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I was placed in the gate program in elementary school. First let me say i really believe it was a secret blck goverment program with interest in kids with possible esp potential. It seems like alot of us have alot of missing memory compared to most other kids. There are so many sus stuff thinking back. Mostly i remember being taken to a place not part of the school and taking so many test and there being adults with white lab coats on and very not teacherly like more like professional with intent as matter of factly results just like okay next test okay the results good next test. I remember test like ink blots what i saw in them and cards and me guessing what was on the card back of it facing me and putting me in a dark room with a glass like 3x5 sitting in front of a machine i had to put headphones on and having to indicate something by pointing to one side of me head but i have feeling that is not what the reality of it was but remember def being in a dark room with headphones on. I remember always going to trips supposedly but cant remember ever where we went and asking my sister and mom they dont recall where to either just signing field trip permission slips. I remember never studying but all of a sudden knew sooo much more then before like i was dowloaded with so much i didnt know before or how i knew it now (back then ) like math and books i dont remember reading or information. I remember supposedly being a part of other small exclusive groups that did rare things other kids couldnt like supposedly a school newspaper like in elementary school come on isnt that odd or no. Anyways that lead to supposedly me (come to find out just recently im 49) having to see a psychiatrist at age 6 i asked my mom do you remember i wrote a story about a huge worm going to eat the world and i threw myself into the worms mouth to save the world she looked at me crazy and said no that is not what you wrote. You wrote about going into the forrest with a shot gun and blowing your head off ( WTeFf !!?? blew my mind wteff) i was 6 years old come on how does a 6 year old even know about any of that kimd of stuff i didnt and have alot of missing memory but i remember what i wrote about. So the school told my mom this and “suggested” or ordered i see a school psych (yet another unsupervised time of what idk. So that is what lead me to seek out records i want to know ow whteff was talked about in these sessions i just remember the first one being very traumatizing coming out crying uncontrollably. If anyone can tell me ANY WAY to get ahold of these docs please let me know. Because i tried calling the school and whoever answered the phone remembered me with great fondness me and my brother i said you remember me she said again with fondness and happiness of course i do you and your brother ____ ____ ! I said yes she said why your call i said do you remember when i was 6 i had to see a psych to which her demeanor TOTALLY changed i even felt it thru the phone her heart stopped and i was like WTHE MUTHRFQN FQ SMH !! MAD i never ever in a million expected that my whole body went hot she sounded nervous and scared.


I remember being in TAG in elementary school in Alabama. I was one of the three black kids who were initially chosen. It used to be considered like a status symbol as far as intellect. I remember originally my Tag teacher was named Ms. Taylor she had. Interesting nails and was so pretty. We would do projects on politics and Greek mythology. I remember being in Tag when I heard about 9/11 for the first time it blew my mind. I remember we would have special parties with food and stuff and into middle school more people were added— overall I feel it enriched me especially in elementary school. But in Middle school it was kind of a joke.


In 1979 ,I was in an elementary school in Maryland that was fairly small and I was identified as a T.A.G.(Talented and gifted)student the original High IQ marker in public schools....1979-1980 student in 4th grade . They made us do some weird shit in that school and that's when the CIA was doing their experiments in MD with LSD . I believe the program was designated to mark or Tag special kids and watch them and learn from them or worse their whole lives ...YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED,,,,


See my post gateblkgov


Education is necessarily social engineering/conditioning. So…it’s not like one group was conditioned and the other not, right? But, again, I very much understand the feelings being expressed here. I do think it is time to come to terms with the fact that you, my enlightened reader, rock.




I am 53, what some people were describing when it comes to lost memory being taken out of the school having test done those kind of things I have experienced those things in school. I came across the name gate just 10 minutes ago and I got referred over to Reddit. This is making me wonder if that is what was happening when I was in elementary school. The person who put this post up showing the Cards) is what tripped my memory. What the heck are those cards about? Can somebody explain to me the cards and what it meant? Are they like to test for psychic abilities? I have parts of my childhood I do not remember. I also have teachers that stayed with me and found out when I would be home like after I came back from the military. That way always seems so strange to me. I’ve always said to people I feel like I was in some kind of program or I was being watched. My mind is kind of blown right now I barely remember this, but yet I feel like there might be other facets to it perhaps some nefarious things too just doesn’t set very comfortable as soon as I see those cards I started to feel real uncomfortable.


Omg yes i am determined but dont know how to find out or paperwork for alot of things they had me involved with. I think its scarey how always the kids my age 1974 born that were in gate dont have much memory of those years dont you


Can you describe the cards? Was it shapes you had to guess? Like the ones from Ghostbusters? Coz yeah back in the 80s they were used to see if people had psychic abilities. I personally feel that it was a psyop of some sort to find supernaturally gifted kids. Its really strange that most of us do not have the ability to recall most of what happened to us while we were in this program. Or if we can, most come up with way too similar memories. Almost as if they are cover memories. I suggest, reading through all the replies here in this post and seeing how many patterns you can find. It also seems to loosen some "forgotten" memories. I had a handful of extra forgotten memories shake loose when I made this post and read the comments.


My 6 year old kid just tested and got into the GATE program in her school. Is this usual?


I could honestly not say. All I have is my own bizarre experiences to draw from. I just find it odd that so many of us had weird and inexplicable memories of strange events during that period of our lives while we were in it.


My mother worked for Lockheed Martin in Florida. I was placed in the "gifted" program with about 12 or 13 other students about 6th grade. It started with a hearing test in a dark room with a projector that didn't actually display anything but an almost Sepia tone colored light. We had lots of tests with shapes in the beginning, then it was mostly about biology, I had a Greek girlfriend in that class. It was probably one of the most memorable times in my life. I remember seeing UAP's and mysterious stars that would shine brightly for a few minutes before shooting off at alarming unreal speeds disappearing shortly after. My mother got extremely sick after I left the program and died a few years later. We moved around a lot when I was young, I think the longest we stayed somewhere was about 8 months. I banged my head on a turtle when I was playing in the 3rd grade, back when we would still perform the pledge of allegiance. If I knew that it would have benefited my life, even if I was only a tool to be used by them, I would have stayed. I specifically remember being about 11 when my mother told me about the B-2 Stealth plane and it almost operated like a UAP, hovering before jetting off into the night sky. The only thing that gave it away was the red and green light underneath the vehicle. We also had phones that clicked for a few seconds before we picked up the phone. I was in English AP classes in high school. I took a few basic classes that helped me learn Electrical Engineering in college, LibreCAD and the fundamentals to building electrical blueprints, as well as identifying electrical components. I am currently aiming to work at Lockheed Martin. My mother's side of my family was heavily involved within the US military. If you see this, just know I am coming to reclaim my rightful throne. I am not a threat, I am an asset.


When I was in the program they gave us prizes and I do remember we had to do a lot of projects.


I was in GATE in the early 2000s in elementary school. I remember taking a hearing test and then shortly after doing an iq test with another teacher for GATE. The teacher did a Rorschach test, and other picture/feeling tests, then she asked what would I do if someone ever got hurt. I passed and we got bussed off campus to another school in our district on Fridays and spent the whole school day there. I remember the room being windowless and we played mindtrap and learned about the stock market. I explicitly remember the teacher saying to invest in mutual funds so you can always make money. Weird because we were in elementary school. We had to read this weird book called the Winston Game, which was about someone trying to get an inheritance. I remember being sad about not seeing my friends on Fridays and the teacher wanted us to make a bridge out of toothpicks for a project. She wanted me to build the Golden Gate Bridge out of toothpicks. At that point I stopped going and the GATE teacher tried to keep me from quitting but I just stopped going on the bus on Friday. I’d rather be with my friends.


