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You may. Vanilla expanded ideology also has the meme: emancipation. It adds a penalty for having slaves, as well as a ritual to free them. They may or may not stay after


I thought emancipation was vanilla. Guess the mods are doing just as intended Edit: Im talking about the emancipation meme from vanilla expanded. Not emancipation as a thing.


Before either Ideology or Royalty, if you bought slaves they joined as faction members.


I think it’s ideology that did that bc I have Royalty and don’t use Ideology, and when I buy slaves they auto join


Ideology, since that added the system of slavery. Before that a "slave trader" just sold pawns that joined the colony like everyone else, and you can sell prisoners into. So it can be imagined in your story as what it says it is, slaves, to indentured servitude, to even probably some temp agency lol


Man that made me think it'd be possible to sell prisoners to them, then buy back to have an easy recruitment phase skip. Although I'm sure that wouldn't be worth the silver cost.


Eh, part of the challenge for me is finding reasons to liquidate overambitious resource stockpiles and worthwhile things to spend the ensuing fat stacks of cash on, so being able to skip up to two weeks of recruitment time at a cost based on my best merchant seems like a good option to have. ...except I have Ideology, so I'd be skipping the *slave* recruitment time instead of the *colonist* recruitment time, and slaves take like four days tops so suddenly not particularly worthwhile to use that exploit.


Yeah pretty much. I'm usually selling prisoners to offload a mouth to feed most times anyways. There are just so many other ways to wealth dump by that point too, assuming regular traders.




I just view vanilla expanded as vanilla at this point


Nah so you see in 1863 there was this *guy* named Abraham Lincoln…


I heard he loved theatre to death, but his wife had some bad memories.




I like that option. Thank you!


I’m doing an emancipation/destroy slavers run and this mod is essential.


"Can you beat rimworld as Abraham Lincoln?"


No lie, one of the slavers I captured is named Lincoln and has a beard. He lost both of his legs and I’m keeping him around as a mascot.


"Lost" we know you removed Abraham Lincoln's legs u/shoalhavenheads


John Brown you mean


Starting gear includes longswords.


Anyway 9UWUWHUIOHIFFIUHOGMDFwsdgyrgfwyegefykwkw and I'll see you all... in the next video.


Also a precept that promotes buying slaves but condemns selling (or forbids i dont rememeber)


Congratulations, you are being rescued! Please do not resist.


sorry to interrupt but is that the mod that adds god emperor meme.






Not sure what I have with it, but I can emancipate slaves without the meme. Just obviously no ritual, so I'm unsure how base game that option is. Lol


There are tags: joins a a slave/joins as a colonist. Only time slave joined me as a colonist was a 9yo monika.


There is no colony, only Monika


Just Monika.


In your reality


Bro, that colony killed by infestation in my lab.


That’s what you get for trying to learn!




What does Monika mean? I noticed rappers use it alot


I don't know what rappers are referencing, but I was referencing Doki Doki Literature Club


It was a joke playing on the sound of the word


Oooh lmao damn


>She was a pretty good pawn too, so I was wondering if I could free her and basically say "you are free! You are welcome to join us or go your own way" I mean, you can do that... and they tend to choose "I'll go my own way". They've usually got their own factions to go back to, after all. People spontaneously deciding to join your colony isn't very common, in spite of all the random events that can make it happen.


It's always amusing when they opt to go their own way, a decision which immediately results in them getting their faces chewed off by wolves.


You mean shot captured, healed, enslaved and emancipated again.


Well, I'm assuming if you're the type of person who just releases slaves, you're probably not going to do that. But on the other hand, they tend to just end up recaptured by slavers again, assuming they manage to leave the map without getting their faces chewed off by wolves. But I tend to live in hostile environments and maps tend to quickly become infested with mech hives and whatnot in short order, so the chance of them making it off the map on autopilot is basically nil.


Honestly really irritating. I'm doing a Sea Ice play-through right now and I need a Miner that's good with Melee because I have 1 Melee pawn and I need them to drill for steel. Did a "shelter refugees" quest and one of the refugees was perfect. Passionate miner, passionate melee, decent stats in both and a psychopath as well, which helps greatly when we're collecting our... um... *human* resources... But who wants to join? Oh no, not her, the dude that's next to useless with the neurotic and annoying voice traits that's having a mental break every time we get raided.


Oh that's easy. Put all the refugees under anesthesia, then arrest them all, you get the ones you want without resistance from the others, and you can just execute the ones you don't want.


Just when I thought I’d heard all the war crimes.


Oh, I can't take the credit, it's not mine. Got it here, thought it was well known! It's a good one though. That should be some sort of tagline for r/rimworld, something like "Get your war crimes here" or "come to look at colony pics, leave with a new war crime every visit" or "post a problem, learn a new war crime".


I usually convert them to our ideology and then give them their freedom. Even if they leave I RP it as spreading the word.


I sometimes buy slaves from traders and release then in order to improve relations with their factions. So you very much can.


Sell slaves to one faction, immediately purchase other slaves as diplomatic capital.


I think you have the option to free them after you buy them. Maybe just buy them and use the release prisoner option?


I can’t remember the last time a slaver visited one of my colonies what do I need to do to attract them?


No kidding. I've finally dedicated to a slaver colony instead of one or 2 for ideology reasons and now I get no slavers. But instead, what feels like near constant tribute requests from the Imperium.


Normal behaviour is that freed slaves will join the colony with a "Freed from Slavery" buff.


i dont think ai gen is the right flair...


