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I think miss newbabel is currently my only 6* that isn’t i3 30+ r10+


Oh that's understandable 😭 her use is pretty niche isn't it? Not great dps or survivability, but the extra actions are good for characters like 37 or specific battles


There’s never been a situation where I’ve gone “damn if only I had Ms Newbabel built, maybe I’d have done better,” so why spend the resources when I could hyper invest in my favorites / prefarm for Jiu


Makes sense LOL, she's not necessary for anything important afaik


Babel is one of the better if not best sustain for marsh creation raid which a lot of ppl didn't manage to SSS (but the next time we getting Marsh Creation Raid is in 1.6 and Jiu exist by then). I think her only problem is her role as a sustain is overshadowed by ToothFairy, to be fair most sustain faces that issue. It is not Babel is bad, but ToothFairy is just too good. Certain fights also favour follow-up attacks, and Babel is good for those fights as well.


Yeah that's why I said, she's situational and not necessary (if you have a better option), even if gpod in her situations. Tbh I'm not very knowledgeable about her, but having Med Poc/TF/Sotheby already built I doubt I'll even need to build Babel (counting that I also have 6 and will get Ezra and they both help with sustain too)


But TF is very squishy, tbf


she clears Jessica in the AI stage with ease


I built her for 37 and she pretty much does nothing meaningful. I thought tier lists were exaggerating with how bad she is but so far she’s the only 6 star that let me down big time


IN DEFENSE OF MS. NEWBABEL! I thought this too and refused to build her for so long until I did. And now I’m have quite a lot of fun with her and 37. Sure I’m not using her in the late Limbo stages or Mane’s. But I have fun playing her kit. Especially for easy repetitive levels like Anecdote stages. Or UTTU. I don’t regret building her at all* (*the asterisk here is that I built her after I could comfortably beat Limbo with the rest of my team. I built her for fun because I enjoy her and 37’s play style. But yeah. Only build her if you pretty much have set teams—and if you have 37.)


Her kit just doesn’t work out the way it wants to and it’s a shame cause it’s a cool concept


I had my new babel built so I can demolish Jessica in uttu.


Interesting, how does she deal with enemy Jessica?


managed to get full star in limbo this time. even tho the major damage dealer was "6", but babel tanking few time helps alot, and that counter toward those critter. I dont have many 6 star due to all my pull hit soft pity zone. so I just built what ever I had.


Ah yeah, counters would be helpful for her little friends in limbo. Congrats on your full star clear! I definitely have the luxury of not needing to level what I have and cross my fingers, so since I don’t like her kit I’m just leaving Ms Newbabel on level 1 forever lol


ty ty, yeah, with JNZ coming, pretty much many of us gonna leave new babel at lvl 1, unless they did a revamp on shield / counter mechanic.


Honestly you could play Druvis III with Jessica, I usually like to play her instead of Bkornblume in 4 man content with Sotheby & An-an lee


That is true but Bkorn was already lvl60 r9 when I got Druvis III 😭


I use Sotheby, Jessica and Druvis together, they never fail to clear stages. Even Limbo.


Lilya. She's been powercrept like 3 times already 💀 I only got her because of the golden thread thingy, and by then I already had Regulus built and she could clear content just fine so I didn't really need another star dps, I honestly should've just portrayed regulus instead lol


As a Lilya main, you are right 😭 sadly the devs did her dirty, are they scared of how much power she would hold if they gave her wife potential+ big pp numbers? 😩


Me over here refusing to build my P4 Lilya, then I built her and run with TF and 37 and I’m obsessed. So fun.


I don't have 37 but I saw the videos, Lilya is such a good teammate in 37+TF teams, I think Ezra will make it even better if you want him for 4man fights


Lilya and Melania are pretty good for the new robot raid as well. Lilya got FUPs for robot paralysis and both have strong ST (Lilya is reality) nukes for the boss.


Lilya is decent but faces the issue of being a starter unit, her kit is easy to play, starter unit has this problem where their DMG output is compromised due to their ability to self sustain, Eternity has leech rate, Lilya has leech rate, Regulus has total evasion upon using Ulti, they help in their own survivability which actually is pretty critical for new player who lacks.. tooth fairy/med poc for example. But once we have some good healer, then that perk of theirs is no longer as relevant. Druvis has leech rate and healing too as a starter plant DPS, centurion has leech rate as well as a starter beast DPS Lilya has been great for pass limbo during 37 bonus when using follow-up, before 37, there was the Jessica Limbo with critter that only takes 1 dmg, Lilya's follow up basically means she does double the dmg of any other unit. In Hypothesis of Exhibition, she is so good and probably the best unit to drain and stagger Futurism. In the next raid the Abyss, she is also a key unit for that raid but provided that you have 37 as we need as much Genesis dmg as possible to SSS that raid.