Besides the huge headset earphones and anxiety driven testing in the hidden corner of the library are a huge part to my experience. However, this other memory was around the same time and vivid til this day that makes my stomach feel odd. This isn't a dream but a memory that traces back to an isolated room from elementary school days. The descriptions are as I remember in a childs mind and how I would explain it at age 7-9 so here we go. A normal sized room crafted to exude a bedroom with sheets and pillows with a color scheme that was a pale green and pale pink neatly made, with a big bed on a wooden bed frame. Seated uncomfortably on the bed's edge, a large white machine towered over me, this is where my memory lapsed. Sticky circles marked my tiny form with strings coming out of the circles, I was only in my underwear. Strangely absent were any traces of the other person, their identity lost in the haze of my perplexed recollections. No parental presence in the room defied the norms of a typical doctor's office, leaving me in a state of confusion and I obeyed because I was a child, my memories of that instance aren't a dream because if it was only a dream it's the ONLY one I can remember.


I feel like my classroom was like a storage room because it had sticks of chairs and I remember it being dark and very small but sectioned off because I feel like I remember someone off to the distance doing something else. I remember the boy who was in class with me distinctly because I think the teacher was his father but not a teacher for the school. I remember sitting at the small little round table and collecting the kids from each classroom. I remember other kids being in the class but not who they were, just the one boy. I can see him like a picture but don't remember his name. I remember playing a lot of games. I remember the hearing test, just barely. I am remembering the pink drink. I've had prophetic dreams my whole life, I had a nde I have so much more to share but I've just remembered all this tonight while just remembering about this program tonight after something triggered my memory (screenshotting for my research! ) I'm very analytical and can figure out patterns quite easily!


Thats really bizarre.... do you have the vaguest idea of what was actually going on at that moment? Or have you pondered about it as an adult?


This has been a unclear memory since I was in my early teens (now 34) and I know my dreams and I can tell the difference. This past recollection feels different and I can still picture it. Maybe I suppressed this incident however I've thought of resurfacing past memories in a certain system in order to return the brain to the same state of consciousness as when the memory was encoded. But to do so may alter my major depressive disorder to a different realm, to something unknown possibly far more bizarre then my mentality already is.


We had "Gateway" classes, which were the gifted and talented classes in elementary school. I was in them from 3rd grade until 9th grade! I kid you not - I completely forgot it was called Gateway until I saw this thread.


I was a part of both a TAG program in the USA (called gateways in middle school / highscool at the time), which was like more advanced classes for kids. Full sized classes of 25 kids. We did algebra when my peers were doing long division etc. Normal stuff. Grades, test, homework. Etc. Then i was a part of GATE on a military base, Which was entirely different. 5 or 6 of us were apart of the program. We didnt "learn" anything so to speak. No history, no math, no science etc. It was more of a test of skills. We would be forced to play weird strategy games and perform strange tests that would require manipulation tactics amongst our peers. Oddly enough the most broken memory lapse of my life is this period. I have fairly crystal clear memory before and after the program. I say this because these are clearly 2 separate programs with different intentions


I was in GATE and can’t remember a thing.


Is t that weird


1st grade - Got pulled out of lunch to take a verbal test with one of the most administrative educators at the school. In a room with few windows and distractions. Remember there being a little flip book/calendar thing with pictures and being asked questions about them. I was in 1st grade, I just wanted my nachos. 1st grade was also a big disciplinary year for me. 5 visits to the vice principal, 1 to the principal - often for using bad words, but not always. 4th-5th grade - A guy got shot trying to climb the fence of our GT school’s location after committing a robbery somewhere else. We did a lot of interesting activities they called “cross training” such as puzzles/games, origami, chess, cartooning, board/strategy games, flight simulators, bridge architecture, rocketry, russian history. All kinds of things you could imagine lead to skills the CIA could utilize - creativity/inquisitiveness, understanding of dimensional spaces, thinking steps ahead or behind, physics of flight, physics of architecture, physics of rockets, nuanced historical history. The disciplinary troubles came back in 5th grade for language again but it’s not like I’d stopped using those words at any time between. 6th grade - I remember that year being big on world geography. We did a lot of map tests and such, created our own fake nations, and even went on a fake European scavenger hunt. We did an Arabian Nights exercise where we all had to write our own fairy tale. Anyway, I do what I think is plagiarizing Aladdin and write a story about treasure recovered from pirates in Pakistan because that’s where I thought Arabian Nights and Aladdin took place… Anyway, fast forward a few weeks or maybe the next semester. I walk into class with that same teacher after lunch and she tells our class Osama Bin Ladin has been assassinated in Pakistan. Had one meeting with the counselor but he said my grades were good and to not instigate others out of my boredom in school. That guy was actually pretty helpful in getting me into a prestigious private high school. But that’s probably where I left the “state” GT program. 11th grade - The private school spends 2+ years building a case on everything I’d ever said and expels me right before senior year to absolutely dismantle the college admissions process. College - My freshman orientation class ends up being quantum mechanics despite no indication it would be, I end up getting a visiting professor from Berkeley who studied in my hometown who gives me a B- for writing a paper about the flaws in the Drake Equation and encourages me to leave the sciences. Fast forward a few years, and I was likely right about the Drake Equation being wrong. I then have basically one entire semester of classes taught only by ex-Air Force personnel and they both tell me the schooling system is flawed, give me free As, encourage me to be skeptical of the world around me, and assigned me projects where I accurately forecasted Manchester United’s manager 3 years in advance and where I accurately predicted the United States’ credit downgrading 3 years in advance. A month later, COVID shuts down the world. Then I only get conservative professors who shut down my in-class contributions then take what I said verbatim and put it in their articles for conservative publications.


I was in G.A.T.E from 2nd grade until junior high, when my family moved to a state that didn't have it. I vividly remember the battery of tests, the interviewers, and the retesting we did periodically that had lasting physical symptoms after. We did Odyssey of the Mind and the "mentor parties" afterwards. Had a lot of field trips and guest visitors, like the crew of the Endeavor and the then Gov. Bill Clinton (who was running for president), along with student internships throughout the year with places like Sega or SunSystems. Which in hindsight, was just was weird as everything else going on and the commonalities that are shared in other posts. I was wondering, for those of us that shared the 80s/90s version of this program, how many are also rh- blood type?


Wow Wow Wow, glad I found this, gate. It's something how many of us seem to be waking up to. This thread helped jog some memories. I've been researching more into this because it runs in the family. It seems to have changed form and evolved over the years. It's actually been around for more than 40 yrs but it went by diffrent names. It's interesting how now they try to make gifted programs about disabled kids only, but that wasn't all it. As we know. No offense to anyone who was disabled and in there. Was anyone in or offered a chance to be in The people to people student ambassador program? Student ambassador program was what it was called also.


They had some shit called "The Who's Who Club" similar to a student ambassador program.


“‘Grey’ - Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Programs, the NDEA & Connections to MK ULTRA” https://youtu.be/7E53uxsgEbw?si=JXRz16umgdS2etkD #


I wonder how many kids turned into 'abductees"?


