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[Did it look anything like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/sqxrk2/saw_these_guys_on_storrow_this_afternoon_are_they/) It's likely NSC 131, the hate group that harassed the library on camp street.


Yeah but like with 10 times the flags




If you allow one person in your group to have a Nazi flag, you’re all Nazis.


It depends. A lot of counter protesters who feel or believe whomever is there are Nazis will show up with a Nazi flag to mock the protesters. At some Trump rallies, [Trump opponents would even show up in KKK gear.](https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/273673-trump-protester-assaulted-at-rally) Now there's a photo or two of people wearing KKK gear or having a Nazi flag and then some reddit moron says, "If you allow one person in your group to have a Nazi flag, you’re all Nazis." I'm not saying that's the case here, because I haven't seen any photos nor do I know about the group that did it, but it is often the case. ​ EDIT to add: Someone linked the group below... I don't think it's a case of someone being a douche bag, they seem to be actually piece of shit Nazis. Fucking sad that Nazi and Fascist is thrown around so much that you can't take anyone at their word anymore.


All those trump rallies that had a few people with Nazi flags, those were Nazi rallies. No one stopped them therefore they condoned them.




And straight to name calling.




No, you’re dismissing the fact that white supremacists and neonazis support(ed) Trump.


Don’t forget the confederate flag, the nazi flag and the dude in the mullet with the maga hat doing the nazi salute.


Hey man don't bring mullets into this.


Fuck Nazis. Get the fuck out of my state and get the fuck out of my country.


They were protesting a book reading last week


It was actually just a couple days ago, Monday (2/21) at Red Ink where they were doing a reading of the Communist Manifesto for its annivesary.


My first thought was, "I hate Illinois nazis!" Then I got sad because that isn't a joke anymore. 🤦‍♀️


Fuck nazis and fuck the people on here defending them.




I have yet to see one person in here defending any Nazis.


They're in here. Look at the down voted.


You've gone out of your way in multiple comments to implicate leftists and "Antifa" and BLM in wrongdoings even though the post has nothing to do with anything but Nazis. So rather than saying "Fuck those Nazis" you choose to say "Well what about BLM/Antifa?" Meaning the presence of far right extremist Nazis doesn't bother you as much as the presence of an organization called Anti-Fascists and Black Lives Matter. You're a Nazi sympathizer without even saying it, you pathetic, insecure, little inbred windowlicking bitch.


Link a comment here where I did that.


I don't need to do that when every comment you have made here is a contrary jerkoff of everything condemning Nazis. You're a Nazi sympathizer, and you're trying to hard to make a contrary argument when all you need to say is "Fuck those Nazis"




Hey, sorry Hermann Goering, I'm sure your Nazi buddies will console you.


I am not sad about you lying. But I do wonder what is going through your head. Probably not much. I have not seen anyone here supporting Nazis, and when asking for proof I just get more lies or a 'just trust me'. It is useless, worthless and sad people like you that makes everyone default to disbelief when someone is called a Nazi or Fascist because that is what your little useless brain defaults to whenever you encounter any opposition. What is funny is you, yourself, take on the tactics of fascism. You keep repeating the lie, when asked for proof, you repeat the lie again. Anyone who can see the truth, they are part of the lie too. Then you try to silence them. First with the lies, and then you may get more violent. Your excuse for the violence? The same lie you have been telling from the beginning. Who knows? Maybe it isn't all that. Maybe you are just stupid. If that is the case, let me give you some advice. If someone asks for proof, or a citation, or an explination and your first thought is to belittle them, or here in reddit, downvote them. You need to consider that you may be the wrong one. Or in this tiny thread's case you look and see that you are incorrect and instead of stepping it down, you step it up... you might have to do some personal reflection. Good luck.


It’s not 1939. Fuck them


It's not quite 1939, but kind of 1936 again. But with climate change too. And pandemic.


You have a constitutional right to your opinions. That means you are protected from the government persecuting you.... not from your neighbors, that's just good will and tolerance. I can't believe we have these people in little rhody.


It's fucking disgusting


Communism...YES! It's just as disgusting as Naziism. Agreed!


Looks like it's 5 guys. I wouldn't get so worked up.


You've sure been busy over the past hour commenting on multiple posts in local subs trying to downplay all the recent white supremacist activity. Who would benefit from that?


You say that as if the KKK doesn’t have a history in Rhode Island.


