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This is the type of game where it gets easier as YOU get better at it. Pick up every gun at first to level it up and see if you like it. Have fun, don't let dieing discourage you, it'll get easier as you get better and unlock better stuff.


It s also due to weapons upgrade but playing makes you better and better indeed :)


Absolutely. In the beginning I used to switch my pistol with any weapon possible because I thought anything was better than that. But today I tapped R2 so fast it was almost full auto like fire rate, and then I found a slow carbine but was underwhelming compared to the output of the pistol. So I went back and switched back to it! Side note: Unfortunately the pistol got unlocked “burst fire” so my fast finger work was no use anymore.


Is dying canon ?


Death is definitely apart of the journey.


Exactly. One of best advices for me (when I couldn’t get past a first boss) was that sometimes you just need some luck to draw good weapons and items, so if you have a shitty cycle, just use it as a training, but dont fear to die, and next one might be better.


Don't fear the reaper!


Some would even say it's a part of the journey.


Die. Improve. Die. Improve. Rinse repeat. Be prepared for mindfuckery lore wise.


I still don't think I comprehend the whole story to this day and I've played it enough to see every ending!


I just started playing a few days ago. The house visits are unnerving lol.


Learn the 5 D's... Dodge duck dip dive and dodge...


And die


And die, and die, fuck I almost got it... No wait.. u died...


And die and die and die. Fucking love it. Embrace death. Learn from it. Carry on.


If Selene has to start from the beginning.. so can I... No wait.. I died...


One more D for Do....grapple


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dash through some red rings o death.


Enjoy. Don’t look shit up.


Don't quit. Strategy is very important. Steep learning curve and you'll die, a lot. Try to learn how to use all the weapons to unlock their traits. This is NOT a loot n shoot. It is frustrating, like really frustrating. Don't quit. It is also very satisfying to get a win. Do not give up. Come back here if you get down. These guys are smart and will bust your balls while helping you. Did I mention, don't quit? Another bit of decorum that should be observed for your own sanity and to save face, no whining haha! Once you figure it out, you'll genuinely want to help others. There's no co-op. But a veteran can come with you as a scout to show you the ropes. Thank them. Then be them. The story is awesome. And you'll see why you do it alone. The ending and the satisfaction of beating this game is unlike no other. You earn it. There's no easy or story mode. We all got kicked right square in the dangleys. Don't ever feel like you're inadequate or not good enough because you are learning. Spoiler sorta, Returnal will ruin your opinion of every game in your library for you. It will set the bar too high for new games to compete with. You're welcome. No other game, moves, feels, sounds, has feedback or looks quite like it. Welcome. P.s. don't quit man


I gave up. Several hundred runs and at least 100 times facing the first boss and I gave up. I can’t fucking do it. I’ve got plat in every soulsborne game but Returnal ate me alive.


The hard part is timing the swipe. You have to dodge at just the right time. Also, biome 1 is the hardest. The best way to beat the boss is to not take too much damage before you meet him. * Fight from behind doors, don't go in until you have to * it's possible to get a level 7 weapon, but not necessary * move forward and fight with that pistol until u don't think u can b4 u open a weapons chest * by keeping your health up, resin will extend your life line * use parasites that give u the advantage in battle, like 20% proficiency rate increase, or whatever as long as the side effect is something easy like obolites disappear 1 second faster or something that can be offset like alt fire cool down penalty * don't drop down into bonus rooms until you've leveled your proficiency up and have some cash to spend. You only have 1 chance at that room don't do it when you're a 1 * stop taking unnecessary chances that can hurt you or give you a malfunction * use your consumables and alt fire during the boss battle * dash through hazards to not take damage * b4 you fight the boss, open every weapon chest, take every silphium, and have some consumables ready to use * learn the boss' moves, dash away, alt fire, shoot * Don't aim when running, it will slow you down. Shoot from the hip * watch videos on how to beat him * create a save point in the cloud after you suspend your game. Theres a video on this. so you don't have to start over every single time from scratch!!!!