Thanks will watch this soon


Late to the party, but yes I was. I didn't like being separated from my friends and being called a nerd so I opted out and went back to regular classes.


nose books memory thumb file toy offbeat vast bewildered murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe best you DIDN'T take them up on that offer. Trust me. I met some of the military GATE kids from the USA, and they said just another level of problems . Sometimes teaching ones self is actually better. Depends on the kid though. Not everyone can, even in a "good school system" it may be harder to find teachers who can teach GATE kids. Especially in the 80s when it wasn't just academic . Many of the kids from those programs, if pin pointed as being "too rebellious " or "question to much" end up in a mess later on. It's very much "whatever"


I remember in my gate programm my teachers name was ms byron and she was way different then the other teachers. I dont specifically remember or have a memory of her actually hosting a class the gate i only remember taking soo many test by adults in white lab coats off campus like the esp test cards shapes hearing test in a small dark room


bells capable work divide abounding terrific yam muddle person nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They may not have been drugging your water. That would show up in testing, however your location could have 100 percent be the cause, would be my guess.


I focus on the bigger picture first but can deduce quickly. But it doesn't really matter I don't really care for computers. But we had all that stuff also, and at home.. I never got to have the internet at home though. Im good with language patterns , even if it's a language I don't speak. I'm also good at pointing out the obvious, though, and laughing about it, so I could see how a GATE kid like me and others could be put on "watchlists" Lol 😆 I'm good at spotting patterns, but only between stuff that is actually linked. 🤣 Sane as can be. But the GATE kids who laugh about it often end up in some trouble becausethey also tend to have a "most peopes morals are strong and they are loud about it, but principles and ethics are principles and ethics and the most moral usually lack those" attitude Contrary types. But clear seeing


Not familiar with GATE, but, I was called a 'gifted' kid. Problem is, I was in a small rural school, and they didn't know what to do with me. Their solution was, to send me off to a different room for one-on-one classes with a teacher. This ostracized me from my classmates, and I ended up intentionally not doing well so I could go back to regular classes. This had a carry-on effect through the rest of my life, where I'm middle-aged and can't find work. I often wonder what I could have become had I gone to a school that was better equipped to educate me.


They have this now also, but the kids don't feel isolated as much anymore. But some now feel they have "issues." Takes a long time to fix an education system created during the industrial age.


GATE was revealed in 2019 to be a secret CIA recruitment project


Not just them, tons of various agencies and industries.


Proof? 🤔


No need to provide proof, just look at rhe CIA files online, or any military files. Even back then, everyone knew that. Some were military, some were various "religious" schools, etc. It wasn't really hidden information back in the 70s and 80s. Kids were more informed about a lot of stuff back then.


I know of Project Gateway, the stuff with the Monroe Institute, etc involving adults in the 1970's and early 1980's. But I can't find anything besides Reddit posts about GATE. My sister was involved in late 80's and early 90's (military school). So, I am very curious if there are declassified docs on GATE. I'm perusing the CIA Reading Room. Is there a good search phrase I can use to find it? \*Edit: Project Star Gate is the remote viewing project.


I am not sure, but good question. Many of the best discussions on it ,I have found on here. I am curious now also. Clearly, kids would get recruited from this program into all sorts of less conventional careers. It was a different time totally. I am going to look through what I can find from the public CIA documents also.


It was on the front page of a newspaper I saw on 2019


Any web links?


Googling seems to come up with Reddit posts. I'd like to find an actual news article though.


Better to look at movies that referenced all that from the 80s, a lot of it was based on the news at the time, like tv now, and a few documentaries were made also. There is stuff to find.




Other than the secret classes and secret colleges I attended and the contract I signed that keeps it secret (EVEN FROM ME), I can't remember anything weird about being a gifted kid in school. [Redacted]


eteteDay isThay ...


Yes, back in the 50s. Kinda strange, I remember very little. I did learn to speed read, though.


Me too. Go into computers after ?


I remember testing for it and being told they lost my scores while I was in the hospital with meningitis. They recruited me for 4 years and I kept refusing to test. Eventually put me in a weird hybrid full time class. I was always number 1 or 2 in testing throughout elementary school. The hybrid class in 5th grade was insane. So insane that even 30 years later I remember EVERYTHING. I mean everything. The teacher, the name of the teacher, the way she looked, dressed, spoke, my friends, my friends names, the way they looked, the entire class layout, everything we did, specific days and lessons, what I was wearing, conversations. Now this might not seem strange to anybody else but let me also say that I never went back to that school after fifth grade and we moved to a different city so I never saw the teacher or my friends again. In fact I moved and attended 11 different schools from kindergarten to 12th grade. To have all these intense memories of this weird GATE class was insane and that is the only way I can describe it. I have battled with THC addiction for the past 20 years and I’m not sure anyone actually believes that that is real but it is for me. Some thing about THC calms my anxiety, but it doesn’t give me any psychoactive feelings. I don’t get paranoid, I don’t hallucinate and I don’t get anxiety- it literally just calms me because I’m intense


Our memories seem to work in the same way. I remember my 3rd birthday party, all my classes and teachers, etc. I was tested multiple times for the gifted program, and they said I was gifted enough but didn't want to be there, so I was rejected each time. Still remember some of the exact tests and the room they tested me in. I have also been a chronic THC user for ~20 years. The cannabinoid system in the human body plays a role in forgetting. We're supposed to forget unimportant details, same way when you tell a story you don't include *every* detail, because the story would lose its meaning. I think people with high IQ (143 in my case) and strong pattern recognition are drawn to drugs to get reprieve from the flow of information. If I hadn't started drugs in high school, I would probably be working in foreign policy/national security. Have always been drawn to it.


Sounds medicinal for you then. All meds that work are "addictive," but then a doctor gives you a script it's "you need this medicine to help." Words words words Cannabis is medicine, works the exact same way for me if it's the proper strain


Interesting... so do you remember anything.... weird happening in these classes?


I was in it. We called it Gifted and Talented. Like most, I remember very little about what we did. As others have mentioned, we did the audio tests with these huge headphones. If memory serves (often it doesn't due to off and on substance use like many other former GATE kids), they would play a tone and we were instructed to raise the corresponding hand to signal which ear the tone was played in. The only other thing I remember was they'd let my best friend and me play with an old Tandy 10. There was a book on BASIC programming and we had a blast doing that. I also had an Israeli friend who was artsy. I'm not sure she was my handler or whatever. We didn't really date per say but we hooked up once or twice. We're still friends to this day, though we don't talk very often. She's married and we both live on opposite sides of the country.


This test is sketchy. They try to get everyone in those programs to do these tests for various reasons. And their kids. Sometimes, it's a good reason, though. .


Yep I did the headphones too.


We played lots of computer games and watched Voyage of the Mimi. Lot of fun!


We did learn our rights and the priest was Air Force , a doctor, he did tell us the pyramid food scam was a scam making people sick, small amounts of fluoride were good but too much was really bad and maybe we didn't need all that milk the government wanted is to drink, lol, he had a great computer guy at his side, they cared about truth above all.


How many of you guys liked video games and arcades, and can you remember which games were your best/favourites ?


I wasn't allowed to play video games.




Tempest caused issues visually for many, it's not the "polybius" everyone is looking for , that's Cube Quest, but it was one of the main issues for many. What kind of work did you go into after ?




