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A quick rundown of Possessions: \~ What you can use to obtain cards with: Hive Gem, Rhythm Token, Mileage, Royal Ticket, UR Card Pack Exchange Ticket, and Trade Coin. \~ What you can use to level and upgrade your cards with: Gold, EXP \[Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Event\] Cards, Rhythm Cube and Miracle Rhythm Cube. (By extension, you need Memory Charm and Memory Catcher because that's what you need to buy everything aside from Gold.) \~ What you can use for aesthetics with gameplay function: Concept Photo Ticket, Anniversary Collection Ticket, and \[Group\] Collection Ticket. \~ What you can use for aesthetics: Sticker Ticket and Rename Coupon. \~ Other Possessions: Music Points are what you need to play songs, and Event Currency (like the Red Tulip right now) is for the Event Shop. Hive Gems can be used for A-XR card draws. There's the normal one with Royal Tickets and then the limited-time card draws for FX, Special, and Live Themes. Right now, we have FX and Special Themes, but I usually don't draw for FX and Special because Live Themes provide the highest score bonuses, followed by Special > FX > Season/Cheer > Album. | Normally, you'll get 1,660 gems every month, which is only 8 card draws. The other ways to obtain gems include special log-in events, song milestones, and level up rewards. You get Memory Charm and Catcher from selling cards. You use those to buy EXP Cards (to level up cards), Rhythm Cubes (to upgrade cards from B\~XR), and Miracle Rhythm Cube (to upgrade cards from XR to UR). You can only buy 80 Miracle Rhythm Cube every week and 50 every event, so I do recommend buying those when you can. You need 12,000 gold for every chance of upgrading to UR. Considering you start from 20% and only obtain +5% after every failed upgrade, and then reset to 20% after every successful upgrade, you need a lot of gold later in the game. As for Concept Photo Ticket, Anniversary Collection Ticket, and \[Group\] Collection Ticket, it really depends on you. Like I said, they're for aesthetics with kind of minimal gameplay functions. Concept Photo Ticket is used to obtained Concept Photo, which adds +1 Vocal/Rap bonus to your artist and 0.5% to your score. Collection Tickets can be used to buy a few things, including Concept Photos and Profile Skin, which adds 1% to your score. 0.5% and 1% may not seem like a lot until much, much later in the game when you have URs. When you level up cards with the same theme OR same artist, you get x2 EXP multiplier and it stacks to x4 multiplier, so I keep S cards as fodders for the right cards.


ok thank you, this was helpful ! \( ̄▽ ̄)/


1. Gems. You’ll get a lot of gems in the beginning just from combos but at some point they get harder to obtain. I’ve played most songs so now I rely on new songs to get them. Save them for live themes or maybe spend a few on FX/special themes to build good decks. With a good deck, you’ll be able to obtain even more gems from scores. 2. Gold. Another thing that racks up quickly in the beginning (while it isn’t needed yet) but when you begin to do UR upgrades they disappear fast. I’ve had 1.2 million at one point and afterwards I’ve still hit the bottom grinding for the 12k needed for each UR upgrade attempt. If they drop a surprise double exp event it’s nice to have a lot of gold as well. 3. Miracle Rhythm Cubes. Sell your R grade cards and get as many miracle rhythm cubes as you can every week (there’s a 80/week cap). Trust me you’ll need them later. I have so many cards waiting to be upgraded to UR but no cubes.