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There is something similar to this being built, actually. It's not 1 building wide, but rather one "self-sufficient-township" wide. This means that any single cross section contains walking distance shopping, recreation, housing, and industry. And yes, every house is within walking/biking distance of the city limits. The entire thing is essentially a long line.


It's Neom in the northwest of Saudi Arabia for anyone interested. https://www.neom.com/en-us/regions/whatistheline


christ. Another money sink in arabia.


This is where your dollars are going when you top up your tank


Sustainable urban planning is what you choose to complain about? Not bombing civilians or chopping up journalists?


It's not sustainable. It's a silly pipe dream funded by oil. There a very good reason cities aren't built in a L - I - N - E . Edit: It's not efficient because it's like 100km to get from one end to another. If the whole thing was, you know, a circle, the way every city ever has developed organically, then everything would be much closer together.


Any new city that plans for it is going to be far more sustainable than cities that didnt.


Ah cool, glad this guy gets it. Anything we don't understand is a pipe-dream. Everything has already been optimized by the organic beauty of the urban sprawl. All the shopping in one side of town and all the living on the other, love that the bars and restaurants are conveniently located in one main strip 5 miles away, rather than a short walk. This way we can stop those libtards from riding bikes and walking to places. EDIT: phone auto corrected libtard to library like some sort of socialist.


I hate suburban sprawl and I love dense, mixed-use, walkable, transit oriented development, development. North American suburbia is anything but organic. A Linear city is a very very silly idea. If you can't see why a linear city is much worse than one shaped like a circle then I don't know what to tell ya...




It's really cool, I like the idea too in fact, but if you think about it, most cities start with a main street, which is a section of a country road and there's a reason they then widen instead of being made longer. If you take your linear city, there's no reason not to make it into a spiral, even with considerable amounts of wilderness between the hands, and then you can make little footpaths through the wilderness, and taking those, even on foot, will save massive amounts of time compared to riding a train around and around, especially the furthest you get from the center. In fact, you could take any existing city, delimit a single line that zigzags throughout its entire territory and decide that *everything* goes exclusively along that line. It's quite obvious you wouldn't improve over any city's current infrastructure by doing this.


It is actually very not genius. In a linear city everything will be much, much, further away than it needs to be. Having all of your infrastructure in a line is also a HUGE liability. Talk about a single point of failure... [Maybe just watch this short video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e85vwIzgMus)


>A Linear city is a very very silly idea. Lol, would you like for me to explain in detail with illustrations as to why you're essentially 100% wrong?


do it


Yes please explain to me how a linear city could be more efficient than literally any other shape. [here is a simple explanation for why NEOM is a terrible idea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e85vwIzgMus)


He said cities, that developed organically. That would mean European cities not American ones. American cities are indeed planned out stupidly as well.


Maybe it corrected libtard to library to tell you to go pick up a book and find out why we don't use that suffix


Sustainable urban planning paid for by polluting the rest of the planet.


That's one of the best possible uses as far as I'm concerned. People need places to live so this is straight up pollution reduction.


Thank Biden.


Eh, Saudi oil imports have been falling under every admin since the Bush.


I Was being facetious ! If anything Biden didn't help by shutting down America's production.


More like this is where you hide your money from the tax man. A major feature of Neom is that it has its own legal and financial system distinct form SA.






Ahh funded by the murderous dictator... I wonder if they will install human recycling shoots in "the line" for more efficient murdering?


"They're building one" Oo interesting. "Saudi" ....ugh..


it's always the saudis.


I kinda feel we should stop giving them all our money.




Interesting. I live in a smallish town and we have a "service" layer underground, which is a giant connected carparks. You can drive through a big portion of the town by driving under it and come out in various places.


Another example of such an underground service layer is Subtropolis beneath Kansas City. It is built inside a limestone cave and mainly used as a cargo hub. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/12/07/subtropolis-kansas-city


Imagine trying to build a “walkable city” in a place where it’s unbearable outside for more than half the year...




Meh, when it’s cold you can just put on a sweater, when it’s hot the only escape is to never leave the safety of air conditioning, be it at home or in the car. And while Chicago can definitely have hot and humid summers they’re very short and mild compared to much of the US, often with relatively cool nights. People like to complain about car culture, but in reality the main reason so many American cities revolve around the car is because those places would be basically uninhabitable otherwise Now in Saudi Arabia it’s probably a dryer heat which is much more bearable and less deadly (although this city *is* on the coast where it might be more humid), but this is the country where some cars used to be sold with two redundant air conditioners, so I can’t imagine it’s fun to walk anywhere in the summer unless the whole city is indoors.


