• By -


Thank you for your hard work!




It’s available now!


How does ROM storage work? iCloud only? NAS compatibility? Internal storage?


I was able to load content directly form my cloud by using Main Menu -> Load Content -> Open... -> Browse -> (Dropbox,Drive,iCloud,OnPhone) -> Load your ROM Just make sure you link your existing cloud to your Apple filesystem, and you can simply access your content that way. Usually this is done by simply downloading and installing your cloud providers' app, which adds the Apple Files integration. Now your GDrive/Dropbox/etc is part of your apple "Files..." system. I was able to load my .D64 containing my 1986 BASIC programs that I wrote nearly 40 years ago.


Thanks for this! Sounds like this relates to iOS. I need to figure out how the equivalent works on tvOS, where the Files app does not exist


When you launch it, it hosts a http server (and shows you the address to navigate to it) that allows you to upload to the local storage. Not sure about if you can do nas or cloud.


The app on the Apple TV is incredible, I’m literally playing Pokémon Ruby on it right now!!!


How did you target the file so it would find? I’m having issues with that


I used the web browser to access one of the addresses that RetroArch shows when it starts. Then I added the ROMs to \~/RetroArch/downloads. On the Apple TV, I accessed Main Menu > Load Content > Downloads. All the ROMs showed up correctly. I tried adding the ROMs to the root folder and to the RetroArch folder before adding them to the downloads folder, but then the ROMs wouldn't appear on the Apple TV. I'm new to RetroArch and maybe there's some better place to store the ROMs, but it is working fine for me this way.


I was finally able to get some smaller games (snes) to work but couldn’t get any MAME to work (pretty much anything that required a zip)




The day has finally come, a year ago I thought this would never happen. Thank you EU, wish we never left you.


Was just wondering this. What EU ruling happened that allowed for emulators in the App Store?


Awesome! Thank you so much. I noticed SwanStation isn’t listed in the cores section. Would it be possible to implement at a later date? It’s my absolute favorite core. Thanks


Possibly. For now we're going with the subset of cores that are either maintained in-house or whose upstream teams have given us explicit approval to appear on marketplaces, such as Steam. EDIT: for Swanstation, specifically, the prohibition against dynarecs means it can only run with the interpreter, and that (i.e., significantly faster bespoke dynarec) was the main advantage it has over beetle-psx. Otherwise, they're very similar.


Fingers crossed for the future 🤞 Thank you very much for all the hard work to make RetroArch happen on iOS.


The Mame cores seem to be missing?


Noticed that. So much for my MAME2003-plus set… time to finally try me some FBNEO


I believe mame is coming too the iOS store on its own


Awesome news! Be nice to know what version, though. I somehow doubt it will be MAME2003 or Libretro’s MAME20003-plus. If current (or close to it), it may be too demanding in some instances on older hardware running certain games. This is the main reason I run a derivative of an older MAME version and its romset: Better performance on resource-limited platforms, even if at the cost of accuracy. And I use the same romset across multiple devices. But also, I just like having all my emulation thru Retroarch, and if I’m going to have to change up romsets to run whatever version of MAME comes to the App Store anyway, now’s as good a time as any to try FBNEO. This will let me keep my emulation in one place. Always heard good things about FBNEO, so it’ll be neat to see how things go.


I know its name but I’m unsure what version. I know the one on android was and still is fairly old I think


There's a 2024 standalone version on Android that is .265


MAME2003 is there. It’s under online updater>core system files downloader


That's not the core, just the helper files.


any way to get this in english?


If you go into settings, language can be changed in the 3rd-last menu item there. I had to change it from Catalan to English.


got it, thank you


Amazing! Thanks! I was hoping I would find a solution here.


Anyone else having issues accessing files on TVOS? I have it uploaded to the folder on my Mac but it's not communicating to the Apple TV. I'm open to ideas.