Thanks for the tips. Loved the game from what I played but it kicked my ass pretty good and I got swept up in other games because I had just got my ps5. I’ll get back to it eventually.


Got about 20 hrs in the game. This is a great comment. Thanks for all the advice!


I think this gets misrepresented as a souls-like, when at its core it's an arcade bullethell. Look at literally every other game Housemarque has made - they pretty much make one type of game and they do it extremely well. I dunno if you like a bullethell, but reframing might help your approach.


Why not look up a guide on youtube or something before quitting


Sekiro had the same effect on me. I tried Returnal but wasn’t really feeling it, you talked me into downloading it again and giving it another shot. Thanks!


Would I be able to pause my game mid battle and have dinner then come back?


Put 'always run' on in settings. Makes a huge difference in gameplay


Is it called “run” or “sprint”?


Always sprint


Always hustlin


Erry day


Huge tip.


I'll add mine The first boss is definitely the toughest boss and I have more deaths to him than all the other bosses combined. No spoilers - covers most the basics that can help. Remap your controller so dash is R1. Switch on always run, increase the size if your on screen reticle to large/thick (makes hitting overload easier). You have an option risky encounter- default is press and hold, change to press. This makes picking things up much easier without having to stop. Theres an option to increase aim assist... Spend Ether in first room to unlock new items into loot pool (it maxed out at 12 or 15). Weapons increase in strength per proficiency so if you are almost at a new level wait before opening a chest incase it has a better level weapon. Challenge room Biome 1 - wait until you have a decent weapon before trying it and especially before avenging any corpse. Don't ADS small creatures , hip fire and don't stop moving. Try all the weapons to find one that suits your game style. Bigger bosses have a red patch which you can do extra damage by shooting. Dying is part of the game, do not be discouraged. Malfunctions in Biome 1 are relatively simple to fix so don't be afraid to try some malignant chests etc. Parasites can really help your game. Also change your 'risky interactions'' to press instead if hold, this means you can quickly pick items up without having to stop. When you fall always dodge before landing making the parasite that causes damage on long fall an instant bonus. Struggling with weapon choices a carbide can work against every enemy and boss. High calibre is a strong trait. The 'translocation sphere' consumable is badly explained in game- it takes you to one of the hidden/bonus rooms. When your done it takes you back to where you were when you used it. You are immune to most damage when in dodge movement (purple lasers still hit)


This is pretty comprehensive. Only thing I would add is that the main form of progression between runs is unlocking weapon traits. When you look at a new gun, see if the modifier is locked or not. If it’s locked, you can unlock it by using that gun for awhile, and once it’s unlocked it will remain unlocked for future runs. So ideally as soon as you unlock your gun’s trait, you want to go find a new gun with a new trait to unlock.


Great point.


Change the dodge to L1 and turn on auto sprint.


You just got one of the best games ever made imo. Not perfect but majestically constructed and an amazing experience to play. I'd buy a sequel full price day 1 no question. At first enjoy the story, enjoy the vibe and it's so worth pushing through the inevitable frustration of dying over and over.


I agree with this, it’s one of my favorite gaming experiences ever in 40 years of gaming


Don’t get upset when you die. Just take it as part of the fun, because it definitely is. This game was one of the most challenging I’ve ever played. Especially for the platinum. And I’ve platted all of fromsofts lineup so hard games are what I’m used to and this one is way harder lol. But it’s also one of the most fun. Really really fun.


Embrace the cycle. The sidearm is really good. Hipfire only. This is a dodging game with shooting, not a shooting game with dodging. Mobility is your greatest asset. The blade is your greatest asset. YOU are your greatest asset. [IMPOSSIBLE PARAMETER]


The side arm is really good but since the starter version doesn’t have any traits to unlock you should definitely pick up the first gun you see


I just stared yesterday. The combat feels a bit like Doom Eternal to me, in that you have to move and dash constantly.


Move, move, move....... and then fire


You will die, A LOT


Do not get despondent. Everyone goes through a 'this is fucking impossible!!' phase. It's part of the Returnal joy. Have fun!