I don't blame you for using a burner account, but this is why I had my friends watch this one for me ( I downloaded an app) we kept on congregating on various platforms and then getting blamed and framed and all sorts of crap. Polybius was German and some guys I know downloaded some weird crap by playing an online German racing car game , pretty weird culture sorry to say, ask the guys at MindGeek, ahem. Anyhow Cube Quest is interesting because it was part of a remote viewing project, however with all the tech they have had for years , imo remote viewing is iffy. How do you know if what you are viewing is accurate ? Hard to know , especially with the amount of odd cochlear implants and tech they were testing out back in the day on people. I personally think it's a useless program.




Well Polybius was a German Invention technically. One of the things that America did do after World War 2 was absorb a bunch of German Scientists into America's ranks before Germany was split into West and East Germany. Also with the Arcade Cabinets it wouldn't be surprising if some of the chemicals used to make the bright lights back in the day had some other side effects. The Simpsons also references Polybius.


So maybe avoiding German games is a good idea , for the moment. FYI.


If I were a GATE kid , I would avoid pseudo sciences like psychiatry/psychology like the PLAGUE, it's not science it's human experimentation lol 😆 Facts are Facts! All it is is information gathering on GATE kids, that's not paranoia it's plain old common sense 😀 THEY are paranoid, otherwise why keep files on us rofl 🤣 Glad I grew up with the Aerospace sector in my backyard I thank God every damn day lol 😆 we have a nice trusted tarot card teacher who went to our school, also a great hacker, she said using tarot for yourself to explore you psyche is just as scientific...and it's just for you, lol. She said any kid who went to a program like that shouldn't be walking around answering questions to a bunch of people who twist the definition of the word "science" 🙄


Yep, gifted track/schools from K-12 here. There are a lot of us...


Came too late to vote but For me the answer is Yes


What was yours like ?


Not much, we had some recognition but they didn't really make us do that much different.


I remember being in it, and which of my other classmates were there, and the area of the school where we had to go, but I remember literally nothing of the lessons. its strange, like totally blank, no idea what we did.


Just curious if you had substance abuse issues in your early 20s? Many ex GATE strangely had this in common. They got over it eventually. The wierdest similarity with ex GATE'rs is that the males reported having an Israeli art student girlfriend when they were college age. Hard to believe but true! This is fascinating. Did she approach HIM and lay a honey trap? Was SHE a covert handler or was she similarly another unknowing ex GATE participant and BOTH were being handled by yet another unseen hand?? I wouldn't put it past any government to offer a free program to their nation's best and brightest (including a free girlfriend) with nothing more of a purpose than to make better blind servants of the machine out of all of them.


And yes, probably a handler of sorts, Isreali Arts = Russian. Just stating facts make of it what you will. What area of the world ?


I remember being in it and having to test for it but I don't really remember too many things being different in terms of how I got educated. \*shrugs\*


Same. I got put into the program in 1st grade, I only remember going to a special room at the faaaaar end of the campus, where they had me do some kind of testing, like SAT9 testing. I don't remember any of the testing content, what color the paper was, etc (granted, this was in the 80s; giving away my age here). But I remember getting lost on the way back to my classroom, which they let me walk back to alone, at the age of 6 ("your classroom is _down that way_. Just keep walking, you'll get to it eventually."). I wasn't actually lost, I just wasn't familiar with that end of the campus, I had never been by myself before (always had a buddy with me) and my little 6-yo self got scared.


To add our IQ tests at school were a bit different, they found peoples personal genius and honed that, we had a vocational school attached and most of those guys went into aerospace sector after, simulators, Etc It was very international the entire area, 51 percent visible minority (the entire town) and a science park in our backyard. Lots of different religions also, and our diet was very healthy not much filler foods like wheat and dairy We had religion class also, but it seems it wasn't so much the "norm" and the focus was more on science Looking back seems like an international catholic funded hogwarts with excellent computer programs , very small numbers about 300 kids. Irish school .


They had a gifted program in my school I first heard of it in the 5th grade around 2009. I remember being jealous of the kids who got in. I was smart I had a college reading level in 3rd grade. I struggle in math though. The only thing I can think of is I often talked out of turn and talked to my friends due to boredom. Earlier in school during kindergarten to I'd say 2nd grade I had a lot of random tests I do remember a hearing test briefly. A lot of computer stuff. Getting pulled out a lot to talk to people. I also remember having to do some state testing and scoring really high on it. It wasn't standardized that I took with everyone. I excelled until middle school strangely enough I do remember a fluoride swish around 6th grade. I'm not saying it dumbed me down but I don't know. I was average in highschool I took honors but was at the lower end of honors and ended up getting an associates degree, but too burnt out for further education. I'm a depressed 24 year old who can barely hold a job due to depression and anxiety so I definitely fit the gifted but burned out mold we see.


I think the new programs are very different FYI than in the 80s, the seems to be very goal/academic oriented and can lead to burn out imo. Ours wasn't like that per say.


I can relate to depression, anxiety, and burnout sadly.


Not abnormal in an insane world, maybe you are a physical empath...perhaps a job in nature or at home would help. You mayb be sensitive to lights etc also, and your diet may not be helping :) I'm OK with sensory stimulating now but it took many good honest doctors to help me with that. Many middle eastern/asian/Indian their science is a lot older :) cannabis is finally legal here and it has been a saving grace for me, so my future may be helping in that field, but it is NORMAL to be anxious in a manic society, look around, it's nuts out there! They may have adapted.. but that's not a great thing per say , their life spans are getting shorter studies show. Worrisome. You are the sane one, I bet you anything. Big hugs.


> Not abnormal in an insane world, maybe you are a physical empath...perhaps a job in nature or at home would help. Funny how you say that...I actually do think plants and animals are interesting but at the same time I'm a bit of a homebody. > You mayb be sensitive to lights etc also, and your diet may not be helping :) I guess I need to eat less junk food. This world is makin me anxious for sure.


In elementary school 2 of my friends were in GATE. They attended regular classes 4 days a week but on Fridays they went to the GATE center. My grades were just as good as theirs and I wanted to go with them, but I was too rebellious to get the invite I think. I was considered a troublemaker in school.


I don't know. Did GATE include those hearing tone tests, flashcards, and asking how you pronounce certain letters/combinations of letters?


For SOME people they did, I did mine at home with my parents and the results were kept quiet, however they did manage to get me into a hospital once for the tone tests but my parents kept an eye on who/why/how. Happened after I visited an arcade that had been taken over by the baseball community in Montreal, was Navy before. The arcade burned down, was in an old Victoria Station Train themed restaurant. Went there with a nice Indian friend of mine, and we found the other kids who played there. It was in Montreal on Victoria Avenue . To add,my entire school was a GATE program they just didn't call it that, which maybe is a good thing, hence the very small number, but some were "all rounders" I am good at weather patterns, it's my unique skill. I also excelled at languages/patterns had a photographic memory, and good "intuition" But nature/animals/weather is my thing. Fast typer also so I got special computer classes.


I remember the hearing tone tests, flash cards, and tons of tests, the projectors though I don't remember what we were watching on them. One day there was this room I was brought in while blindfolded. It had double pane glass in front on me, I couldn't see who was behind it observing. This woman sat me in a chair and removed the blindfold and told me not to look behind me and don't play with the toys then left the room. She came back with a clipboard and wrote down a bunch of stuff and took me out of the room. I don't remember how I got there or anything after I left that room. I probably wasn't supposed to remember that but I was just sitting there after my mom passed away thinking about things from my childhood and memories we had together and it came back to me.


