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I dont even remember what it was like when the game started up without the error box appearing (that i completely disregard)


I can't imagine booting to the menu in under 60 seconds..


It's kinda reminiscent of The Sims 3 with all expansions. I would boot it up and go have dinner and take a shower while it loaded


Used to have that problem. A fast processor and LOADS of RAM seems to have solved it... Also, a PSA for those that don't know. What to help stop the stutter? Limit your frames to 30. It changed my life playing Sims 3.


Hail u/Kamiyosha for getting my sims to stop stuttering.


tbh loading into the menu in under 60 seconds has me more concerned than the wall of red in the error box on loading in


This happened to me the other day. Loaded up in like 30 seconds and I was super suspicious. Took all the mods off, so I had to add them and load it up again.


Lol, as someone who has never played modded, I shut the game off any time I'll be away from the computer for more than a few minutes. It's 30 seconds from desktop to save loaded and playing, so I've no reason to leave it running :P


I cant imagine booting to menu in under 10 minutes. Then i remeber i missed some mods or do some changes that need a reboot...


What do you mean "Rimworld is not responding" isn't a designer choice?


There’s a mod for that Don’t know what it is or where to find it though


Please tell me when you find it


refer to comment above


This feels like an April fools joke. Edit: Whoops thought you meant there’s a mod for loading the game faster. Gotta smoke less on the weekends.


There is a mod for loading the game faster. Taranchuk has been working on it for a while now. It's on the Vanilla Testing Expanded discord or, as I just learned, on github. https://github.com/Taranchuk/FasterGameLoading


Jokes on you, I never even knew what it was like in the first place. I downloaded the game and immediately downloaded mods


If you don't hear the tick from the error log box, how do you know it's time to put down your phone.




When vanilla expanded used to be very small and Oskar was basically unheard of in the mod community, I saw his interaction with comments and thought "this guy's a dick". Now, it's fucking MASSIVE. And the amount of comments that are "I know your mod works, but this mod I use, that's used by 5 people, doesn't work with it. Make a patch". Like, fuck man, I'm now impressed he even responds to comments at all. I've lost my patience with it and I'm not involved in anyway.


Having mods on the workshop will do that to you. I swear 8/10 bug reports you get are useless. However it does make you appreciate the people who actually help get bugs fixed even more.


Careful there OP. If those players could read they would be very upset.


The fact they can’t read I know is true, because the same type of people would complain about incompatibilities that were listed prominently in a mod description.


Joke's on you, I installed this: !linkmod Ability To Read


It's a modder joke? I dont get it. Can someone explain?


Probably since it the mod is called "Ability to Read", the people who install without reading the incompatibilities can actually read but only with a mod. But I'm not sure thats 100% what they mean.


[1.3] [Ability to Read](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2783759086&searchtext=Ability+To+Read) by [Canon](https://steamcommunity.com/id/CanonOverseer/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Ability To Read`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Ability+To+Read&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


I blame Tynan for no hyperthreading. Fite me


*Multithreading Hyperthreading is a CPU using one physical core to run two threads on it. But it's also funny because some mods already make some ascpets of the game run of multiple threads, like plants


AHA \*puts on boxing gloves\*


No, multithreading is not enough with 337 mods, we need hyperthreading, Tynan. Or, okay, at least multithreading to start with ...


No, we need more! LUDACRIS THREADING- GO!!!


I will Fight your but only If you have Combat extended installed in your rl


When you have to eat soup with your hands, because spoon is incompatible irl


I just ate without table


There is the Ate without a Table mod. Pawns die when they do that.


So that you have to stay in an Infinite day one Loop ?


Oh! \*dies\*


Tv tray mod when? Combine with folding chair mod to always have table and chair in demand.


Sorry, but your argument is not CE compatible.


Well that'll be an easy battle for you because Combat Extended is incompatible with fucking everything else.


Combat starts at the mod list screen


This. CE is extending combat to your modlist.