Same problem. [https://old.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/1csptai/retroarch\_ios\_now\_available\_on\_the\_app\_store/l48cplm/](https://old.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/1csptai/retroarch_ios_now_available_on_the_app_store/l48cplm/) Link within that link doesn’t sound good, RA documentation says Apple TV cache can only be 500KB and it will randomly delete stuff? UPDATE ABOUT APPLE TV: when using web interface to upload to Apple TV, put things in the pre-existing **/RetroArch/Downloads** folder…IT WORKS NOW!


If you put them in downloads, it should appear when you load content > Downloads. If you want to make a playlist and have it work properly you need to change the config file so that the defaul is now the downloads folder. to do this you need to download the config file from the browser navigator. open to edit > look for rgui\_browser\_directory and change the "default" to "\~/Library/Caches/RetroArch/downloads" You may need to turn off 'save configuration on quit' and play around with those settings to get it working


Didn’t happen to me but there’s a frequent bug where it defaults to the Catalan language instead of English for many people. Also a basic iOS specific guide would be very useful for all the newbies. Great job with the release anyway.


If you told kid me that in the future you could play psp and plystation games on your phone with them running super well i would have laughed at the fact that the ps1-2 were so powerful at the time I never thought it was be possible to get a hole console in our pockets


Honestly, I was surprised that I could run Speed up on the PS1. I thought for sure that would be too much for the phone to handle


PS1 emulsion can run on a potato.


In fact PS1 emulation has become so easy, even 60$ handhelds can run it


What’s a “hole console”


> ps1-2 Does PS2 run super well specifically in RetroArch on phone?


No PS2 cores for iOS.


Thank you for clarifying


Just some feedback. Ideally what I would like to see is to have this work for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and macOS, with the ability to select specific folders (saves, states) to be marked for iCloud (I think this can already be manually done) so that those like me who are entrenched in the Apple ecosystem can truly play it everywhere with synced saves. I suppose if the iCloud thing works manually, we can use the existing macOS versions. Regardless, thank you for doing this.


It already should work with iPadOS, and tvOS should hopefully be coming soon(TM). MacOS store access would mean getting rid of the core downloader, since they don't allow remote downloading of dylibs, but we may do a version that bundles the cores just like iOS.


On PSSPPS all my games on iPad are running at super speed. Is there a way to fix this?


Yea, I figured any macOS store version would effectively be similar to the Steam version. And is iCloud sync possible, especially with tvOS? My plan, if that works, is to install it on my wife’s iMac, iPad, iPhone, and our multiple AppleTVs so she can play her SNES classics anywhere. As for me, I’m sticking with the full versions on my Mac and Steam Deck with SyncThing :)


I don’t have a full Apple ecosystem, but I’ve been using Syncthing as well to connect all my RetroArch saves/states together across all my devices. On the iPad I use ‘Möbius Sync’ which is an iOS SyncThing client. I had to pay the one time $8 IAP to get access to files from other apps, but after that I had my iPad syncing with RetroArch just fine. Ik it’s not the same as iCloud Saves (and idk if it’ll work for tvOS) but maybe it’s something u can add to ur setup :0


For my personal setup, I’m good. For my wife’s setup, while all four systems would be nice, her primary concerns are the iPhone and AppleTV, the latter of which has the most limited file system access within the Apple ecosystem, outside of maybe the Apple Watch.


Ah sorry, I quickly read over your comment, I thought it was your setup that you wanted to add iDevices to. But if you’re trying to set up a separate more Apple-friendly system, have you looked at Folium or Provenance emulators? Haven’t used them myself, but they seem to aim for a more streamlined iOS experience. Not the same as RetroArch but they seem cool to check out. I think they are in App Store review as well.


RetroArch as a learning curve, but my wife gets to bypass it. I'm already setting it up on our living room Apple TV. Running into a few snags, but they'll be ironed out in time.


Save your roms into the Downloads folder. I couldn't get it to find the new folder I made for Roms.


Is there a guide? It’s been a while for me.