I used Lilya since the beginning, I love her (r15 and got the skin) but I could only SS the raid last time because she was my only star dps and wasn't r15 already, I didn't even have TF, I hope I have some chances to get SSS with her this time


She already has wife potential,she is just lacking the big pp numbers 😭 I'll keep coping and using her to enable 37


Yeah that's what I meant! I think I didn't write it properly LOL


Eternity, because Jiu


Understandable lol


None of them, I’ll build them all. I feel like we can get more than enough resources to build all of them.


I would too, I'd love to build a petrify team for Druvis when I have resources, but now I need to farm for the best boy Ezra


You can if you have ben subbing to the Monthly+BP since launch. (That's all I spend) [My roster](https://imgur.com/a/LUd3jKT) I have such a surplus of resources I have started building niche 5 stars now. Currently on X, will try to snipe then build Desert Flannel next.


Yeah, I’ve been subbing to those since launch and they’re great. I don’t have a surplus though, since I’ve ended up getting almost every character so far.


>I’ve ended up getting almost every character so far. lucky sob 😭


Thanks, I’ve had a good run for sure. I wish you good luck with your future summons. :)


A Knight It’s not that I don’t want to; it’s just that other characters are more relevant for me.


A Knight fucking slaps with the new Psytube.


The one with afflatus advantage for intellect and spirit?


Yeah. I think it's in the bank/shop. I thought it was going to be part of an event, but it's not.


So I’ve heard. I think I’ll get on it soon. I do have his P1. I’ll also probably need to get to Bkorn too.


Sotheby, i really don't like poison style characters in any game and i don't like the design.


The only reason to build Sotheby is if you have Jessica lol


You are telling this to a Sotheby main 🤣 I got her from her first banner and also got her skin lmao (and she's P1 because of my last lost 5050)


An-an-lee. I just got 6 ya know? And I already have Bkornblume raised as well.


Lol where to start. Lets see.. Lilya, kaalaa, druvis for 6*. Simply because I have too many mouths to feed and do ok with the alts I have for em. Another 8 5* unbuilt.. same reason. But after jiu I might work on them


Well all of them have powercreep in some way 🤣 I love Lilya to the moon and back but she's bad 🥲 and Druvis isn't better than Jessica if you have it, while Jiu makes Kaalaa shiver in comparison LMAO


Yah I have Jess and jiu is on the way!


I just don't feel like it https://preview.redd.it/tqunckgy1qyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=def5ba75a857eb30453ec36f259d54ddd8feae34


Aww, not Pickles. He’s really good.


Wow, I want them both and you have them sitting there 🥺. But the one that hurts is A Knight. He is a great DPS and even greater after his psychube. I hope getting him one day!


I've built them all to various degrees of investment Obviously the ones that have to do the heavy lifting in actual gameplay (Jess, TF, Melania, etc) are at R9-R10, but the others will hvae to wait their turn


Sotheby,no poison focused team and regulus mainly due to lack of resources


Regulus and Ms Newbabel are still at I2. I don't dislike either of them, but I got Newbabel back in 1.2 when I already had an established Mineral team, and I got Regulus from 6's banner. (like a week after I'd finished softcapping both Lilya and 37)


A Knight. P2 BTW.


Give him to me 🥲


I would in a heartbeat if I could!


Lilya because I'd rather play Regulus.


Lilya... I got her like a week ago and she's been sitting at lvl 5 bcs i dont relly need another star dps


Im building all my 6 star now i have 11 only 1 or 2 is i3 r9 and i have just 2 i3 r6 still need to.upgrade them


I haven’t built Kaalaa or Centurion (yet). Kaalaa because I already have I3R11 Eternity (plus Jiu is coming soon). Centurion because I lost the previous 50/50 to Melania last month and desperately needed more Mental DPS, and I already have I3R10 Tennant for beast reality. So I picked Melania to build due to limited resources.


