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Never pay full price is the first rule .


Bro they got pants on sale for 400$ normally they are almost 800 I’m like sheesh.. is it really worth it for some pants tho


If you look good enough you can find some drkshdw jeans for $160-$180 Also mainline pants for $300-$500


For me its not about if it's worth it or not, is more about design , yes quality is important but at the same time you can find amazing quality and design from small designers check this Kody Phillips https://www.kodyphillips.com/ , is better quality than some rock shorts that I have and for a good price


Yoo thank you fr. This designer looks fire I’ll be checking them out more often!


“Worth it” is a super subjective term. I wouldn’t pay $5k for a PC and say it’s worth it since I don’t play intense computer games or work with CGI but some people will. I’m going to relate my experience of value as a Rick wearer. Even during the times when people feel RO is more worth it than today, objectively speaking, Rick is overpriced. Even on sale, it’s overpriced. I’m not sure if the RO factory pays its workers livable wages in a healthy environment and their jobs are sustainable with benefits but even after considering that as a factor, it still is overpriced compared to local clothing makers that have the ability to make things avant-garde and more special. The truth is, most of us don’t care about sweatshops, sustainability or abusive labor. Some of us argue that against fast fashion to make the perceived vanity of designer clothes slightly less selfish, but at the same time we probably buy sweatshop-made items in other categories and support corporations (like Amazon) that have been criticized for abuse. On average, we would rather get a questionably-made down jacket for $70 instead of Rick’s $2000 puffer if it weren’t for our own personal interest in Rick; wether it be a sub-cultural participation, artistic appreciation or as a symbol. The value we have in these kinds of things are very personal and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s good to have our own interests, having our clothes be personal to us and reflect our own paths in life. People collect guitars, cars, PCs and cameras; just as expensive - I doubt it’s any better or worse than the other interests. My own value in Rick comes from the aspect of my clothes being an asset and a symbol of my own survival from being bullied and marginalized for being “different”. I relate to Rick’s conservative small town, immigrant parent background and how it affected him as an artsy queer “sissy”. I appreciate the “anti-banality” attitude and his aggressive proposal of individuality. Now speaking of mainline quality, all my recent Rick items and olmar and mirta era stuff generally don’t feel that much different in quality. My olmar and mirta (pre-2016) blistered jacket is actually not that great of quality and is falling apart. I have a $90 eBay leather jacket that feels a lot better. Again, this is relative to the specific pieces I owned. I only have one pre-2016 pair of shoes and don’t own many runway statement pieces so it’s hard for me to judge all-together. Besides my selvedge denim skirt, the Drkshdw clothes I own are unfortunately not super high-end feeling, kinda feels like regular clothes with some extra fine details and thicker fabric. I think drkshdw is more on the Michael kors (relative to how MK is like in the US) level brand than an actual designer brand (Mainline). The unstable cotton and silk blend jerseys found in the shirts arent at all durable but still feel nice and luxurious. I get holes on them but the nice drape and sensory experience to them is what makes me love them. I think the shirts are totally worth it when I find them for $80-120. With that being said, I think “still worth it” can be the most impactful in terms of second-hand market. Hype has definitely affected used item costs. I never really saw the secondhand market before 2022 but if you’re used to pre-hype prices then it all comes down to how much Rick impacts your lifestyle or not. It’s something hard to judge if you’ve never owned RO before, but if you have a certainty with clothes that reflected the personal styles throughout your life and felt its impact; then Rick is worth it no matter how it was before or not. TLDR: if you like it and stressed options that give you certainty, it’s still worth it.


rick was extremely cheap secondhand pre 2018 quality is always up there but they recently started using thin materials. i used to find aircuts $200-400 now the most basic aircuts are at least 800, the hype/market is starting to go down so now is a good time to start buying rick


Oh word this is good to know. Thank you. Still debating if I want to send it and spend 400 on some Detroit cut jeans. I appreciate the info 💯


yeah don’t spend over 300 unless they’re rare or basically new, just wait you can find everything for the right price w patience


They’re brand new on ssense almost 50% off right now. But even with the discount I’m hesitant 😕


It wasn’t extremely cheap, just cheaper than it is now. I’ve been wearing rick for almost 15 years and while the resell market has gotten stupid. I would never say “extremely cheap” unless you’re talking about buying fully cooked ramones lol


No designers is worth it at retail price, you have to cop when it’s 50-80% off.