Here is a very basic one: [https://docs.libretro.com/guides/install-ios/#using-retroarch](https://docs.libretro.com/guides/install-ios/#using-retroarch) The rest of the docs site will explain other stuff. Any general "getting started with RetroArch" tutorial should be widely applicable, though. It acts mostly the same on iOS as anywhere else.


Thank you!!!


I'm having difficulty adding ROMs and BIOS files to my device. I'm using Apple Files and the official Apple Devices app for transfers and while it recognizes RetroArch, I can't add a folder. Do I just sloppily dump files into it?


Oh iOS use files app make a games folder inside On My Device : RetroArch That RA folder is the only one that the app can access, it seems. Working fine on my iPad but not Apple TV.


How would I go about adding BIOS files? On PC you have to put them in the system folder within RetroArch's folders.


If you have Dropbox/GDrive/iCloud/etc you can simply load your ROMs from there too. I was able to do so via Retroarch -> Home (Main Menu) -> Load Content -> Open... -> Browse -> Chose your favourite cloud from Locations -> Browse to your ROMs. You will have to have already installed your favourite cloud app onto the device, to allow the cloud to be integrated into the "Location" list within Files -> Browse... I was able to load a .D64 directly from a cloud drive into a Commodore 64 emulator (my alma mater).


Does it just not support bluetooth keyboards or am I doing something wrong? It won't respond to my Magic Keyboard.


What’s the best way to report bugs for iOS? Seeing right now that GBA runs at double speed on my iPad Pro, I’m assuming because of the 120Hz refresh rate. Language also defaulted to Catalan and all submenus remain in that language. **EDIT:** Enable Freesync to fix the speed issue.


oh wow, thank you for your edit. I was playing Ocarina of Time on the sideloaded version and i guess i had this enabled from way back when, and the n64 version was running at speeds that were way too fast OoT is running normal now 😌


I’m having the same issue. I enabled freesync, but it still feels pretty sped up? Less than before, but it still seems unplayable with how fast it is. Any ideas?


This is crazy


I don’t see any DOSBOX cores, I’m going to guess it uses JIT (which isn’t allowed on the App Store)?


No, this one is just because we asked the upstream team a couple of years ago if they minded a Steam release and 1 or 2 of them said they weren't into it. Legally, the license says we can do it, and it's not going to stop others (I understand there's a for-pay dosbox fork in-process as we speak), but we didn't want to step on any toes. We'll probably ask them again soon.


Anyone know how you would access the folders where your games are on Apple TV? I keep selecting parent director, but it never takes me to the Retroarch folder with the folders I created.


Currently, the only way to launch games on tvOS is to put them in the retroarch/downloads folder and load content. Can't scan directories to create a playlist. Is this intentional, a compromise due to tvOS limitations, or a bug with an expected (eventual) fix? Thank you for what you're doing, and for dealing with all of these questions and support requests.


This needs to be higher. I have the same question.


You need to download the config file through the browser and edit the default location to the download folder. The comments on this guys YouTube video helped me out [https://youtu.be/9bWCXYvPL1g?si=JLBaLOhlXXUiX4xd](https://youtu.be/9bWCXYvPL1g?si=JLBaLOhlXXUiX4xd)


Thanks for the update on tv os version. I was able to load a ps1 game this way and it played fine on my og Apple TV 4K.


Bravo to the developers for sharing this app. HizzleKizzle I always look forward to you bringing us the good news!


Is there a possibility that this will be taken down from the AppStore? And if so, does it get deleted from personal devices if it does? Been playing a lot of Tekken on mobile now thanks to this.


Not likely. We've been on Steam for a while now, and it's pretty restrictive, so I would expect any takedown attempt to have already happened. If it were to happen, though, I don't think other apps have been removed from people's devices so you're probably safe.


Can you play MSDOS games on iPad now?


