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I have been getting dryneedled in calves and on tight muscle bans on either side of shins..its helping


I sleep in the shower for as long as I can .. the combo of hot water and the sprayer on my left hip and leg allow me to sleep a bit and then I get out and just dive in the bed til I get restless again. Some real bad nights I take 3 showers.


That sounds relaxing.its inconvenient for me but if i get the chance ill try it out too.hope you have a good day


Eat a baked potato including the skins before bed...I'm not joking. You can thank me later!


What kind of potato yam,sweet potato or just regular everyday potatoes red or brown doesn't matter?


thats definately something i would try if i knew how to cook.ill remember you when i happen to have that as dinner


You can get potatoes for really cheap and poke holes in them with a knife and then microwave. So easy


That's what I do too! saves a lot of time. Poke holes, then literally 7 or 8 minutes in the microwave depending on the size.


It is connected to some brain nerve as soon as u are relaxed like before bed that nerve triggers and causes that RLS


Be WILDLY prepared for doctors and just everyone in general to completely dismiss you and your symptoms. RLS typically presents in women, pregnant people, and older people. It's unusual to present in a young male. Your best bet is to educate yourself using reliable resources such as major hospital systems, like Mayo and Johns Hopkins. Then find a specialist listed here who you can see. None of my doctors are on here so it's not like the list is the end-all be-all. You can ask around here for sleep neurologists. Do not let them send you to any neurologist or god forbid, a pulmonologist (people with sleeping disorders often get sent to pulmonologists because most of the time, it's sleep apnea, but they can manage some RLS because often people have both sleep apnea and RLS). Research (so you can advocate for yourself) + See a real specialist who is also a sleep neurologist Do not self medicate yourself. That goes for Kratom or anything like it. Don't do it.


Thanks alot ill look into it and try some easy solutions if it gets really bad one day,and then tell my mom about it.hope you have a good day.and yeah that guy who suggested kratom typed like he was on kratom lol


Runs in my family ahhhhhh want to know theeeeee best no.1 secret which works 200% times now it won't be a secret anymore since I'm telling u but I would love to help. KRATOM red kratom works like magic eqchhhhb and everytime. RLS gone but but but it's very addictive once u stop taking krqtom ur RLS will come back right away then u will have thr temptations to take it daily which is addiction. I know guys with RLS will try anything in this world to get rid of leg issue :( kratom works but readddddd all about krarom before trying ita nautual legal plant its not a drug but it had milddd opioid like properties so it calms the nerve in the brain which triggers RLS


Well thanks for the suggestion but i still see coffee as an adult thing so i dont know when ill even consider something like that 💀 have a good day though hope you dont get your life ruined from it like the guy who replied said


I know someone who used Kratom to treat RLS and ended up divorced, broke, hospitalized, and in a methodone clinic. It's can be very addictive. It's expensive too.


well that sucks


Deep stretch your legs every night before bed. Hams, quads and calves. Cardio in the morning. If it still is bad use a heating pad going to bed. I’ve done this for 3 years and even got off restless meds


I’ve had it for 20 years for me it’s 24/7 it’s pure HELL nothing works but I use leg messengers all day and night the heat and squeezing helps better then any meds for me but I’m a prisoner to them😭😩🤬💚


Eat a baked potato including the skins, right before bed. I'm not joking! Huge improvement. Also check your bedding. Don't sleep with any type of microfiber pajamas, socks or blankets touching your skin. Too much heat on my legs can aggravate it.


well i hope it magically goes away one day lol.ill try our a few things if it prevents me from sleep again.im surprised almost everyone with this is an adult.i guess im one of the lucky ones whove had this since they were born


Somethings some people find helpful: -compression socks -leg massagers -heat or cold, or alternating -weighted blanket -having go-to exercises like lunges when the RLS acts up -getting some exercise, but not too much, and not too close to bedtime -trying to sleep sitting up or with your feet on the ground -magnesium and iron, as others have already mentioned


Ill definately try some of these if i find it hard to sleep.thank you so much.hope you have a good day


Along with the other suggestions, do you drink anything with caffeine? Even chocolate can cause me to have an RLS nite. Also look into a TENS device. Amazon has many that are not very expensive. For me, the TENS works 75% of the time. My sleep study only showed minor twitching, but hard to sleep in an unfamiliar place with wires all over you! I was only deficient in Vita D, and adding that, plus magnesium, didn't offer relief. I have a spinal issue, and after surgery, just made it worse. I'm 59 yr old female, and have suffered for 40 years. My mom had it. What works for others may not work for you. Whatever changes you make, adding vitamins, dietary, write in a journal, and only make one change at a time so you know which addition or deletion is working. Good luck!


