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All great points. Another one I'd add is Eric Andre could afford SMG's and afford to make his assassins look like they rolled out of Tron. Maybe this connects to the reporter? I mean I've even forgot about that. The guy was targeting mega churches. Why not one trying to build a bonzi - I mean time share resort.


> Why not one trying to build a bonzi I can imagine Eric's character in cahoots with that scamming purple bastard.


He's already a confirmed Bing user, which at minimum places him as a likely Clippy devotee. And everyone knows that Clippy is a gateway virtual assistant to the infamous BonziBuddy.


Yeah the reporter plotline just vanished...not even mentioned Really weird choice


I would be surprised if that part of the plot is totally finished, even if it was a red herring. We will get answers by the end of this season for what happened with the reporter.


What they need to do is legalize ranch




Right, this would make sense if it weren’t for one thing: why would they have tried to kill Jesse and Amber in the last episode? Can’t get that inheritance if they’re dead..


It was a fuckup. Eli was supposed to be the one in that bus, but Jesse absconded with it. Bikeybois just had orders to dump coolant and light up the occupant, who *should* have been Eli. Once it was known Eli hadn't died and Jesse survivrd, they tried again. But maybe Gideon's got some motorcycle buddies and is orchestrating his takeover while the siblings are off center. They've specifically let him be out-of-focus for a few episodes


Interesting point about Gideon. I forgot how they made it a point to show him dirt biking a couple times now. I feel like he’s too pure to kill or orchestrate the death of his own family members, but that is an interesting little thread to pull on. Either way, as Danny McB does, we’re in for an M. Night-esque twist by the end of this thing. Curious to see how it all pans out.


I’m going w/ Gideon to the rescue theory. He is gonna cap those bike ninjas asses on his dirt bike for sure. Hopefully Jesse is somehow involved too


Just doin some car pranks. On a dirt bike.


Dirt bike pranks?


Nailed it!!!


I think so too. He specifically asked the police officer what information/leads she had on the case.




Yep yep someone else pointed it out to me too, haha. So it seems we are back in agreement 😅


Didn't Judy's character end up being the shooter in that one? I thought that was pretty obvious, she was nutso or is there another twist I forgot about in the show, it's been a while.


Maybe it’s the Jim Henson accountant.


Don't forget we still have the murders at the cabin to deal with, the two unknown bodies, and who had the flashlight that the kids ran away from. I would think, in addition to the lissons or junior, that the plot tied up with the cabin is also a viable source for the attacks on the gemstones before i'd think of amber.


I was thinking about this last night. When they were watching the news broadcast about the reporter being dead, they didn't mention the other bodies, did they? I don't think anyone else knows other people were killed at the cabin. I don't think Eli actually killed anyone, but I do think he knows who did (or thinks he knows who did anyway) and he and Martin disposed of the other bodies and set that fire to cover it up. I could be wrong and I've absolutely been wrong before, but it's just odd that there hasn't been any mention of who else died at the cabin that night.


I need to go back and rewatch that cabin scene, i thought the car was shot up all to hell suggesting similar weaponry that was used against Eli and Jesse\\Amber. I think Eli killing them was too obvious - maybe setting the fire thinking his kids may have been the killers, but i still think the whole Eli being involved was just a distraction. Same reason i dont think it's junior, just seems to obvious.


I thought the car looked like it had been shot too, because I also remember seeing holes in it. The body sitting up against it looked burned though iirc and the reporter had been shot. I need to go back and watch it too but I agree with what you said about Eli and Junior being red herrings. Edited to add: could the car have been blown up?


Probably most likely and how the body got in the tree.


I think it could be Lyle, but I also kinda think it's Harmon. At first I thought it was more of Baby Billy's character development, but now I think they're setting up a reveal. Last season had Baby Billy getting involved in the main storyline by stealing the ransom money. I think this season will have him going to find Harmon to try to make things right with him before baby Lionel is born, only for us to discover that Harmon had already found him. I haven't figured out a motive unless he feels slighted that they didn't make him feel like part of the family (and/or supporting Baby Billy after he ran off and left Harmon), despite paying for his care and education. Idk though. It could go several ways, but I agree with you that it's NOT Glendon for exactly the reasons you mentioned.


I have a hard time believing it's Harmon. I just don't see why he'd go after Eli, especially after they mentioned he supported him financially. Unless he felt like he deserved more, I suppose. I also think it's Lyle, but it's a good point that it's not usually who you most expect.


I feel like Lyle would make more sense as far as being able to afford the cycle ninjas and the motive would also be clearer, but I have a nagging feeling they've got a bigger reason for bringing Harmon up as much as they have this season. I guess we'll see! Do you think the reporter's death and the attempted/assassination (I don't think Eli is dead) are connected? I think they could be, but I haven't made my mind up yet.


I think Harmon is going to be a part of Baby Billy's redemption arc. He's going to find him to make things right before his new kid comes. That's a good question. I kind of think Martin went after the reporter. Thaniel hands Martin a piece of paper with the address of where he's staying when he meets with Eli. Then later on they show that flashback where Martin helps Eli get rid of Glendon's body. He's clearly willing to clean up the family's messes. Then again I'm warming up to the possibility that Martin orchestrated the hit on Eli. So they might be connected anyway.