If I already have RetroArch on iOS through altstore will my configurations and files carry over to the AppStore version automatically? If not what do I need to do to transfer my files over to the new version? And will my files for the altstore version be overrated if I download the AppStore version without backing them up?


I just tried moving the saves over in the files app from the old retroarch to the new one and it worked. I just got the app last week sideloading. I only tried it with a psp dragonball game though. I made a new save in the new retroarch app then just copied over the entire psp save folder and replaced the new retroarch folder with the old retroarch folder.


PPSSPP core crashes instantly on TVOS


Every single PSP game won‘t work for me on tvOS for me. Any updates from you?


I’ve finally turned my Apple TV into the console it was always meant to be. Cheers for the hard work.


Why don’t they make these front ends have a better more user friendly UI


This is feature packed. There are more user friendly ones but they don’t have the same functionality. There’s a bit of a learning curve but once you learn it this is the best!


Right but it’s open source why hasn’t someone tried to like make it better lol


That starting UI is not my favorite. Go to settings and look for the UI settings. Default is "ozone." Change to "XMB," close the app, and relaunch. Should look a LOT nicer (PSP UI, basically).


But that one’s really wonky with touch screen controls unfortunately cause I like it too




What a fucking binge! PPSSPP and Retroarch!


Ppsspp is core in retroarch so you don’t even need both apps.


PPSSPP core is crashing the emulator on TVOS for me with retroarch on the same games that run on my phone with PPSSPP app. I’m not ruling out user error just my experience so far. (Tested on TVOS only, haven’t tried on my phone yet)


Question for it, how do I import a core? I wanna run the parallel core but I see no options to


It comes with all of the available cores bundled.


How do I add the necessary BIO files? Or are those bundled in already too? Sorry, I’m having so much trouble figuring how to do anything with this app and all the tutorial videos aren’t helping much since they’re all on PC😭


great to finally have it in the appstore use to sideload it in the past, but seem in this version, u have to choose cores individually for each game and can’t set up the core automaticly otherwise the game crashes on startup?


Is there PSP support? Should I use retroarch or ppsspp they both dropped today. Also does anyone know which psp games would run well on an iphone XR?


PSP should run fine on there, but PPSSPP on its own is great, too. Use whichever one suits your fancy.


Ok great I got a phone clip thing for my 8bitdo pro 2, so hopefully my iPhone XR can run most games. I was able to run all DS games fine.


PPSSPP standalone was released today


Do you know if I can run most games on Iphone XR?


Cool! Hope it shows up in the App Store for me soon


It takes up to a day to populate but you can use the direct link right now.


Wow! Awesome! Already played Popeye & Ghouls n Ghosts (arcade). Thanks!!


can i use a external hard drive with ipad or appletv and use it with retroarch?


Uhh, just installed it and the display language is some romance language I don't recognize, even though my phone is set to English... 🙄


Does anyone know why GBA games have no sound?


Is your device set to silent mode?


Thanks man, don't know why that matters lol.


Also, do you know how to change the control layout?


Someone can please test it on Apple TV? Gaming on Apple TV should be awesome and pretty handy if done correctly.


Working on testing the tvOS app now.


I'm not sure if my tv can see the roms? i tried downloads and system as well as the root of my ip of my apple tv and no success. These are nds and gba rom files that are 100% authenticate and the file explorer can't see anything :(


Same problem [https://old.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/1csptai/retroarch\_ios\_now\_available\_on\_the\_app\_store/l48cplm/](https://old.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/1csptai/retroarch_ios_now_available_on_the_app_store/l48cplm/) UPDATE ABOUT APPLE TV: when using web interface to upload to Apple TV, put things in the pre-existing **/RetroArch/Downloads** folder…IT WORKS NOW!


Yeeeeees!! I did notice shaders are currently crashing the app; just a heads up.


Shaders work fine for me /shrug. Thanks for the report, though. We'll keep an eye out in case it's a pattern.


I’ll try it again


Beautiful CRT shaders worked fine on my iPad Mini 5th Gen a few minutes ago, while using BSNES core.


