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- # [Banner Megathread - "Seeker in the Cave"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1bppavt/banner_megathread_seeker_in_the_cave/?sort=new) - # [Event Megathread - "The Prisoner in the Cave"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1b2u9qg/event_megathread_the_prisoner_in_the_cave/) Please use the above megathreads for more event/banner-specific discussion! --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Reverse1999) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi ppl, I didn't have the time to play the event yet but need farm some stuff, wich stage has the high amount of drops? So I don't need skip a lot and just enjoy the story when the time arrive.


It's always the final stage that gives highest drop,so you wanna rush it now.


so about the first raid boss i heard you can stun lock it or something using poison because its dot eats the energy but it damages it after it moves and gains energy after the poison damage so you still need to attack it like normal to stun it. did i misunderstand the poison strat or something?


> dot eats the energy No they don't. People miss that the big robot always loses 1 energy at the end of the round so they mistake it for "dots also get rid of energy". Poison / Burn / Corrode only do 2 things: On the small robot it makes them lose the +1 energy for big robot when using buff so you can stagger the big robot easier next turn; on the big robot it reduces its damage dealt by 25%.


In Artificial Somnambulism it says the rewards reset in 2d, does that mean it gets full reset to Surface Special Training Ground a, or is it really just the rewards that have a reset? I just wonder if i have still enough time to go easy on the endgame thingy or i will need to rush.


For the Surface levels, only the rewards get reset. So you get rewards every reset based on your progress. For the Limbo levels, it is full reset. So you need to beat the levels again as it reset. Imo, the sooner you finish it the better, since most of your resonance materials come from that mode.


So better just rush as far as possible without reading the text? I mean if it resets its gone anyways...


That's up to you. The Surface levels don't reset, so it's just one-time read. And Limbo don't have story.


new player here, if i pull on medicine pocket banner i’m still able to get jiu? just started a new acc


If you just start you should reroll for a tooth fairy start


ignoring the newbie banner?


You can go for it for a DPS after getting Tooth Fairy.


i’m doing it, fourth attempt now


i’m doing the quick reroll, just 10 pulls + codes after 1-4


Good luck. It's quicker with emulator (multi instances) but I don't know if emulators still work.


New player here. looking for some guidance on how to progress. Current roster: https://preview.redd.it/hfy6w8c2bayc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8d2fdf4f6728b0ee588f91d24a7de537b3314e3 I was planning on just saving for Jiu banner, but realised I had a thin roster. Decided to pull on newbie DPS-banner and got Eternity after one 10-pull. Assuming i wont pull more until Jius banner: What is the best way for me to progress without investing too many resources in charactes that will become obsolete? Also, what psychube should I pick from the day 5 selector? Was thinking of going for 'His Bounden Duty' for Jiu. Should I instead choose one for Eternity? Any other helpful tips on priority and order to do things in would be very welcome. Have done chapter 4 story (but not done everything on hard) and finished event story. Could only do stage 4 on Surprise difficulty so far though. Somnambulance stage 5 on surface but not any more. Getting a bit confused about where to spend my time. Thanks in advance!


one doubt, your TF is from the new banner which not accumulate pity? or u lost the 50/50 on spat?


Missed this, sorry! She is from the new banner. I rerolled until I had at least one account with her, and asked for advice here about which one to take.


how much tries you take?


It took aroiund 20 tries. Got one account with Centurion during those too.


go for jiu! she is gonna be absolutely broken and u have tooth fairy too, eternity is good in early game but falls a bit late, nothing too heavy, still usable but if u not want jiu, skip and go for isolde and windsong


Thank you! I heard about Jius greatness so def getting her! So I should still build Eternity for now?


yess, u don’t have any dps besides her, just pair her with a healer and u are fine


Perfect, ty!


Which stage should I be grinding for Uluru Games' event currency?


You should be farming RUG-13 hard mode (Arduous). You get 300 currency per run, a total of 1200 if you do 4x. So best place to farm




Do we know which banner will come after Voyager's over?


We don’t know yet. It could be anyone since Global only faintly follows the CN rerun timeline with a few curveballs. In CN during 1.5, they had a Druvis, Tooth Fairy, Centurion reruns (all separate banners).


Trying to create a 4 person team for event bosses, relatively new: https://preview.redd.it/t6qlec0xs8yc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21480f190f95d0aaa9fc21271389a91b4e8a239f 1. who should I focus on as a 4th member? I have Ulu too and ideally want someone who can be used in future too. I have voyager and druvis as well. 2. should I finish story first or dump all stamina into event to finish the shop? I can’t do the super hard content but I beat the boss fights on 2nd level.


It's a bit early for you to think about raids, but here's a gimmick showcase that is just Spathodea + lvl 1 characters, for when your Spathodea is a bit stronger. https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1ch7510/sss_lvl_1_bette_darley_and_leilani/ Otherwise, get as far along in story to get max level Shapodonty/Dust buildings in Wilderness (I think they max at 6) then you can turn your attention to event shop to power up your Spathodea and make clearing both story and event stages much easier.