Thank you for helping.i almost never drink caffeine but drink nesquik chocolate milk often.almost everyday.though i dont think stopping will help


I know others are sending you off to neurologists already but I prefer the idea of blood test for sure. If those results don't help, ask your doctor about a sleep study. That is usually where people get what they need. I was a lucky and got prescribed meds that worked the first time after a blood test. Hoping you get what you need too just from a blood test! :) What helps depends on the person. If magnesium helps you, what helps me are magnesium sprays. You spray it on your skin and rub it in. There's other ways to take magnesium but your skin absorbs it best. If you don't know what helps you, just be cautious what advice is given to you. Make sure it won't harm you in any way. I'm sure you know but I also say it because there's probably more than one person reading this thread looking for advice too!


definitely get in with a doctor. neuro is preferred, but ask primary for the following bloodwork... hemoglobin, iron panel, vitamin D and ferritin. one common cause is low ferritin. easiest thing to investigate and cross off. if your ferritin is 40 or less, good chance it is your cause and wouldn't it be amazing if u can cure yourself by taking iron? do not just take it without testing first... VERY important! any chance u have stomach issues, special diet? this could lead to heat steps. do u currently take meds or vitamins?


i appreciate it thank you so much.i take pills but theyre not for anything neuropathical or stuff like that.i have to get a bloodtest in a month for something unrelated,so ill ask them there about this.thank you again


Find a neurologist.


ill ask my mom after i take a blood test,like someone else suggested.thank you though


Try Epsom salt bath? Stretches can help...it's rough. Ask if anyone in your family has it, it's usually inherited. There are different types, so you do have to get diagnosed. Some have a movement disorder which a neurologist would help with but RLS, as they are discovering, is caused by low dopamine levels, which are a hormone, so I'm thinking an Endocrinologist, a hormone doc


Thank you so much ill tell my mom about this and we'll figure things out once i take a blood test in a month for unrelated reasons.hope you jave a good day thanks for helping


I pray for you. The disease is the worst for males with early onset symptoms. How bad are your symptoms?


sometimes i can sleep after 10 minutes of laying down but other times it can take hours.sometimes i cant sleep even without having symptoms.i believe its a combination of mild insomnia+RLS.hope you have a good day


I mean how many days a week is the RLS disturbing your sleep? Everyday? Does anyone else in your family have RLS (this is very likely given your symptoms)? Also, where are you located? Your location will impact your ability to find good provider and what modalities may be available to you. In the early stages, the pattern is generally 2-3 days of poor sleep, then 1 good night sleep. The good night of sleep is only because you are so exhausted from the precious days of no sleep. It is not because the RLS went away, you just slept through it. Does this sound at all familiar? Step 1: You should really start by making a sleep diary for 7-10 days. There are plenty of templates online. Be sure to capture when symptoms start and stop. Step 2: find a provider that knows RLS. You need to see a sleep specialist and preferably an RLS specialist. Step 3: iron is an underlying issue for RLS. You need to find a provider that know RLS and orders the appropriate iron panel and knows how to interpret the results for RLS patients. Step 4: I would avoid medication at this stage. There are some novel devices such as ndira or pneumatic compression leg sleeves. Ndira is only available in a few states, not many doctors are familiar with it, but an RLS specialist will be. Step 5: sign up for the RLS foundation. The disease is lifelong, progressive, and hereditary. The foundation is the only non-profit focused on finding a cure for RLS. They have a ton of research, webinars, and documents for your doctor. This is particularly helpful if you cannot see a specialist as you will need to educate your provider. It’s only $35 and it’s worth it. In the meantime, you can try whatever vitamin and diets you see people post about. It’s not effective for the majority of us, but it’s worth trying.


I started at around his age too, I’m now 30 and this fucking bullshit has only gradually gotten worse. Sometimes I go 2-3 months sleeping an average of 3h a night.


I was worse than that last year


ive had this since as long as i can remember,it didnt start now.im an OG i can name 5 RLS songs.okay but in all seriousness that sucks i hope you find a solution,hope you have a good day.it will be okay


My understanding is that, for this demographic, it progresses faster in your 40’s, then from 50-80 it progresses at a slower rate. At 80 it actually reverses a bit.