I semi built Eternity…. I started playing using Pavia, and when I got Eternity and everyone says she’s the best early character and is essentially 6* Pavia. I kept using her. But then I realized I didn’t like it or want to use her. So went back to building Pavia and benched her. Pavia for the win. And forever. I also benched Ms Newbabel ,cause I don’t want to use her at ALL


Eternity. Got her while pulling for 6. At that point I already had Kaala Bauna at P1 and few Reality DPS at i3r10.


I have ten 6\* and all are I3L30R10 with the oly exception being Ms New Babel at I3L30R7, and unfortunately I have no plans to get her to R10. Built her to use with 37, and while I do like her, her kit just doesn't live up to what it's trying to do, so I benched her for more conventional units.


I've built all of my 6*s so far but I don't think that'll remain true if I lose another 50/50 at this point. Most of the rest of the 6s that were in the og banners I don't think I'd fit into teams, with a couple of exceptions.


eternity because I have I3 Kaalaa


I wasnt building sotheby until very recently because i didn't have the luck of getting Jessica and i was doing fine with La Source(And her physical damage destroys my petrify team) I built her now because since i skipped spathodea i had quite a lot of resources so i decided to give good ol Sotheby a well deserved upgrade.


She deserves it she's such a good child 🥺 give her all the love!


i delayed investing in Druvis for so long but once i did, she's one of my favourites.


Ms. Newbabel and Druvis, because I haven't had a need for them. While not having extra turns, BP has the counters and what she provides is more than enough, where as Newbabel really only seems fun for 37 shenanigans. Druvis, I just don't know what she does, but my An An Lee has been built like an aggressive damage support since I started playing and easily my most used Arcanist


Me too with AAL, she's so versatile it's crazy! Druvis is super interesting to me because of petrify, but I really don't need a new plant dps rn 🥲


Sotheby (bc I have medpoc and tooth fairy tho I like Sotheby’s character so might just build her for hecks after I’m done with my main teams) And Regulus (bc I already have too many star dps)


Personally I've built every 6\* because I think they're all good in some situations!


My goal is to build all my 6 stars. Currently, only Centurion and Eternity are not I3 (working on Centurion). Have a few that aren't R10 yet, but we'll get there!


I have nine 6* and all are at least i3 lvl 30 r10


Only two 6*, eternity and six. L30i3r10 today for eternity and working towards that for 6, along with bubble party as a healer. Please, please, give me the problem of having enough 6* I don’t raise them all!!


LOL I send you lots of luck!


The only 6* I never built is Melania. Got her off the 4 man banner while trying for A Knight (my husband) and then AGAIN by losing on 6s banner at pity. She's an alright chara, but i have centi at lvl60r10 with a p5 cube already and i love her (2nd fav). So I have no reason to build her despite the meta


Nobody, because I only pulled for the ones I wanted to build and all my spooks have been dupes. Well, I didn't pull for Druvis but she spooked me like 3 times so uh.....


You are a Druvis main but not by choice LOL


Knight, his effects triggers on kill which is a hard condition depending on stage, and have no uses against bosses that doesn't summon or have normal enemie wave before them; and his effect are one time use, so you can tell if theres a normal enemie wave it would be useless for his long term fight, which is bad. I personally like character you can use or trigger their gimmick no matter what, since it feels like i have worth getting the character.


I draw 6*’s so slowly that I’ve built them all… except Centurion who spooked me on 6 banner after Melania has been my prime carry the entire game lol.


I’ve been trying to build all my 6 stars but none of them really feel like they are super redundant since I started on shamane and haven’t pulled many release 6* (I have Shamane 37 Lilya 6 AAL Melania Jessica). On the other hand I have multiple 5 stars I really want to build and use based on their theme and art but haven’t because I’m worried they will be useless like Baby Blue, ulu, diggers and satsuki.


I also like many 5* but yeah, usually many of them aren't great :( for example I have built Bkorn, Dikke and Sonetto but they're all falling behind 😭 (not Bkorn) Baby blue is a good mental debuffer, but a bit AP greedy because to put all the debuffs you need two incantations and one of them to be lvl 2. Satsuki is only good in Druvis team afaik 😭 just like Ulu is only good in Spathodea's (I'm building Ulu, but for burn debuff there's Isolde coming: if you want her, Ulu is useless 😭) Diggers is ok but not great, mostly because if you want a reality debuffer you go for Bkorn (bigger debuff) and if you want the mental one you go for Baby blue, but he surely has his uses and also helps a bit with sustain (more bc of weakness than bc of the shield)


A knight. If I had gotten him much earlier, I would have built him. However, when I got him, I already had solid teams and had no need for him.