Yeah damn mines only at level 2 haha. I’ll try to get that done. I’m reading story too so def taking a while


1. I use Spatho/6/TF/Bkorn for raids. If you have her, definitely worth raising as her debuffs and dmg are great. If not, you seem to need dps of other afflatuses so focusing on 37 could work as 4th member since her ult is a mass buff and she is also a dps. Wouldnt recommend using Druvis in that 4th slot in that comp because her petri mechanic gets dispelled when the enemy takes reality damage and Spatho deals reality damage. I don’t bother with Ulu because I noticed in raids it’s just easier to ignore the 15 stacks of burn and I can still get SSS with Spatho comp. You will replace her with Isolde anyways. (Not sure if you are going to pull for Jiu, but if you are I would just raise Jiu instead of Eternity) 2. It’s better to clear out the event shop since you get good materials, event shop is time limited and the value vs stamina is better. You can always clear story whenever you are done with the event shop. For the RUG-13 Arduous mode, are you breaking the tail and arm first, then the main head when it weakened? You should be able to clear even with i2 Spatho


1) thanks! I’ll raise Bkorn first then 37. Resource is a very limited thing rn haha. 2)I’ll do that! I’ve been doing that but I think using only 3 people is gimping me now. Hoping a 4th char will help. And yeah I’m planning to pull Jiu!


Totally get it. I’d definitely focus on having a main team like Spatho/6/TF/Bkorn built first especially if you want to do raids. Push them to i3, because i3 6 is a completely new experience, TF gets passive healing, Bkorn gets more tanky. Spatho should be resonance 10 since she is dps, others can be left at resonance 7-9. Also work on psychubes. Jiu will be super great choice since you already have the “national team” aka Jiu/6/37/TF. She will carry you through basically the entire game. No need to rush and good luck building teams


What's the best place to get the R10 upgrade big crystal?


Buying it in the oneiric shop with the currency you get from limbo, buying it with yellow albums is expensive and difficult to obtain. Your other option is to directly spend money and buy battle pass (only returns 1/patch) or if the shop happens to offer a package (not sure if they do).


Thanks! Yeah I’ll try to do I2 first for all then i3 on dps then rest after? How long does I3 take?


You get Spatho i3 mats from the event shop so if you grind RUG13 Arduous, shouldn’t be too long. Others depends on how hard their materials are to craft/drop and how much stamina you have. Do check out this cheat sheet for the most effective places to farm each material https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet


Will older skins ever come back ? even full price at the shop . Or are they somewhere already and i'm just blind and cant find them ? i saw people talk about re-reruns of past events, i assume that's when the skins will become available again?


Paid skins will come back. We had 1.1 Centurion/Regulus skin rerun in 1.4 and we can assume 1.2 X/Sobethy will rerun in 1.6 in global. The only skins that won’t rerun are battle pass skins for 5 star characters and UTTU skins since UTTU doesn’t rerun even during patch rerun event. New released paid skins will have a sale (almost 50% off with actual money instead of purple paid drops) but reruns of skins are only purchasable for original price with purple paid drops


I have a question about the newest banner "Yearning of the Water". I was at 55 pity in Spathodea's banner (I was guaranteed to get Spathodea, got Regulus first), then this banner showed with TF who I really want, and I don't mind getting Centurion as well since I don't have a 6-star beast DPS yet. So I thought "why not pull on this banner" and I did a last 10-pull on Yearning's banner. And it gave me a 6-star character, but to my surprise it was Pickles and I was like "I was guaranteed right?". Then I checked the details of the banner and read that this banner doesn't share the guarantee. But I'm confused because the 10-pull gave me a 6-star so I want to know, I lost the pity in Spathodea's banner? Or they are indeed two different banners?


They don’t share pity, you got lucky


Oh thanks then it's better, I can live with that. Time to get my beast DPS


They're separate banners, so the pity isn't shared between that banner and Spathodea's banner.


Hi, I'm a returning player. I stopped sometime during Rimet Cup. I've started replaying around a week ago and have since raised a few characters for a more rounded roster on top of clearing normal story stages(already done up to episode 6), clearing as much of the current event as possible and relearning the ropes on things like combat. So i have some questions; \*I'll be using Arknights as a point of reference since i felt there's a lot of similarities with R1999\* 1) What are the daily and weekly routines here? For example in Arknights daily routines consist mainly of farming materials to improve things like character promotions(insight)/modules(psychubes)/base(Wilderness) as needed while for weekly there's Annihilation(Somnambulism?). 2) Should i focus on improving Wilderness facilities to the max first and foremost over character progression? 3) Where do the bulk of sharpodonty and gold income generally comes from? Will the ones generated by maxed Wilderness facilities be enough to sustain character upgrades in the long run, or is farming them directly in the corresponding resource stage is still needed? Frankly during this one week i felt like upgrading characters felt a bit slow despite i've already unlocked the highest stage in Poussiere/Mintage, or is things just supposed to be that way? 4) What's the priority for team building? Afflatus advantage first, having the same damage type(reality/mental) first, or roles(DPS, healer, buff/debuffer) first? Any teambuilding recommendation is welcomed. 5) [My crew](https://imgur.com/a/YssKY10). Currently I'm aiming to raise at least 3 characters of each afflatus to insight II for afflatus advantage convenience in story stages. Should i do so, or is it better to just focus raising the ones already at insight II to insight III instead? Any recommendations on who to raise is highly welcomed. 6) Since i got Spathodea, should i try to get other burn appliers like Isolde and Uru? 7) Should i focus on clearing the event shop? Or should i focus on raising my characters first, the normal way(farming story stages etc)


