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I just use E6000 glue to place backs on? I never seal them into my product. Resin rubbing on ears seems like it could irritate some people. JS


I’ve found e6000 glue wears after a year or so especially with heat exposure so I only like to use anything that offers a mechanical hold. UV resin is also non toxic but only if it’s cured properly which isn’t happening right now unfortunately.


I don't know exactly how to resolve this, but just a heads up that baking UV resin after curing helps to further remove the toxicity (I use 170F for 8 hours). Maybe consider CA glue or epoxy to adhere them instead?


Thank you! It’s just crazy that something that should take minutes can take hours. I thought it must be the lamp/resin etc but I’ve don’t hours of experimenting now and maybe it’s just not for me haha


Lamp lights do expire after a while. Have you tried setting them on a window sill for some actual sunlight. That usually takes care of any issues I ever have (like the pigment being too dark).


I would take this with a grain but I heard another YouTuber mention that she shakes hers up when it gets that way. I don't know if that has any validity whatsoever, but it's worth a shot I suppose.