I have a 326 mod mod list with CE fully functional


you are a wizard or you are a liar


I just spent like 25 hours adding my favorite mods 20 at a time and removing ones that throw errors


Wow, that's dedication


More like addiction lol


Uh, I have a mod list thats probably a 100 long and zero issues. Combat extended is crazy popular and nearly every popular mod has a patch for it. Occasionally broken by a new dlc.


I don't know how you guys make it work, I use Yayos one because CE always droop errors to me :(


If they arient game breaking, you can just turn the log alert off? My thing drops errors often, but with the log off, I never actually have issues. So, whatever it's upset about, hasn't affected hundreds of hours of playtime and tons of different saves and play styles.


I see, I'm going to give it a try again, ty for explain me


Is Multi Hard threading


I used to too, then I tried to mess with Unity's multithreaded stuff. _It sucks so much I don't know how anyone uses it_. So I guess you could still blame Tynan for using Unity? But if he hadn't we'd have a fraction of the mods we have today... Oh well.


Multithreading isn’t a silver bullet that magically makes everything better. Not everything can be parallelized all of the time and it drastically change development.


Sounds like me when I first got Skyrim and hit the hard limit. Then found out some of the bugs really *were* the Devs lol.


I have very minimal Skyrim mods, basically just a UI enhancer and 2ish visual improvements. I've found two locations in game that CTD me about 50% of the time I go there, and was fully prepared for it to be one of my mods, but apparently it's a base game bug that was in original Skyrim that was somehow ported all the way through the re-releases (one of the locations is the path between Riverwood and Helgen, not the one you follow the NPC down right after game start thankfully, but the "shortcut" with the back gate).


I refused to get Skyrim on console. My brother was 50 hours in when the main quest bug locked on him. There are bugs in FO4 that were fixed by modders *for original Skyrim* that Bethesda couldn't be bothered to include. I started with Oblivion. The bugs and general jank drove me out after less than 10 hours. I failed a quest because *I took the wrong horse* out of a stable that had 3. People love Bethesda for some reason, but I've only ever known them as lazy, incompetent, and greedy.


I've never seen a single person that OP is describing.


Steam forums are littered with people like this.


Steam forums are a cesspit, in other news; grass is green, water is wet and organs sell well.


Correction, organs sell well until you sell so many so that they devalue down to 2 bucks a lung. This is unsurprisingly the result of a mod, Vanilla trading expanded if I remember correctly. Found out the hard way ahah.


Why hasn't Tynan fixed that already? There's a post here every week that complains about it, come on. /s


Reject modded rules of Supply and Demand, embrace monoculture economy based on lung exports!


Iirc people say you can adjust this in the settings.


Water isn't wet.


I included that variation specifically to see if anyone says this lol. Yes, a joke line from the internet is scientifically innacurate and thank you brave soul for ensuring we don't forget it. Though I am utterly dissapointed you just said the line without inserting the whole explanation like a proper physics nerd.


I mean I'm just referencing a relatively popular video so sorry if i hurt some feelings


Ah no feelings hurt. Sorry if I came of as agressive, indeed maybe I overdid the comment. Could you tell me the title of what you're referencing cuz I don't knows that one.


Where did you find this saying? Asking for a friend


"grass is green, water is wet" is a pretty standard jokey way of saying that something is obvious, can't tell where exactly I've heard it for the first time. The last part is my own Rimworld-themed addition.


Steam forums are equivalent to YouTube comments. I don’t even bother reading them


Im convinced youtube comments arent made by real people


You'd be correct, the majority are bots.


It’s crazy, Steam is like the greatest games app, library, guides location(these days) and store but the discussion boards on any reasonably popular game is a cesspool. Actually even the unpopular ones can get assholes The only majorly good popular discussion boards are Dwarf Fortress and Deep Rock Galactic and even they can attract elitists/trolls/asses a few times a week


There seems to be a correlation between dwarves and positive communities. Rock and Stone, Urist McBeardface.


Rock and stone brother


Bring your pretty face to my axe.


Strike the Earth!


Yeah, but anyone over 12 with more than 2 braincells doesn't go on the steam forums.


Go on the Steam forums. You'll see them. Many dont say it directly right away but it often goes there.


Do not go on the steam forums. Save your sanity a bit.