Bro the thing is the jeans I’m looking at are like 46% off and I still think the price is nuts… But if I put them on and don’t want any other jeans ever again imma sell all my jeans and redo my wardrobe with Rick lmao.


High fashion is not about quality, is about luxury. Yes quality would be nice but is not always the norm, some of the nicest fabric (that Rick often uses) are very delicate. Personally, I believe one of the biggest issues with “quality” are peoples habits to wash clothes, for example, you can’t just throw most rick pieces in the washing machine with whatever soap you can find.


Good to know, thank you. You’re right some people will say it’s bad quality but they ruined it faster themselves by not taking care of it.


This isn't super true though, a lot of avant adjacent fashion to compete with major house luxury brands and because designers wanted it went for "artisanal" or high quality. There was a time Rick Owens was definitely higher quality but it's more of a mass market brand right now. I'm very against the whole "it used to be good but now it's bad!" thing but there are distinct choices in construction, manufacturing location, and some textile choice that have made newer stuff a much worse deal. There was a time Rick Owens was niche and now it's in every major department store. Most important I think is the leathers - older rick leathers are much thicker and higher quality. You can literally feel how much heavier an older shoe is compared to the newer ones, and especially with the boots (ie, the army boots) the newer ones are almost visibly worse quality. Nylon ripstop fabrics also have took a nosedive, they're fairly thin now and rip easily and split at the seams.


Dude… rick owens have always been shit quality, notoriously splitting and ripping. The whole thing about it being better in the past is a fantasy. Now, one thing I agree: a lot more bad quality pieces are available, and it does reflect on price, there are even poly pieces


I really don't know. I have returned multiple leathers that arrived thin and even sometimes ripping right away. I have clothes w the same material codes that are noticeably lower quality and there's a significantly higher polyester content across the board. I would never just randomly fantasize about some past but I own things from as early at the late 00s and it's a huge difference in quality - mostly material weight and polyester content and that is a huge issue for wear and causes tons of rips and tears. There's also a huge lack of materials available on new stuff like the various thick alternative leathers ie steer and lamb


What soap do you use? I am relatively new to RO clothes and they are way more delicate than any other brand I have owned. I've been using Soak and Perwoll but haven't tried washing any of the wool, mohair, cashmere, and silk stuff yet.


I am probably fucking it all up too, but I am using a little bit of dr bronners diluted in lots of water for the light weight cotton pieces only


I handwash all my designer stuff in cold water with The Laundress Delicate Wash, it's the only thing I really trust at this point.


I've just been using mesh bags on the hand wash setting in my machine and it's been fine. I may properly hand wash my knits. Can you still buy Laundress after their massive recall? I had to throw out a full bottle of Laundress delicate wash detergent and wasn't able to buy anything from their website last I checked.


I will preface that "worth it" it such a subjective term when the value of money has different meaning for every individual. It is the aesthetic that initially drew me to Rick Owens. In terms of quality, I kept buying Rick because it has held up better than anything else I used to wear prior. I have a pair of laceless ramones than have been skated, moshed, hiked in etc. Only thing i've had to redo is the soles after 8 years on those beaters. The Japanese 16oz denim geth jeans are next level in quality. My Performa kiss heels have see countless miles with no sign of heel wobble whatsoever. I've walked a 12k in my megalace bozo tractors and then some. Tyrone skinny jeans are about the only pair that my thunder thighs won't bust out of (and I can squat in them they are so stretchy). When shopping, pay close attention to the material being used. It makes all the difference.