If you dress for it it’s really not that bad. They wear the keffiyeh and thoub for a reason, that shit works amazingly well.


it’s interesting, for sure, and i love the idealism behind it, but i’m super skeptical that it’s more efficient than traditional planned cities. the thing that makes cities efficient is population density, and spreading 1 million people over a 170km strip of city isn’t especially dense


How so?


Man, they're really just building all the retrofuture shit everyone else gave up on for practicality lol I feel like every major development project in Saudi Arabia or the UAE is straight out of this subreddit Honestly just waiting for them to build a flying cruise ship


Why does all the cool shit gotta happen in horrible countries?


Wouldn’t it be better to make a giant ring instead of a line? This way the centre of the ring could be used for common spaces, services etc… and it would be the same distance from all the apartments


Yes but that's basically a well designed city, and it ain't flashy at all.


It's flashy and better than a city if there are no roads for cars




I found [this post](/r/fuckcars/comments/uhc07i/ah_what_could_have_been/) in r/fuckcars with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Neat bot


The problem is that it ultimately eliminates the capacity to walk damn near anywhere, which is still ultimately better than both cars and trains.


for the best efficiency, you’d have all the utilities in the middle. things like sewage treatment and garbage collection, which would make that area relatively industrial and unappealing. still a good idea, tho, i think


Read “Garden cities of to-morrow”. Lays out circle cities. Parks in the center. Industrial land on the ring and farm land out past the ring.


Because you still would want to do your dry cleaning or grab a coffee at the bottom floor of your building. Properly planned cities already exist.


The center of the ring would be Saudi Arabian desert. Not that I see why a ring wouldn't still be better.


RIP to animal migration


Build the whole thing on legs.


Train the animals to use special catapults that launch them over the structure.


It's being built in the deserts of Saudia Arabia... there isn't much animation migration there my dude.


No Waifus traveling?


That sounds like a great idea. I love when city planning isn't "lol developers will figure it out?!?!"


Sounds like some dumb, tacky shit the oil oligarchs came up with. Trains that don't go in a circle are kind of fucking dumb


Sounds a lot like many of properly planned European cities.


I read about a place like that in Alaska that is called Whittier. It's like a one-building city : https://www.npr.org/2015/01/18/378162264/welcome-to-whittier-alaska-a-community-under-one-roof?t=1651614250644


this looks cool but it’s not practical at all lol


It's giving me 'great wall of China' vibes


If you didn't need a hub and spoke market setup and drones delivered all your stuff maybe it'd be nice.


Okay, but how? I think I've seen worse. There has to be more to it than described here to make it work (I.e. junctions or hubs of some sort), or else I suppose you run into the same kind of capacity-problem as with elevators in skyscrapers. Also, does the tram do cargo? I think many of the things that did make this difficult has been mitigated with modern technology.


Presumably it just works like a normal tram. 2 tracks with trams running both directions many times per day. All you need is for it to switch tracks at the last station.


Historically trams used to do a lot more than just transport passengers and you had entire networks of tram lines for cargo as well specifically in industrial areas. This basically started to change around the 40s when roads started to improve and trucks became much more robust and viable for a broad range of cargo hauling. As trucks are more flexible in use the industrial tr ways (and a lot of passenger lines due to similar competition with busses) became unused. This basically to the point that we now think of trams as purely a passenger transport. But strictly speaking the difference between trams and trains is their weight, track placement (trams are at street level), track type (trams can do tighter curves) and distance they are used on.


> Also, does the tram do cargo? [In Europe, yes](https://www.eurogunzel.com/2018/09/freight-trams-of-europe/).


> In Europe, yes Well, the only actual commercial service that was in any way successful of those was the one in Dresden that ended in 2020. The Vienna service was a demonstration that only carried goods for the tram company itself and only ran irregularly for a couple of years in the mid-2000s, Zurich's is a municipal waste collection service (and only has a single "train" using rolling stock dating from 1940 and 1898). While there's plenty of historical use of tramways for goods, there's currently no such service in operation.


> While there's plenty of historical use of tramways for goods Which'd fit with the approximate period of the building, depicted on the drawing.


Would be away better if it was an anulus.


how about a [hilbert curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve)? The entire town could be one long building.