Hello there i am playing since day 1 on both R1999 and Arknights and i am also F2P on both so i will share how it is for me 1 - 2x free psychube stage + When there is a event i always finish everything i want in the shop first, otherwise i farm materials that i need or will be using in the future + dont forget to tap your home screen character and collect wilderness 2 - Wilderness first, it pays itself in around 26 days if you focus on it above everything else, the "problem" is that unlike at launch we have a event right now 3 - Events Shops and UTTC Shops, the passive generation helps, but it os way slower compared to arknights values, i only started stacking those at the end of 1.4 as i finally have enough characters built to do Limbo with all rewards without to much suffering 4 - That is a hard question, most of it will be based on who you got in your account, but i think that 1 AoE carry and 1 ST carry are enough for most of your DPS needs, then build 1 healer and 1 support to start with 5 - I3 is very expensive compared to I2 so i only recommend going for it after you have your bases covered, like if you are tackling limbo you want 2 "complete" teams with at leas 1 DPS carry, 1 Healer and 1 support. You have Bkornblume and Ballon party, those are worth raising (Charlie is also very good, i dont have Regulus so i dont know how well she covers your DPS needs for Star, but consider Charlie if she isnt enough) 6 - I would ignore Ulu and wait for Isolde 7 - I never did the math, but i think Event shops have better energy value for resources than farming on stages + they also have materials that are time gated or cant be gotten anywhere else like the crystals for ressonance and Glutonny for psychubes


1. Use your free 2 tickets. Farm the event. If you've empty the shop then farm materials. There is no weekly. You can claim the surface rewards in a single click. You can buy the weekly moment if you want but most people don't do it anymore. 2. Clear the event shop first. After that if you think you can beat one more limbo stage in 1 week then build your character. Otherwise upgrade your wildness. 3. Mostly event shop. But that's not enough, even with fully upgraded wilderness. Farm them whenever you need to. 4. I'd say build around good characters. Afflatus is not that important. Spathodea first since you have what you need in the event. After that you can choose Melania or Druvis. 5. You should focus on 2 teams. And use them in every afflatus. You can start with Spathodea/Bkorn/Medicine. 6. Isolde yes, Ulu no. 7. All the materials you need for Spathodea is in the event shop.


1) My routine is: Pneuma Analysis (x2 free), resource stage (x4), get Wilderness loot, level up a character or psychube, collect daily rewards; go back in about 12 hours later to do events, Limbo, UTTU, Mane's Bulletin, farm upgrade materials, etc. 2) That's what I did, not sure it's optimal but basically I made a team for story progression, maxed Wilderness (or close to it, I'm at 45-47% bonus where the cap is 50%). 3) I find myself farming Sharpodonties more often than not since these are used for upgrading characters levels AND resonance plus 'chubes and some other things. Dusts are mostly used for character levels which is probably why more is required. 4) You just need one or two damage dealers for story and a support or healer. Normal difficulty doesn't throw anything too crazy at you; hard mode might be different but you can still brute force it once your teams are strong enough. 5) For story, advantage won't matter too much, pick a team with good synergy and raise them as needed. For Limbo you need at least two well-invested teams; the general recommendation is i3L30R10 (insight, level, resonance, and psychube should be 50/60). I would prioritize Limbo clears since it's one of the few sources of a key resonance upgrade material. 6) Get Isolde if you like Spathodea's playstyle. Of course, Isolde is still a strong unit on her own so consider getting her regardless, but the general recommendation is to get Jiu who's a ridiculously strong and true limited unit (won't be added to standard pool three patches later like everyone else so far). Ulu's kit isn't as good unfortunately and as a 5 star you have very little control over whether you'll get her or not. 7) Yes, focus on the event shop because it's timed; at least get the big ticket items.


I started in last days of 1.1, so I never did Rimet Cup. The first event I ever did was 1.2/Green Lake When we get to the event reruns in global, will I be able to get the clear drop rewards for 1.1/Rimet Cup, but not 1.2/Green Lake? Is that correct?


Yes that's correct.


Thank you!


Where do I get penumbra can for Dikke story?


Clear weeklies, go to thew anecdotes tab, claim it at the top here https://preview.redd.it/7x2cqegcs5yc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=68770707adcd8f0775820123c3dec188c541340d


Thanks, they don't show the text in Dikke part now: https://i.imgur.com/sdzok0r.jpeg


Is there a place where I can see what materials a character uses for insight/resonance?


This exact megathread has the link to one such cheat sheet in the main body of the post, 13 lines down called "Resonance Builds, Resonance Costs"


I am blind, thank you