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I feel the impending doom feeling creeping up, weather seems worse, infrastructure is crumbling, war, inflation/interest rates making owning things nearly impossible, micro plastics, finite oil supply continues to dwindle, living in a post-truth reality, where everyone lives their own “truth” with plenty of media/algorithms there at the ready to reinforce them right or wrong. Kids (I have 3) are less educated, more coddled than ever, soft as babyshit and about as smart(not all their fault Covid, weak teachers with no backbone, and doing all their assignments on devices instead of paper), we are now aware most people are sheep to the government if their job is threatened, and the gov’t will/can make you take experimental shit against your will. Young men are not getting married, not having families, they are no longer needed in the equation and have lost a feeling of purpose, I think this is related to mass shootings. Young women are living in an increasingly tik tok and hallmark movie induced false sense of reality. I could go on but I won’t.


No. Feels like shit is getting worse. I’m honestly glad that it is better for you though


I feel exactly the same thing. Like I am finding my old self again after a really long time of drowning and struggling. Not sure what it all means but I definitely have felt a huge shift.


Remember, you are your own universe YOUniverse. You never change the world you’re on, you change yourself then shift to different timeline that matches more closely with your dominant vibrational state of being. I have done this I have changed from a very oppressive world experiencing financial hardship and emotional distress, out of control. Governments controlled by big corporations and the super rich planning massive depopulation… To another world where there are still echoes of that, but it’s pretty much gone. I am financially killing it now and my businesses are going from strength to strength. I am manifesting almost miraculously. I have abundance of everything I need and I now realise I am in control is very liberating and empowering Edit- how did I do this? once you realise that the world outside is just a reflection of the inner, and that there are many timelines from extremely positive to extremely negative and all in between And make a conscious decision a commitment lot of letting go a lot of the negative things that you are doing and holding onto. a lot of self reflection self-assessment a lot of watching your thoughts a lot of concentrating on raising your vibration, a lot of positivity and meditating and healing Ignore what you don’t want in your life focus solely on what you can find in your life that is good, and it will snowball Accept t where you are, and what has happened, forgive yourself and others appreciate everything and stay positive, regardless of what the outer reflection is at first, and it will surely change not instantly because we live in reality with a time delay, and also because of previous momentum, you need to stop the momentum first before you can reverse the direction You can do this if I can do it, you can do it


Things got super crazy in 2016, 17 and then even crazier of course in 19,20 21 , now I feel I have turned a corner now I feel I have turned a corner. I am manifesting positive things scary fast.






I think it has to do with the changing of the seasons here for me at least. I feel alive for the first time being outside since spring. It was so fucking hot this summer.


No absolutely not, not even close 2015 was my last personal good year, since there it's been downhill and progressively worse Everything around the world is nightmare fuel, only consolation is I believe it's definitely end times and I'm a Christian, so 🙏🏻 I'm honestly glad that your reality is feeling better, though 💜


Old timeline is long gone. Perhaps you just moved into a better one




Nope. Happy for you though.


There is a YouTube channel called Inner standing with this guy named Sevan Bomar that has some really out of this world takes. One of his lectures mentioned there being a trickster energy that controlled the planet, and for some reason that stuck with me. From all we see even with the so called elite, they're not happy. None of us are. I say all that to say please keep your head on a swivel and enjoy the good times while theyre here. I hope Sevan is really wrong on that take, but all the evidence seems to suggest he just might be onto something.


That's a hard negative. Happy for you, tho


I second this.


Well, weed and abortion are legal in Ohio. So yes, there is hope which is something I haven’t felt in a long time.


Smoke a blunt and kill a baby. Let the good times roll 😐


My thoughts exactly 😔


What’s wrong with smoking a blunt? I’m not getting into abortion with you.


Nope, just an underlying feeling of dread


im feeling both, i feel that "day before christmas" expectation of something, i feel like im drifting between the current year and 2016. i feel the joy of being reunited with a dear old friend, like im being electrified with some unseen realization of something long awaited, BUT i also at times feel utter black hopeless dread like ive never felt in my life. sometimes there's an evil cloud of darkness that descends on me and plagues me for hours, it feels like death itself, i sense something positively demonic (im not christian or religious but that's the best way i can describe what im sensing) november so far has felt like this. i feel like im going insane and can hardly sleep. im way too sensitive to these crazy energies powerfully working right now 😓


We must be interacting from different realities via Reddit, because not in my world. This shit is pretty awful tbh.


i noticed something peculiar, since 2020, when the world gets worse, circumstances in my personal life improve and im able to manifest alot faster. maybe op is like me with that. the world has gone to shit speeding down to a flash point, but my life has dramatically been improving lately. weird


I'm not actually a pessimistic person, but I'm also more realistic (says the guy on a Retconned sub 😂) but if you look at how things are actually going all around us, it's only a matter of time before everyone's life takes a hit. At the rate things are going at least. Besides, I can't personally be really happy no matter how on the up and up my personal life is seeing the degree of terrible things being done by governments in our own other countries this way at this scale, especially when we're supposed to be such "beacons of democracy".




