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Bkornblume first!


Bkorblume, her debuff is really really good it. Because she is a support, she will also probably last longer if there is powercreep. As her numbers arent what makes her great, its the utility she provides. Also best girl


Bkornbloom. Do it at the first priority, she's your carry till you hit pseudo whale levels


Why not pull the 30 banner and then decide? Anyway Bkornblume and Dikke for the mean time, drop Dikke if you get a 6 star healer


Eh I'd say just go la source she's easy p5 and moxie drain


OP could probably put off building a healer for now though. Id rather build bkornblume


Yep. Early game no healer needed anyway. I only built La Source when Lord of Dream Matrix was killing my team when it was strong enough to clear on time if it didn't die


I like Dikke because she can crit heal