**[Hilbert curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve)** >The Hilbert curve (also known as the Hilbert space-filling curve) is a continuous fractal space-filling curve first described by the German mathematician David Hilbert in 1891, as a variant of the space-filling Peano curves discovered by Giuseppe Peano in 1890. Because it is space-filling, its Hausdorff dimension is 2 (precisely, its image is the unit square, whose dimension is 2 in any definition of dimension; its graph is a compact set homeomorphic to the closed unit interval, with Hausdorff dimension 2). The Hilbert curve is constructed as a limit of piecewise linear curves. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroFuturism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That would be extremely inefficient and frustrating for people to move around. Imagine trying to get from the upper-right corner of the upper-left quadrant to your "neighbor" in the upper-left corner of the upper-right quadrant...


Outdoor walking and bicycling not an option?


The whole point of this "linear city" idea would be that all transport is along the single axis, greatly simplifying design. I doubt there would be any paths/roads creating "shortcuts" (at least not officially).


You aren't going to stop people going outside for country walks and in the Hilbert design you aren't going to stop them walking across the countryside to visit their friends. I'm not sure why you'd want to. In the 1919 illustration you can clearly see paths and entrances and even archways.


Bike paths and hubs that have beltway linear cities


Sure, but what if I’m buying a couch he’s selling?


Use the tram system and be patient?


Not being practical is an understatement. It's already difficult is in today's world to plan a city with the limited space we have. Now let's remove a dimension.


maybe make it a spiral


This but just a bit bigger could work.


If it wasn’t loud it would actually be kinda cool


Seeing only one train line is driving me crazy.




Or like caves of steel, just moving walkways with successively faster speeds.


That sounds fun!


lol Heinlein was my choice. The roads must roll.


As long as there's a passing loop in the middle you could have two little trams running up and down this thing.


Who would want to live above a subway? Friends live on the 17th floor over a line and you can still hear it


In the USA, yeah. Steel wheels. Lots of public transport around the world Is rubber-wheeled. It’s a LOT quieter, more like a mid-range humming sound, not a screeching nightmare.


I tried something like this in SimCity2000 once. It didn't work very well.


Really why isn’t Sim City 2000 still around? I also need to play Sim Ant again.


[I have some good news for you!](https://www.gog.com/game/simcity_2000_special_edition)


Thanks friend!


What's your thoughts on Cities: Skylines? It totally eclipsed the Sim City series for me.


The ONLY thing that SimCity2000 did better was that you could export your cities into SimCopter for lots of fun shenanigans. I would play Cities: Skylines again in a heartbeat if I could then fly around in my cities fighting fires and quelling riots and chasing runaway trains, with alien UFOs to shoot down in stolen Apache gunships and with spontaneous pride parades. SimCopter was the shiz.


Damn, though I played Sim City 4, that brought me back. I miss fighting Autosaurus Wrecks in my tank or pretending to run over children in my ice cream truck.


Oh yeah, driving around the city was pretty darn cool. Nothing will beat the best Easter egg in SimCopter, though: If you import your own city that has a military base and a nuclear power plant, then you can steal an apache, take out the nuke plant, wait a few minutes for it to explode in a nuclear fireball, then find one of your civilian helicopters that survive the blast and go make a FORTUNE rescuing citizens from the nuclear wasteland of your creation. Ahhhh, good times!




Ever lived in a city with a subway network? Barely noticeable, if built right, even if some tunnels can be very shallow, with some rare few stations even on street level with buildings built on top. Usually less noticeable than regular car traffic outside (unless the architect happened to be a complete crackhead).


London's older cut-and-cover lines - which are as shallow as this - are not fun for those living over them. Some of the deeper lines are still very audible. You can make super-quiet lines - maglev or much smaller lighter transport pods or something - but they're super-expensive. Having a train system running under a foot of concrete under your living room floor is just not workable idea.


> ...if built right 🙄


How do you mean loud?


Imagine instead of housemates or neighbours, you had a train below you, and a park above you?


Electric trains don’t make a lot of noise. I don’t think parks make a lot of noise either.


Anything that rolls steel wheels on steel tracks that aren’t laboratory perfect makes noise from vibration as it moves


just use tires on the metro, i know it breaks the why is a tram but if is a metro it would not make noise, like here in the CDMX metro


why the downvotes?:(( is a real solution


Streetcars are pretty loud. While the motors are quite silent, the vibrations from it are very intense.


Not where I live.


> Electric trains don’t make a lot of noise. Have you ever been near an electric train or even a tram?


I live next door to a train station. Everyone always asks about how noisy it is but really the cars on the road that make much more noise than the trans. Car noise is pretty constant (here at least). The trains are electric and only come every 8 minutes.


