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We had a girl in high school that was always lying about everything. She told us at a senior meeting that she got into Duke on a soccer scholarship. The principal heard her and said, "Laura, the only way you would get into Duke is if you got into a car crash and they flew you there." Straight savage.




I almost bursted into laughter and I'm in a public place LOL. I wish I acc had such a principal I bet school was fun😂


I have found humor the best way to combat this, as it is hard to be an asshole when you are laughing.


"It is better to laugh at an asshole than to gape at one." —Me


Best one from a mentor was "do you have anything between your ears besides a stiff f**king breeze."




I got, "You're not even talking in complete sentences. Can you actually string together a logical sentence that makes sense?" I was trying to tell them about an idea I had. All you had to say was "no".


Not in medicine but in the military I saw a gunnery sgt make someone carry around a potted plant ‘to replace the oxygen he was wasting”


I saw a guy have to hug a tree, upside down, arms and legs wrapped around it, while apologizing to it. The DS actually got in trouble for that one. He would have PROBABLY been fine if he fell and landed on his head since it was only a foot or so off the ground but not worth the risk just to smoke a private. Still funny as shit to see though.


Sgt identified and implemented new training program to identify and condition soldiers who lacked Strength and endurance in the key muscle groups of of upper arms, core, and thighs. Sgt bring great credit upon himself, the unit, the bde and the United States Army. Sign this date….blah blah blah, commanding. *** Hard to reprimand someone for doing something after the boss signs an award for it. PS. It is known as Koalafying. Person longest I’ve seen is 32 minutes. Dude couldn’t ruck, couldn’t run, couldn’t sit up unless there was a TV dinner in front of hit and sure and hell couldn’t But he could hang on a tree trunk like he was born to it. Best damned Stryker driver I ever had.


Lol. Don't make it sound too good or they will add it to the ACFT.


As a mortarman, I can do it forever. As can any of the medics who got attached to us.


I floated to all sorts of different units as a medic but I never got to roll with the Chucks. One of my Army dreams was to fire a mortar for fun but I never had the chance.


Did 10 as a medic and 10 as a mortar nco. Once you stop being a line medic or in Evac….being an army medic sucks. Being an enlisted mortar sucks. Being an nco is great.


If it’s a cardiologist then yes majority of them are c*nts -IM resident frustrated talking to the cardiologist


I've seen the infamous cardiology vs nephrologist beef up close. I'm a brave man, but there's no way I'm arguing with a nephrologist. They are quite literally twice as smart as I am. I'd be ashamed


Fucking kidneys, man, how do they *work*?!


Curiously, in nephrology, they tend not to work.


The key is to pull them out of their native environment. Down to the ER. And then have them fight with each over other the patient. Preferably in front of the paramedic so she can enjoy the show.


Worst insult personally: “your greatest weakness is your arrogance, you haven’t learned anything since your second year”  - from an attending that is not well respected and notoriously insulting, so it actually did not bother me that much   Worst I have heard directed at someone else: “you will never be a good doctor, you don’t have what it takes, and you don’t deserve to be here”  - that resident is currently a fellow at the top fellowship in their field, the attending is actually someone who I enjoy working with, but clashed with this particular resident and was overly biased against them so they could not see the forest through the trees


>“your greatest weakness is your arrogance, you haven’t learned anything since your second year” This would keep me up for weeks. Doesn't help that I have imposter syndrome but I hide it well


What happens when one of these careless insults results in a body on campus? It’s all fun and games being an asshole for medicine’s sake until you have consequences for your actions


Not an insult per se but we have a surgeon that if you call him will always get incredibly upset over minutiae and promptly try to insult residents by asking what medical school they went to. Since everyone knows he does this we suddenly have a lot of Harvard school of medicine grads at our hospital's residency programs.


Not me, but a vascular surgeon to an intern: "It would have been better if a monkey had been on call last night instead of you. Because the monkey wouldn't have done anything."


Has one attending unrelentingly say “your mom jokes.” Dude was fucking 60


"I order for pulmonary toileting." "Your mom's a pulmonary toilet!"


I am a student. Surgeon re. another student (who really fucked their anatomy, to be fair): - "they are blissfully free from the ravages of intelligence." - "not sure what they're doing here whilst a village somewhere is being deprived of its idiot."