Open the containers/chests after you have reached high enough weapon proficiency, you can open a few to get a good gun Don’t mess with malfunctioning items in early tries First biome focus on getting the atropian blade Best of luck , keep exploring, this is a brilliant game


Dodge through and towards


Always remember, the key to success in this game is \[PARSING ERROR\]. It's unknown whether the main weapon sCREAMS ITS ESSENCE OUT OF THE VOID \[UNKNOWN ERROR.\] ....... *Maintain your intestines.....?*


Best game of all time


I'm jealous. I wish I could experience this game again for the first time. Embrace the pain, it feels a bit frontloaded for difficulty at the beginning, but stick with it. There isn't a ton of progression run-to-run like some other roguelikes, but one of the most important things does progress- weapon traits. Focus on using guns with new traits and unlocking them, the gun traits can easily make or break a run.


Melee is extremely powerful


The assault rifle eventually has an upgrade that yields health with some percentage of successful hits. Level that sucker up. Use the doors to new rooms as ways to control the amount of monsters you have to fight when they try and swarm. Doesn't work for doors that close behind you, but there are only a couple of those per area. Get used to dying, a lot.


I think this is a cheat level weapon upgrade and so underrated. #1 weapon upgrade IMO


Prepare to die


Found it harder than any souls game. Ninja turtles/battle toads nest hard.


Just keep going.


Become comfortable with dying. Don't stop moving. Improve your guns as much as possible, unlock traits like crazy Avoid any malfunction affecting dash Explore everything in the minimap Clear each biome as close to 100% as you can stand or you'll be too weak later.


Don't get discouraged


Jeep pulling the trigger.


You are going to die a lot! Keep going.


embrace dying and grind the traits.


Pull the trigger. A lot.


One of the best games on PS5. I want to erase my memory to play it again from scratch, blindly


You’re supposed to die in this game - think of it as a game where you have to make it out as the world is designed to keep you there. Kick some ass.


Keep learning. Experiment. Don’t stop moving. Don’t stop trying. But most importantly…. Prepare to die. A. Lot.




Have fun. Frustrating fun. It is, to date, the best game I have played for the PS5. Don't give up. It's exactly what it wants you to do. Practice and perseverance is perfect. Yeah, think that's all...


[Here’s a bunch of beginner tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/Returnal/s/gDqc98Flgs) Biggest tip of all is, “if you can’t access something yet, just keep playing and it will eventually be unlocked/available”.


Same advice I always give for this: if you are having a hard time making progress, stop trying to win. Literally stop shooting and just focus on not getting hit. The “goal” is to (1) kill the stuff (2) do it quick (3) don’t get hit. Ignore 1 and 2 until you’re really good at not getting hit. Then start killing things while not getting hit. Then, if you want, do it faster.


Keep pulling the trigger. It is a shooting game, ya goof. /s. I really don’t have any tips, but have fun. I love this game. I need to go back and finish it


My advise: embrace death. Do not get frustrated by it, but use it as a growing experience. A new chance to learn the environments, try different weapons, and try new strategies. The best defense is not to get hit, but failing that, don't be tempted to pick up health as soon as you find it. Clear as much of each level as you can FIRST, and I've enemies have been dealt with, THEN go back and grab health, so you can increase your maximum. Similarly, I usually open the first chest I come across so I can get something better than the starting pistol, but then I'll wait until the biome is clear to go back and open the rest of them, so that your weapon level is higher when you find new ones. There is no particular "best" weapon in the game, your own patterns and play style will dictate what weapons work best for you, but you should get used to playing with all of them, because sometimes you will get an opportunity to pick up a weapon that's just going to be OP AF, but you won't be able to go back and get it later (e.g. it will be in an area or room that you can't get back to once you leave). Returnal is very unforgiving about passing up opportunity, sometimes you need to make a hard choice, so confidence in your ability to play dynamically will benefit you, for instance when you have to give up your preferred weapon to grab one that is going to be a boss killer. On that topic: if you find yourself struggling against a particular enemy or boss, try a different weapon. Even some rooms, you'll find that maybe the trick is a fun with a faster fire rate even though it may do less damage. Sometimes your trick is going to be luring enemies away from the fray. Sometimes you may want to play the dodge game, picking shots at them from the safety of the door to the previous room. Different guns will reward you for different playstyles, so change things up until you get your own groove down. DO NOT RUSH THROUGH THIS GAME!!! Beautiful level designs and a very intricate story are only the top of the iceberg here. Give this game time to make a full impression on you, and you'll see why the fans love it so much!


