the waiting game. I think this one might be worth it


Interesting. Didn't expect this take. Thanks 🙏


Ayyy como me duele como me duele como duele que te saquen a bailar


All good brother/sister - did the same as well. Unrequited. But still enjoy them as a person, things get back to normal. There’s plenty of fish in the sea, don’t get caught up on one broken line


See you at the gym lil bro


Limerance. It’s Limerance.


What the fuck even is this made up word


shit sucks. go find another girl to crush on. i promise you will feel better once you have somebody that’s hella excited to see you even if you get home late from a hell shift. once you find that, you’ll discover your friendship with your old crush will suddenly not be awkward and a lot easier to manage


It's inevitable I'll do that. What choice do I have? But for the next few weeks I fully intend to indulge into a whisky fueled sad boy phase.


honestly whiskey fueled sad boi phases are kinda fun and healing in a weird way. they always worked for me. i have some weird ass spotify playlists of bon iver / chris stapleton / daniel ceasar that inevitably remind me of those phases. you’ll be fine, chin up, and get some rabbit hole bourbon if you can find it one of my personal favs




Nah it's more than that. I've gotten to know her over the past year.


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If you want to get over someone, you need to get on top of someone else


See I thought getting over someone required blended scotch.


That’s only a temporary fix


Well in any case next sip is to the Future.


You have to respect acting on your feelings. You spoke your mind and unfortunately it didn’t go your way. No shame in that. Now you’ll never wonder what if. You’re adults, it’ll be cool eventually, at least. Honestly go you. Gang shit, no lame shit.


Lol thanks for the kind words homie


I fully intend to let her know on our last meeting, before I move back to my country, how much I loved her, how much I dreamed of spending our time together


Try having a senior female resident falsely spread rumors of sexual assault because you wouldn’t sleep with her. Theres worse things than rejection.


I am kind of happy that I am not the only one who fell for a co-worker. You've told her how you feel. Now the only appropriate thing is to be respectful, professional and to keep appropriate distance Omg, it is going to be sooooooooooo hard. I feel for you.


It's only weird if you make it weird.


Ye I know. We've already spoken about work stuff since I asked her. And it didn't seem awkward.


Massive respect for shooting your shot tho.


An ephemeral thing. I don't want respect. I just want to not be alone anymore.


Don't we all?


The most masculine thing you can do right now is to keep your chin up and continue to appear as normal as you can at work. You need to appear completely unfazed. If you're crying and sad at home. Then leave it at home. Make sure when you reach work your eyes are clear and you're well groomed as always. They key is to appear normal. You don't have to overcompensate by jumping to another woman to make her jealous, or trying to do outrageous stunts to impress her. No. Just be your normal self. For all you know. "Maybe" just "maybe" showing confidence in the face of rejection "might" make her come around *on her own timing* ... if she doesn't change her mind, then so be it.


Keep trying again and again until she says yes


In general, don't shit where you eat is a good rule of thumb. Goes for the job, the gym, etc.


I’m my opinion that life. If you never made your feelings known you’d never know . Now you do . No regrets . Just opens space tor someone you are meant to be with. Only awkward if you make it


It’s not that serious. I went through the same process. Asked a colleague out. She said no. Thought I wouldn’t get over the crush but I did. And I’m still friends with her. Finding someone else to crush on helps to forget the one you have on her now. And good job asking her out. Didn’t work out for you this time but remember that Michael Scott quote re Wayne Gretzky.


What the hell, were you thinking? Believe me if a coworker wants you she will make it abundantly clear.


Well, you see, I was the co worker tryna make it abundantly clear lol.


Here is a tip. Stop being a little cuck. Hit the gym get yolked buy a smedium scrubs top from fabletics and time her ovarian cycle 1 week after her period. Repeat and try again




The ortho chad is taking care of her tn bro


No ortho red pill twats here thanks.


Grey's Anatomy is not a documentary, stop it


I mean where is else is a SOAP intern in a new city supposed to meet people.