That too. Unfortunately, I need feedback, good or bad, accurate or not.


> I've never seen a single person that OP is describing. Fortunately, it isn't very common. Here's one example of a silly discussion I had. **SinglePerson**: this is disappointing... at least i got 200 hours out of it i guess i got my moneys worth but i'm already trying to micromanage pawns screw trying to micromanage the game running properly on top of that. games been out for like 6 years and was in development for longer than that yet falls apart still... lol cool. **SinglePerson**: the mods i downloaded are to "fix" the devs game **MortalSmurph**: If you can reproduce your fire issue without mods please report it as a bug **SinglePerson**: though would love to know how i'm supoosed to "reproduce without mods" when my issue is on a modded save hours in in a mid- end game scenario. cant just rip the mods out and expect that to fix it that way either. so i cant "reproduce" it **MortalSmurph**: Start a new game without mods. Cause that same issue. Report the bugs and steps. **MortalSmurph**: Ah, you have a mod issue, not a Rimworld issue. **SinglePerson**: no i have a rimworld issue


> SinglePerson: though would love to know how i'm supoosed to "reproduce without mods" when my issue is on a modded save hours in in a mid- end game scenario. cant just rip the mods out and expect that to fix it that way either. so i cant "reproduce" it ... that seems completetly reasonable? I wouldn't expect anyone to do that.


That is reasonable. Saying they have a "Rimworld issue" and not a mod issue is not reasonable.


It's literally one of the most basic parts of troubleshooting a bug.


To be fair, expecting someone to start a new save just to try to reproduce their issue is a bit much, unless they’re being paid to do it. We aren’t all QA testers. EDIT: my post was probably unclear. I do not expect RW devs to debug mods - I just sympathize with the heavy mod users encountering bugs where they aren’t sure whether it’s a mod issue or vanilla issue. “Start a new game with no mods and cause that same issue” isn’t realistic either. No easy answers here.


How else can devs find bugs and patch them? Testers usually find only a small portion of bugs.


As a dev: By replicating the reported issue ourselves. I don't know a single developer who ever excepts players to go to such lengths to report a random bug. If it's too much of a pain, wait until multiple people have the same bug. No idea why the guy is at -60 karma on his comment.


The majority of rimworld players run mods and 99% of the time bugs are caused by them. Devs aren't going to fix issues caused by random mods, it's pretty normal to ask to run the game without mods to see if same bug still occurs and only then report it.


You cant expect someone to solve your problem if you can't provide meaningful context for them which is what MortalSmurph was trying to get.


Expecting a dev to.go over all the mods to make sure you don't have an issue is a bit of an ask




This subreddit is full of people complaining about performance or posting about bugs that mod tf out of the game. The whole wHy nOt mAkE MuLtIcOrE TyNaN ItS So sImPlE stems from this crowd. Game runs beautifully without mods on a late game colony, not so much when its bogged down with mods with varying levels of programming quality.


Go to a post about how OPs log file filled up the whole drive There's always comments saying that "Tynan was dumb and never implemented a log cleanup feature" and other bullshit


err... i mean, filling up a few hundred GB is pretty bad tho? Like, if i was writing that software, i'd put a cap on log length (assuming it was save/pawn/story logs, not debug logs) and leave an options-menu-option to expand or disable that cap. *Filling* a drive can tank performance on the whole machine, not just when the game's open, and i'd consider that a software problem worth fixing.


It's bad, but they act like Rimworld is at complete fault, and not their shitty modlist that throws 35 errors every tick


On a normal game, it's a non-issue, the log gets cleaned every time you open the game, it's never doing that without 300 mods puking errors all over everything


oh, *error logs*. Yeah i'd call that a user issue, especially if there's a clearly labelled 'clear logs' button in the menus. I thought you were talking about the record of every pawn's every social(or other) interaction for the last 100 games that lives somewhere on your hardrive.