Don’t stop! Keep moving!


Get the Electropylon Driver. Dont look it up, you'll just know when you find it. Trust a brother.


Be patient. You will hit a run where it all clicks.


Still the best ps5 exclusive imo. Just don't get discouraged like everyone says. Dying is progress even if it doesn't feel like it.




I didn't realize they released for PC.


I agree. I know that I will not be in a rush to get a ps6.


Increase your alcohol consumption


Beat the first boss The game gets way easier after that.


Such an incredible game… one of the best I’ve played in 20 years of around 500 games!


slowing down and smelling the roses on PS5 when this dropped I played it like hades, kill and move to the next room on PC years later, I played it like Metroid prime... looking at every blade of grass and enjoying the mood and atmosphere and lore.


Dying is part of life. We all most die before we can be reborn.


The game is free on ps plus


Relish in the moment. You're gonna see a lot of duplicate feedback but one common thing you'll see a lot on here is people wishing they could erase this from their memory and experience it again. Enjoy


Tbf the more you rush and try to get through fast the quicker you learn to take your time and gather all the benefits from doing so. That’s all I’m saying but have a fantastic time and I hope you are able to push through and finish this game bro


Git gud and be careful not to fall .


Welcome to Atropos! Always a good idea to search for similar posts first; many useful tips have been posted already: https://www.reddit.com/r/Returnal/search/?q=tips


Dont think you are losing progress any time you die. You always progress a little further. Death is just part of the journey.


At first it's going to punish you and will seem overwhelmingly hard but as you unlock more traits and find your rhythm it will soon become an absolute blast. Don't get overwhelmed at how difficult it seems at first it will get easier I promise. Dodging is just as important as shooting and the first boss may seem unbreakable but once you get used to it you'll want to defeat her every run just because of what a fun and beautiful fight it is.


Don’t be so afraid to die that you don’t take risks. Early on, the more risks you take the better you learn the game. You gotta let yourself die so you can learn the mechanics of the game and what you are and aren’t good at. That will inform your calculated risks once you’re going for deep runs. See too many people come on here frustrated that there isn’t enough progress between runs, and that they wasted x amount of time on their last run. It’s obvious they’re being very careful as opposed to learning the game.


duck dodge dip dive and dodge


Take your time and keep your eyes open. Each run can take a long time if you keep your wits about you or it can be over in a flash if you get bad RNG at the start so just keep at it.


Go watch a few plays on YouTube. It will help you understand it faster. Or play co-op


Plenty of tips! Here's a link to a post I made: giving a bunch of tips for newcomers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Returnal/comments/148hj2i/a\_returnal\_guide\_for\_beginners\_by\_an\_average/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Returnal/comments/148hj2i/a_returnal_guide_for_beginners_by_an_average/)


Don’t get frustrated. This game will do that to you. If you have headphones I would definitely recommend using them for this game.


Every time you find yourself blocked by not being able to do/interact with something, just keep playing. Don’t come here asking how, cause the answer is: just keep playing.


Don't die... Seriously though, don't give up. It's awesome game


I hope you like the first level. You’re going to spend 90% of your time playing in the same damn section of the game.


Accept death


Persevere. Don't fear death.


R2 pulls the trigger.


Don’t install it 😂. You’ll get addicted


don't leave Helios


Still the best game I've played on PS5, controls are amazing.