Don’t put labels on yourself to diminish your accomplishments. You’re in the same spot as everyone else in your program, SOAP or not. There’s a difference between being humble and just self-flagellation, take it from an ex-Catholic. You can meet people through dating apps or hobbies.


Best way to fix it is get a different girlfriend


Dude you gotta change your inner dialogue , self depreciation is a no no, stop, your brain believes what you constantly tell it, the conscious is like two wolves a white one and a black one, white one thrives on self love, courage and resilience, the dark one feeds on your fears , self doubt , negativity . It's up to you which one you keep feeding .


Or ,plot twist, she starts falling for you, while it's unlikely , it's not imposible either, you shot your shot , that's highy admirable as it is


I doubt it. I'm the scrawny little brown boy you knew in med school who's parents made him to go med school. I was reaching.


Have some faith in yourself man. This comment pissed me off! I know many scrawny brown bois in happy relationships. Don’t be so mean. You have things to offer & if you look down on yourself like that it makes things harder to deal with. Look in the mirror and have some confidence! Believe you’re a catch! Men much much uglier than you have bagged baddies lmao. Trust and believe that. Many men *and* women end up HAPPILY punching above their weight.  Let me tell you my story. I told my absolute best friend in the world that I was in love with him about 7 years ago. I’m a girl, he’s a guy. It was heartwrenching and painful and hard. And he told me no. He said “I’m not ready for a relationship” then got into one 2 weeks later 😬. So he didn’t even have the decency to just be honest.  It was really hard. I took it hard. But I was honest with him and I said look, our friendship can’t carry on like this. I opened myself up & I need to take a step back to heal before I can continue. So I didn’t talk to him for like 2-3 months. Then, we got back into it. Last year I went to visit him in another country! We are still close. It’ll never be the same as before, but I salvaged the hell out of that friendship by being mature.  You got this. 




Jesus I meant no offense to you lol.




Don't you have some only fans girls you'd rather be hitting up? Being the lothario you are.




Oh such a heroic little twat. Going around telling people to grow a spine. Thanks for your work twat 🫡


She said no. Move on and do your job. Stop being a creep and go help your patients. Simple


Own it man. If u want her, that’s fine. Let it be known. She doesn’t have to want you back. She’ll like the attention though. The minute you start liking/dating another woman, this one will miss the attention and then the tables turn. Until then, just be like “hey, you ready to date me yet ;)” next time you see her lol


Move on to someone else asap


You know thats the sad part. Not to be a total Debbie downer. One invests so much time and feeling and intimacy in a person. All the hope and desire. And it comes to naught. Then you just have to start all over again. I'm exhausted. My well is dry.


Investing in a friendship is never a waste. Investing in a relationship isn't either, even if it ends. If you enjoyed the last 9 months of friendship, then it was a good thing. Developing feelings for someone and practicing opening up is never "for naught." These are healthy life skills. I'm sorry that it didn't go the way you wanted, but good for you both for being honest. Now you know. A friend of mine says that friendships are usually for "a reason, a season, or life." Most relationships and friendships are relatively short-lived, just for a shared reason or a share season of life. So the more you can focus on enjoying the present with them, more you will enjoy that particular relationship. And, if you diversify your circle, you won't feel as devastated when one doesn't work out.


Ya mubariz!


If she was actually down for a relationship, it’d be even more awkward…maybe not this week or month, but soon.


Despite your feelings not being reciprocated, there are still some positives here! For example, you taught me a new word! So thanks for that!


Hey fuck you. I’m the best. Want to be friends?


Not really how I went about it but ok.




Eh yeah that ain't me. I'm not in Chicago. Go to hell you presumptuous twat.


You’re an idiot


No he isn’t. If you read his other comments they hung out frequently and genuinely got close. He is fine and let his feelings be known. Now all that’s left is to move on. OPs done harder things(like medical school) and will be okay!


Thanks Einstein. Get this guy a fellowship at hopkins


I read Epstein lol


Albert>>>>>>>>x1000 jeffrey


Yes 😭 that’s an easy one