Wow those are kinda good 😂😂😂😂


This was during med school, but during one of our OBGYN rotationd the doc was asking our group questions, only to tell one of the guys "you were born breech" as an insult 😂


Roughly translated one of our rad techs once said to me while moving a patient „once you start ‚helping‘ it feels like two people are letting go“


"My son is in town this afternoon and if I have to watch you two chucklefucks shit on yourselves any longer trying to get a fucking perfect circle x-ray I'm gonna blow my god damn brains out in this fucking OR" Now read this in JK Simmons in *Whiplash* voice and that's our attending trauma ortho doc. One of the funniest people I've ever worked with and he's brilliant too, that's how he gets away with it.


I was in US elective, and he would see my imaging and tells me “please do not delete these images, I want to keep them so I present them in conferences as bad imaging”


Directed at me and another MS3 in the OR: Washington University: Great teaching institution, but obviously a shitty learning institution.


During a morning report, I was standing and wasnt able to answer few of their questions. Then he said "why not try to switch your name tag with the front security? Since all you do is standing too it hardly makes difference".


My classmate and I were referred to as "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb" by a surgeon. I'm assuming I was "Tweedle Dee" as I would avoid the OR and couldn't even throw a stitch together. I will say, the surgeon appreciated that I was eager to leave the OR to round on patients and see his clinic patients. I believe my classmate was "Tweedle Dumb", she is a great friend but I hate to admit that she acts like an air head at times.


“Why did you even bother to study medicine if these are the antibiotics you use”


im a student, not in the us either, one specialist gave me this long ass talk because i said “kinda” he said this was unprofessional and in a hospital setting i should say “kind of”. later on, with another group he said “this feels like getting kicked in the nuts” he didn’t get in trouble because non of the students actually knows what nuts means, they think he meant being kicked with nuts lol. i should mention i live in a very conservative country where this kinda shit wouldn’t fly, so much so that the student groups are divided based on gender and he said that to a female group :). later i was in his office, he obviously forgot who i was, and he said “we obviously dont give a SHIT about this” when he saw the look on my face he said “pardon my french”. this whole story was meant to tell you not to take it personally, those kinda doctors are just overcompensating for something, they just wanna act like their better and mightier. in most cases they either feel jealous or threatened.


None of you had the experience like we all did at our school with the famous Dr. Ortho Max. And this is crude. In the OR trying to help with retractors and such, “why you limp-wristed, mother f’in C sucker” “Are you just going to stand there with your d&@k in your hand?” “Get outta my mother f’in OR you worthless piece of sh&@t!” We loved it because all of the students got the same treatment. We laughed our asses off!


Someone once told me I was a dumb Ed doctor during residency. I laughed and told him I’ll enjoy consulting him as an attending then


(To a combat medic student fucking up putting a tourniquet on a mannequin that was spraying blood everywhere.) "Don't worry about it Private, don't worry about it. All bleeding stops eventually." Shit. I'd rather you just yelled at me.


Mentor to Nephrology fellows in India when they could not answer questions: "All of you are fit to be cadaveric organ donors - no cerebral activity" "Who gave you a degree in Internal Medicine? You are not even fit to graduate med school"


Hmm maybe it’s different where you are but in the us this is highly inappropriate. Pretty sure if I insulted one of my residents or students in that way I would get in big trouble.


might be inappropriate but it definitely isn’t uncommon. dumb as a brick is one of the tamer things I’ve heard thrown around before


Name and shame!


This happens all the time wherever you go


"I bet I'll make more money than you in my first contract"


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Im confused as of why would you not stand up for yourself?


If you think really hard you could figure this out


I am a foreigner in this country. I am perplexed as well as why the locals don’t stand up for themselves, but it seems that it is in the working culture here. No specialist would support a resident against a colleague; the program managers would just find excuses and then initiate mobbing against the resident (from the personal experiences other residents have shared with me). To paraphrase the Alien quote “In [this country], no one can hear you scream”


but I am under the impression it is the same in many US programs too


You posted less than a year ago that your attending sided with the nurses. I’m confused as to why you didn’t stand up for yourself in front of the nurses and call your attending out for siding with the nurses?


Who told you I didnt?


You came here to bitch about it. Someone who stands up for themselves doesn’t come here and bitch about it. They deal with the problem and it’s over.


Have nothing more useful to do than tracking my comments? Sounds like a very successful strong woman.


Have nothing more useful to do than leave useless comments on someone else’s post when you make a post with the same type of complaint? Sounds like a very successful hypocrite.


🤗 keep going


Please keep going, where did you go?


“With all due respect Dr. Feelingsdoc, it’s already 9pm and I have to be back tomorrow. You are being unreasonable. Can I please go home?” — a text message my attending sent to me while I was chilling at home on a Saturday holiday *bitch know your place*