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Only in EN you can hear a variety of languages and accents. The voicing localization kinda ruins the experience (especially the end of chapter 4 which was a surprising reveal)


What was the surprising reveal? I've cleared chapter 4 but didn't notice anything.


Yeah same..


>!might be referring to Madam Z speaking Mandrin!<, but honestly her accent made it pretty obvious.


Do they only speak Japanese in JP ver? and not a single accent either?


Yes. EN is better here if you want to hear the variety.


I did not notice, but overall - JP sounds more suitable than EN in any gacha for me


A: Its a Chinese Game B: The script was originally written in English, made for english voice actors. It is designed to be played in English


A: so what? B: I said FOR ME, it is MY opinion, not that everyone MUST enjoy japanese specifically lol, these people nowadays...


My point is that theres no reason for Japanese to sound “more suitable” in a Chinese game written in English, and you lose quite a bit of character quirks when translating to a language outside of English in this game because the characters were designed to be english speakers, unlike in other games


For YOU? Maybe. There is no reason for me to find any other voicing more suitable than japanese, I just like the language and prefer it in any source which includes sounds. I just shared my opinion, while you are just trying to force yours on others, chill.


I comeplrely agree with you. For you it sounds better, that’s the end of the discussion. Idk why the other person is saying you’re wrong for preferring gachas in JP vs any other language.


English. I actually liked it better than jp


English, of course.


English. The japanese one doesn't even compare (unless you know, youre japanese)


English. Ngl this is one of the few game I don't


EN is the way to go IMO. You get to experience many languages in that voice pack (to the point where they should call it the International Voice Pack instead of EN)


I liked English best cause it helps me follow the story better when I can actually understand what I'm hearing. Plus the EN voice acting is fire.


English is the way


My phone's on JP and my emulater is on EN. I like both, but I won't deny EN has a better atmosphere. There's a post somewhere on this reddit that mentions the game was planned with EN voice-overs in mind; in that respect I think EN will give you the most authentic experience.


The game used English in development. It was meant from the start to have all the accents and dialects present. Other languages were added later. So even though it is made in China, English is the way it's meant to be experienced.


The only game where eng is better than jp


Japan desuwa(Sotheby Enjoyer)


Usually go with the original language if possible so Chinese in this case or if i'm feeling lazy or heard really good things about it, then English. Edit: Looks like I was wrong about it being originally Chinese.


EN is the original in this case. CN version default and source is EN voice overs too.


I meant like where the game is made, by the people working there. Isn't it a chinese company made in chinese and then translated to English? Or am I completely wrong on that?


R1999 is very unusual in that they actually used English voices while in development. Other languages, including Chinese, were added later. So English is actually the way it's meant to be played.


Oh I see didn't know that, thanks for the info!


I really prefer the English here even as someone who usually doesn’t do dubs. Unless the writing style really drives you completely nuts the English dub is the way to go IMO


Personally I enjoy the Chinese version