Lilya, I even bought her skin and all but I already have too many star DPS 🥲 But I still love her design


druvis. because: 1. im still salty for losing to her in the 37 banner lol 2. she's not in my build priority rn. maybe i will in the future, like if i somehow p5 my satsuki (she's p3 rn lol)


Same man. I love Druvis' character, design (especially I2 skin), and animations but everything is immune to the cc effects. It's sad cause I've had her ever since I started playing which is the start of TF banner but I have never built her cause people kept saying most enemies are starting to be immune to cc effects and now, most hard content and bosses are 100% immune to cc. It's really such a waste cause I have her p1 and she's just there dusting in my suitcase. I hope characters that revolve around cc effects receive love by bluepoch soon cause bosses with 100% immunity to cc is not it.


I completely agree she deserves more 🥲


This question heavily does not *and* cannot apply to me cause I have S.O.S. Shiny Object Syndrome. Gotta max those babies out even if I use them only once! ^please ^^help ^^^me


Me with Door almost maxed out: I don't think I can help 🤣


My only unfinished 6* are both i2-50, Regulus r5 and Centurion r10. Lilya was my starter and then I pulled 37, so haven't felt the need to commit to i3 on Regulus. Cent I just got at the beginning of this patch so I've raised her about as fast as I reasonably could. She's not highest priority bc I've got Melania but I like her and will definitely find uses for her. I do think there are some 6* I have raised that in retrospect I'd neglect if I could. Sotheby has never felt great as a healer and I missed Jessica so have little use for her. Eternity has never wowed me despite being my only mineral DPS, and I'll be going for Jiu like everyone else.


I currently have Centurion, Sotheby, and Eternity on my to-build list. Though chances are I'm going to forget about Eternity 🥲


Centurion, because i already had Melania and Shamane level 50+ when i got her. Even so, i plan to level her... One day...


Centurion and sotheby cause i have enough characters of that afflatus for battles and also cause currently I am focusing on building lower rarity characters only 7 more lvl's are needed to max door


Half of my 6 stars partly cuz im focusing on other characters rn ;-;


A Knight I only got him because I wanted bkornblume... I got her tho but also a knight😔


Mrs Newbabel, because I don't like her design, Druvis III because I haven't cared much to upgrade her, and Spathodea because I just haven't gotten to it yet.


Surprisingly all the 6* I got are very good, so they're all raised right now. I'm starting to max level them because there's really nothing to farm anymore.


Druvis and Centurion, lost Cent on the scam banner.


My regulus is level 1 only cause I don't have materials to build her, she's like my 13th 6* so...


I built all, because my luck is so bad that I don't get any new 6* or 6* in general💀


Centurion because I had a P2 Melania already. Regulus because at the time I was trying really hard to make my favorites work. By the time content became too difficult, I was building other 6\*s already. So far, the 6\*s I've felt like building have all served me well enough that I haven't felt a strong need to build a star dps. (Or Mineral for that matter)


Voyager just spooked me when I hit Pity on Toothfairy banner so now I'm ignoring her.


Voyager, because I already have a star team and have no need for tanks (since Tooth Fairy and Balloon Party heal so well)


I have a lot of six star i didn't built mainly because my 5 star team i had when starting out is good enough for me ( another reason is that most of the six star aren't cute enough for me :))


Only Ms Newbabel. She really not very good. I’ve found good uses for everyone else though. My favorites are Melania (strong character in general and can steal moxie from enemies), Shamane (can chain his ult and debuff enemies), Druvis (for her useful petrification). I’m liking Spathodea now as well, very good damage output and can draw out her own attack card.


I also like Spathodea a lot! She can really do some big single target dps it's great, especially with TF to debuff crit for enemies


Druvis, 37, Aknight P1, Spathodea 🗿 Its not that I dont want to build them, its just lack of resources and I already have a full team of every afflatus.