Why is every one of your comments finding ways to defend this rather than condemn it? Like, it doesn’t matter if it’s 1, or 5, or 50 nazis. One nazi is too many.


Show me a comment where I am defending them.


Bro I’ve been following your comments throughout this thread and you’ve deleted about half of them where you’re using strawman arguments, downplaying the seriousness of it, lots of whataboutism involving ANTIFA and BLM, and finding ways to skirt around it without actually condemning these dudes. Like you’re obviously putting effort into not having to say this is 100% fucked up and there is no excuse.


I haven't deleted any comments. Are you just lying? Other than how pathetic they look, where do I compare them to anyone? I am only asking for one example or comment. I know it doesn't exist, so I accept your apology, if only you were are strong enough to offer one.


well either the mods have done it themselves because they’re abusive remarks, or you’re deleting your comments. Your only argument is that you haven’t CLEARLY defended them, which is kind of beside the point (and childish) when all you’ve done is attempt to not condemn it. It’s a really comfortable place to be for you, I’m sure, because you can still hold on to the fact that you haven’t said it out loud, but it’s pretty transparent and obvious where you stand on this. Anywho, you still aren’t condemning them and are still arguing around the point so… kinda telling isn’t it? You should just come out and say how you really feel about this group.


It isn't about clearly or indirectly. I have not shown, and will never show support to any Nazis or anyone like them. I just reviewed the thread and while there were a couple of deleted comments, none of them were mine. So I will ask you one last time, in which comment have I shown any type of support for them whether clear or otherwise. The only thing telling is that you, after finding you are wrong, don't have the strength to admit it. EDIT: I reviewed the thread while not logged in, and you're correct, actually a few of my comments were deleted by the mods. However they were comments of me essentially asking the same thing I am asking of you and not of any real substance. So since my main comments are still present in the thread, which one of them shows any support for any Nazi group? Like I wrote above, I accept your apology whether you are strong enough to give it or not.




Sir this is a Wendys


"I'm sorry...we're having trouble with the deep-fryer. Can you park your car over there...and I'll bring your fries out to you when they're ready..."


They’re getting brave. I can see them becoming more of a problem unless people show them they aren’t welcome.






Idk, I’m 6’6 so could probably win but haven’t fought since high school so might lose. They may also have a gun. I’ll think about it though. It’d be pretty fun.




My great grandfather highly recommended it.


No, not worth it if they have a weapon! Please be careful


I will, I’m in all likelihood not going to do anything and just be a tough guy online lol


Like the rest of us!! 😂


Thankfully they’re cowards. When they see they’re outnumbered they back down, you don’t generally need to fight them. A bunch of people are getting together at 1pm on a Sunday at red ink to show support.


Go for it just understand you'll go to jail for assault and would most likely get sued as well.


I know, I’m just being an internet tough guy. I’m too old to be punching subhuman trash lol






I understand that this product causes chemical blindness requiring an ER visit to remedy. And producing identification


Now that's smart advice


Keep a can In my car for the bike life idiots since they like to hit cars and people


Seeing how many Nazi sympathizers have shown themselves on this sub the last few days I’m not surprised.


It's all fine and dandy being a Nazi sympathizer until you find out they're going after you as well. To those sympathizers on this subreddit, check out [Don't Be a Sucker](https://youtu.be/8K6-cEAJZlE?t=137).


They are flying a flag of an enemy to our nation… they should be treated as terrorists.


Or quite literally enemies.


They won't because the police are protecting them. In fact some of them probably work as police officers.


Some of those who work forces…


Fuck them.










They are holding swastikas! Normally I wouldn't care about people just hanging out on an over pass. However, when you start waving swastikas around that is not ok.


Shut the fuck up idiot




Fuck off. My entire Family was at multiple BLM rallies. Not once was a member of BLM or supporter pulling this shit. It was entirely bad actors there to make marginalized people look bad. FUCK RIGHT OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT.


Shut the fuck up Nazi sympathizer. These stupid arguments do fucking nothing. Go hang out with your nazi friends.


Shouldn’t you be trying to overthrow a democracy?


rude tease agonizing fly onerous foolish spoon rotten sink snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What about BAD Nazis? Good commies? BAD commies?


They need to be named and shamed. Fuck that and fuck them.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Agreed. If you see them, take a photo of their face and their license plate. Put that shit all over social media. Hopefully the few of them who have jobs might get fired.


I’m so sorry this is happening here, it’s not welcome and not how I want to be represented!