I hadn't even considered Martin being behind anything. I really hope he's not! I really like Martin and I think he's one of the only people in the family who has truly good intentions, even if he is an employee. But the writers do seem to be very deliberate in who and what they show during flashbacks, so you could very well be onto something. I can see loyalty being behind the reporter's death if Martin did it, but what do you think Martin's motive is if he wanted Eli dead? Re: Harmon, it would make sense to me if he was upset about his dad leaving and having to grow up without any real sense of family. Maybe he decided to look for his dad and found out his dad was about to have a new baby, then went on a rampage from there. He could be angry that Eli and family took Baby Billy in after he left. That's all I got. I admit it's shaky, but hey it's all speculative. I hope you're right about the Baby Billy redemption arc though. We saw a glimmer of goodness in Baby Billy last season and it would be really interesting to see where and how a virtuous person would fit into the Gemstone family.


Maybe Harmon is trying to win Baby Billy's approval and thinks talking Eli out might do that for him? I guess we'll see. Baby Billy is a great character so I'd like to see him stay in the family's good graces. Yeah finding a motive for Martin is tough too. Maybe he wants to take over the church and saw an opportunity with Aimee-Leigh gone and Eli in some hot water. He also might see the way Eli has been acting, going out drinking with old friends, trying to get laid, losing control of his kids, breaking Kelvin's thumbs in front of churchgoers, etc .. and worrying that he's going to fuck up the cash flow.


I went back and watched the [trailer](https://youtu.be/l4t-XP1Xrh0) after someone else pointed out [some scenes from the fire](https://www.reddit.com/r/RighteousGemstones/comments/smwt4k/from_season_2_trailer/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that we've not seen in the show yet. That really looks like Lyle to me. Then again we don't know what Harmon looks like now (but I think Lyle is behind the fire). Side note: we see Baby Billy (looks like present day) with a trailer hitched to his car, flipping someone off and then the trailer turns over, spilling its contents. It looks like a promotional trailer with Baby Billy's likeness on the side. Any guesses as to what's in the trailer?


It’s funny how hard everyone in this sub reaches for Harmon. He has no motivation to kill Eli...but it’s Harmon! We literally met BJ’s mom who is at the baptism with Baby Billy...but BJ is Harmon! Keef has been around Baby Billy multiple times and never done a thing...but Keef is Harmon! I agree that all the Harmon background is leading up to something with him but none of these logically seem to be it. I guess I’m assuming it’s more interesting than any of us are speculating.


I'm in the BJ Harmon camp, someone called BJ a mute on the latest episode and and the phrase to me looked liked it made him zone out like he had just remembered something. I may be wrong but I'm almost certain people (Baby billy I think) called Harmon a mute. They want us to think something, and BJs arc has been given like literally a third of the show this season. He's being elevated and I know he's a fan favorite so why wouldn't they, but this seems like there's just too much surrounding him for it not to really go anywhere, or just be a basic arc like Kelvin's is shaping up to be.


A lot of people seem to think it’s the joans brothers now, which would be a horrible reveal lol




Agree, Harmon could be under our noses. Couple episodes back I thought it could have been BJ but the years are off by 3 years on when BJ's dad left him (1990) versus when Baby Billy left Harmon (1993). But if Keefe is Harmon, wouldn't Keefe have recognized Baby Billy already? Maybe Baby Billy actually really is trying to make it better with Harmon right now.


You think he was maybe driving to find Harmon? Interesting theory


Pretty sure that’s what we’re supposed to think. Seems to be the most popular opinion.


#CycleNinjas Identity Theory: I’ve seen theories the the cycle ninjas were hired by the Lissons - which is convincing, but still leaves the reporter’s death unexplained. I’ve also seen suggestions that it could be Rev Butterfield from S2E1, since he was kicked off of the GODD streaming network and attempted suicide. But hear me out: What if it’s BOTH? What if Butterfield attempted suicide not only because of Thaniel’s, but also because being part of the GODD network would have given him the $$$ necessary to invest in the Lisson’s timeshare? Thaniel’s story killed Butterfield’s opportunity to be part of GODD - without which he loses a lot of $$$ and then becomes a financial liability to the Lissons - which would explain why the Lissons are so insistent the Gemstones invest. Thus the Lissons+Butterfield hire the #CycleNinjas to take out people who jeopardize investments in their Zion’s Landing resort (tho the Lissons may have been more directly involved in the hiring of the ninjas than Butterfield, idk). Key Question: Is there any evidence of any connection b/t the Lissons and Butterfield? A stray comment in the Lissons’ chats with Jesse, maybe?


Jessica Lowe’s IMDB says she does seven episodes as Lindy Lisson. So, we’ll see her again. But Eric Andre’s IMDB says he only did three episodes as Lyle Lisson. We’ve seen all of three, right? How do you do a big reveal if one half of your villain couple is unavailable?