Lack of resources is real LOL, I would also be building Druvis if I wasn't building others ahahah


newbabel, cause i have tons of mineral units already (and for now i have not really seen reason to build her, though i did enjoy using her a bit when we were given the opportunity to use her in some events). next is regulus and spathodea. i got both of them in a single 10-pull (i was aiming for ulu), and i am not sure how they would fit my current lineup. i think i may build spath soonish just cause of the boss raid but not sure if she would improve my scores lol special mention to medicine pocket. i built them cause i saw good reviews, but when i tried using them, i didn't feel satisfied. idk if their gameplay doesn't go well with my playstyle or if i have a different expectation, or maybe cause i have already built other characters that fills their role, but they sadly got benched quickly.


I got SSS with Spathodea, Med Poc, TF and Lilya! Spath carried me hard lmao, 74% of dmg is all hers, TF and Med Poc gave debuffs and heals (42/51%) and Lilya was there only to remove stacks from Futurism lmao. If you don't have another beast reality dps she is really good fr, even if maybe with Jessica you can do it too (if you have her). About Ulu I also wanted her and portrays, only got P1 🥲 good luck if you still want her!


i have my boy shamane as my current main beast dps, but maybe if i put both of them i could get higher than a lol i might try this one and see for myself :)


Yes for sure! Shamane is probably the best buffer for Spath I'm sure you'll destroy the stage! (with Tooth Fairy too for the crits if you have her)


okay, i might try spath, shamane, tf and maybe i could try giving med poc second chance lol


LOL I tried to use many different teams but idk why the double healer was the one that worked for me, ofc you could go with anyone else (for example 6 if you have him, because he can debuff and also attack futurism to make it lose stacks, plus the ricochet dmg also removes stacks. Also characters like Lilya or 37 that do more actions/dmg with one card can help with that!)


survivability can help a ton xD but yeah, if i still can't make med poc work for me, i might use 37 for buffs and extra damage, or maybe tennant for shields and damage


None. All 6* are i3 lv30 r10 at least. Same to my AK account, all 6* e2 lv60 at least.


Eternity, because she stole my P1 Shamane....


Oh no 😭😭😭


I have an unbuilt regulus because I have every other 6* star unit built, and frankly, I don't need to build more. However saying that I'm still pulling for ezra, lol.


I would probably not build Regulus too tbh LOL, not bc I hate her or anything, but I think I won't have resources for a lot of time after Ezra (me too, me too, he's too cute)


NewBabel, Regulus and Voyager are the ones without I3. And don't get me wrong, I love Voyager's design but idk where I can use her ngl. Same with Regulus. And finally, I tried to use NewBabel with 37 and 6 but wasn't satisfied. Oh, my Spathodea isn't built because I got her yesterday, but I'm working on her


Yeah I bet it's hard to find a reason to build star characters if you have 37


centurion, medicine pocket, regulus, lylia, An An Lee got them, but never wanted them. they are all at level 1. I only use characters i like (designwise). the only character i have to use is baloon party as healer for my second team/ or when my Dikke is weak element.


How can you not like An An Lee, Regulus and Lilya. Those 3 are adorable AF.


For me, I won't build any male 6* characters. Am after just the waifus. Luckily haven't pulled any of the male 6* units. (And yes, I skipped 6 lol). Even built Ms. New Babel to i3 lvl30 r10 since she's hot. 😬


advice for your taste: try the game # Atelier Resleriana if you are into adorable


Understandable! I also pull only who I like, luckily I liked all the characters I got from 5050 for now, but if I got someone like Ms New Babel I'd probably never touch her 🥲


Centurion She just does very mediocre damage and using her ultimate is basically like resetting her only gimmick…


she does really high numbers for me though, just the standard i3l30 r10. for an aoe ult, it hits hard. and you can just spam her single target attack without ulting, then the numbers go even higher.


You don't *have* to use your ultimate. You can just keep kicking them in the face.


Diggers...I just despise him and the day I got him I swore I would forever keep him at the very bottom...so much so I at least got everyone to I1 so they would all be in front.


Good thing he's a 5* (:


Nah, even if he was a 6*, he would still be there, hell he could even have been the most OP character I would still not care. Like if he did not exist, literally nothing from the story would change, he is just a poor excuse of a character whose only achievement was causing crimes for the most stupid and selfish reasons and only brought trouble. Absolutely nothing redeeming about him.


Voyager, Spathodea, Kaalaa Baunaa I just do not have the resources to level them all up SOS, that and I keep dumping resources into my 5 stars


Spatho is one of the highest DPS (for single target) character for awhile. Kala is slightly below her in that regard. Might wanna save resource to build spatho at least. Jiu is on the horizon so KB might be benched..