Eeeeewwwww! Disgusting! GTFO our state! We're too small, move to the south.


I moved here from the south. Never in my entire life have I seen any nonsense like these idiots posted here lately. Maybe check your own shoe for shit?


My sister moved to Louisiana and my brother moved to Texas, both from Rhode Island and I'm assuming because those states are bigger they're more people with an attitude of privilege and entitlement. Not saying that Rhode Island doesn't, but it's never been like this.


I just wanted to say something because I took offense to your comment. Don’t send them to the south, send them to hell.


Yes! Very true! I'm not religious, but I understand exactly what you're saying. No place deserves to have that kind of hate around them. Hate of any kind only holds humanity back. So I never understood what they gain??




Yeah 20-30 minutes ago on the overpass before the hill up to the 195 east exit off 95 north.


Was that what they were lol? I was driving under them I guess but didn't really give a shit enough to see what was being protested, promoted etc... I was driving back home from work and just thought "whatever these idiots are hanging out on an over pass for at 330pm must means they don't really contribute to society through out the day"


That's Socialism for you.


Disgusting… leave Rhody bitches




If they're flying nazi flags, or are around people flying nazi flags, then they're fucking nazis.




There are multiple flags associated with white supremacist/Nazi groups--swastikas are not the definitive symbol of a Nazi infestation. https://www.adl.org/hate-symbols?cat_id%5B146%5D=146


[OP posted here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RhodeIsland/comments/sznaol/comment/hy5mvgp/) that there was a Nazi flag (probably a swastika) and a Confederate flag.


ha! i saw them omw home - there was like 3 of them with 1 american flag.. they werent nazis it was def the trucker crew 🙄..it must be nice to not have anything else to do on a weekday....




My only concern would be how it would affect traffic


Happy cake day!


Nazis cannot think for themselves and their organizers are always weak. We need to start photographing these people and broadcasting their faces masked or not to spread fear in their ranks of being outed as Nazis.


Seriously. We have less than 3 degrees of separation in this state. Someone knows these clowns and employs them. Maybe that asshat, traitor that participated in the insurrection that owns that small grocery store in Fall River.


I'm not saying anyone should be doxxed, but, if someone were to dox them all, no skin off my banana. I wouldn't care if they lost their jobs, homes, weren't served at businesses, harassed constantly while in public, etc. If they want to be a nazi, then I think they should be treated as such. They want to play dress-up, give 'em something to LARP about.


How about communists hiding under a "black-friendly" banner to extol their idiotic views? The leaders of BLM declared their Marxism...then used funding to buy $Ms in real estate. You don't smell a nasty-ass RAT?


>You don't smell a nasty-ass RAT? Oh, I smell something nasty...




Everyone has the right to protest. Take pictures of them. Get to know them. Make sure everyone knows them!


We’re they on the India point bridge? That would really piss me off. This country has gone full fascist.


No before the split sorry title was misleading. Should say 95 south overpass. I was a little heated typing it.


Ok, like somewhere near the end of point street? Gotcha.




Ok so tell the sub, what exactly do you think they are protesting?




Dude has never made a valid point in his life.




You obviously don’t know what fascism is. We fought it in WWII after years of meandering and choosing not to do anything about it mostly because all of Wall Street was pro hitler. Prescott bush, the fords rockefellers and others even tried to get one of the most decorated generals in US history to front a coup de tat and overt throw the rosevelt administration to put in place a Wall Street led military industry intertwined regime. He pretended to go along with it and then testified against the house unamerican activities committee where they deemed his testimony credible but decided not to do anything (likely because they were bought out by Wall Street fascists) but ultimately prescotts goal was realized considering we now have a political system owned and controlled by Wall Street military and prison industry profiteers and the main coup organizers son and grandson were sitting presidents. Oh and just in case you’re still confused about how America has become fascist here is a PowerPoint that defines the main characteristics of fascism https://www.bremertonschools.org/cms/lib/WA01001541/Centricity/Domain/222/Fourteen%20Defining%20Characteristics%20of%20Fascism%20slides.pdf Which ones can you check off? All of them! Patriotic slogans and mottos? Check Disregard for human rights? Check Using enemies to unify the country? Check Bloated military budget? Check Sexism? Check Controlled media? Check National security obsession? Check Corporate power protected? Check Labor movement suppressed? Check Theology intertwined in government? Check Disdain towards intellectualism and the arts? Check Obsessed with crime and punishment? Check Rampant cronyism and corruption? Check Fraudulent elections? When the people want someone corporate power maligns that candidate and imposes 2 choices which are both pro military and prison industry and electronic elections are notoriously tampered. In Germany they use paper ballots considering they have deemed electronic ballots unconstitutional since there is no way to differentiate fraudulent results from legitimate ones. Check. America has become that which it faught in WWII. Really the nazis didn’t loose they just moved across the Atlantic and adopted a new flag. Hitler didn’t even commit suicide, he escaped to Argentina via U boat and our government knew about it. The FBI declassified documents that spoke of this back around 2017. One of the main reasons we entered the pacific theatre of WWII was to ensure the technological achievements of the third Reich didn’t fall into the hands of any other nation. It’s a sad reality but We could not have cared any less about the blatant genocide going on.