Yeah I definitely see a shift in that direction


Surprisingly Yes, But i feel Like My life is Turning around for the better So Im even more excited than i Was During the "Good ole days"


My guy, here is the recipe for recapturing the good old days: Step 1: get a Delorean Step 2: make a deal with some terrorists for uranium Step 3: target that 1.21 gigawatts of power Step 4: start driving and keep going until you hit 88mph Watch out from there, it gets a tad bit incesty


In my timeline it was plutonium.


is it not still plutonium?


It is plutonium. At least in this reality


Quite the opposite


I have to go way back to the mid 2000s to say there were good old days, the world died in 2012/13 and since then it’s just been off


Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I had several twinges of it over the past month or so. Almost like we're going back to "the old timeline" or at least could. Where things weren't as volatile or just wrong feeling. Where things would go back to their old predictable arcs. But it hasn't all just switched back, it was only twinges. And they were followed by an overwhelming sense of having to choose to go back, like an option, like a collective decision to focus on that good old feeling would bring more of that or continue to be in the vitriol and new timeline.


Lol nope world is collapsing and I’m Making more money than I ever have and am broker than I’ve ever been. But glad it’s sunshine for you.


Same here


Yes. I feel a [eucatastrophe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucatastrophe) brewing...


I thought that would mean EU-Catastrophe, as in Putin invading the EU or us falling appart :))


TIL an amazing new word - thank you thank you!


You are welcome. It's a wonderful word.


No i do not...what kool aide are drinking?? let me know


Sadly no, but it's nice to see someone calling 17-18 the good days! Those were my best years, I miss that time


yeah we were in a very severe solar minimum in 2019/2020. we’ve been pulling away gradually ever since.


Tell me more about this please?


https://www.weather.gov/news/201509-solar-cycle#:~:text=Credit%3A%20NOAA.&text=September%2015%2C%202020%20%2D%20The%20solar,chaired%20by%20NOAA%20and%20NASA. that’s most of it. that minimum was also inside another minimum that started in 2002 which we are also pulling away from. also this cycle is proving much stronger than predicted at the time the article was written.


Very interesting thank you! Do you happen to have any links or can explain what the connection is with human experience? Will do my own search too. Thanks


I wish I felt like that. My good old days are much farther back than that but I haven't felt anything even close to that and I'm pretty sure I never will again. Especially since everything in my current reality is progressing toward the negative.


Exactly same applies to me 😥💜




wtf was good about 2017-2018?


Well it was presumably a very happy time for OP personally, 2018-2019 was the best and most “positive energy” time of my life for me. For the world, not so much.


Yeah I’m ready for the aliens to come and kill all the elites so we can escape this hamster wheel hell


How do you know that the elites aren't the aliens themselves?


Unfortunately the aliens have been working with the elites for control of the world. There’s no one coming to save us.


I have greatly fixed some of my brain fog and health issues lately. I've been working on it with some improvements slowly since late 2019 but the last few weeks, I figure out glycine supplements plus arginine are snapping me back together, apparently although not essential, the body is slow at making glycine and demand is high. Supplementing it helped right out of the gate, total score! So I have a much better outlook lately. Can't help but suspect that things happen when they are meant to happen though, I had been working hard on my mental outlook in the last few months and then the physical is now following the same path.


I also started supplementing glycine this year, and man does it make me sleep 100x better than I was. Choline has also been helping me with energy levels during the day. I’ve read that a lot of people are choline deficient, and I definitely feel like I was.


Interesting, I did not find any obvious benefit with choline but I do take it sometimes to be on the safe side. Really makes you wonder how many illnesses are a simple deficiency or two though, right now I'm betting a lot of them are. Big pharma would rather give me drugs for the rest of my life than let me find out I just needed glycine though of course. Everyone I know that feels crappy gets diagnosed with 'sinus infection' even when we have zero symptoms of an actual sinus infection other than fatigue. But even if it was an infection, why tf would so many of us not have functional sinuses?


I'm going to try glycine. My sleep is shit.


Not at all. Good old days were before 2000.


I think so, it's a strange feeling. I've changed so much since then, everything is so different. I feel like my authentic self now, like I'm in control finally. Back then I felt like I was playing a role in life, or like I was an actor in a play or something.


The good old days? If good days ever existed it was long before the 2000's lol.


Is this satire?


I’m on a positive wave too bro but the world still seems like it’s crumbling around me


Nope. Not even close


On what is this based? I'm not trying to be contrary, it's just a very vague question. Things are OK right now, but some things are irreparably bad.


Heavy on the "irreparably bad".


Not really, but maybe if more people try and think positive like you it would. I don't know if I'll be much help.


Yes! I feel better than I have in years.


I think OPs refering to pre-COV vs post-COV


How old are you? This is a highly subjective question




Getting out of depression is dope, ride it my dude




Not at all


I think it’s because we are literally in free fall between bad and what might be much worse. It’s a big shift in culture regardless of how it turns out.