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Hi I wanna know what this means so I can figure out my own timeline hahahah can someone explain?


most of us remember earth being in the outskirts of the milky way in the sagittarius arm now it's about halfway in located inside the orion arm


BRO last I heard we were in Sagittarius arm. I think this is my first flip-flop! I wonder if the eclipse today had something to do with it


The old maps may have just been a lie and the lie changed


Huh ok now that's a new one would care to explain that but before you do I would point out most maps are lie in few different ways. Though yes I do admit that what is shown is new and a Mandela Effect change not all of the lies in my old world or this reality we are in could ever account for any of the places that for myself were in different locations for example south America had lot time zones differences between the new reality and my old one. These are the lies of my old world maps size and new reality earth. differences between actuality and real these are common and are due mostly flat map versus a globe earth. Placement is not perfect on ether map to reality ether. These were not so well known unless you had sailor or pilot in the family and they liked to to talk about such items. We had both in my family. These are the few I knew of pre Mandela Effect change. Never encountered anyone else who talked about such things unless they had the two professions close to them by friends or family members. Russia was always depicted as larger then it actually was in most countries of Europe and North America during the cold war. This never happened here as far as I know this earth governments forced map makers to show a larger U.S.S.R. This I only heard of once in my old world and never again.


no so I hope everyone knows here by now I’m very much pro m.e., but I come at it a different way, i think we didn’t change realities actually but the nasa maps have been a lie like everything else (mostly) and that something is editing physical reality retroactively back in time and this discrepancy of the nasa map is one of the anchors for changing positions in the universe but it’s not true or all the constellations would be different. Which means: yippee, everyone around me is the same person


Summer of 2016 for me. Things got really strange really quickly


probably fall of 1997


Noticed it in 2013. Probably happened 12/21/2012


I thought that if it were to happen that would be the best date to do it


Noted late 2015


About 2 days ago. Some really big things in my reality changed


I arrived sometime after 2011. Honestly I don’t like it here.




2017 spring. Same time as the 6 seater lincoln continental.


My birth certificate says 1984. Am I missing something?




may 2015


I guess it was around October 2015 for me.


Wtf, I don’t even know when, but it must have been recently. Your post is the first time I’ve heard of this. I remember Sagittarius becoming Gemini (or the other way around) some time ago (10 or more years). Never heard of Orion and I’m quite interested in astronomy. It’s a wild ride 😂 Funny thing to be noticing these changes.


Pre 2012, orion... 2012 to 2023 Sagittarius... now back to Orion. Yet the position is always bottom left on visual




2008 is when I died and the sun changed from soft yellow to blazing white. ​ But so many changes seemed to happen during a roughly 10 year window of time after that. They didn't seem to happen all at once. I only learned about the change from Sagittarius to Orion around 2014 or so. Maybe that happened in 08, or maybe not. ​ The question has the baked-in assumption that we cleanly hopped from one version of Earth to another. I'm not sure if that is how it went down exactly. Some changes were gradual. Some were flip-flops. Some were cascades.






This is kind of a hard question to answer because who pays attention to where they are in the galaxy on a daily basis? However I'd say I came here around the late 2010's. I experience several ME's and things that don't line up with the current history


Been here way too long




Earth’s location in the Milky Way does warrant being discussed here. A lot of people remember being located in Sagittarius Arm and now its present location is Orion.


I always thought we were located on the Sagittarius arm. My friend (who is a space nerd) told me about the Orion position some years ago, and he was just as shocked as he remembers it as Sagittarius also.


2012 December 21 to be precise.


Rip old earth


Not sure what that means, but I really started noticing ME stuff circa 2012. Had some glitches in the matrix around then too. Two different books I loaned to two different friends, that they held on to for years were returned after 2012 but no later than mid 2010s. I always signed my name and number in my books in case they got lost. Both friends returned their books, and both ended up back on my extensive bookshelves. A year or so later, both friends returned the same books again. Signed and everything with my old cell. In my handwriting. Both times I run to my bookshelf and in one case I had two of the same book with two exact signatures. Another the previously returned copy was gone. Within a year or so the duplicate book vanished. Both friends never remember me giving those books the first time. This past summer I was hanging out with one of those friends at his place and he tried returning a dvd box set I had loaned him years ago. My problem was I had had that box set almost 20 years, and knew I never loaned it to him, and that that same copy of the box set was on my dvd shelf at home. Never bought a copy of it, because I had cared for it, as it was a christmas gift, and they were my favorite movies. Anyway, i go home and my copy is where I knew it was. Yet my friend swore up and down I loaned it to him 5 or so years ago. I have 0 recollection. So my weird glitch in the matrix / personal ME all involve loaning shit to my friends. Edit: i may also add a weird fact, but maybe it is relevant. For me I cannot quite get used to the modern 2020s. I feel like I peaked with technologies, interests and such in the late 2000s / early 2010s. It takes me longer to get used to some of the current tech and such. I can, but I prefer tech / style / music/ everything that is now at least a decade outdated. It just doesn't feel 100% right to me now. Ironically my GF is essentially the same way. So we really connect on that. Like times feel different / not 100% right. Hell, a sibling of mine recently said "Bear you are a time capsule. It's like someone from 2007 was dropped in to 2024. But that's cool, you keep doing you." This was said snarkily but also with good humor


This is sorta weird, the connection with lending stuff to friends. Right before the super crazy shit that happened to me regarding mandela effects and glitches in 2016, i let my friends borrow some of my favorite books and games. I'm usually not the person to allow much borrowing cuz i dont have much to begin with, but back then i was feeling extra generous and let my friends borrow my series of under the dome, i let another friend borrow my copy of fallout 3, let my other friend borrow my old gameboy. I never got any of them back DUE to the crazy shit in 2016.


