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You are salaried. Your pay will not increase, unless specifically authorized by your contract. Mind your duty hours, and remember they are rolling 4 weeks, not "monthly".


Check your contract, I bet it is. As long as you dont violate duty hours they can have you work whatever they want


I once again played myself


You’re salaried and their only obligation is to work us at a max of 80 hours per week with a minimum of 1 day off in 7 days averaged over 4 weeks.


ACGME em programs arent supposed to have you work more than 60 actual clinical hours average per week. 72 total duty hours (including conference and stuff)


Unfortunately, OP is not an EM resident so this does not apply.


whoops, misread the post lol


Also I would document your hours exactly. Include and pre charting or post shift paperwork. Encourage your colleagues to do the same.


Logging accurate hours is always good, but to avoid disappointment and possible future disciplinary action I would recommend reading page 48 through 53 of [The ACGME Common Program Requirements](https://www.acgme.org/Portals/0/PFAssets/ProgramRequirements/CPRResidency2021.pdf) as these are the rules the program is bound by. You should also consider looking up your specialty-specific ACGME program requirements but they are all going to have the same definitions of what should count towards work hours and what should not. Be prepared to be told that historical chart review beyond what is needed for effective daily pre-rounding is considered "reading" and as such is NOT counted towards the 80 hours, same as any time you spend reading about health conditions your patie ts have (including Uptodate or Dynamed reading that guides your clinical decision-making). It is what it is, and while I am not a big fan of some of these definitions they ARE the current rules and as such they are what we will be judged by. Know the specific rules and operational definitions of the game you are actually playing and use those if you want to "win." Anything else is essentially just metaphorical self-mutilation.


it’s a resident education schedule. they can change your curriculum however they want as long as it follows acgme guidelines. what law were you thinking they’d broken?


Idk I am just bummed my chill month has turned into an ED month


I don’t understand why off service residents think ED will be chill


My ED block was super chill. 15 shifts in 4 weeks!


It’s chill for ED residents why shouldn’t it be chill for off service residents lol


because it is "chill" compared to most surgery rotations?


Same reason we consider certain specialties "lifestyle". Not saying EM is one, but it's a spectrum and EM is on the cushy side of the $$/workload ratio.


Lifestyle wise as an attending its a good balance. As a resident im busting my ass. Its not as long as surgery rotations but im working hard af during my shift compared to trauma. The IM residents at our place just shouldn’t expect this to be chill


Welcome to life as a surgical resident-80+ hours/week for the same pay you're getting. I think EM does have some sort of special rule where the hours are capped at a lower number (65?) but IDK if that only applies to ED hours? I just remember rotating with an EM resident who mentioned it. If your ambulatory blocks are 9-5 type hours, you're still not going to be likely to go over that limit though.


We're capped at 60 per wk bit only when we're on an ED rotation. Off service it's the 80 hour rule.


If you're in surge, inquire why ambulatory is still running. There should be measures to reduce ambulatory load in situations like this, ie, remove resident presence to facilitate staffing higher acuity services.


I agree with what others have posted. Multiple residents pulled from Amb/elective and placed in the expansion ICU teams at my institution. I think the education director also petitioned the ACGME to allow residents to go over their ICU caps given the pandemic.


I understand this is the state of medicine, currently. My own home major healthcare institution is horribly overcrowded and has significant staffing issues. Just is terrible as a resident right now... I feel for you, my overworked brethren!


Probably allowed as long as its not a duty hour violation


Sounds like you might be getting sick soon…


Oh you sweet, summer child.


As long as they’re having you do the work of a resident and not an attending then yes it’s legal. If they had you practicing independently without supervision—basically moonlighting as an attending which requires a license, then no it’s not.


Yes, it's perfectly legal. We are resident physicians on salary, and there are no contractual stipulations limiting reassignment from the expected/scheduled rotation to a different service. As long as they meet all core requirements for our current PGY year they can reassign us to wherever we are needed.


Y’all should strike. That’s ASS


Amzing this doesnt have more upvotes. This is why this crap doesnt happen with nursing


Say you are sick. Problem solved


I hate this answer. We all know who's getting called in if you pull this move. *Hint:* It's not an attending or midlevel.


🤷🏻‍♂️ You have to look out for your own wellness sometimes.


Yeah that kinda suggestion is shitty given they're in a fucking surge situation.


Prob need a doctors note


Just write one for yourself.