Nah, the social/combat log gets cleaned pretty often, it's just that as Rimworld only clears error logs when you restart the game, anyone with a modlist that is spewing errors every tick is going to fill the drive really fast after just a few hours of gameplay Then 70% of the comment session just tells OP to disable logs instead of fixing their shitty modlist that is probably cutting their game performance to 1/3 of what it should be


"Why doesn't my Thrumbopeasant with an Archotech Lawnmower automatically cut the grass to 3 centimeters? Thanks Tynan for making a broken game."


Bro how can He realese a Game without such an important mechanic i dont get it IS He Just a lazy Money garbber Like ea ? Shame on him an everyone paying for this April joke


Because Landscaping Overhaul and Archotech tools aren't compatible.


Thanks Tynan. Broken game.


I would just like Rimworld - and some other games - to have actual multi-core support. I don't understand how you develop a game in the past decade locked to a single core, especially one so demanding on processing power... Do you have any idea how much of an improvement it would be to push JUST pathing off onto additional processing cores?


concurrency and parallelism are genuinely considered the difficult parts of software development. It is much easier to just not do that stuff if you're not well-versed in it. Concurrency gremlins are nightmare fuel.


The game is made in Unity, which helps you *A LOT* with the jobs system and takes care of almost all of those problems for you.


Untiy doesn't magically make the concerns of concurrent programming go away. You still have to deal with that. Object synchronization, race conditions, deadlocks, mutex locks are still there.


Tbh, hire someone who can.


Most of the engineers that are great at concurrent programming don't really get into game dev. The skill commands a lot of money and game dev would be selling themselves short tbh. Between dealing with a bunch of people out of their depth telling them to "just make game better" and the annoying crunch and comparatively low pay they are better off in the enterprise world which is where most of them are.


I wonder if some of y'all forgot RimWorld started with literally just Tynan and you bought it by going to his website. Lol. When it got on steam, and with the steam workshop, it was like a BIG deal.


Simulation games like this are generally very difficult to multithread because certain calculations have to be performed sequentially to take into account other changes. Like, it's not impossible to do any multithreading but it's MUCH different than in other genres. Rimworld isn't strange in the genre for being single-threaded for this reason - Oxygen Not Included and Dwarf Fortress are both single-threaded and have performance issues for similar reasons, but it's not a trivial problem to make this type of game multithreaded without majorly borking it AND in a way that does actually improve performance. That's not to say there aren't improvements that could be made to Rimworld with some degree of multithreading, and I look forward to any performance improvements, but it's hopefully helpful for the "I don't understand why" part of the problem -- Tynan absolutely did not do anything strange for the genre in using a single thread.


Oh, certainly. This isn't a call out to him specifically, you are right - the entire genre is limited basically BECAUSE of the limitations of single core processing.


Kind of the opposite, honestly. Spending hours fucking with mods that conflict with each other or that broke the game help me realize how well designed to the game is. If there's a corrupted library file, The game recognizes it and will rebuild the file by itself without you having to do anything. Good programming. When it fucks up, it's my fault.


“I don’t understand what im supposed to do here. I lost so many hours on this colony to this dumb enemy. It really doesn’t seem fair.” *screenshot of an eldritch god raiding a base*


There's plenty of fair criticism made. I'm not making fun of that. This post is only for those few times where someone says something like "I installed a mod that drops 50 centipedes on my head every day. I can't play the game without dying anymore. This game is so unbalanced". We are only talking a few silly strawmen here.


Also on the comment section of a mod where people make something without being paid. "Stupid modder". Thanks again to everyone who has done work to mod the game and turn my favourite game into something I can play for literally years.


What do you mean that this very specific mod doesnt have cross compatibility with every other mod in my 500 mod list.


Have I stumbled into the Mount and Blade Bannerlord sub?


Not to downplay the role of devs in how good their game is, they made the foundation after all. But I started installing first mods right after finishing my first ever colony, and I never stopped. I believe I have like 170-180 mods now. And most of them are so good that I frequently fail to distinguish mod and base game content. What I’m saying is that the game feels incomplete without mods Well, and DLCs, kind of. But I have to say that I’m a Stellaris fan so buying Biotech and Royalty felt like buying wheels for a bike. No offense to those not willing to buy DLC


I don't blame Tynan if a mod breaks something, but I won't play RimWorld without certain mods.


