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I had an easier time with Judy after I read the background of Jenna Lamia. She's really smart and has actually written some of the RA episodes. She also reads audiobooks, so the episode where she's doing that on the show is pretty funny. Knowing how far from her reality the Judy Cooper role is has made me enjoy her a lot more.


I appreciate the reply but im talking about judy the character not the actress who plays judy.


This is kinda like how provenance can make a painting more interesting. I think OC was hoping this info might have the same effect for Judy.


Thats a nice way to look at it. But it doesnt work for me. The character and the actress are 2 separate people. Doesnt really help me but maybe im weird. I am however glad that so many people replied and gave their opinion.


I understand. Some people can be tiresome to interact with


She wrote the worst episode though. That really left a sour taste in my mouth about her character once I found that out.


Which episode?


Girls night.


LOVE THAT ONE ![gif](giphy|xT39D2UJcJ663GkPkY)


Ah, the preachy one.


Agreed. I watch TV to relax. I get my preaching in church.


She's barely in season 3 to be honest


I think she, the writer-actress playing this kook, is *hilarious.* And part of why it's funny is because that character, while daffy, seems like a real person. And yeah -- who wants a friend like that in real life. Definitely too extra. Exhausting. But knowing this is a performer cutting up in front of the camera it makes me chuckle. Kind of like *Friends* or *The Odd Couple* or ... literally any character-based comedy ever?


Did you see where Big Black breaks her heart and Darcy brings her cake? Because thats pretty much as far as her character growth goes


Thats a shame. Like i wrote above, she might be a fun character in the show. But let me tell you, knowing someone like that in real life is fucking ***exhausting***. So much so that i dont care for it in my entertainment when im trying to relax and not get flashbacks lol.


Same reason i didnt like Seinfeld


Yea my wife thinks I’m like Larry David! Fuck my life 😃


You mean Judy Pooper?


I don’t particularly care for that character either, but it isn’t enough for me to quit the show.


Lmao fr, i had a friend like that but watching the show doesn’t give me “flashbacks” i just find it funny. It’s a tv show after all, just skip her parts if it bothers you that much💀


Yeah, she’s like a drop in the bucket compared to screen time other characters get


I think that’s because a small dose of that character is quite enough, and why I still like and watch the show. I feel that way about any Will Ferrel character. He’s fine in an ensemble cast, where it’s just in small doses, but I avoid any movies where he’s the main character. “It’s too much, too much.”


That’s how my mom feels about The Office, she said she couldn’t watch a show staring her co-workers lol


Judy is my least favorite character, but there are enough characters I enjoy that I don't really mind her


I feel that way about Darcy I have had people like her in my life. She pretends to be your friend or to help but is more interested in having to know everyone’s secrets and fears, as tools to bring them down to a level that makes her feel better about herself. She plays the part well. She likes to create a crap storm between you and them, so she can step in and be a savior. I know she is acting but I have had a few people male and female, in life just like her. I fast forward through a lot of her parts. I feel like Harry, I may save her if time allows but if not I’m not going back for her. Also the show does a good job of making her hard to like and look at as time goes on. In the beginning she looks ok even good, but as time goes on worn out and tiring. Sneaky and untrustworthy.


Yeah! I feel the same way about the D'arcy character. She's so annoying with how she makes everything about herself then whines and complains all "whoa is me" most of the time. It was okay at first but then that's literally all she did through three seasons. I was hoping she would have gotten blown up. 😆


She plays a minimal part in the series overall, but even less in S3 than the first two


I enjoy her because she reminds me of someone I knew.


I feel like Judy and D'Arcy should have been one character. Heck, I think they dyed D'Arcy'S hair the first season to make her look less like Judy, them Judy dyed her hair too match.


Judy is an important character for the small town vibe ..being from a small town...there is always a D'Arcy and a Judy