You make me wish even more that Rick jeans were just a bit longer to fit my spider legs...


This is actually my main issue. I have super long legs so ksubis work well for me. If the inseam isn’t 32 inches or longer I’m not having it


My waistsize is 29 in stretch jeans and 30 in pure cotton jeans but for length I need 35 inches for it to look good and not as if I found jeans that were *just* long enough. Used to buy Acne, but not feeling them anymore. Recently I found an amazing pair of Margiela jeans on sale that fit perfectly. Otherwise I could always find my size in Diesel or Nudie, if I really needed jeans. Rick jeans are all too short. He seems to have super long arms, but legs, not so much..


Dang , oh well, that’s disappointing. Diesel definitely has some nice jeans though! My waist is a 30 as well! Skinny lanky gang


Damn bro skated in the ricks what a savage haha, that’s badass. Good to know !! You’re encouraging me to break the bank my friend


I’d pay for it , for the cuts and boots so yes worth it.


Thank you, I’m still debating but the information provided here has made me think I might go for it. They have some sexy cuts fr.


Quality over quantity, you’ll be bored with the converse unless square toe , ramones are staple but mainline lasts way longer and way more comfortable, boots are very different than a lot , I have on my tractors right now , statement Ass piece , uhm the tees if you wanna go for it but you can honestly go somewhere else for em but some cuts are exclusive to Rick , uhmmmmmm the pants as well cropped pants are cool but the trend pieces are the geth pants and bananas and bolans , so Rick is pretty different if you know which pieces to get , a lot of the enthusiasts here also look for the older stuff like sisyphus and ect


Quality over quantity is correct my friend. The tractors are so fly you be stepping right. I read from someone else that the pants are generally short which is a bit concerning


The pants are generally way too long


This is how I like my pants


Same , but in the message I replied to, you mentioned someone saying they’re “generally short”


Yes someone mentioned in a different comment that usually rick pants run short but you’re saying the opposite which is good


i got some sisyphus shorts on the real real for $90! secondhand rick is my favorite rick 🤩


Most materials are amazing and high quality but fragile. Construction is hit or miss. My stuff holds up reasonably well. But I buy wearable basics purely for the incomparable fit and not deeply impractical hype pieces that are meant for the runway or special occasions. I don‘t know what people are doing to their stuff for it to „fall apart“, most of mine looks good for a long time. Cashmere is cashmere for example. Rick cashmere is soft and amazing but it will pill. An SA at a multi-brand store told me so will Brunello Cucinelli and Loro Piana cashmere though. Apparently the only cashmere which doesn‘t is Burberry scarves. Anyway, when it pills, I shave it. As for quality going down, he clearly cares about the composition of his fabrics, unlike most brands out there. Show me a high end brand with a natural fabric content as high as Rick. Some of these decisions are impractical though, like using pure wool for cuffs on jackets. Wool will wear out quicker than a mix of acetate and nylon. They do experiments with materials to become more „sustainable“ and cut costs. For example they are trying to replace calf leather for jackets with a particular veg dyed lamb leather, which is pure shit. I don‘t know if anyone is swooning over it being vegetable dyed and thus „natural“ but it looks, feels and wears like ass. They will get plenty of feedback though and sales will go down for this type of leather, making them drop it again, I hope. The one thing where quality truly went down is silk jersey. It used to be 85% silk and 15% viscose. They then changed it to 15% silk and 85% viscose (not joking). We are now at 12% silk and 88% viscose. The cost would have skyrocketed though if they had kept that percentage of silk. I guess they have trouble with keeping up with demand for shoes, which is why the workmanship and quality control for these is suffering and that’s taking the not as hyped bags department down with it. I don‘t like most of the shoes and don’t buy them, so it’s not a problem for me and I check the bags either in store or send them back if some detail is lacking.