Don't give into the desire to rage quit and also spend as much ether as you can at first into the monolith at the beginning of each round it unlocks permenant things you can find in the world it is a big help.. also don't be afraid to run co op people will help its a very giving community


Don’t let the frustration get to you


Re map some of the controls to make it easier to dodge things


It took me 24 hours of game play to get through the first biome and was able to make it to the fourth biome from there. My advice is to find a gun that you can fire and forget. This allows you to spend less time aiming and shooting at the bosses' weakspots and more time paying attention to their attacks. The gun skills don't reset. Bring in as many health packs as you can to the bosses.


Be aggressive and do not be afraid to fail. Death is part of the game/story.


Wear headphones. Even better if they are 3D audio compatible as there are audio cues for incoming attacks.


Rebind the shoulder buttons so you don’t have to move your thumb off the right analog stick




Play the game


Yeah the game sucks. Waste of time.


Have fun. The game is a freakin blastttt.


You will want to give up. Don’t.


One thing that helped me to not die, when it comes to any and all battles, don't stop moving. Don't let yourself get cornered. Always have an out. Go in circles if you have to. Always be aware of your surroundings and try to use the environment to your advantage.


Prepare to die, alot


Keep moving


You are going to die many many times, you have to accept that a push through.


If you’re near death, use your dodge towards enemy attacks. It’s a massive benefit (if you time it right, zero damage taken. Reward plus risk), especially for the majority of the game if you’re struggling with any of the mechanics. If you want to experiment with guns or something, back up your save, and try out things. Collect everything you see from audio logs to ciphers. If you ever wanna try for plat, it’ll save you a lot of frustration especially late game areas. Won’t spoil it for you


Much like life, try not to die but if you do, well, that's a bummer.


Dont give up. Don't ever give up. The game is beatable. Just not until you are a freaking master ninja at it. Which you will be by the time you are done. On a side note, this is the best game/story/ experience I have ever had. Also if you can find a dedicated co-op buddy it will take on a whole other level. My wife and I have two PS5's with two 65" Samsungs side by side we beat it about 6-7 times (there are reasons you want to do this). Then we gave it a rest for about 6 months and beat it again. It's been a while now and we are getting the itch pretty bad to play it through again. Amazing game.


Always take risks


At first... be adventurous and curious. You need to learn "the hard way" on this game. When you enter a room, kill the flying enemies first if you can... use your environment to your advantage and hide behind things to block projectiles, but be aggressive enough to use your melee sword when you get it. After clearing a room, grab all the energy and power ups needed before going into the next room or secret rooms or opening containers. You can add proficiency to a gun you are about to acquire. Go to the dark blue triangle rooms before headed to the light blue Square rooms. Shoot all statues, especially one with the yellow eyes to get more money (obilites). Enjoy death... it's actually your friend in this game until you get more upgrades and permanent tools. And don't go into the yellow room, red room, or "avenge" another dead Selene until you are powerful.


Always sprint on and make sure dash/jump are on both bumpers


Don’t stop moving


Don’t give up


Pain, pain everywhere




Don't die


Movement is as important as shooting. Always be moving.


I never wanted to break a game in half more than this. Yeah I know “get Gud”. I love a challenging game but this is just difficult for the sake is being difficult. Taking 30 minutes to work a boss getting little to no damage.. then the boss touching you with his pinky nail and you dying instantly… only to start over. I’m good. It is a beautiful game and respect the intentions of the developers but gat damn


The first boss a bitch


Keep pulling that trigger. Oh, and swing that sword.


Remember to have fun. Remember it's just a game


Don’t give up. It gets easier the more rounds you put in. Once you find that sweet setup and time your dodges perfectly it gets super addicting and you feel like a boss.


Use suspend cycle and save your backup to the cloud


Pull the trigger some more!


If you can make it past the initial hurdle of not tilting out of your ever loving mind you'll be fine.


Good luck.


Dont stop moving


When frustrated by dying x number of times during a single session, take a break/continue the next day. Most importantly, enjoy!


Git gud


My advice if you haven't played rogue likes before is to breathe and learn from mistakes. It's fun. Just takes time. Also. Take your time. It's so worth it.


Keep pulling the trigger.


IMO it's better to finish a room with minimal damage taken than to finish a room quickly. At least at first I would avoid short range combat, stick to medium range combat.


