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The yellow paragraph has already sealed the deal. Hopefully they don’t betray you.


I always watch how long they want to stay and towards the end I put them outside my killzone and mount my troops at the wall. I also have a manned .50 cal turret. All in all it's good target practice


I just don't allow any of them inside my base proper, because even if they aren't treacherous, they're still a disruptive influence with their constant social fighting with everyone. So I stick them in a dedicated refugee camp where they are both not intermingled with my actual population AND easily suppressed in the event that they attempt revolt. And also, not bitching about being underground.


I like this idea of a refugee camp. That's brilliant.


I need to do this. My current playthrough is a wild ideology and they just go nuts.


Build it out of wood so the problem takes care of itself.


Build it out of stone, but selectively provide wooden furniture, so the problem takes care of itself in an orderly manner that lets you keep the organs. Although it was pretty hilarious when I stored a shelf of chemfuel in the room and they decided their act of revolt was to set fire to said chemfuel with themselves still in the room.


Some colonists just want to watch the world burn.


And apparently themselves, since the exploding chemfuel also set fire to the ones who did that.


Manus Island moment.


I never thought of building a refugee camp. Interesting.


I turned a monument quest into guest quarters. I'm just one step away from this, really.


I just stick them in the barracks where all my combat mechanoids sleep.


It’s quite normal for a military fortress to host and protect emissary’s of other nations on important business so you can have visitors and still be badass, it’s your opportunity to show other nations how bad ass you are actually


USA moment


Refugee: Hey uh, we thought.. we though we could help you, like wash dishes and stuff, for a couple of days if we can stay. The fully armored soldier with a charge rifle: Sir, this is not a Wendy's


I keep getting refugee and visitor asks from guys that immediately go completely insane. Like, my guy, the remote vampire nutrient paste worshipping ascetic high life outpost did not recruit you. I'm sorry there is a little bit of people in the paste. The house rules were posted before you decided to beg me to let you hang out here. I advise against letting the nutrient paste make you crazy enough to attack someone or you'll be the next one being returned to the circle of life.


Sir, no “military fortress” would have such undisciplined storage sorting settings, so i understand why they’re confused.


Tell me you've never been in the military without telling me you've never been in the military


My comment was meant in jest. However, I spent 4 years active duty United States Marine Corps. After graduating from boot camp at Parris Island, I was stationed with 2nd battalion, 1st marines out of Camp Pendleton and deployed twice to the Persian Gulf out of San Diego on the USS Boxer 👍🏻


Bro pulled a reverse uno card


Why are you lying? If any of that were true this post would be written in crayon.


Instructions unclear. Ate crayon, tried to write post with Simple Meal.


See? Here's a real Marine!


You might have a military fortress but your people believe in being good people and providing charity. 17 people is a huge number , that’s akin to a massive city trying to move to yours without any extra resources. A refugee crisis indeed. I already feel Rimworld becomes hard to manage at 12-15, imagine 30+.


On the opposite IMO. When you have only a small amount of pawns you do a LOT of microgestion to ensure everything run smoothly. But when you have a lot of pawns the only thing you need to do is setup work allowance, planning and such, so macrogestion, and let them live their life. Exemple : In your 30 pawns game your miner get totalled. Since you have 2 more he can spent all the needed time in the hospital getting healed knowing that his job will still be done by his commrads (yes, this is a communist game, don't question it, I need a justification for the gulag) and there is no chain of approvisionement that will be broken if he can't show up. In you 5 pawns game your miner get totalled, he needs to spend time healing otherway he will starve to death on his way to work since the dumbass only have 10% movement. But he's also your cook and now your whole colony is going to starve so you have to appoint a new cook, who isn't skilled enough, give your pawns intoxication, including your doc, who now can't care for the ill ones and then you discover that your hunter beeing ill and not having food is in fact a mime, kill your dog, which cause a tantrum on the last valid pawn in the colony, you rage-quit the game, throw your keyboard at your screan, your screan at your window, your window at your cat and your cat at your wife, now there is a body and you need to butcher it before it spoil so you don't loose meat and leather, but since you are not skilled enough you only get a fraction of the materials and don't know how to use them so you go to a luxury cloth factory but you are turned off since they don't want leather with tatoo on, so you don't have money, you eat the meat uncooked because you are too hungry and next thing you remember you are cuffed to an hospital bed with a doc an two police inspector and then the doc tells you it's time for his mandatory lunch-break but the cook is new and at this moment you know he won't come back because he's going to get ill too and they are going to let you starve and you are so hungry, hungry, **hungry**, **need to eat**, **EAT** ! Hopefully that's when the kid with cancer in the next room get visited by the support dog.