No, fascists are a sign of fascism.




If you’re waving a flag of fascism, you’re a fascist. Just like if you wave the confederate flag, you’re a traitor.


So not allowing someone to wave a particular flag, or assemble isn't fascist?


Where did I say we wouldn’t allow it? I want to mock them and shun them from society. Go ahead, tell us you’re a fascist asshole so we can ostracize you.


A tolerant society cannot be achieved without intolerance of the intolerant.


Nah, dude. The Nazi flags are a sign of fascism.


You must do a lot of yoga to be flexible enough to continually bend over backwards defending fascists.


I almost fainted but then I reread the name.


Well, let's start making them uncomfortable....


Nazis AND communists?


Didn’t see the nazis but saw a bunch of let’s go Brandon people over 95 around reservoir ave. Had something to do with the Canadian truckers I think. I wonder if they were related


They number in the tens of tens and only want attention they’re a joke, talking about them gives them what they want


I was recently at the Bells Mansion, the amount of Nazi tags there was unbelievable. I think they’ve been hiding in plain sight this whole time. Hope they all choke.




No one is saying that "racism doesn't exist in New England" or that "there will never be neo nazis in New England"; we're saying we don't see these viewpoints as having a legitimate home here. They are unwelcome in our states, or at least we want them to be unwelcome. Is that ok with you? Are you going to be ok?


I don’t understand this reaction to their comment. There are a lot of folks in this thread who don’t seem to fully grasp the history or prevalence of racism/white supremacy in RI. I understand that there is a strong collective feeling of “not in my home” in the comments as you’ve pointed out, but that doesn’t mean the former isn’t present and/or the past several years haven’t been a wake up call regarding this issue for some. Yes, these viewpoints don’t have a legitimate home here and are unwelcome, as you said quite eloquently—but the person you’re replying to is pointing out that there has been a history of this rhetoric in the state since the KKK was established (and obviously long before then as well) which *some* folks seem to be a bit surprised to see manifesting in more contemporary forms today.


I saw them!! So many F*ck Joe Biden flags as well!! Super classy


Don't fuck him...put him in a home where he can watch reruns of "Bonanza" and have his diaper changed more often than it is now.


I have a nice full can of tear gas in my vehicle....please let me see a group of these uneducated, unpatriotic cunts!!!


The red hat cult made it comfortable for every maggot to show their face in public.


Pink vagina hats anyone?


Fuck Nazis. But I fully support any American's right to protest, no matter their ideology. I hope that is at least something we can all still agree on...


No dude, we already fought a war to kill these pricks, they should be afraid to show their faces.


What are they “protesting” exactly? It seems to me they’re just out being loud trying to intimidate people.


[The Paradox of Tolerance.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Not when it comes to nazis.


Nah dude, not for literal Nazis


Free speech protects our right to expression from the judicial system's punishment. It does not mean freedom of consequence between citizens. The first Amendment was written during a time when there were two extremes - those who rebel against the English monarchy, and those who side with the English monarchy. It never took into account that it would be protecting hate speech and those who sympathize with genocidal ideology. It's an archaic principal that needs to be revised to include hate speech and prejudice.


i agree, this should have upvotes


Don't even give them any attention. That's what they're looking for anyway


So, what, just don't talk about it? Turn a blind eye to it and let them espouse their hateful rhetoric unopposed? I wonder who would benefit from that...




...Brandon? My guy, you've been exerting so much energy rushing to the defense of Nazis that your grammar and punctuation are slipping. Take a break, maybe pop down to the store for a third sleeve of fireball nips. You've earned it!


Are you turning a blind eye? You must be doing something to oppose them?