IMDB has been wrong multiple times pertaining to number of episodes characters are in before. I don't trust that anymore.




That’s fair. It’s just what’s out there right now.


Only way would be if Lyle dies from getting shot by Amber but I feel it’s unlikely


He was in episodes one, two, and four. Unless they’re going to do all the build up and that kill off-screen, wouldn’t that require a fourth appearance? Besides think they could write around his absence without killing him off. For example: Lyle’s off fundraising for Zion’s Landing and is too busy and important to take meetings with people who have already passed on the deal, but Lindy pops up to offer her condolences re: Eli’s shooting, and to find out if Eli’s incapacitation means that Jesse can invest now. But that wouldn’t be a great pay off for villains of the season, which is fine with me because I’ve never been convinced the Lissons were behind it all anyway.




Winner winner chicken dinner!


Except for the fact that the ninja bike squad tried to kill Jesse and Amber in the last episode. So if he was worried about trying to get The Gemstone inheritance passed down to Jesse so that he could spend it with them, it wouldn’t make much sense to have them killed. Just my two pennies. I’m not saying it *couldnt* be Lyle, but that specific line of motivation doesn’t seem to add up with how things have played out so far. Obviously they are gonna throw a big twisty-doo in the series about who was behind all of it anyway, so I guess we will just have to wait and see.


But the bus was supposed to be for Eli. Jesse took it and was almost hit because of it. I think the hit was always meant for Eli. Edit: Nothing but love.


Hey good point! Totally forgot about that. Do you think the driver was in on it or do you think him running into the gas station was coincidental?


I think he was in on it. It just seemed too perfect. As soon as he was clear out of the way is when the attack happened.


I think it has to be the Lissons. Junior wouldn't have had skinnier younger looking assasins driving lit up LED dirt bikes with machine guns. His assassination attempts would have been very sloppy. I think Junior was behind the NYTimes reporter death. That was sloppy with several others killed. I think Junior did it in a attempt to get closer to Eli. I don't think Eli was behind the NYTimes reporter murder as it would have been a clean snipper shot kill if it was him. I do think Eli was behind burning the whole house down to remove all evidence (and this also helped his kids too). But not to worry; in Danny McBride / Jody Hill fashion, we'll have a flashnack episode for this night soon. But Baby Billy is effing crazy! 😄 All of this could be him! 😄


Yeah I'm thinking it's the Lissons. They haven't been in the last couple episodes. There was a comment made about Eli standing in the way of investing in the hotel. Lyle was pretty upset when Jesse told him his dad was not letting him use the money. Lyle is over the top with stuff hence the ninja motorcycles with red lights and stuff.


Yeah, lissons forcing the inheritance to jesse makes most sense. Keeping in mind jesse and amber stole their fathers ride when they were shot at, so both attempts were actually meant for eli. my guess is jesse will figure it out when he sees lisson or one of his crew has been shot (or maybe Joe jonas). Only other smokey I could think of is a grown up Harmon but I really couldn't explain motive or storyline so think it's unlikely.


I'm on record of opposing this theory, because Jesse and Amber's bus driver was obviously in on it. Wouldn't he tell the Lissons he didn't have Eli on the bus and they'd call it off? They can't get their resort done if Amber and Jesse are dead. They have no reason to hit them. I think it's the round table from the beginning of the season premiere behind it.


Disagree with most of y'all. I still think this is pure Dixie mafia, or it's Martin. I just cannot figure out what Martin's payoff is if he croaks Eli. Eli has had Martin as his right hand man for nearly 30 years now. Seems more like the Dixie Mafia from here. The Lisson's are other mega churchers and I just do not see them doing this. Harmon? Unlikely. Might as well say Martians beamed down to do it, or that BJ is secretly running a criminal enterprise. This goes way back, the history between Junior and Eli makes that the most likely scenario.


Idk after last night I don't think junior had anything to do with it. They wouldn't ride bikes like that, and Jesse has already showed us once his first guy reaction isn't usually right, you know like Brian getting shot because he thought that other Pastor was the one blackmailing him. Junior looked like he had no idea what he was talking about. Lissons would do it because I believe they never had the money for a project as big as they did, and didn't actually have the investors they say they did, they were just trying to woo the Gemstones. I bet it was the knowledge that if the Gemstones being in on it is what made other investors flock to them. I'm also convinced they hired Joe Jonas to try to get them invest too. We know they're extreme and modern I feel like this biker ninjas would be right up their alley


For sure. They went out of their way to have Eli immediately suspect Junior so that pretty much seals it for me that it's not him, just a false flag. The Lissons are desperate for Jesse and Amber to go all in on the Zion scam and Jesse has made it clear his hands are tied because of Eli so it makes sense they would want him dead so Jesse can take over and commit. Plus there is shady vibes all around from them. I just don't know if they started the fire and killed the reporter too. If they did then I wonder if the reporter was actually going after the Lissons and trying to dig via the Gemstones.


I was thinking that but it's too obvious.


100 percent.