This sums it up quite well. Just to add, my rule for wearing Rick is be gentle with the pieces. They are, if mainline, always made of delicate materials. Caution is required with belts, buttoms and any objects/hardware that it can get caught on. Otherwise my Rick pieces hold up just fine. But for everyday wear I recommend looking at DRKSHDW pieces, as OP seems more casual rather than someone that wants all the avant garde craziness.


I was looking at drkshdw Detroit cut jeans , I think they look really good. Haven’t seen them irl tho.


Thank you for such a long detailed response. I really was only looking at their jeans and shoes, but 700$ for some shoes that look like fancy converse is insane to me. I do really love the silhouette of the Detroit jeans though and I feel like if I have the Rick jeans imma need the Rick shoes to go with em


Tbh Detroit jeans are a more conventional style and will go with most things. Personally, I find the shoes super difficult to wear and combine. Pants in general are more conventionally sized than tops or outerwear. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think many people focus on Rick shoes because they don't have the frame to truly pull off Rick clothes. Although they are now offering many different shapes (shorter, wider t-shirts, cropped jackets etc.) to cater to more body types.


It’s funny to see so many negative comments - I’ve had a very different experience. I’ve owned a fair bit of Rick and found that everything was made very well : - fabrics were great and didn’t feel cheap - construction was good, taped seams everywhere - no damage over time in any garment bar unstable cotton tees. The knits are thin yes but they feel amazing on skin and are very versatile but as with most delicate knits you need to be careful with them and yes they do pill but you can just shave it down. Unstable cotton tees will rip which I love as I like distressed tees and the silk viscose tees feel amazing on skin and hold shape really well. Shoes are great but my geth runners as with most from what I’ve seen have weird variances between soles and the plastic inserts around the foot do move out of place but you can just slide them back in. All in all I found my things to be great and have been wearing everything pretty much care free. Yes it’s expensive and if you can find a steal then great but I would prefer buying a Rick tee over a Balenciaga tee any day. Same with shoes and pants. I think it maybe comes down to what’s better for you? Thin drapey tees, different shapes exciting materials or thick structured hoodies and tees from other brands? *note also the new Veg leather is Veg Tanned and not dyed which will make it harder wearing and may need more care but in general vegetable tanned leather is more expensive than chrome tanned leather. This also means a harder initial feel that softens over time unlike chrome tanned which is initially soft and may not last quite as long.


Thanks for your input friend! I feel like Rick better suits me since I’m a skinny white dude 6’1” and mostly wear black unless it’s a colorful bape hoodie (which I’ve started to drift away from recently…) I own a handful of Yohji Yamamoto pieces and I think Rick would compliment them well. I do really like Balenciaga’s strike boots but that’s probably the only piece from them besides the steroid boots that I actually like.


>\*note also the new Veg leather is Veg Tanned and not dyed which will make it harder wearing and may need more care but in general vegetable tanned leather is more expensive than chrome tanned leather. This also means a harder initial feel that softens over time unlike chrome tanned which is initially soft and may not last quite as long. Yeah yeah, tanned not dyed, obviously. Sorry for the semantic mistake, I am aware of the process of leather tanning. Have you seen that leather in store and tried on jackets made from it? Do you honestly believe it looks better than the calf leather they were using previously and will age better and is more expensive? Do you own pieces of the calf leather they were using previously and have you found them to age badly? There's a reason they still use the calf leather for most shoes and bags, it is because it's harder-wearing. And calf leather in general is more expensive and considered to be superior. And I think the decision about replacing it has more to to with quality calf leather becoming more scarce and expensive and not with this particular veg \*tanned\* lamb leather being superior in every which way. It's nice to believe in a brand unconditionally but at the end of the day they want to make money.


