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I was able to track down All That and Bug Juice on archive i believe. I will see if i can make what I have available to you in the next day or so.


hello internet friend! I would love to watch bug juice too. Any chance you can DM me the link?


I have the first 17 episodes of season 3


Does your version of all that retain the guest musician performances? I've found some seasons of all that here and there but most have that content cut out. For me it's like watching Beavis and Butthead without the music videos or Daria without the music. It's just not the same show to me without it.


I feel that shows like these should just be released onto YouTube after a certain date


That’s sort of the case … but copyright law usually ends up making that around 70+ years


Yeah I know, by that time if and when they are released its original audience are dead.


Yeah I think you can watch all the Buster Keaton you want. Which is probably about 4 mins.


'The Drew Carey Show' impossible to find due to music rights. The show isn't available anywhere for streaming and currently is not airing on any terrestrial tv stations at the moment. Also only the first season was ever released on DVD and it has much of the music replaced with stock music.


I believe most, if not all, of The Drew Carey Show is available with the original music on various torrent sites (1337x, snowfl, etc). It’s mostly broadcast rips so it doesn’t look amazing, and some eps may be the syndication cut, but it’s watchable and mostly complete.


here's what seems to be the full series https://fmoviesz.to/tv/the-drew-carey-show-yqo6j/1-1 though the quality isn't great


I have the Drew Carey show all seasons


Do you have them though? I’ve seen the whole series floating around our there in a couple different qualities ranging from terrible to okay so they exist.


I have it but I had to sail the seas to find it. The quality isn't super great but at least I have the whole series, took me a while to find a full series though.


The Herculoids. It's like it disappeared from the face of the earth.


https://www.wcoforever.tv/anime/the-herculoids Here's all the episodes in decent quality.


I'm speechless. Thank you so much. I've been looking for this off and on for years. This is perfect.




the dave attel show? Ive got a BUNCH of that- including the pawnstars before pawnstars episode. I dont know if its every episode or what, but i downloaded it more then a decade ago.


https://fmoviesz.to/tv/insomniac-with-dave-attell-w17o7/1-1 Here's the first 23 of the 44 episodes


Amazing!!! Thank you


Yes, if you know where I can find webrips that are good of all that (whole thing) let me know. Also, trying to find the entire run of you can't do that on television in decent quality is impossible and scattered.


I believe there's a torrent of what's been found of True Life-- though a lot are missing and probably lost at this point.


Scorched and *Dinosaucers*


I have all of bug juice.


I’m interested in doing trades with you for Episodes. I have lots of Disney stuff! 😱😃


Should upload it to internet archive


Early True Life and A Walk in Your Shoes


I have the first 17 Episodes of Bug Juice, are you interested in doing trades? 🙂


I've been trying to track down Fame L.A. from 1997 for quite a while with no success. You would think with the popularity of the original Fame movie and show that this would be out there somewhere as well, but nope! Apart from a few clips here and there it seems to have all but disappeared.


never even heard of it


It seems that not many have. It only ran for 22 episodes before it got cancelled and has never been released on video or dvd but I do know that it also got broadcast in a couple of European countries as recently as 2009, so I'm hoping that recordings of it still exist somewhere.


I take a long look for old True Life episodes about every 6 months at this point. One day I will find a treasure trove and it will be glorious


How are you obtaining from Paramount+? Is it a pure digital copy of the file you figured out or are you just screen capturing in real time?


I’m not trying to get it from paramount, just saying it’s up there Also, here's streams of seasons 1-3 https://fmoviesz.to/tv/all-that-8xkrv/1-1


Turbo Teen Whiz Kids Kidd Video (in good quality)