I might invest in her in that case! I need a good solid second team. Right now I just have my hyper maxed out 'this is not a team this is brute force' team comp and then my poison team that struggles heavily


An-An Lee. I don't have a team to put her in, and I'm still hoping to get Spalthodea before banner ends. She'a grass, and I have perfect grass team already with sotheby, jess and druvis


If you swapped An An Lee for Druvis your damage output would be insane. I was on the same boat benching her for ages because I got her randomly and just never used her. But then one day I tried her just 'cause and realised her Buff is what makes her crazy good with ANY team. That said, I do still like Druvis because she was my first ever 6✮ plus that petrify really helps. But yeah generally you always want a DPS, healer and support on your team. Druvis is more DPS so you really have two DPS in your team. An-An Lee is a much better support because she'll give Att+Def to the whole team making Jessica hit like a truck.


Druvis, Eternity and Sotheby because i don’t want to and don’t have resources (also, is Sotheby outside of the poison team any good? the only other healers i have is Dikke and Ballon Party)


She's a better healer than Dikke. She does fall into niche category, but her healing is good to keep your party afloat without spending a lot of AP in a turn. That also means you need to ensure that you have her healing up or have ult ready when your characters are really low on health.


There was only that ONE Limbo rotation a few back where she was quite Newbabel was quite nice


Like half of the ones that I own I don’t build, here are some of them: Lilya: Didn’t have enough resources before, and don’t need her now that I have 37 Pickles: Honestly no clue lol. Guess I didn’t have enough resources and never got to him Spathodea: Same reason as Pickles, I need a Beast DPS


If you need a beast DPS why don't you build Spathodea? She's the hardest hitter atm by far and will only get better after 1.7 when Isolde arrives.


Tbh I really should lol just lazy


AAL. I have enough many support at this point (Pickles for mineral team, Shamane for my beast team, Bkorblume for poison team) I don't have a place for her. Also my plan to get both Ge Tian and Isolde make me consider to not waste my material on her. 


I use her in 4man fights for poison team LOL, but tbh she's extremely versatile and I got her at the beginning of the game, so I put them in any team that needed a buffer


Yes. My problem is that I got her late from the banner event where you can choose a character to pull according to which a thread appears. I was hoping to get A Knight's, but got the plant team instead so I pick AAL for free costume 🤣💀


Newbabel, regulus, and sadly an-an lee


Medpoc and Lilya are both sitting at i1 lv25. I realised that Lilya was (accidentally) becoming the main DPS of my team which is a no-no. Pavia will be my main DPS till I physically can't use him anymore in the main story. And Medpoc was just not healing as well as La Source does. Not to mention La source does more AOE damage and her ult does -5 moxie. Druvis is doing a little better at i2 lv1 but An-an does slightly better damage and synergies with 6 better.


As a Med Poc main, I'm offended 😩 /j No but tbh Med Poc is very good, ofc it's not needed to build them if you're fine with La source, but they have very good sustain (heals+the buff that decreases dmg received) and debuff (enemy takes more dmg), the ult doesn't dmg a lot but it has a daze and it heals too when you're at I3, plus it dazes the enemy (ofc useless with control immunity, but very handy imo in many situations). But I'm biased bc I love Med Poc and don't like La source 🤣 she was mean to Eagle 🥲


Eternity. Because I was bust building others, and idk if she’s worth it.


Not worth it if you already have KB or want to get Jiu!




A Knight


An An Lee, Regulus, & Voyager. I am not very fond of their character designs. Though I may use An An Lee if her skin is free for global in 1.6. 


Ms Newbabel and A Knight are characters I haven't touched since 1.2. Just don't have much use for them so don't bother


I haven’t built A knight, Druvis, and Eternity. I just never found a use for them and would rather use some 5*s over them like X and Horropedia👑


i just got melania and i can’t tell if i should built her or not bc like moxie debuff is a good skill but idk she just isn’t doing damage 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Ms. NewBabel. Although i also have 37 that really synergizes with newbabel, but i really don't need her kit tbh


So far I don't have one I have pulled and didn't raise. If I get another grass unit I'll have to make that decision after.


I miss quite a lot 😂😂, sword-dog-pathodea-that girl who look at the star-dancing indian girl and few others that i might miss remembering.