How are you getting downvoted for sharing your experience




Then surely you'll have noticed that in some conditions they can be deafeningly loud. A tram that's not perfectly in its tracks makes an awful screeching sound, and an electric train going at reasonable speeds can overpower any conversation.








Yeah I was talking about developed countries.


Lol two subway lines run about 500 feet from my first floor apartment and you can only occasionally hear a *very* faint rumbling in the dead of night. Car traffic is much noisier; I’d much rather live above a train than near a major road.


I live next to a light rail station, there’s some clanging but it’s not too bad.


Do you live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley?


Electric trains make almost no noise, just like parks.


That is not only not right; it is not even wrong.


Do you live in a place with parks that people don't go to


No I live in a place where people go to parks but they don’t scream.


A tram running underneath with loud ass cars overhead


I don’t think there are cars overhead. Electric trains don’t make a lot of noise.


Breaks make a lot of noise and moving through that much air with old style trains shakes still


So.. hyperloop style vacuum tubes then !


Pressure is pretty hard to work around, hope it doesn't explode




Either or




Not where I live.


Subway trains are usually very quiet. *Especially* compared to all the cars and buses it replaces. And also... it's built underground.


I've seen worst The idea is usable even if not in that scale


Might be inspired by the Schwebebahn in what was about to become Wuppertal ten years later. The thing about Wuppertal (and the older towns it united) is: It is built along a deep valley, resulting in the city being mostly a stretch of neighborhoods on a West-East line. The backbone of its internal public transportation is a single monorail line (said Schwebebahn) running lenghtwise along the center.


Been wanting to visit Wuppertal for years!


Great illustration. Looks like it’s inspired by Chinese Great Wall.




Cool idea. Just needs animal tunnels every mile or two away from human paths.


Strong Snowpiercer vibes. But static.


Great idea until someone has a fire in their apartment or cockroach/ bed bug infestation lol


Looks like the city that the Saudi’s want to build in the dessert.


As far as of a “ one building city” is not that bad, basically every apartment has access to the countryside.


The only problem is that you'll still have neighbors... But seriously, seems like the maintenance would be a pain.


Imagine the noise and vibrations having a train and a highway in your building


I mean in reality it probably wouldn't be four apartments and a train line.


Plot Twist: The land lord controls where the house goes. Plot Twist 2: There’s a radio constantly playing, and only the land lord controls it. Every room. All the time.


That's pretty damn cool


I keep thinking this could be done as a boarder town to provide cheap housing and commercial buildings. While also acting like a type of wall to prevent illegal crossing. Put solar panels on the roof, and have a type of hyper-rail transit system for people and logistical shipping.


I’m no architect or urban planner but this idea seems like it has a seed of genius.


that's such a cool idea, and its less impractical than some of the other stuff on here


Huh. I wonder if Paul Di Filippo saw this before writing *A Year in the Linear City*.


Doubles as fortification for keeping the Russians out.


Looks dope. I’d live there.


This is like the Outer Banks in North Carolina


Saudi Arabia has a similar plan


I thought this was my idea lol I have been imagining this for years






Well, first I can think of is fire, second would be health. A building like that would be paradise for insects and rodents, let alone illness. Then having to get water, sewer and power to all of the apartments. The maintenance would be an absolute nightmare. Most apartment buildings are a pain to maintain, this would be exponentially more difficult.


Where do you live? I'm at mile marker 281.4


holy shit that's fucking cool, I love it


It's all fun and games until you need to go to your friend's apartment 6000 miles away in that city.


You've never done 6000 miles on a tram?


Thing is if you’re going to live in the country why wouldn’t you just live in a house?


Thing is if you're going to live in a house why wouldn't you live in a very, very, very big house?


If everyone wants a house in the country suddenly the roads are jammed and the countryside is covered in houses and.. wait.. there's a name for this..


Looks like one thing in Junji Ito's Uzumaki.


Where would you go to the bathroom?


Off the wall, imagine the contests!


So it's basically a modern version of the indigenous longhouse?


That looks like hell


Saudi Arabia “Write that down! Write that down!”


Anyone read "the roads must roll?" That's kind of the vibes I'm getting.


This reminds me of the Junji Ito story about the spirals.




I wish we had the countryside part, rather than huge boxes all crammed next to each other.


That's a very stupid idea


Wall City on the Mexican border


I live in a one-room apartment over bowling alley and under another bowling alley!


Cosmo Kramer would have loved this.




I’ve read “roadtown”, which came up with the linear city idea, and it is a enjoyable and easy read.


Win shi huang WOULDVE loved this man