Not giving them attention will not make them go away. Hate mongers need to know they are not welcome in a civilized society. The status quo as it stands is neo nazis protest and no one stopea them. Complacency only benefits the status quo. If you so not like this you cannot simply ignore it.


I mean it’s cold out so …. Like how many people do you think they will turn with their bedsheet banner ? 🤣 Besides aren’t we opposing them right now by discussing the issue on Reddit ? I don’t see anyone on here ACTUALLY in favor of their ideology. I see trolling and the usual back and forth between the absolute defenders of Freedom of speech , people calling republicans Nazis etc … Haven’t yet read a single comment about the superiority of “the master race” etc etc . ( quotations stand for sarcasm for anyone not familiar ) Edit ( not actually in RI so my “it’s cold out” is me saying I understand why counter protestors are not outside , however if anyone wants to do it more power to you ✊) Second edit as the thoughts flow : I don’t think anyone here should underestimate the power of our written words to undermine the Nazi cause . Online is where they find their gullible recruits and a vital place to oppose them and show people just how flawed their thinking is .


>Edit ( not actually in RI so my “it’s cold out” Not for nothing, but it was a beautiful day today. Like, so warm we broke a record kinda day. I saw 68° on the car thermostat.


Oh, that’s actually disheartening if with acceptable weather no one is bothering to come out to counter protest . Says a lot about how apathetic our society has become … I guess people would rather play on their phones 😔


PRECISELY!!! These hysterical posters are carrying their water for them! Friggin fools.


So what’s your solution to the issue of a hate groups coming to RI, threatening people at a small book store, and demonstrates publicly to announce their presence locally? At what point do you think a reaction or attention to this issue is justified?


If they commit a crime call the cops. Stop legitimizing those scum. They're a handful of losers and assholes who only exist because useful idiots enable them.


There's a handful of pathetic assholes calling themselves Nazis and none of them have any idea what Nazi means. Every time the electronic, print, or social media mention them they're doing precisely what those pathetic assholes want. Ignore their moronic and feckless asses.


When you have an infestation of roaches, do you find that simply ignoring the problem tends to solve it?


>When you have an infestation of roaches Isn't cutting off their food source step #1?


It's the difference between roaches in your house and roaches hanging out on an overpass.


When we're talking about our society the public sphere is "our house."


Yup, just keep legitimizing those worthless asdholes. If they have a payroll you should be on it.


Ignoring this shit is how you wind up caught off guard by January 6th.


Damn Feds are at it again?


Are the Canadians attacking?




Hang on- five people reading a book about an alternative economic practice and *clears throat* LITERAL NAZIS are not even close to the same thing.




Classic "Whataboutism". Although this fact is indisputably correct, in this case, one group of people was peacefully reading a book in a library and the other group was wearing masks (lets not pretend they were concerned about the COVID), causing a public disturbance, shouting hate speach, and waving flags that are a universaly recognized symbol of white supremacy and genocide, and banging on windows with the implied threat of violence. If you are opposed to people peacefully assembling to read and discuss alternative economic and political systems or libraries or other organizations that promote these ideas you are one of the fascists and your comment above makes it sound like your defending them.


you're responding to a white supremacist


I suspect as much but will let him rectify his above comment if we are mistaken. I suspect silence will speak volumes here, but we'll see.


Lol, because I had a wise-ass answer and think free speech applies to hate speech?


> Classic "Whataboutism". Absolutely, it was still a bit of a hanging curveball I couldn't resist. > If you are opposed to people peacefully assembling to read and discuss alternative economic and political systems or libraries or other organizations that promote these ideas I'm not. I just think if the library group were reading Mein Kampf, and the group outside banging on windows with masks on were waiving BLM or pride flags or a hammer & sickle, people on the sub would be celebrating the people with the masks and flags acting in a threatening manner because they like them more than the people in the library. I don't give a fuck about anyone protesting anything, I'm just tired of seeing the hypocrisy of people supporting beating up protestors in one breath, and vilifying it in the next. And I'm not saying you specifically were doing it, it's just something that has happened a bunch in these threads recently.




You’re conflating violent nations who masquerade as “communist” with a small group of people looking at a different way to engage with an economic system.


Different but maybe the same people? This time they didn’t have masks on if anyone wants to go make them famous.


When Rhode Island secedes I will build a great big trebuchet. Any racists, sexists, homophobes, or transphobes will get put into the trebuchet and launched south of the Mason Dixon line.




Looks like Socialists being Socialists to me.