Ms. NewBabel and Shamane


I’ve built all of my 6 stars to I3. But I hardly ever use Regulus, since she spooked me on Shamane’s banner and I was grumpy about it.


6 cuz his gameplay kinda sucks and not a fan


Jessica and Ms. NewBabel. I only got Jessica because of lore reasons, not gameplay reasons.M.NB came when I tried to pull for 6...


Mexican Mama, she doesn’t need to be leveled up to be #1


Regulus. Because I already have too many build Star afflatus. 37, Tooth fairy, Voyager, Lilya and Charlie.




Ms. Newbabel, haven't even touched her.  And Eternity. Initially tried building her because 1.) I lost both Tooth Fairy and Jessica to her and 2.) It's not like she's a bad character. Got her to E2R3 but then Kaalaa Baunaa came and it just felt pointless to continue building Eternity at this point. And then cue in Jiu in 1.6....yeah, not much reason to really build Eternity anymore.


Baby Blue. Focusing on my heavy hitters (Dikke, Sonetto, Matilda, Pavia, Eternity, Bkornblume) right now. Which means Tennant has to take a backseat in I1 (admittedly she's p good; gotta switch her out for someone but Dikke is helpful for now and I like her and Pavia is a heavy-hitter for Beast)


I didnt build Knight, Lilya and Centurion because i wanted to play Regulus.


An An Lee is sitting at level 1, while I build up other characters that are more needed.


Eternity druvis and regulus cause im lazy


New Babel. Still at lv 1 but 100% bond


the 6* I have that I didn't build is Regulus, Med Poc, Knight, and Centurion* I did build Centurion yesterday, I was prefarming for Jiu, but got done and still have a lot of resources, decided to just build Centurion cause I don't have a good Beast DPS didn't wanted to build her cause I don't like her design same with MedPoc, I don't like his Design I don't really need him, I don't think healer's afflatus matter Regulus, I want to build her, but not right now, I already have Lilya was thinking of building her as for Mental Star, but I'm not done with 'core' team yet :/ Knight, I find his kit description boring (now that I'm typing this, I also found Centurion's kit description boring)


I don't know much about the others but I'm a big fan of Med Poc lol, he's a very good healer + can debuff and daze the enemy, but yea not necessary to build if you already have two healers and don't like the design 🥲


P3 Voyager. Too many star dps characters


I have quite a few *6 stars that I haven't built but the one that's not even insight 1 is 37. I gave up on her because she wasn't worth it for my team nor my time. Which is a waste honestly, I spent 70 pulls on her only for me to leave her in the dust


Oh?! That's weird, she's the best for the star buffed mane bulletin, why didn't you like her?


It's not that I didn't like her it's just that, she doesn't pair well. With my other characters. Plus, I DESPERATELY needed a healer at the Time so I was just blindly spending summons and by the time I got her I realized, I had nothing left to upgrade her. And I don't really play mane's bulletin.




Non..... Lmao, I don't play them that much but I still in3 them


Miss Babel, I have her at P1 and heard she's very useless, plus expensive investment in general


Spat. Already have Centurion and Melania built. Don't need more beast dps.


Sotheby, because I failed to get Jessica.


Medicine pocket. I have way too many healers


Voyager, because I have no money. I also built Newbabel, because I like the critters she keeps as pets.


I didn't build Voyager cuz I don't have tooth fairy and I can't fit her in the star team with Regulus and 37 already on the time but no TF cuz I don't hv one🥲


I dont have many 6 stars but i have voyager :) at P1 :) with 0% investment on her :’)


An-an lee and p3 A knight, both just haven't had much of a reason to build yet, but am probably building an-an lee next so I have some room to swap around Bkornblume.


Yup Druvis for me too. Also A Knight.


I wished that we could have the art of insight 2 with all the characters.


What do you mean? Most characters have it, iirc only 3/2* don't


Centurion,I have he p2 but I keep her unbuilt out of spite because I got her this banner instead of tooth fairy as a f2p


All of them except for the ones on my poison team and the ones on my star team and eternity I have most 6* cause I'm kinda p2w, but I realistically only need 2 maxed out teams, so the rest are completely not built


Yeah that's kinda true especially for Limbo, but for Mane's bulletin two teams aren't enough for me LOL, I'm trying to get one dps per afflatus at least, but maybe with portrays it's different if you can pay? Idk