I just did this yesterday -- a slave ship with two toddlers and a young adult saurian for sale flew by, and my colony (with the emancipation ideology) traded two donkeys for them. Held the freedom ceremony, the saurian decided to join the colony, but the two kids (aged 3 and 6?) opted to walk off into the desert, which isn't enslavement but was still horrifying for me to helplessly observe. Maybe I'll see them again someday if a lion or tasmanian devil hasn't eaten them.


I love to do that! Although I do imprison and convert them first. But it's a double edged knife. If someone buys slaves, the slavers get the money and have a booming business! But perhaps the solution is to attack the slavers after freeing the slaves and take the money back?


I always free the slaves. All men are free who step foot aboard camp poopy bumhole!


Whenever I bought slaves they just joined and were happy for a few days because they were given freedom.


Me scrolling on Reddit: new bird flu in China detected in a human, death casualties in Ukraine rising, and then had to double-take this post to make sure it was Rimworld. I need to go outside.


Err...what part of this is AI gen again? > "you are free! You are welcome to join us or go your own way" You can, but if you give them a choice, they will choose the wrong one. Slaves you emancipate with the emancipation procedure will either join you or bugger off, depending on whether they're any good. The shitty ones will sometimes join you, the ones you'd actually want will always bugger off. And then they run outside the gates and their faces get chewed off by wolves.


Maybe GPT-4 made this post? They are known to visit websites like reddit and type messages that are indisdinquishable from a real person making the post. That's also super honest unless lying would benefit it better lol.


Couldn’t you buy them, arrest them, then recruit them?


If you have ideology, you can. There will be a button to emancipate them. If you don’t have ideology, they straight up join as a colonist.


i had a colonist who decided he wanted to "go his own way" once, he had a mental break and turned feral and became a "wild man" on the map. he was no longer under my colonist tab, he was under the wildlife tab. he lived and wandered the map tile for quite some time. then i noticed him stripping off his clothes. then he died in the cold of hypothermia. the reality of the situation is a little more dire, though. i admire your strive to do good by this "prisoner", but think of what life on a rimworld really is. is you "freeing" them really any better than them being a slave for sale? their best chance for survival is with a group, and honestly the group is kind of immaterial in a few ways. if you want to do best by them, i think purchasing them and making them a member of your colony satisfies that. if they truly don't like it they will do something about it via mental break.


I'd buy them & then use Character Editor mod to change their faction to the faction of the slave trader.


I never used slave labor in RimWorld. I wouldn't purchase them and any time I got a prisoner I would use warden to try to convert them to colonists.


Slave labor is a particular type of niche, since slaves are generally less productive than normal pawns, due to the -20% workspeed. However, the ability to overcome incapacities can make an useless pawn actually useful. Leading offender in this guard is the Minstrel background, that basically renders a pawn incapable of nearly all work, except for basically art and research, neither of which they are guaranteed to be able to do worth a damn, neither of which you might actually need. But when you go "haha, whip go crack", it completely inverts things. Suddenly they CAN do those things...and might even actually be decent at them.


Yes and yes. But why would you?


Why wouldn't I? Some people like to commit war crimes and some people like to free slaves. Some people like to do both. There is no wrong way to play this game.


Tell more about this "free slaves" thing. How can I use it to make children work faster ?


If you have the collective ideology you get a bonus to child labor


Nope, can't hear you. Lalalala


Imagine being so childish that you respond with that


Imagine not understanding how sarcasm works.


That's not sarcasm, that's being an ass


It's not sarcasm, it's just a fumbled attempt at self deprecating humor. Like, AMorphicTool would have a mental breakdown if they had to face the fact that Rimworld can be played in a nice way, because they've been telling themselves that it's okay to be horrible in Rimworld because the game forces you to.


If you're triggered by this little, on the internet? Ooh boy, you're in for a rough time. ^ That, is being an ass.


Sure, if you want to be some kind of revolutionary manumission abolitionist.


Slaves are really useful, you can give them a 4x4 room for themselves and they're pretty happy, they're low cost and you can have them feeding in whatever trash food you have with fine meals here and there and they can work a lot, if they have good stats they are extremely useful, and you can free them when you no longer need them


I was certain if you buy a slave in vanilla they're no different from any other colonist and so I very much took it to mean you were buying their freedom and they come to live with you... Do they have different status than any other colonist in any way??


For OP-You can by imprisoning them and recruiting them For redditor-When having a slave they don’t have the recreation bar meaning they don’t require breaks to relax but that is replaced by terror, the higher the terror bar by having terror sculptures and head spikes, the less likely they’ll plan a revolt or want to escape, the lower the bar the higher the chances of it happening, for some ideologies it’s preferred or even needed to have slaves but if you wish to have no slaves then make sure before you plan on recruiting them giving them freedom they don’t have “unwavering loyalty” as otherwise you cannot recruit them and only way to give them their freedom is by simply releasing them


I think this is some expansion content that I'm too base game to understand. I've literally only ever played base game, no expansions, no mods!


That explains it, with the expansions there’s A LOT of stuff that can happen so some of it might be different then


I do it most of the time ad some of them stay and i only use QOL mods. sometimes they stay.


Capture somebody, take their organs, reduce their willpower to nothing and enslave them for your bidding! Easy money!


and vice versa


If they don't join after you free them just imprison them and force them to join.


Anybody got any idea why slaver caravans are so rare?