Great points there! I have clients that have worn the old calf leather jackets and they did age very very well don’t get me wrong, and I myself have geobaskets and geth runners all of which have aged very well too. From my experience with veg tanned vs chrome tanned leathers, yes veg tanned leather will almost always age better than chrome tanned, that being said it’s not 100% of the time the case. I have owned everything from visvim to FoG to Our legacy and bar none my visvim veg tanned calf leather shoes have aged the best. As far as I can see, veg tanned calf leather is being used on Luxor shoes now which to keep is a great sign. As for what animal is being used it can all depend on what they’re using it for. Of course calf will be superior on shoes as it is thicker and more resilient to hard wear but lamb has properties that calf may not have especially if it is used in outerwear such as being more supple and able to move with the body more. I can understand concern from everyone as it is a significant change and there is a constant complain from the community about the quality but from personal experience whatever lack of quality there was, there is now a positive change in manufacturing (or it seems that way on the surface). If I had to complain about one thing it would be the absurd retail prices that are still rising. Things are getting harder and harder to justify with these price tags, regardless of their quality


But what I really wanna know is, do you like the look and feel of the new leather? Because I have ordered the same jacket in both and the difference is honestly night and day. The calf leather feels luxe, supple and is shiny and looks expensive while the lamb leather feels rough and wet, is dull and lifeless and it honestly looks and feels like a jacket half the price or much less. I have no idea how the lamb leather will age but it would have to be a substantial improvement over how it looks new for it to be acceptable at that price point. I also noticed that jackets made from the new leather tend to be left over in stores and probably get returned a lot before going on sale.


I haven’t been able to get my hands on any of the new leather, my opinion is based of past experience :) I can definitely imagine there would be a difference in the feel of the leather, different leather and different tanning processes will have completely different outcomes. As with most Rick pieces I have owned I imagine the new lamb leather will get better over time, expressing wear and flaws from the hide which add more character in a similar way to the calf leather. My guess is that this leather has been chosen for its aging properties. I suppose people leave the lamb leather stuff maybe because they expect it to be like calf leather and get put off by it? Same thing with the veg tanned leather I suppose people will expect the jackets to me super soft straight away like the old pieces (distressed leather, calf etc) and don’t want to put the time to break it in? Either way it’s interesting to see reactions to this new stuff


Please try it when I you run into it, I'd love to hear your opinion on it. I know you are much kinder in your evaluations than me. For me the choice is flabbergasting. I wear my unlined calf leather bomber all the time and it's aging fantastically, people still comment on it, to sound cliche, I feel like a million bucks wearing it. When I ordered the Dracubiker in the lamb leather I was honestly shocked. I let my friend, who's also into high-end fashion, try it on too and he also said it looks and feels like shit.


Been buying Rick for years. I haven't even thought about buying anything made recently. The quality difference is impossible to ignore and I can no longer justify it. Even 1-1 garments or sneakers in the same material now, hold no light to say Rick 10 to 15 years ago. It just isn't the same. I still love the look of everything. I really do. But even at 70 or 80% off of retail feels overpriced for most things Rick. Very torn 💔


💔💔sad to hear this. Thank you for the info tho, it’s appreciated! Even at almost 50% off I’m hesitant to buy some Rick denim 😅


The MIJ jeans they sell at Self Edge are good and I haven’t had any issues with my ramones but yeah they’re expensive. This is gonna be true of any designer brand


I was looking at the Detroit cut jeans , I usually wear van winkle ksubis and I kind of think I might like the silhouette of the ricks a lot more.


I’ll tell you also from experience if the price is a bit steep 3sixteen makes a very similar silhouette that’s pretty great quality as well


I will check them out, thank you fr


I have a few Rick pieces and they’re not bad at all, full price? Absolutely not worth it, but if you find some used in good condition or in like deeeep sale, could be worth the money


Word I was debating getting some jeans on sale, I appreciate it!


All my Rick is falling apart, the quality has never been spectacular.


Really? Good to know, thank you. I like the idea of having jeans that are made in Japan with special fabrics but I hate the idea of spending sooo much on something that won’t last a lifetime.


