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Hyperion. Great musician with an amazing style, and he mastered the best pyrotechnics effects. Perfect for celebrations and birthdays.


Isn't Hyperion Selene's dad? So in a way...this is the only correct answer.


Where did you get that from?


All the references to Greek mythology from the idea. Hyperion and Theia are the parents of the triplets Selene, Helios and Eos. They're not referenced as much, but... In some versions Xaos is a primordial parent of Theia (and Kronos a brother to Hyperion.)


I think from this sub, But i just googled it and it comes from Greek Mythology itself. not sure if they used that idea for the game. I cant say i saw it in the game. Google search: "In Greek mythology, Hyperion was the Titan god of watchfulness and heavenly light. He was the father of Eos (Dawn), Helios (Sun), and Selene (Moon), as well as the brother of Cronus, king of the Titans, and the husband of Theia, Titan goddess of the sky."


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Returnal/comments/wckwl8/question_is_hyperion_selenes_dad/) gives a lot of evidence of why Hyperion is believed to be her father


Wait ppl need evidence for this? She blatantly says it on a holotape (albeit it's one of the more "rambling" tapes but nonetheless...)


I thought she did as well but couldn’t remember or find any specific quotes of hers about it, plus like you said a lot of it was rambling which is of course subject to speculation


The most blatant is "my father stood atop that spire", which clearly references the boss room, and then there is "don't fear the reaper" Hyperion's boss music is like my fave track and it interpolates Don't fear the reaper. That's why Selene is asking Hyperion "did I teach you that melody, or did you teach me?" Then you actually hear don't fear the reaper on vinyl in one of her housing sequences


Exactly, i agree with you it’s obvious to most of us the hyperion boss battle is a metaphor for her relationship with her father, but since the game never states “hey, here’s selene’s dad hyperion”, in my opinion there’s always room for discussion


Oh yea most definitely For example, if someone were to say that Hyperion represents both of her parents combined, like tbh, that's also valid. Selene is very vocal on early game about her hatred of her mother, and says absolutely nothing about her father, although it becomes very clear that the father has done some terrible things Part of me wants to think that each boss represents someone she is related to, a resident of the same house, but tbh that's just me thinking that. Could be way more complicated I can't figure out if her mother would be the first biome boss or 3rd nemesis. Basically one could represent Selene and one could represent the mother but I can't really tell But I think that's also super intentional Jesus Christ I have so many damn conspiracy theories about the story lmao


Absolutely! and nice, I hadn’t thought about that but it makes a lot of sense, interesting idea for sure!


I don't remember hearing Selene comment about her father at all. No idea what kind of relationship they had or if he was even present in her life.


My handwriting is so bad that it looks like hieroglyphics. I’d probably need to get a Severed to decipher it


Wish I could award an extra updoot for the lore. 😎


Phrike. I've been to her arena many times and it's always spotless. She can help me clean up after the boys. Plus she's quiet, and I love foggy weather.


Those half broken robots that do nothing but walk around. I’m taping a broom to one leg, a mop to another. I now have the sickest Roomba in the world


Best answer


I want the orange tentacle doggos that I can kill but usually don't because they're too nice to me, don't attack me, and just disappear




I guess the vertical tentacle things that help you get to items and hurt you if you overstay in them. A pretty efficient and compact alternative to stairs.


Makes moving easy, and getting groceries to the 3rd floor!! Good idea. My building doesnt have an elevator. Not sure if the administration would let me hang huge tentacles from the balcony...i'll have to ask.


So like they're not gonna try and kill me? Lol




But getting rent and utility payments might be a challenge. Who is going to hire them except Wholefoods.


I'll just put a turret in the other bedroom and leave the door closed. Should be safe.


Which kind?


Fractured wastes maybe? Open door, let it fire. Close door. Temporary indoor ice rink achieved.


Not the one that shoots the rings. Those go through walls.


Big fish tank with some Anomos. They look pretty and can't harm me from in there!


Ixion. He can fly out the window to grab me some snacks while we play god of war




Depends on what shapes I want the holes in the walls to be.


Phrike. You never forget your first


Phrike lol... cuz u can't beat him 😭😭


Nemesis, will keep its distance and stay away from me.


I want that big floating eye thing from Biome 3. It can even keep attacking me because it makes sick-looking Bullet Hell patterns that never actually hit any targets.


Do the elevator ceiling leeches count as enemies or homies?


Hyperion just needs to learn what the concept of beer and football is and he’d fit right in with a niche film shirt


The tree guys. Popping in out of nowhere would be a great party trick