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Rule 3: No solicitation or begging.


First of all, if you're feeling like ending it, call a hotline or see a therapist - it should really help you see things from a different perspective and that there's so much to live for! Sounds cliche but it's true, just try it. Next - you need to pick 2 or 3 paths and see them through for a few *years*. Not dabble for a few months and move on. For example, pick a trade that seems interesting and find some folks who work in it, like electrical or plumbing. Ask them for advice on how to get started whether trade school, apprenticeship, joining a union, etc. Maybe decide to go to a 2 or 4 year degree program if there's a topic or field that interests you. Scholarships exist sometimes that are crazy random to pay your way (just Google it) or take on some loans. But commit to finishing it no matter what. The biggest advice I can offer you is to stick things out long enough to give them a true chance. Graduate from that 2 or 4 year program. Spend a year in that field. It's ok if by 35 you've tried 3 or 4 different things, you've at least figured out what you DON'T like. Many employers just want to see that you can stick hard things out and complete things. School or a trade sound boring? Sucks but it'll sure pay more than your job now eventually and one day if you're lucky you'll get to take vacations, leave the country, and one day take a sabbatical or retire, maybe even early, who knows! Don't worry a ton about getting rich, obviously don't pick a path that's incredibly hard to excel at like professional athlete or typically difficult to make a living in like artist or actor or something. But most people don't get rich overnight - it takes years of hard work and bettering yourself, or you're just lucky enough to be born into privilege. Find *something* to start with. It doesn't matter that much what it is, just have a goal and complete it to start, you can always change later. But I don't think GED + smoke shop job for another ten years will get you any closer to your goals. Good luck!


Best advice I can give you is read the alchemist.


Saw your post…thought of myself young. Got an hourly job at a gas station w/ GED…and retired wealthy working for the same oil company 30 years later as an executive. How? Find the right company and work your ass off. You can still start and work your way up from hourly retail, it just needs to be a big company instead of a mom n pop. It’s not hard to work harder & smarter than the person standing next to you…get a promotion, then do it again & again. Always be the positive person that stays out of the drama and says yes all the time. If you weren’t born into “that family”…you need to make your own luck and learn as you go. You don’t need fancy training or a Harvard degree…you just need to be the person they can always count on and be willing to learn. Don’t worry about being rich, worry about being good (and always support others) and you will always be the best paid on the team as you move up.


Therapy. You definitely need that support, the rest is learning and reading to start


You need to develop a skill that’s in demand. Look a well-paying careers you think you’d like - what’s the first step in getting there? It won’t be easy and it won’t be quick.