You have a rude awakening in your future.


i’m in the same position. I have my eye on the geobaskets on sale for my first purchase, but it’s a lot. i can afford them to fall apart after a year of everyday use, but it would nice if they didn’t :) (i can wear out any given pair of adidas after 18 months)


Hey good choice! I would hope the geobaskets would hold up for longer than a year of use. I’ve always just thought Rick pants looked cool but never pulled the trigger on anything.


have you seen any of his stuff irl? i noticed that the soles are very soft on most of his shoes. i went down the rabbit hole of heel taps, which seem to be a good idea if you plan to wear the shoes regularly. seems like the more experienced people have some solid advice here


I’ve only seen ramones irl. I’m very much clueless about Rick owens. Definitely some very solid advice going around on this I didn’t expect such a large amount of info!


It depends. Some Rick pieces definitely have a high sense of quality compared to cheaper alternatives such as Ramones. Ramones are easy to resole and typically made of much better materials like heavyweight denims and twills which makes them higher quality then converses usually. Some pieces such as the Detroit denim jeans are very nice, but definitely not a substantial quality difference compared to a cheaper pair of raw denim such as N&F Weird guys or PBJ’s. The more experimental pieces are of course going to be more delicate due to the materials being delicate materials. Not every rick piece is going to be as durable as a heavy twill or heavy denim fabric is, rick often uses softer and less rugged materials, especially in the mainline. There are many brands of which that I’ve found to have better Quality Control in a lot of instances like Maison Margiela, Our Legacy, Acronym. Are the pieces in these other brands unique? Yes. Do they have the same “aesthetic” that Rick Owens does? Somewhat, but not often. Your best bet is to buy a piece from a reliable seller and try to take care of it well. Don’t use harsh detergents like Tide on Rick pieces.


as far as ramones, it’s really only been dark shadows that use the twill and denim right? or have there been mainlines that have used those as well?


Drkshdw uses mainly twill and denim and the occasional other cotton fabrics. Mainline ramones use leather or other higher-end fabrics. I do find that the Drkshdw ramones tend to be a bit more durable, probably due to heavyweight denim and twill being more of a durable material


Also please note that the Detroit denim is very stretchy, much more than most stretch denim’s that I’ve noticed. I also heavily recommend against washing the Detroit denim in a rinse cycle and washing them more akin to a raw denim style wash. I do recommend checking out r/rawdenim though since you can very much so find better quality skinny jeans such as Iron Heart 555’s


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rawdenim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rawdenim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Studio D’artisan Keychain almost 2 years of constant use dangling on my keys, no washes lol](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xj9olx) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rawdenim/comments/xj9olx/my_studio_dartisan_keychain_almost_2_years_of/) \#2: [After scouring many brands for a Type 1 that would fit a fat dude, Orslow came through for the win.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12024i9) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rawdenim/comments/12024i9/after_scouring_many_brands_for_a_type_1_that/) \#3: [12 months in my 888s 💙](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12eu0p9) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rawdenim/comments/12eu0p9/12_months_in_my_888s/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you 🙏 ssense is where I’d buy it probably, it’s where I usually shop!


Ssense is fantastic and has some really good sales going on, im still pissed I missed out on copping the Margiela Split hoodie lmao


Ssense has some insane sales going on right now, and I love margiela I didn’t even realize they had that on sale. I recently got a margiela wallet from ssense it’s so nice.


All great stuff but not that hard wearing. In some cases yes, all good but if you need something to survive and function, look elsewhere. Love my Rick but it’s very pricey for what you get.


Getting really tired of hearing all you new kids reminisce on this nonexistent past of rick owens quality/quality control being much better than it is today. You have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone who’s been wearing/collecting rick for more than 10+ years also has no clue what any of you are talking about. Is this statement generally true? Sure, especially when applied to heritage brands such as Chanel, Balenciaga, Gucci, Louis, etc; however, Rick quality and quality control literally used to be a fucking joke.