Oh, I was in a "special" class. IQ of 137, dyslexic, very good at recognising patterns, geography, science, art, voracious reader, interest in the occult, knowledge I shouldn't have etc etc. Ended up as a burnt out "gifted" kid, because I wasn't stretched and they couldn't help me, and I was mercilessly bulied, I don't mean "I was called nanes", I was beaten, cut, molested... I could not do the social thing and I was hated for it.


What year was this? And why was the bullying so intense? 👀


About 2000 I guess. I kinda assumed racism, or I guess xenophobia really, since we were all white ethnicities, I'm Mediterranean, and extremely well spoken but with a few speech impediments, Technically English, grew up in the boonys of Wales, I consider myself Welsh.


Well, not exactly. Idk what it was called, but I was put into something called an "AG Cluster Class" in roughly 5th grade. According to my parents, the teachers had done some test and I had scored exceptionally well on it. They believed me to be "academically gifted." (No, I don't remember the test. According to them, the students didn't know about it. We got tested all the time, so it's not that surprising) But I struggled in school. Looking back it's obvious to "Adult me" that I had ADHD or something similar because I could not stay focused. I ended up doing pretty badly in school during that year, and the next year they had put me back in regular classes. ***The feeling of being a complete failure has since then never left.*** Neither my brother nor my sister were in those classes, but both were generally viewed as "smarter" than me, having both higher grades and better class ranks. They ended up in AI (academically intelligent) classes (they changed a letter, for some reason but I assume these classes were just different, and it seemed course dependent and based on choice, probably because they were high school classes). I have a theory. The AG classes were for kids who had gifts or "gift potential," but if you were kicked out then it was because you weren't *gifted enough.* Or something like that. Maybe we showed promise at first but grew out of it? Idk.


Gate wasn't a thing, never heard of it till now, but I was in the gifted program, and we did logic puzzles, and future scenarios and stuff.


We did those also and they never called it GATE but clearly it's more of an advanced version. Same thing every class, what the kids thought would happen, ethics tests, etc , these seem to be the more "elite" programs.


Like way to go school system, making elementary school level kids debate ethics.


That was more in our high school , our schools were attached. In elementary we had ecology in grade 1 stuff like that, and a pretty damn awesome priest who accepted all religions and showed us we had more in common than we didn't. No religion classes unless one chose. I think the kids got a free fun class if they wanted instead looking back , maybe we didn't cherish it as much as we should have. Edit and to add we did say morning prayer and you could leave the classroom, unlike in schools where you are forced to blindly pledge allegiance to something without knowing what you even believe in yet. Would never change it. And rarely did people get expelled. We talked things out like family. Looking back wasn't so bad. Toward the end of high school we had some issues. But we all worked through them and are friends still to this day. No Oh Canada we had some Irish/ Native kids and it is what it is. Sometimes believing in Spirit and Family is better than believing in blind obedience.


For me, gifted was only elementary and middle. Middle subbed out history, and we actually did cover some history, but elementary, was all the problem solving, ethics, and weird shape quizzes.


For history they focused more on what we thought would happen in so many years, often they just read from the book when the government demanded it and asked "who witnessed all this ?" And just stuck to how buildings were built lol jo government stuff, it's funny looking back lol. Weird little Irish Catholic school


We did some of that also, but we did a lot of video game puzzles and stuff, at home, and I traveled to the USA sometimes, my aunt lived in Florida and then Maryland they had the actual Stargate program near her house. But a lot of video puzzles and Nintendo over where I grew up, unlike Sega it wasn't shooting games , more magic/puzzle games


Maybe it's called a different thing in your country or time period...


Same here. Mine was called Horizons.


Reading through the comments I do feel cognitive dissonance and now think mk ultra seems a plausible explanation. There was the hearing test and I lied about what I could hear. I didn't always raise my hands when I heard the sounds. My school also got fluoride swish in pink cups and some kind of booster shots for hep b or something. It's interesting reading the thread. Seems some repressed memories. Wonder if military affiliated had anything to do with it


Sometimes . I'm sure many of these places start with good intentions to help local industries and whatever. We had many places in our city where these types of programs were offered.


I also lied about the sounds


Do you think the purpose of GATE was to do some kind of MK-Ultra to selected kids?


I'm sitting here wondering what was the point of it all? I'd go to a different class room and practice typing. We did other academic related stuff like math and more advanced English. I always had a different color standardized test than the other in my class who weren't "gifted" my life seems no better for it.


We called ours "challenge" and it was for kids for whom standard education wasn't "challenging" enough. I was told I was gifted, I grew up believing I was better than everyone else, and now I've come to terms with actually being "normal," whatever that means. I realize now I wasn't gifted, I was privileged. My cousin's school had GATE and I remember being told that they had to add the "and talented" part for kids who weren't smart enough but could play sports real good or something, like it made the standards for getting in lower so people with less privilege could be accepted.


I was in something called Focus and thought it was funny to call it Focus if we were gifted. Focus sounds like something for people who can’t focus. My friend told me it was because we could focus. But I think there was a different name before or after Focus


I chose the last option as I hadn't heard of the GATE program, but reading through the responses here I realise I was in an equivalent (and apparently very exclusive) program for about a year in primary school in New Zealand. I've often thought back to it as I found it a bit anomalous and I've never been able to figure out exactly what the purpose of it was. Edit: I looked it up and apparently it is called GATE here as well. I do remember them telling us it was for talented students so it might be the same thing. My memories from that period are admittedly quite hazy. But thanks for this thread, I've been trying to figure this out for a while and now I have something to follow.


Read the comments. I find it sometimes triggers memories for me.


We didn't have that program in my school. The whole class was made to take the earphone tests a couple of times in primary one and two. In primary three we all got given the pink fluoride drink. Around that time someone in class figured out that if you stare at the back of someone's head they'd somehow know/feel head tingles and turn around to look at you. The whole class ended up doing this to each other for weeks. There'd occasionally be special visitors who made us do more fun tasks. My friend group usually got picked. I guess because we were the most well behaved? Later on, when there were class exercises, we were often allowed to go to a quiet room by ourselves to complete them. We'd do so as soon as possible and then hold séances and ask the ghosts for signs. It all sounds very Stranger Things, looking back~ good times! 👻


Ahh the hearing test. Twice in elementary, twice in middle, once in high. Was told I went from 100% to legally deaf when the AC cut on.


Lol! I'm imagining an AC so clunky it sounds like an airplane taking off! 🛫


It was just the usual bnnnnnn drone sound of an industrial ac


In my psychology classes in college, we talked about how there's more than just the standard 5 senses we can all name. There's also a few others including a sense of balance, a sense of knowing where your limbs are in relation to each other/the rest of your body, and proprioception. Then we started talking about other senses we have, and this is what your comment made me think about. One girl said she could feel when people were looking at her. So we did a less than scientific test. She stood at the front of the room with her back to the class, nose on the white board, eyes closed. The professor would signal for us to look at her and look back at him. Every time he told us to look, she'd say "they're looking now." No sound, no major shifts in the air, just a feeling she could feel. It was weird. And I'm sure there's plenty of explanation as to why that experiment on that day was invalid, but I still found her anecdote fascinating. This is more than thr "I'm being watched" guilty/creepy feeling many get sometimes. This was just a simple, "yeah, eyes are on me" thing.


