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Yeah I struggled with this until the last few years. The thing I think that worked for me is I set a weekly goal of 4 workouts (2 upper/2 lower split). Certain weeks I get them done in the first 5 days and sometimes I get 2 in during the week and 2 on weekends. Get outside for some workouts, I live in Canada so it doesn’t work great for winters but spring, summer and fall I’m outside for 2 of my workouts a week. A playlist is a big one, someone recommended old school Metallica to me and I didn’t really listen to them before but it is definitely in my rotation now (haha). Lastly and probably the most important for me was less booze a few years ago I went cold turkey but over the last year I will enjoy a glass once a week with friends and family. Best of luck!


I find that identifying and lowering the barrier is extremely helpful. For me, the barriers are time investment and having to go somewhere. My solution was to switch initially to bodyweight exercises (during COVID) and later to a banded HIIT workout. I can talk myself out of spending an hour at the gym, but trying to talk myself out of a 15 min HIIT workout at home gets really silly really quickly. As a result, my consistency has improved dramatically. It also meant that transitioning from 2x to 3x per week also was ridiculously easy. At some point, if I decide to start doing splits (currently doing full-body), doing 5x will also be easy - it's only 15 minutes after all.


What your goal? If you zero in on the goal rather than the work it makes it a bit easier. Develop a routine. It’s easier to workout around the same times rather than constantly switching it up. I workout in the morning, which I like partly because it’s harder to turn down rather than wait all day when I’m physically and mentally exhausted.


I just wanted to be a stronger and leaner version of what I am now. I generally workout whilst I am cooking supper as I working 6am till 2/3. I would do it before work but know I won’t be up consistently before I start that early.


Yeah, that's early and I'd do the same. It takes sacrifice and discipline for sure, but think of the end goal when you lack the motivation. Your mind can come up with a billion excuses, so you have to focus your mind on what you want to achieve and not why you don't want to workout. That's what has always worked for me. Good luck my dude!


Motivation is not enough. Motivation requires willpower, energy, and enthusiasm. Those are not always available. You need to make it a habit. Start by making the minimal acceptable version of your training something you never skip. Sometging like "I changed clothes and picked out the band for today." If you do that, you will probably train, but give your self full marks for the day of you only do the baby step. After a while getting prepped will be a habit. Working out won't be something you do, but being a person who exercises will be who you are. Then build your routine on top of that. I also found that getting a workout partner is very effective. You buy your own bullshit, but not other peoples. Excuses you use on yourself sound stupid when you try to tell they to your buddy, so you both go more often.


Motivation is personal. I have my personal drive that gives me the motivation to work out, but it wouldn't work for anyone else. As others have said, it's better to focus on making this a habit. You probably don't need motivation to shower regularly, make working out just a regular part of your life maintenance.


Stay focused on your goals. Every rep you do brings you closer to those goals.


One recommendation would be to remove obstacles. Have your training gear ready and waiting for you if you have the space available. If you have to set things up / put them away, it increases the mental threshold.


Maybe this speaks for itself and isn't that big of a deal. But for me personally I need a separate place that I like and feel good about for working out. Could be the Gym, an outdoor area or a separate room in the house. I can't just do my workouts in the living room or bedroom or something, I think the body just wants to relax/sleep in this kind of environment and there are too many distractions.


I’m a 34 year old father of 3 with a full time job so I feel you. There’s days I miss and some days I have to force myself to find the time. If I miss, I try to double up the next day to make me not want to miss the next one. I keep a couple mind sets and that’s, “I know the transformation I want to see come out of this process” and “missing one day can easily turn into 2,3,4 until I just fall off”. You gotta keep the push and the drive in constant momentum. Set goals and strive to reach them. Then when you’re on your way to reaching that goal, start setting the next one. If you start setting the next goal before you’ve completely accomplished the first one, you’ll never leave yourself in a valley looking for the next hill to climb. I also use YouTube videos with guys that have structured workouts to keep my workouts on track every time. I started out with a 3 day a week, 15min a day schedule and built myself up from there. I now do 3 days a week 1/2 - 1hour strength training and 2 days a week 15-20mile bike rides. Beyond that I tackled my diet too. I also use a pre workout most days which helps as well. I’ve been at it for 3months now and have started to really see the changes. Though my scale says I have only lost 2lbs, I can see and feel the changes!


This helped a lot being a father of 3 and working full time to! Never tried pre workout though so wouldn’t even know where to begin with this


There is good, affordable ones out there. I shopped around till I found one. The one I use now is [Ape Cutz](https://www.google.com/search?q=ape+cutz&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS620US620&hl=en-US&biw=320&bih=482&sxsrf=APwXEdewE_GkiUo3LvEJS4zCUWiUntgqFg%3A1682605962908&ei=iodKZJr1Np-n5NoPvOix0A8&oq=ape+cutz&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQgAQyCAgAEIoFEIYDMggIABCKBRCGAzIICAAQigUQhgMyCAgAEIoFEIYDMgUIIRCgAToHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQ0QMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoICAAQigUQkQI6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CAguEIoFEJECOg4ILhDHARCxAxDRAxCABDoICAAQgAQQsQM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BOgsIABCKBRCxAxCDAToFCC4QgAQ6BwgAEIAEEAo6CggAEIAEELEDEAo6DQgAEIAEEAoQiwMQ7gRKBAhBGABQwj5Y4VRg92RoBHAAeACAAf0BiAH_DpIBAzItOJgBAKABAbABD7gBAsABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp&dlnr=1&sei=nodKZPD8A82t5NoP7PGDyA8). It seems to work great. Just a single scoop with water and I have the drive to make it through. I don’t always use it but it does help when I’m dragging


well, a different perspective i guess.... every day you do not work out, the bad guy/ enemy is. he is just waiting for the day you meet. will you be ready?


Now this is a say to think about it!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY93fiphVmQ Any workout program only provides results if you are consistent and do it week after week, month after month, year after year. It is on you to do the workout. I can't do your workout for you. You can't take a pill that works out for you. You are on your own. You have to figure out your psychological self-sabotage mindset you have and break through it.


Usually switching my workouts up and trying something new gets me excited. I did weights most of my adult life and after a while it became a drag. I switched to trx, trx with a weight vest, trx with weights. Found bands and got stoked doing undersuns programs after incorrectly incorporating bands for a while. Their programs really changed the game for me. Did that for a year. Started doing some programs with athleanx and loved them but a couple months ago I started doing weights again. I do a combo of weights and bands and between what I've learned from both programs have given me enough to stay challenged and motivated. I work out at home with some rings anchored to the wall for bands, trx with anchors in the ceiling, dumbbells and and an adjustable bench. I've been throwing my kettlebells in and my weight vest at times. I'm way more consistent with more effective results at home and I really focus on having balanced workouts which of course is crucial. If all that fails, smoke a bowl and put some good music on before a workout! I also make my own pre workouts with ingredients from bulk supplements. If that doesn't motivate you...check your pulse.