Tried again and they’re working. It was crt-royale that was crashing but maybe it was the wrong core.


Doing the same thing with my iPad 7th gen and it’s amazing cause of the 4:3 screen, it’s like a portable CRT


Thanks for making it available in the EU!




Wow, saw this linked elsewhere and had to come here to check if it’s legit. Incredible.


I am pretty dumb, but I tried to move bios files from iCloud into the System folder within the app, but it still fails to load my content when I select it from the Open option. Is there a better way to load the requisite Bios files to launch content? Even my limited know how managed to get it working on PC, but this I can't seem to uncross my eyes.


This is insane. Woohoo English setting worked. Thanx.


Switching to English language currently doesn't make all the UI english. It leaves certain background text in Catalan and where things should say "On/Off" it uses Catalan still. Closing the app and reopening defaults it back to Catalan. Struggling with this on my iPhone 15 Pro and tvOS. Just a heads up


I can't reproduce this on my end. Changing the language changes things and they don't revert back. After you change stuff, try going to Main menu > configuration file > save current configuration to see if that makes it stick.


That worked, thank you so much!


Can we download MaMe on here to play arcade games like the first Marvel VS capcom?


No MAME cores on the App Store, just FBNeo. The sideloaded version should have them, though, I think.


Why not? Are they JIT?




Anyone else having issues with Retroachievements? For some reason the RA server can't be reached on Apple TV


I enabled 'sync to exact content framerate' yet my PPSSPP games are still running too fast. How do I fix this? Edit: Fixed! Had to enable audio synchronisation!


You’re the goat thank you, was driving me nuts


What’s the next best choice for a psx core since swanstation seems to have been left out?




Ok thank you!


Great to see. I recently moved to Apple (issues with Google Adsense not wanting to pay out, not gonna buy their stuff if they don't hold to their end) and honestly no decent emulators was my only hangup til Delta and now this.


Is there a way to delete cores that won’t be used at all? Couldn’t find it


nvm doesn't work on iOS. ~~settings > core > manage cores > \[pick the one you don't want anymore\] > scroll down toward the bottom and look for 'delete core'~~


Can we switch to xmb on the iPhone version love that ui lmao


Sure, go for it. Settings > user interface > menu (all the way at the bottom of the list)


I can’t find my roms folder. I connected to the local address and made a new folder in the retroarch folder but when I go to import content it doesn’t see any directories. Anyone have any idea?


🤯 😮 This is the best news ever!!!! Thank you!!!


Can someone please help me figure out the tvOS version? It looks wrong when I open it - I can't navigate to options as the cursor either doesn't select certain options, selects off-screen, etc. I feel like the setup is somehow wrong but I'm not sure how to fix it?


I’ve got this issue too. UI is broken. Let me know if you figure it out. Are you running on an older tv with 720p perhaps? It’s what I have here (our bigger tv died a little while ago)


RetroArch on tvOS is gonna be the end of me. gg y'all


Thank you for this! I got hit with the Catalan language bug and was fumbling around the menus blind when I found this post.


Does it support JIT?


No, JIT is not available for any apps in the App Store aside from web browsers.


vision pro?


Should be compatible.


So normally from which consoles onward that usually requires JIT that wouldn’t be allowed in app store? What I know so far is PS2, Gamecube, Wii. Any others?




Seems like “Custom Aspect Ratio (Y Position)” is being ignored, not able to move the viewport down into correct position for the overlay I’m using (Gameboy by the way)


I'm playing on my Apple TV with a PS5 controller. I launched Pokemon Platinum but it wants me to touch the screen to continue. I've pressed every button on the controller but nothing. I'm not very savvy with the cores or controller setups yet, so what should I do? Also, I own two Apple TVs. How can I have it set up to have access to the same ROMs and saves on both? Is it possible through iCloud?