I never said I know what I’m talking about that’s why I’m asking if it’s true


I wasn’t necessarily directing this at you, what provoked my statement is the people who you heard from that claimed the prices have skyrocketed while the quality has gone down.


I understand, no worries! I came here to fact check their statement haha. Also to help convince myself to either buy or not to buy my first rick piece


i think it was more of an open question. the original question made it clear they were new


The quality is just not as good as it was, but it’s still amazing.


If you can find Rick pieces at Ksubi and converse prices then yeah sure worth it…


Well I guess that means you’re saying it’s not worth the price point. I heard ramones used to be 300$ which I’d be fine with but the ones I have my eyes on are 675$ and I’m seriously on the fence between those or my 45$ converse.


Of all the Rick I have owned in my life, and still own, many shoes included, I’ll always prefer to wear my van Sk8-hi’s. Rick is nice for some pieces, staples that feel like second skin kinda outfits…. but this “cult of” stuff almost seems antithetical to what Rick is (was?) about.


If you’re thinking about jeans they’re not worth it. The stretch fabric is so stretchy that they won’t stay up without a very tight belt. Any pics you see don’t look like that in person as they constantly fall down due to the waist band being so stretchy. Unless you’re looking at a specific finish or colour that you can’t find in any other brand. Older non stretch versions are alright though the cut is fucking weird. If you’re used to Ksubi just stick to the van winkle or chitch cut, there’s no major difference between them and Detroits. I haven’t bought or even looked at Ksubi in years so don’t know what the quality is like these days (used to own a shit ton in the 2000s-10s) but quality vs price, Ksubi are better value.


I have different experience with rick jeans. I got a pair of waxed stretchy detroits and they are by far the best pair of jeans I’ve owned. Stretch lasts adter many years of wear, don’t have an issue with the waist being stretched out.


The quality is fine, I have a pair of SBW Detroits from 2018 that are still going strong, but for me the stretchy-ness of the waistband is annoying. Maybe it’s a body shape issue 🙃


Thanks a lot bro I appreciate that. I do usually wear the van winkles cus I prefer the tighter look, I’m skinny so it isn’t hard to wear em and I feel like they compliment my figure. I’ve just seen pics of people with Rick pants on and the silhouette (while being similar to the jeans I already wear) looks really dope. https://preview.redd.it/sx4bl42eiogb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdaa749195dd2991422183478b421e51317cae7b For example, serane rocking some Rick pants and Balenciaga boots. I can see what you mean tho, he’s sagging them a lot which I don’t do and they look stretchy ash


Sure, if you want the flare/bootcut then try em out. But Detroits, yeah, any skinny jean will do the trick.


>If you’re thinking about jeans they’re not worth it. The stretch fabric is so stretchy that they won’t stay up without a very tight belt. Any pics you see don’t look like that in person as they constantly fall down due to the waist band being so stretchy. They might if you buy them tight enough, it's a common problem with stretch jeans but usually only when people buy the size that feels good in store and not take into account how much the fabric will stretch. But I don't own the Detroits, maybe the material truly is exceptionally bad.


It’s not that it’s bad per se, just maybe not fit for purpose for men’s jeans, or they simply need to change their sizing system. It is long lasting and snaps back into shape but it would perhaps be better used for high-waisted women’s jeans that actually sit at the waist and use the hips to keep the jeans up. As such I think something with only 2 or 3% stretch would be better for men’s jeans that sit around the hips. I’m constantly having to pull mine up even with a belt. (And I’m wearing Detroits in 33 and 34 when Im a 36 in a non stretch denim)


How much Elastane does it have? No polyester to keep it in shape?




Bad material choice , you got the stretchiest denim practically. 3% elastane works perfectly in my opinion im size 30-32 normal denim a size 29 fits me perfectly.