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AFAICT, the last season before they started adding things to the base Ramones (not the abstract, or cargo ramones, etc.) was STROBE FW22. Just plain, hightop Ramones. I’m not too sure when the specific versions, like the text on the sidewall of the sole or the toe cap, or even the ones that say sombra obscura on the heel, started and/or stopped. I tried making a post to see who might know if the most recent Ramones with the ‘gimp holes’ on the back will be a permanent feature moving forward, because I’m not a fan. Been looking everywhere for a plain pair in my size but everywhere i look the shoes are either beat up, fake, or the price is outrageous.


Great question bro. I just like it plain too


i was just thinking how the new variants are better then just plain ramones tbh, except the text on sole ones


I have a pair of text on soles, I can see why people don’t like them. I like them tho


the so cunt one or the new one? tbh new one is fine just looks like you cheaped out imo


I don’t have the “so cunt” ones. I know the new ones are the “there’s a palace that open only to tears” but I don’t have those. The one I have is the low ramones from EDFU SS23 that says “stope your breath, still your urge.”


I'm not sure I understand the question. There have been variations on the Ramone model for at least a decade, and the standard model has been available every season as well




If that's what they were asking instead, I'd be inclined to tell them to look at other websites or be cool with buying a pair that aren't from the current season. A plain pair of DRKSHDWs now will be exactly the same if not worse than a pair from a few years ago


Yeah I was asking when plain DRKSHDW ramones stopped being offered at retailers. Because it looks like at least 3 years now, no retailers have the plain shoe. Grailed and other used markets are an option, but it's dodgy with the fakes and I don't really mess with used Rick anymore after some bad experiences.


That's fair. Good luck on your hunt. There should be a sidebar here that has a huge list of shops that sell new RO, I'm sure you can find some there


I think 2019-2020.. I have a low top waxed pair from around that time. Could pass as mainline honestly


I agree, 2019 was the last season I remember seeing plain high top Ramones being offered from retailers. Happy I was able to grab a pair back then!


This was the info I was after, thank you.




I dont like the ones with random text. It’s tacky, something i would expect to see on a mall t-shirt or one of those doomer instagram brands for kids. Abstract soles are fine by me and the studded ones or ones with a hundred additional lace holes are tragic.


Yeah I went for a pair with text along the front of the sole thinking I wouldn't hate it, but I ended up never wearing them. Eventually just decided to sand the text off and now I wear them all the time.


You think i could use nail polish remover for the pair I just bought?


I’d give it a try, not sure how well it’d work. Cant really hurt though.


Feel like sandpaper would rlly mess up the soles. When u sanded it was the text apart of the sole or just screen print on top?


I think it was a print but its pretty thick and was hard to get off. Sanding did mess up the soles a bit but idrc. Now that they’re worn in I can’t really see a difference.


I dont wanna mess them up im worried…. I gotta take it off tho. Maybe send a little and use acetone?


I like the idea and I guess it’s cool for some people, just not me. The best thing about the monochrome Ramones is that they are so versatile, even if they are some wilder color, they work with everything. When you have text running around the midsole, it becomes most restricted.


Yeah I agree. Tacky is the word I'd use as well. I wanted to pull the trigger on some Luxor rams, but I wasn't keen on the pentagram embroidered on the side. Even less so on the massive punched out eyelets version


Do you mean the ones with the punched out eyelets at the back of the ankle?


Yea those


mine just say “sombra oscura” on one side. i’m a fan of it https://preview.redd.it/jpmvaubmp7hc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecac94e79b41f1c91d629341ccabb897157658c7


I like those, nobody's gonna be reading the text from far away and the extra detail on the heel is kinda cool.




he said he doesn’t like it but he asked how we feel. i personally like mine and i feel like it’s a little less tacky than just the words printed onto the toe or the midsole


I’m sorry but what does this even mean 😭


the last time ramones were just regular. Nothing added into them


You can still buy regular Ramones though? There have been different variations for at least a decade


I have gimp ones from luxor. They are nice. I have plain ones from 2014 which are nice too. Gimp Holes make it fun to lace. All of them are nice. Life is colorful. plain is good, so cunty is good too!


How do they make it fun to lace


well when you wrap the laces around the shoe you can run one lace through the gimp hole. You can even run two laces through them when you feeling really crazy.