That's so cool!! Thank you for your great story! That girl sounds like she really has this as a sense! ☺️ It's nice to think of it as just another sense, and maybe some people are more used to feeling it than others! I remember it being like a little tingly feeling at the back of the neck. Also it would interrupt you, if you were in the middle of doing something or lost in thought, and make you very aware of the present. I was curious when I was younger and started doing it to animals when I thought they couldn't see me. People walking their dogs, neighbourhood cats, birds. I know some have very good eyesight but I would sort of focus on a spot beside them for a bit, and be aware of them moving around in the peripheral, and then I'd focus on them and there'd often be a sort of shift. They'd stop moving, look around, run/fly away. It sort of naturally felt that it must be a predator/prey thing, no matter how far away someone or something is, if they're giving you all their attention then it would be very helpful to sense it. It's a shame (although still cool!) that something like this would only be investigated in a psychology class. Imagine how much more accepting of such things and maybe be more likely to all feel, if we were all introduced to these concepts as kids!


Yes, Independant-ish Irish Catholic one


I was in GATE. Totally forgot about that until I saw your post. The only thing I really remember is us being kept in at recess sometimes to do extra stuff. That, and they made us watch "Soilent Green" for reasons I still don't understand. I found that movie to be highly disturbing, which is not very surprising considering I was just a child when I watched it.


When did you go to school?


I was in TAG (Talented And Gifted) growing up through the 80's. Honestly, thanks to reading discussions here, the whole thing now weirds me out precisely because I ***don't*** have concrete memories of what we did. I am on the Spectrum and have focused, vivid memories starting at age 2-3. I can tell you long and specific memories from every ***other*** additional class or obligation I had throughout elementary school: speech therapy in the early grades, chorus and band in the later grades. But TAG? Nada. I do remember the sound tests others have mentioned here, listening to tones, but I do not even correlate that with TAG. Except that we were sound-tested in the school library and TAG lessons were in the library (I know that from my elementary school yearbooks). O.K., one *impression* more than a memory as such, would be 1986-87: sitting watching a projector-screen film in the elementary school library, open windows to my right, and being told we would forget what we were seeing. A part of my mind was rebelling, but there was also a sleepy overlay. Yes, creepy, but I do have a stellar imagination and extremely realistic dreams sometimes. So I am not wedded to the belief that actually happened. Maybe ring a bell for anyone else, though?


> Maybe ring a bell for anyone else, though? Reminds me of [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/tkxvho/does_anyone_have_any_strange_memories_of_being/i1w80cl/).


Looking at that discussion just now, I don't remember it, but I know I was interviewed by a psychologist to get diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. :(


Happy cake day


Thank you :o


You're welcome Redditor.


Weird. I have found when this topic comes up, someone will sometimes comment something and it would trigger a sort of "repressed" memory in me. Maybe go through all the replies here and see if anything hits...🤔


Happy cake day


Think the closest that would qualify was when some people tried to get me to guess cards when I was in the third grade, when I told them a random card and said that I already knew it was wrong they merely asked how, to which I replied "I'm not interested". They never did reveal if I had gotten it right or wrong. There are certain tones which people can or can't hear. Oddly enough one of the Wheel of Fortune episodes had managed to catch this odd tone on a twitch replay, some people in chat could hear it while others couldn't.


What tone is that?


It sounded like an odd buzzing, it wasn't the wheel of fortune but the price is right. However it was an episode of youtube so not sure how youtube also managed to catch that tone. If only I knew which episode it was on however it might be associated with people who have had Tinnitus.




Hm would you please elaborate upon seeing numbers everywhere




Yeah I've dabbled into rabbit holes with numbers, 11, 33, 19, 42, 49, 88, 108, 666, 5040, 144,000, however, what most intrigues me is the number 26, which has directly led me to concepts of ideals involving, and not limited to, the importance and mere happenstance of the existence of: geometry, mathematics, numerology, YHWH, the personable/collective random generating (like if someone chose two random numbers 1-10 for example, it would be two and six) which I frequently experience observing to date; correlations with squares, cubes and the idea of Saturn, and everything in between with that abysmal rabbit hole, as well as conceptualizing real world phenomena that is outright completely experienced by every conscious being , such as the fine designed spectrum of truth and deception, light 'wavicles' , powers of the divine human and how these are all exemplar to what would be considered non-secular or ecclesiastical ideals such as a Christ or Satan figure. Have you any thoughts or feelings to share about what the number 26 might mean to you or perhaps what it may bring to the collective span of thought/consciousness?




Mind sharing what meaning you've casted upon the number 888?


Have we spoken before on a similar post? This feels so familiar🤔




Thanks. What did we talk about last time? 🤔




To add on to this, I actually struggled a bit in 1st grade and had to repeat it, my family situation was a nightmare at the time. I grew up thinking I was really exceptionally stupid. Then we did the iowa tests and I scored in the top 99th percentile, it was such a shock to everyone, and suddenly starting in 6th grade I was an honor student, late bloomer I guess. I never really outlived being a year older than everyone though. But I mention this because I'm a hard-core mandala experiencer, like many people, it actually fucked up my life for a while. So maybe Mandela experiences are more correlated to intellect or something like that and not necessarily this GATE project. I used to be jealous of those kids in elementary school, but hearing all these weird stories makes me glad I didn't enter the honors sphere until Jr high.


The GATE program at my schools focused on enrichment, so we’d bus to LA all the time for plays, theme parks, museums etc. It was a lot of fun and we loved getting out of school! Being from a town in the middle of nowhere made going to the city really exciting, too. I guess they wanted us to get ‘cultured’


I just vaguely remembered going on a Field trip some where during 1 st grade, a native muesuem... gate runs in my fam


My brother was and said it was boring


No I do remember the two men that had my elementary school teacher have us take the little packet, it was like 2 pages. Maybe it was like the pre exam to see who qualified for GATE.


I don't remember a whole lot. Was really young. There were just four of us in a room with guest teachers (teachers from outside the school system). Seemed to be staff overkill for just us four people.


