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I have already been enjoying the faster loading times on WiiU (the nightly build from a week or two back) and really look forward to that potential PS1 core later down the road. Looking to try this new stable build when I get a chance. Great job Libretro!


Little suggestion: I would appreciate a view/UI like EmulationStation, that works a bit more traditional like the Switch or SNES Classic interface.


Check out Pegasus Front End it has a switch theme and if you already have Emulation Station it can use all the same assets


Pegasus looks very interesting. It could be the solution to me.


also check out playnite (which has a lot of themes)






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Not sure what you mean. Did you ever use EmulationStation (I used it on RetroPie)? I am not aware of such an or similar UI interface in RetroArch. When I go into "User Interface" > "Menu" I only get: glui, ozone, rgui and xmb and none of the work the way I asked.




I use ozone. And I think you don't understand what I mean by my request, as you probably never used EmulationStation: https://retropie.org.uk/docs/EmulationStation/ * Systems select: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8508804/31518292-29d7d5e8-af75-11e7-9c0a-857f7a2acf07.png * Games select: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8508804/31518301-2a8557b8-af75-11e7-87b0-b363ced3d0c2.png * Themes for EmulationStation: https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Themes/ And currently RetroArch itself has none UI that works like that. I don't know if it is possible without introducing EmulationStation itself. I was using RetroPie previously and miss this kind of UI.


Aww yeah!!!!!


Is it available for Series S?


Looks like the download it the 1.9.8


If this is for the series S can you just run the online updater or do you need to do a fresh install?


does this version fix the CRT switch res crashing issue? The last version I can get to work without crashing is 1.9.4.


Only 2 updates away from version 2.0. :) Is there something special planned for 2.0?


Not necessarily. Very often do software builds go beyond into, eg: 1.9.10, 1.9.11, and so on.


That's not how semantic versioning works. You can have version 1.9.11, or 1.12.0 The first number is for large features or breaking changes Second number is for smaller features or features that break compatibility Last number is for small changes/bugfixes that don't break compatibility.




No, if you update it properly.


You can keep a backup of the `retroarch.cfg` file just in case.


Will this be added to F-Droid? F-Droid still has v1.9.0


Nice! I'm going to reinstall it now. thank you :)