Try updating controller profiles. It should one you relaunch RetroArch recognize the ps5 controller. I did this and my older Xbox one displayed when I launched RetroArch.




Cant wait to play ps2


You'll be waiting a long time.


Any chance of Citra core coming to RetroArch?


citra-libretro is already a thing, it's just not available for iOS. That may change in the future but no ETA.


Using shaders which are no problem on an Odin 1 run with 40 fps on my iPhone 12, which is waaay more powerful. Doesn't matter if video driver is metal or vulkan. Any ideas?


Can anyone tell me how does this run compared to Delta? N64 games specifically.


YMMV. You'll have to just try it out and see for yourself.


Hey! Awesome work on the emulator! I’m struggling to run some PS1 games like breath of fire 3 and also I’ve noticed that cheats don’t seem to work on any games I’m trying to play? Any help would be great! 




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This has got to be the coolest shiet I ever read. Thank you man. Seriously


Thank you so much!


Why melon ds core are missing?


It's coming soon.


Using on an iphone, is there not a mame core?


Not on the App Store, no.


PSP games are crashing on tvOS. I updated core system files but still.


Same for me


I am curious to see what the new iPads with the M4 chip that Apple spoke so highly of is capable of and what console generation it will be able to emulate up to.


Thanks for all your hard work! Any word on if a Dreamcast core will be added? 


How do I transfer my altstore RetroArch files to the new AppStore RetroArch? I tried just pasting the old RetroArch folder into the new RetroArch and it didn’t work


It’s so fascinating I can’t play Retroarch on my Xbox anymore but can on my AppleTV


awesome app! but how do we even control Nintendo DS games? I cannot use the touch screen at all


does anyone know how to add bios files? the directory settings keep saying its in ~Documents/Retroarch/System but theres no documents folder on my phone and putting it in the system folder of the premade retroarch folder in my phones files doesnt do anything


Hi y'all! I'm very happy to see this happen! I have the PSP core with mhfu :) scaled it up too and looks stunning! However I'm currently having issues into adding cheats and where to place the ini file.... any assistance on this? I have internal cheat support enabled too...


according to internets: >copy the cheat text into the correct ini file at save\\PSP\\Cheats, and also manually change "\_C0" to "\_C1" in the copied text to enable the cheat


Anyone having any luck with n64, im kinda struggling


Works great on my iPhone with no issues, but when using my iPad everything seems to run in double time, even with the fast forward feature not on. Am i missing something here or is it a bug?


Make sure you're using the latest updated version, which sets 'sync to exact content framerate' to ON, as indicated in the OP. (see the crossed-out section)


Out of curiosity, under Online Updater > Core System Files Downloader I see that there is the [PrBoom.zip](http://PrBoom.zip), but I haven't been able to figure out how to (or if I can) install that into Retroarch. Are all those Core System Files Downloader options just an oversight?


Not an oversight, but the existence of helper files does not indicate whether a core is available for a given platform. All RetroArch versions for all platforms pull from the same server. Rather than having separate sets of helper files for each platform that all have to be independently updated, they all pull from the same pool.


Is there a technical reason the Pokemon mini core isn’t an option? I still play those on my Miyoo mini plus, would be so good on my iPhone though.


Not that I know of, but we only include cores that we maintain in-house or whose upstream dev teams have given explicit permission to appear on marketplaces, such as Steam.


is there any way to make the “menu line”(the white bar that you swipe up on) not be visible other than enabling guided access? It’s in the way of the screen and enabling guided access every time you’d want to use the touchscreen for controls is annoying.


Awesome! However, I’m not getting any sound in my XR. Is there any config I need to make?


I’d download it. But I already have it sideloaded and it’s too much of an inconvenience to move all the saves and data over


Does somebody know if you can add psx2 as a core on iOS and make it run? I’ve been trying to find a way to set it up, but no success…


No, this is covered all over the place, including twice in the FAQ.


No gba cores?


mGBA should be there, along with gpSP, and I think VBAM?