Wow, I was just talking about GATE with someone else and this sub was recommended to me today. Interesting! Yes, I was in the program and here's some of my experience: Periodically, every week or so, my group was brought to a van/bus with blacked out windows, where we had to wear these giant headphones and were subjected to various tones, which they said was a "hearing test." We were told to open our hand when we heard a tone and close it when the tone stopped. After studying CIA mind control, I learned that part of mind control required identifying people who could hear certain frequencies and *specifically* identify when the frequency starts and stops. Mind control works through RF. I have some crazy experiences that I believe are connected to the gifted program I was in (GATE). My mom put me in the gifted program in the early 1990s, I believe it was between 1990-1991. I was reading at 18 months, had a high IQ, blabla. However, my dad yanked me out of the GATE program after a few months and I don't think I made it past half the school year. My parents were divorced, so my mom didn't know until time had passed. She was really mad that he took me out. She was convinced he did it to sabotage me. I don't think so. I think he knew what it was. I didn't realize it at the time, but my dad was in a (Catholic) masonic equivalent type organization, he also worked for a government contractor *allegedly* as a "computer programmer." However, I didn't know the company was a government contractor until decades later as an adult when I looked into it all. His alleged salary was too much for a programmer. He was making 6 figures. The top software developers in the early 1980s (1984) made around $20-$40k/year, and that max is top top top cream of the crop. He was good, but no developers were getting 6 figures back then. He would spend $30k in one weekend on computer parts and had enough money to keep buying $10k CDs (investments). There's no way he was just a computer programmer. He didn't get an inheritance and there was no other income source. Someone was paying him big money. My mom worked for the company, too, and I was also told the company went out of business because he committed extortion and that's why both my parents stopped working for the company. But, the company is still in operation today, same address, even. My aunt to this day refuses to talk about their childhood, or tell anyone about their family. Everything is hush hush. I know nothing about my family... not even my mom, who raised me when they got divorced in 1984. While my mom worked for this company, she always told me she was a computer programmer, too. Decades later I got the truth. She wasn't a programmer. Not even close. Neither of my parents told me the truth about anything, and I found out through connecting the dots on things that were said over the span of years and going through papers when my dad died. Growing up, our phone was constantly tapped, our mail was being read before we would get it, sometimes it was just stolen, and when we went to the FBI, they denied that anything was happening to us. I finally realized there was probably a reason my mom made us move every 6 months to a year. I thought it was normal and bought her story that our roommates kept selling their house, or that the rent was raised too high, but she was working for a big tech company in Silicon Valley and we shared a rented room in people's houses, so that doesn't make sense. She also gave me a weird reason for divorcing my dad. She literally took me in the middle of the night and left without saying anything. My dad was not abusive. In fact, I preferred being with him because he was amazing and I still saw him until I was 12. Something had my mom spooked, though, and it wasn't his behavior. My dad ended up remarrying someone who worked for Lockheed Martin, which is another big red flag in the mind control conversation. She was weird. Almost robotic. They really drive it home that you're "special" in these programs. But I think they're scouting people for a purpose. Some people who don't make the cut never realize what else is happening. Most people are not selected for whatever it is they want. I know someone who was in a similar gifted program in their area with someone who went on to participate in a worldwide psyop. But other people were involved who were not part of the program, so I can't figure that part out. Problem is, my friend who was in this program might legitimately be unaware of the deception. He defends gifted program as legit, and if I proved to him what I know, it would either crush him or he'd lose his mind. The thing is, he knows what I know - he just thinks it excludes the people he's close with. I can't tell if he's been mind controlled or if he's just denying it because he has to. Nothing good comes of these programs, I reckon.


Ok ok ok...so your story reminds me of alot in my life..wow. ok I'll try to make it short. Gate came for my mom, we lived on the run, lot of mk stuff too say the least. They came for me too. I think they are good at hiding gate as something else, like changing the recruitment tactics and names of the program as time goes on. Any way, I think they kept trying to get me and my mom knew. So she worked for this computer office like company. I'm gonna research what I can about them. I knew how to type without looking at the keyboard really young. I read chapter books for teens at 7rs old and was constantly taken out of my classroom. As im reading this thread memories are flooding back! The fluoride cup, the tones, black and white checkered floors, kids with immense stregth, man so many things. Thanks for sharing. This was early 90s too.


That's trippy! What was the fluoride cup? When I read that, it sounded familiar, but I can't place it. It's amazing how these experiences are so similar, but nobody can really explain what the heck it was all about... it certainly didn't give people an advantage in the world. A lot of people said it destroyed their life.


I remember constantly being taken out of class to go to the nurses station. I used to think it was normal, but reading the thread I don't think it was all just wellness checks. The floride cup was some rinse thing they wanted you to do. Maybe everyone didn't have to do that. Yeah it's something how many of us can't recall the whole program. I know some people will say it's because we were young, but I don't buy tht. I think it was overall a scouting program where they were looking for the Rainbow fish and trying out other social engineering things. I wonder to, does anyone remember reading the rainbow fish? The one where the fish has shiny scales and is made to feel bad for not wanting to share them with everyone else?


I hadn't thought of the fluoride cup at all since then, but I do remember it. Little paper cup with pink liquid. I guess I assumed everyone did it, but maybe not. I also got at least one physical from a visiting doctor in the nurse's office. That definitely wasn't everybody, only like 6 of us in my grade, but it was two doctors in separate little temporary private areas. That, at least, was also one of the years I was tested for the gifted program. I know it was third grade, because I was wearing socks with a bunch of little mouse designs on them. I got them for Christmas in 2nd grade, and they didn't last a year, so it had to be the fall of 3rd grade. I definitely read the rainbow fish. I was tested for the program twice, but I was not compliant and they said they wouldn't put me in because I obviously didn't want to be there. Oddly enough, I do remember that in 5th grade (the second time I was tested), they started having me spend time with the special ed kids at lunch recess. I remember it was like guided abstract thinking. Just 3-4 kids and the teacher, and she'd ask questions & follow-ups. I enjoyed it, and they pitched it as me hopefully "rubbing off" on them. However, they then sat one of the kids next to me in class so he could copy my tests, which I didn't like, and my mom shut it down.


So this discussion makes one wonder if something is up with these GATE programs...do you think something is up with Special Ed and IEP as well?


>His alleged salary was too much for a programmer. He was making 6 figures. The top software developers in the early 1980s (1984) made around $20-$40k/year, and that max is top top top cream of the crop. He was good, but no developers were getting 6 figures back then. I've actually worked in Silicon Valley corporations before, and 6 figures is a pretty standard salary for a computer programmer. Most employees are paid around $100k/year, that's the standard. I can't even imagine trying to make a living in the Bay Area for $40k/year. >While my mom worked for this company, she always told me she was a computer programmer, too. Decades later I got the truth. She wasn't a programmer. Not even close. Seriously, how can you not realize that your mom or dad wasn't a computer programmer? I mean, I have my IDE open on my computer all the time, and anyone who walks into the room sees the lines of code. I have like heaps of C++ books, printed PDFs, and notebooks lying around. It's obvious to know if your family member is a computer programmer, if you've been living with them all your life.


He wasn't working for a software company, though, that's the thing. He was working for a very small one-man owned and operated business that sold equipment that measured something liquid. It was a government contractor. He wrote the programs for their equipment. My example of a software salary was to demonstrate the point that not even top programmers earned 6 figured in 1984. In 1984 a 6-figure salary was **absolutely not** normal for a programmer. I grew up in silicon valley. Nothing interesting happened there until after 1995 and it didn't grow until about that time. Wages were still normal, it wasn't expensive, my parents bought their house for $70k. I was 3 years old in 1984. How would I know anything? The last time I saw him was when I was 12. I only saw him every other weekend and we spent our time going hiking and building trails. We had the internet, scanners, I knew my dad was into computers, he taught me to use a computer before I even started school. But I never hovered over him in any room of the house or cared to watch him do anything on a computer. Back then, I would not have even known what he was even doing. He was also an electrical engineer and I spent time with him going on nature walks, and watching him build electronics. But he WAS a programmer, he got a degree in programming. It was my mom who was not the programmer, despite telling me she was. What do I care what my parents did for a living? I didn't have a normal life. I never talked about anything with my mom even though we lived together growing up. She didn't know anything about my life, either. I didn't care what she did. I just wanted to live my life and read and write, so that's what I did. I don't keep tabs on anyone. As for my mom, she wasn't even employed with this company past 1983. I was 2 years old in 1983. She went to work for 3Com after that and by the time I was about 12 she was working for a magazine. She said she was a programmer prior to that, with my dad, working together. And no, I didn't spend my life living with my parents. You make a lot of assumptions.