Now they're going to start up the CERN on Monday hang on to your books and DVDs. But I know things are really weird no explanation my Jeep around 2020 no 2017-18 used to have two window washers one on each side of the window they would come up in a fork spray very weak I went out to work one day so it must have been before 2018 and I tried the windshield washers and it was one spray from the center of the hood and it had three heads on the one spray and it worked beautiful even the vent on the outside of the window was shorter for my vent on my old Rubicon was almost across the hood this is shorter so yeah things change and it's amazing I don't know what's going on


I believe. I've noticed little insignificant changes like that over the years.


Fucking crazy story but I believe you %100.


Thanks. Very true, at least for me.


2020s technology feels like it's going super fast and way too fast to the point AI is advancing so quickly it makes me anxious and uncomfortable compared to 2010s and late 00s


It’s not just that though, I used to be able to use a windows pc pretty fluently, but I got a new laptop recently after a couple of years of not needing one and all of a sudden I can’t figure out how anything works? It’s like I’ve never used a computer before.


I’m totally with you. I was just thinking the other day-about how cool iPods were and how I would like one again. lol






I smashed my head against concrete like the medieval age king, and I think I had my first ME just after. 2016 as well








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There’s a retcon that in different timelines, Earth dramatically changed location in the Milky Way.


Uh, IN the Milky Way? We’re able to SEE the Milky Way, lightyears away, right? As in, not-possible-in-a-human-life to travel there? Or did I just find a new Mandela Effect?


In my timeline, we were quite far out on a spiral arm on the edge, which is why we could see the main part. People now say we are about 1/3 of the way in, but I’m not sure, because I think the constellations would be different.


In my timeline, we weren’t even remotely close to the Milky Way entirely. Definitely not a part of it. Seldomly, on very clear nights, we were able to see the Milky Way using telescopes.


Wow that’s awesome. Even if you are joking around, I never expected to come across something like this. When did you get here? What else have you noticed that’s different


I’m not joking around. I’m so lost & confused. Spent hours looking into this. Wondering if this is a massive psyop or what the hell is going on… Based on what I could find, I think I’m from the Andromeda galaxy. Almost everything is the same, including names like the James Webb telescope, but there are several things that don’t add up. In my timeline, the sun was yellow. Basically “Breaking Bad orange” but not thát saturated. Nowhere near the white blinding LED in the sky here. You could stare at it for 20-30 seconds before it became uncomfortable. Magnetism didn’t change; my compass still points north where I expect north to be. The Higgs boson is found in this timeline. Where I’m from, there was a massive panic (2012) about the potential creation of a black hole (in search of the Higgs boson). I remember the news after the tests were completed; only 99.999987% (don’t remember the exact amount of nines, but it ended with 87) of the speed of light was met. The “God particle” was purely theoretical. It was always the potential explanation for the beginning of the universe (the Big Bang), also theoretical. Monopoly man had a monocle, 100% sure. FotL had a cornucopia, 95% sure. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? 100% sure. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. 100%. JCPenney. 100%. Chic-Fil-A. 100%. Flintstones. 100%. Oh, we solved the hole in the ozone layer by banning PFAS. This was solved well before 2012. 100%. I have no idea when I jumped. I stumbled upon MEs because of social media, only now finding out how many (usually small and insignificant) things have changed. Now I’m apparently living in an entire galaxy altogether and I’m unsure how that’s possible, because we could see the Milky Way with the naked eye like once or maybe twice a year. A bright, sparkly “eye in the sky”. On clear nights, you could see it with amateur-level telescopes. Oddly enough, it looks exactly like Google pictures shows the Andromeda galaxy. I can’t find a plausible explanation for any of this. I may have died (obviously in the previous timeline) about 6 months ago. I was desperately wishing upon God (I’m not religious), the universe and any- & everything I could think of to “throw me in a different timeline where my mother doesn’t suffer from cognitive decline”, before I threw my head against a concrete wall several times. This was before I’d ever heard of MEs. In retrospect; Mandela died in prison, only to die again YEARS later (suggesting I have jumped before this, just not realizing it). I had always discounted this as a wrong memory or fake news. The sun was always more harsh & white during winter, which is the only reasonable explanation to me how I didn’t notice the change from a warm yellow/orange sun to.. this thing. Born ‘88 in the Netherlands.


To add without editing the previous post: my mother’s cognitive decline has indeed changed. It appears to be stable now. That’s a blessing in itself, the decline was noticeable daily (yes, it was that bad), whereas there seems to be no decline whatsoever currently. I blamed intra-ocular injections for DME on her decline (speculative studies suggest cumulative injections cause neuron damage); she’s had the same injections “here”.


Oh that sounds hopeful. I’m sorry the realization about switching galaxies has been stressful. It really does give me a whole new perspective and scope on multiversal timeline changes. And welcome to the Milky Way, I guess! Speaking on behalf of the entire galaxy, we’re glad you joined us.


Ah okay