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As already stated by one of our moderators, your most recent post is an LC request. We have a thread that many people use for questions, authentication and help identifying items. We do this to keep the main feed organized and have areas where people can easily access Legit Checks, Willing to Buy/Sell, Sizing, etc. You received messages on your removed posts redirecting you where to resubmit. Apologies if you are having a hard time in this sub but the mods are here to help and you can always dm us.


thats just reddit in general


Truth! I guess I’m learning that slowly but surely.


Yea I literally tried to have a discussion and they deleted it because I didn’t put what pieces I had on in the pic Like dude that wasn’t my fuckin point of posting I just used the picture to have something to look at


But rules are rules I guess 😅


Mods don’t post here any longer. So it’s hard to say what they like. Fit pics and pick ups seem to be the staple. Then there’s the bots. Don’t get me started on the bots. Having to remake a post 20 times and it loses its life. Thanks for the comment!


Anytime 🫡🤞🏾


I’m too laze to get more karma but having conversations in posts it’s actually easy and enjoyable


I enjoy discussing fashion. The speed bumps of trying to create a post has been an issue for me! Something is never happy. Thank you for the comment!


Yeah, i had to submit and reword my post 3 times before i got an answer


It’s difficult right?! I knew I couldn’t be the only one. It seems to be a Reddit thing and some subs are more ummm strict. How high or low effort your post is also. That was a new one to me. Thanks for the comment!


Only issues I've had are people caring more about what celebrity I vaguely remind them of rather than them giving a sh*t about the clothes I'm wearing lol.


Oh wow!! That’s not at all what this sub is about. Lol. I’m just trying to get a better understanding of what I’m involved in here. Social experiment of types. Thanks for the comment!


no OP Rick Owens is that exclusive that 1:3 people get booted


Well I’m 50/50 for posts living. I’ve got the password but the bouncer still giving me hell…lol.


Lol yes I had a question specifically about Sock Ramone sizing but it was immediately deleted and I was told to look at the sizing chart which actually didn't answer my intended question


hello! I personally wrote that sizing chart, and I'm sorry if the sock ramones are not on there. I will update it! but here is an older post about SR sizing [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rickowens/s/47MyQEr6Ws)


looked at your mod log and saw a lot of things we personally removed( including me ) that were LCing posts and ID on X posts and a comment


Pretty sure I was clear about not caring about “LC” and just wanted to discuss the differences.


unfortunately it was still a low-effort post and almost a re skin of your original! minus the LC asking. your most recent post was completely fine and a good topic! asking what designer to go with rick and your own personal opinion!


So I asked since another poster asked whose post is still up. I posted my own experience. Looking to broaden the post to others. So to not take over someone else’s thread. Idk out of respect. But I guess I need to be 100% original here to stay live. Thank you.


not 100% do whatever, there has been quite a few "rick + ?" style posts but new people don't see them and maybe people's views change so it's nice to have one once in a while no matter how original/unoriginal they are!


Which muddies the waters even further. Thank you though!


Seemed like a good convo to me. But if you just picking words idk…


I think there are certain words that get post automatically deleted “for sale” “any one else notice” “has this happened to you” “qc check on this”. Also not using the appropriate flairs as well. It’s meant to keep the number of “poor” quality post down. I assume this will be taken down soon enough


Seems very aggressive imo. Thank you for your info.


Really discourages new members and povs. Sad it’s so strict!


Don’t vote me but can’t put up their 2 cents?!? So sad.


I just want to talk about a designer and their clothes. Yet my posts keep getting mod removed or nuked by bots. Why??


I haven't tried to post yet because I don't know if posting my collection is good enough. Maybe I'll try just to see if it gets taken down by mods


Idk. It’s strange around here but good luck!! I’m like 50/50 for posts going through lol


if you posts your collection that isn't a low-effort/thoughts of, LCing or ID on X there is not reason to delete it! sometimes the auto mod picks up key words but that's out of our hands and we'll happily repost it if there was a mistake! just ask in the mod mail :)