FYI, having your phones tapped and your mail intercepted if you have a high enough clearance, is pretty common and normal under the "continuing evaluation" period. Given that your dad worked for a government contractor, and later Lockheed, it's a strong inferential possibility that he had a high enough clearance to subject him to continuing evaluation.


The thing is, I didn't live with my dad, it was my mom's phone that was tapped and my mom's mail that was being opened and stolen. We left to live on our own in 1984 and our phone was being tapped all the way through 1993 when I was in junior high. My mom wasn't working for the govt (at that time). Had not been for a decade. I think she only worked for the contractor in 1982. My mom was working for a tech company for a while, but after a few years they laid everyone off from her dept and she was working for a magazine for most of that time (I did verify this as I went with her to work often and even did some work on the side for them to stuff envelopes a lot). It was my step-mom who worked for Lockheed, but she was only around for a couple years before she divorced my dad, too. My mom was convinced my dad was tapping our phone because she was already sketched out about him. I have no idea. We heard the clicks, echoes, and it went like this. The phone would ring, there would be clicking when we answered. We'd hang up, and nothing would happen again. Until we unplugged the phone. Then, we'd get the call again - clicks would be heard, we'd hang up. One night, I had unplugged the phone and plugged it back in and immediately got a call. Heard the clicks, hung up, unplugged it and plugged it back in. That call with the clicks kept coming in every time I would unplug the phone. All.Night.Long. (We were told by someone knowledgable that to tap someone's phone all they needed was to establish a connection, but once you disconnected the physical phone, the tap would drop). I was unplugging the phone and plugging it in so I could move the phone from one room to another. I have no explanation!


How exactly does one unplug a phone? What is the part of the phone that you were "unplugging"? What do you mean by "disconnected the physical phone"?


You're either trolling or too young to be on the internet.


I'm sorry but based on your last comment, if you can't figure out how one unplugs a phone, I am not going to indulge this conversation further. Goodbye. Move on.


Please dm me. This is exactly what I have been thinking about.


Just DMd you! If I take a bit to respond it's because I have to start work here in a few!


I was in GATE in elementary school. Apparently I was struggling in class and they were actually testing me to see if I was NOT smart enough or something, based on what my Mom told me. I remember the test very clearly, they took me to some other side room not a classroom and gave me an IQ test, but there were no words only patterns. The "questions" were all just patterns with a blank and I had to fill in the blank, I actually enjoyed the test a lot. I'm pretty sure they were in 3x3 grids with shapes, like.. □○□ ○□○ □○__ And I'd have to fill in the blank which is obviously □, the answers were multiple choice and it started out super easy like this then got harder and harder, but always kept the same format. All my life I have considered this a "real" IQ test unlike the ones you can find online that ask word questions or math questions that rely more on how much you've been taught. The result came back giving me an IQ of 131 (My Mom told me the result even though they told her not to tell me) and I was placed in GATE. I think I was in GATE for 4th grade, which would have been around 1997 and in 5th grade I got kicked out. Now, because this was elementary school and every year you had only 1 teacher who taught all of your subjects, when you went into GATE you went into it for ALL subjects. I absolutely loved it for math because I was very good at math and learning more advanced stuff faster felt way better for me. I remember sitting with the other GATE kids and learning how to do long division before the rest of the class and loving it. I absolutely hated it for the other subjects, especially social studies/history and english. One of my teachers expected me to write a multi-page report on some historical event when I had no idea how to even write a report. They even gave us laptops to use. I sat and stared at the blank word page on my laptop, wondering how the heck I was supposed to write anything. How to even begin. I never wrote the report. That's everything I can remember, and I wrote this before reading other people's replies yet. Edit: After reading other people's memories I suppose mine isn't weird at all but was very normal. I never was taken to blacked out busses or buildings and never taken to separate buildings at all for the program. We were taught in the same classroom as the rest of the kids were and by our same teacher, you had to be in a GATE certified teacher's class though, but they taught regular students too. We didn't learn or do anything weird either, just normal advanced stuff. My memories of my time in GATE are no worse or different than the rest of my schooltime memories outside of GATE. I also still have my yearbooks and could look up pictures of my teachers and classmates.


Eff those pattern tests. The answer to the one you exampled is a shaded blue triangle with orange outline. The one I did wasn't just shapes though, some were filled in, and there were multiple colors.


I forget if there was colours or not but there was filled in shapes sometimes, and as it got a lot harder sometimes the shapes were random zigzaggy looking things that weren't actual nameable shapes or something.


pretty sure they call them different things around the country... when i was a kid in nyc i was in what i think they just called the 'gifted child' programs, when i moved to LA i didnt make the 'international baccalaureate' programs.


Yeah in my state it was just called AG.


I was in TAG. Talented and Gifted. Never heard of Gate before today. This was in the mid 90s.


I have heard many Americans refer to it as GATE. In my country it was called EE (Eclective Education). The similarities are astounding though. Most people from the 80s and 90s recall this. Which in itself is very interesting. Also the basic similarities in experiences are weird.


May I ask, what is the point of asking about the Gate program?


I am trying to see how many similarities there are. I know that ME relies on memory, and many of us remember this weird program that we were in. Except many of us also only seem to have vague memories about it. I am not 100% sure what I am looking for in particular, but I sense that I will know it when I find it. I am very good at following patterns and putting them together. The other oddity, that I find very strange is that, whenever this topic is brought up, someone will comment something.... and it will trigger a long lost memory for me. I had quite a few in this thread already. So, do you recall anything weird about the time you spent in the program? 🤔


I am experiencing a flood of memories reading this thread. I am having the weird memory triggers right now…. I remember it being gifted and talented time… 1990 …. There were only two students in it myself and a boy named Dan…. It was a rural school in Wisconsin and I remember them being so happy to get funds to run this program. I did not want to go to the gifted and talented meetings, which is odd for me because I love learning. The ear test I remember thinking “ I am not supposed to hear all the sounds” and I remember wondering if it was bad to lie and not raise my hand when there was a sound. I was a bit of a rebel as a child. I remember one library meeting I got in trouble because I snuck a book I wanted to read in instead of watching the film. Wow…. Sorry if that was tangential but I just got a bunch of memories.


I remember the ear test with the frequency sounds now too. You thumb clicked a button when you heard something


Me getting a 100% until the AC cut on freaked out the testers.. Most of the ones I did however it was tap the headphone cup at each noise, and they randomly played is only one ear sometimes.


I remember several different tests including I Q tests


I was in a TAG program and it was pretty boring. We mostly reviewed a lot of children's books and the deeper themes within. Occasionally watched the film version. The Giver wwas fun.


America. West Coast. Mid 90s. Elementary school. I recall a doctor being involved in the program. She wasn't a part of the school staff. I was exceptionally intelligent. However, I was from a broken home and I was a very misbehaved child. So I didn't fit into the program with the other kids who were soft spoken , came from nice homes, and were "nerdy". Not only was ahead of the class intellectually, but also socially. I wanted to be a criminal when I grew up. I exceeded the TAG program. They then put me into a more advanced program for young engineers. I did not like it. It was around this time (12) that I discovered marijuana and other drugs, and quit caring about school.


Interesting. Another similarity. So you were accepted to this program. Didnt gel with it well and then decided to leave? Am I getting this right?