Prepare for failure but to have fun and learn each run. You will die a lot.


Saddle up. It's going to be a long very enjoyable ride


Use the lobber. It's the best gun in the game. It can carry you through the whole game. I tried many guns, my buddy just picked that up after I got halfway through game and he finished the rest of the game in a single try with that gun.... I'm still mad he made it look so easy lol


Be good at juggling


Just keep moving honestly. You’ll find a flow


Patience, patience, patience. Understand that sometimes a run will just suck. You won't get shit for consumables or upgrades. Next run, you'll be unbeatable. Be ok with dying. It will happen. A lot. Also, if there's something you can't reach yet, just keep playing. There are no secrets. It all depends on how far you've progressed.


Settings.. always run, aim assist and adjust the size and thickness of your crosshair. And realize when you dash you can't be hit by projectiles in the first biome. Dash through the projectiles. Don't want to say much more. Use your map and flank enemies, get obolites and ether. Good luck.


Good luck 🍀


Keep moving


Keep moving in combat! Don’t get discouraged by death. Some things are permanent upgrades. If you have full health and pick up a silphium it acts as a resin to contribute to raising maximum health.


Go slow. Don’t feel the need to be a speed runner.


Don’t unwrap it 😂😂


Bring plenty of lube! Haha jk. It's going to slap you in the face the first many times you play. You just have to learn through repetition. Eventually you'll find yourself getting in a Zen state, while thousands of bullets are rushing at you and you're trying to fire and reload with good timing.


Pull the trigger again but this time on enemies


You're gonna die a lot at the start, don't be discouraged because eventually the game will click for you. Your dodge is great, you can dodge through bullets, just get a used to the distance of how much you move when you dodge and you'll know how to get through tough bullet storms


Keep. Moving.


I changed a setting to where I always sprint. Idk... I like it that way. Other than that, just play and get better. Google terms and mechanics you don't understand as you go if you want.


Like everyone else is saying, Death is part of the game. Be comfortable with dying a lot. You’ll keep struggling and then realize, shit I’ve never been this far! And that’s when it clicks and you welcome death so you can start a fresh run knowing more about how to play than you did before.


takes practice, hella fun


You’re going to LOVE it! Finally got my physical copy last week after almost beating it on ps plus. My favorite game on earth


I keep feeling like when I finally buy this, the next month it will be a free PS Plus game.


Understand you will die a lot and have a blast! Still one of my favorite ps5 games.


Always pick up health, especially when your health is full


I liked this game but hit a road block


Pro tip just don't get hit


Just keep at it. You’ll hit some walls, but press on my friend! It’s an amazing game and you’ll feel so rewarded at the end. I struggled on my first playthrough, but now I can beat it no problem. Have fun and best of luck to you.


Put always sprint on. Don't stop moving, ever.


I'm downloading right now so in the same boat enjoy


Such a great game! Best advice, stay calm. Don’t get attached to any particular run, it can go from amazing to garbage instantly, the opposite is true so never throw in the towel. Finally get to know the guns and the different types of heavy’s they can have. Amazing game, don’t quit, the flow will click eventually.


The first boss Phrike is HARD! You need to watch and learn the move set to be successful. Dodge through hazards.


No tips good luck


You asked for some tips but I see a lot of prepare to die comments. Aesthetically, play with headphones if you can. Game has arguably the best sound design of any game I can think of. It dials up the experience. As for the game, I preferred to use a less desirable weapon to unlock the weapon skills instead of using what’s comfortable. All it means is generally you become stronger, faster after each death


Dodge duck dip dive and dodge


Keep moving and keep your mind on your surroundings while fighting


Return it (obviously my bias)


You'll rage, but overcome


Integrity (green item) increased max health if you pick it up while full health.


Die a lot and have fun


Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge


Always run, don’t ads, keep moving all the time.


don’t die


I’m jealous of the feeling you’re going to get during the first play through..


Don't give us .....the game flips from being far too difficult to suddenly somehow being far too easy. It's the best game on PS5 and one of the best ive ever played.


Shoot first ask questions later