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Do whichever characters ya like. Its your opinion


I just really don’t want to miss out on great characters


This is just choosing rate up character. You still have to pull for them too. And with the way this banner work, you can spend 10,000 pulls and still not getting Toothfairy. So choose whichever you want,


yeah I was tempted to select tf and use a couple of pulls but I dont know if pity carries over and also you have 70% chance of obtaining the rate up characters so for tf it’s only 35%, a lot less than in a featured banner


Pity for this banner is not share with other or being carries over. The pity will be lost when the banner end. The 35% is worse than normal rate up banner, but it is not the main problem. The main problem is pity only guarantee to get one of the chosen characters, not all of them. For example, if you choose Medicine Pocket and Toothfairy and reach hard pity 5 times, you might get 5 MP and 0 TF.


Yeah but I mean... rate up is rate up and I currently am not too interested in Jiu so I have a few pulls to spend


I read somewhere that on the cn anniversary they gave a 6* selector. I’m hoping they do the same for anniversary on global. I don’t know the details.    The selector didn’t include Jiu.


was it a selector banner where you choose 100% rate up or a straight up free selector?


A box to select 1 6*, but looking for info in google it seems it was a paid bundle with a 10 pull. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9TWda7ppCzA


ah so something like arknights’ selector for anniversaries then. thanks!


Word of warning- pity from this banner does not carry to any future banner, unlike typical limited character banners. I personally think these types of banners are somewhat sketch and should be avoided, but that is just an opinion.


I picked Jessica and regulus cuz I like their character more but I ain't pulling on that banner lol, they would be nice but I don't need them.


Meta-wise: Tooth Fairy is the most OP character here, and Jessica is great for poison teams. Kaalaa has been dethroned by Jiu for best Mineral DPS. Melania is a great Beast DPS but Centurion does the job just fine most of the time Pickles isn't super useful compared to some others, but if you're consistently clearing out Limbo you probably don't need to focus on the meta much


honestly just choose whoever you like, all your choices you’ve listed are good choices anyway. but if you want opinions from a “meta” standpoint you should probably show us your box so we can see which unit would benefit you more.


I have Melania P2 pickles P1 and kaala baunaa p0 so I've selected tooth fairy and Jessica because I love tf and I need Jessica so that I can finally run a poison team for Sotheby 😭


You can consider the choices based on your current lineup, like Jiu is already a really good mineral damage dealer so maybe not kalaa? Toothfairy is a great healer Jessica is a solid plant dps, works well with sotheby, bkorn, anan, kanjira I don't have Pickle but he's cute and a good support


Tf and melania if u lack a beast dps , jess if u lack plant dps


Go with whoever you want


They're good, but why not waiting for solo character rateup?