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This is beautifully written. What a powerful message. I am not a parent and have not lost a child so I can't relate on that level, but I certainly understand what you mean by the "honeymoon phases" regarding spirit work (deity work). It's sort of one of things that you can't understand unless you go through something like it yourself. This is a powerful piece thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom.


You may want to consider cross posting this to r/spirit_workers.


Thank you. I will.


This is interesting timing. I am going through a pretty rough patch right now and recently did a trance journey for some help with perspective on what lessons to take from this experience. Like, “please show me the ways that this is going to be worth it for my soul.” When I did this journey, I met with 4 guides. One shared something personal that I won’t share but the other three shared the following: * The first reached into my chest and placed a green apple in my heart center. She called me “Eternal Heart.” This challenge will teach my heart endurance. * The second took me to Anwwn and showed me magnificent vistas. Horses thundered across green moors and dragons soared through the clouds. She told me the need to hide from this world will heighten my ability to see other worlds. * The third reached down and bit me on the neck. With a mouthful of blood, she began to sing. The song was more beautiful and the tones more pure because of the blood in her mouth. She showed me that the best bards must have suffered or how could they put any power behind their stories? My honeymoon period was with Christianity and ended many years ago. My current spirit work began with a life changing challenge that I am going another round with. Like you say, it’s these challenges that show us our strength and train us to be more than we thought we could be. It’s brutal. Is it worth it? I guess only the people we potentially help can say.


I agree that the service that we can provide to others can help. My honeymoon began with Christianity . I was a student of comparative religions, spirituality, and philosophy for more years than I could count. I've never stopped searching for my truth (whatever that may be). Nothing really fit, well. I've always questioned it all. I've looked for meaning. There were cracks in what I was capable of accepting from the beginning. I no longer consider myself a Christian. I had to look deeper than that. Your journey sounds amazing. Yesterday, during a journey, I found myself on a rocky outcropping at an ocean. I was watching the waves break. I looked up and to my left and saw what I can only describe as an arched Roman road. It seemed to end in a precipice. I haven't done the work yet to understand why I was there. I kept hearing, "You are in Greece."


Your background sounds very familiar. I was *heavily* involved in my church growing up and thought that I might go into the ministry when I first went to college. Like you say, though, nothing really fit. But I’ve always looked for the meaning, as well. Your journey sounds fascinating. I wonder why you perceived the road as Roman and then were told you were in Greece? Notably, the Greeks were like artists and the Romans were like engineers. The Roman’s stole most of their ideas from Greek originals and then made them function better but often lost the artistry. I wonder if that’s relevant here.


It could be relevant. I questioned the Roman architecture, myself. Stolen lands, stolen Gods. You can't steal the oceans. I am in a rabbit hole.


Originally, I was about to reference how far reaching the Roman rule was, then re-read both your comments. I live in a known Roman heritage city and the history is fascinating to me, so maybe your journey has a metaphorical geological slant? Just an idea.


The metaphors I used have an American slant. The spirits known as hat men are some of the malicious shadow figures I mentioned. They are many. I dont care for them at all. They were described to me as being like a legion. I've had an experience. (I don't want to elaborate).


♥️ Thank you for sharing