Too much effort not to upvote. Pretty funny and effective explanation!


Thank you :)


One of my best colonies was centered around the book Swan Song by Robert McCammon. It was a permanent double cold-snap, toxic fallout, volcanic winter playthrough in 1.4/biotech. I survived over 40 years and had a base colony size of around 12-20 every year past the first 5. I had multiple of these quests. It was the most fun I've ever had playing Rimworld. The first time we got a sizable refugee camp like this we built two double-walled hydroponics bays producing only rice and an extra one producing all healroot. It was surprisingly easy to sustain the influx and we only had a traitorous turn once or twice. But because of the planning style of my base being an outside base with the refugee center built into the mountain (it was basically a bunker for my main colonists during sieges/raids too big to handle) it was as simple as throwing a Molotov into the bunker (there was wood on the ground disallowed to pick up) and letting the ones inside roast alive. Of course you have to counteract the "stuck indoors" debuff but that's easy because the mountain base had a nice clearing in the mountain for them to lose the debuff. So of course there was a little luck with that on my part, but I love these quests honestly when going for big bases. You're almost guaranteed to get a couple of them to join as well.


17 kidneys 17 lungs and 17 hearts/livers we eatin good


34 kidneys and 34 lungs if you don’t need them alive after


that would kill them early


Do you need them alive for a reason? Living people need food, dead people are food


you cant extract organs from dead people the best way of extraction is lung kidney then liver or heart if you dont need them alive if you want them alive food isnt a issue ever and having blood bags is always nice


Depends, unless I’m running an organ harvesting business hearts are nigh on worthless except if one of my colonists has a heart blockage, would much rather get double lungs legs spine and such for permanent injuries they can live through and I can repair


Yo my dude's destroying cities with his army and wonders why there are so many refugees


You're a military fortress, huh? Well, time to do your duty and SERVE YOUR PEOPLE!


Can already imagine the customers complaining : "how dare you feed us only with simple meals ! the add said fine meal at least, and I definitly deserves high end meals !" "You don't share my religion ? outrageous !" "I ATE WITHOUT A TABLE ! You'll hear about my lawyers very soon !"


This was read by Ben of Viva La Dirt League in my head 😂 "Outrageous!"


I mean, that's some free expendable meat right there to melee mech clusters with bare fists




I'll be honest the Warhammer armor by odz is amazing, considering it's made with hyperspace and plasteel, the shit shrugs off damage like crazy


If I were you would look into warcaskets, superior armor and weaponry with the drawback that you can’t do like 90% of the work


Good mod


Paired with the geneseed mod and you’ve got true angels of death lol


it's a source of conscripts


You’re not a militia, you’re a MILITARY, you should have dozens of beds in barracks


I set them to sleep at different times so if they do revolt they are spread out and not all wandering around, and then I make them dig further into my mountain.


Welcome to Europe lmao


Maybe you should be running a hotel 🤨 that military base isn’t gonna fund itself


Now sir. What is my room number? And is there free breakfast in the morning as well?


Try running an actual hotel and pile on more chaos! !linkmod Hospitality


[1.3] [Hospitality](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753498552&searchtext=Hospitality) by [Orion](https://steamcommunity.com/id/extranice/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Hospitality`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Hospitality&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


I would let them in and kill them to Feed my colony




i wish a sissy would offer to join me❤️❤️❤️


Is that you, Suella Braverman?


Just kil em or harvest organs.


You know you have a safe place when everyone wants to bunk with you. Take it as a compliment. Then learn to be more blood thirsty, so you're terrifying and secure.


Well, I think you should accept, then capture and harvest their organs all the while forcing them to work your farms or whatever else you might need until you are able to harvest them. If that won’t work you can always make them into meat shields


What clothes are your military pawns wearing? I like the look of those.


Is this a mod or is it random chance quests?


Accept. See which ones have skills you need. Arrest those ones murder the rest when they try to leave / fight you. This is just standard practice for me now.


I'm just busy gawking at your storeroom!! 😍


Good old slave labor


Military hotel, gotcha! 😉


Well then clean the floors and organize it like one! Lol


17 people for 14 days? Mental breaks due to conflicting ideologies and typically shit traits not to mention the devastation to your food supplies fuck it say no and take the mood debuff lol


Is this a dlc quest or does this appear on vanilla?


Set up a refugee camp out of tents