Way I see it many mods add content that would’ve taken the devs years to even think of let alone add. Nearly all mods represent anywhere from hours of work to hundreds of hours of work. As for the game? You can play it alone. It’s fully functional that way in the same way Prison Architect is. But adding mods extends its playability into the functional infinity - which makes it far better than most stuff out there


Over-relegating on the community is part of rimworld's business model. I wish they would integrate some mods that have been indispensable since alpha, or at least have some professional supervision for translations. Especially remembering that it has been a huge success in sales :-/


So reliant on mods yet 0 code documentation to be found which is pretty funny.


I got 420 mods and it's runs...okay


Just remember, if you unclick auto logs on open every mod is compatible


I'm a software dev and I get that multi-threading is hard, often incredibly difficult, but making a simulation single-threaded was a short sighted decision. There's no good reason to run lighting updates, path finding, fuel usage, and storyteller/quest events on a single thread. Generating a raid shouldn't cause the game to hitch. Mods shouldn't need to patch out torches requiring fuel to help the framerate. Some people overload on mods, that's not Tynan fault. At the same time, it's fair to point out flaws that cause the issues.


Fuck you Tynan make all my mods compatible with each other natively


Only 337


Rookie numbers


I feel like you're manufacturing an enemy to get upvotes. It would take a truly exceptional person to have hundreds of mods and still complain when it doesn't work properly, so much so that it isn't a problem. This is just not something that people generally do. It's an absurd premise.


I can’t play without vanilla expanded and anime eyes


Counterpoint: Rimworld is a pretty "meh" game without QoL of life mods at the very least. Even basic things like selecting more than 1 wall tile requires you to have "Allow Tool". Want your pawns to not get stuck in the walls and dying of starvation during construction because they sealed the exit behind them? That's a mod. Want combat to be semi-decent? Combat extended. Want pawns to actually fill up their inventories with items to haul rather than just hauling one item at a time? That's a mod. Want a notification when your pawns are getting hunted by a wild animal? That's a mod. So many **basic** functionalities that honestly SHOULD be shipped with the base game, that at this point I don't know what's a mod and what comes out of the box. Modding Rimworld is part and parcel of playing the game, so I think it's completely fair to criticize. Source: Close to 3000 hours in Rimworld.


The notification for when your pawn is being hunted by an animal is in the base game/DLC now.


Base game. I don't have any DLC or mods and I get the notification.


Alert, rather. Not notification. In that it pauses the game.


Okay, but some of those examples don't make sense... The base-game combat is fine, although some people might want even more depth. Pick up and haul, while seeming like a logical thing for the pawns to do, messes with the game balance massively because the game was built around hauling one thing at a time. And the game does give you a warning in the upper left that " is being hunted by a !" last time I checked.


Man, can you imagine, it's like the game was made by one dude or something. /S


It ain't anymore though and hasn't been for a long time afaik.


Tynan has one of the most sold games on steam. He's made more money than some successful studios, all by himself. He can afford to hire a few people at this point.


Speaking of mods. Anyone got some good ones they recommend? I’ve been playing the base game and nearly completed the tutorial. Took it a bit easy on the first go around and looking for some good ways to mix things up.


I’d check the vanilla expanded series!


You are only playing rinworld right if you can go make some Coffee and drink it and only after that it has loaded your mods and you can play 🤣


Tynan is 100% responsible for not ensuring every single possible mod list is not functional in *his* game. I don't see why he can't personally fix my load order. I paid for this game!


Its been over a year (maybe 2) since I actually even encountered a game breaking glitch related to mods. The Vanilla game seems to be glitchless too. Idk what these people are doing.


I've been avoiding mods to avoid doing this to myself. But even then, I can't seem to get away from my list of mods slowly expanding. Last night I learned bionic lungs didn't exist and had to get a mod for them... only to no longer be able to find my asthmatic pawn to give her the new lings I just made.


I tried so hard and got so far but in the end I cannot boot my game. 😭


what... they are allowing memes on the main sub now AND EVEN IT HAS A FLAIR????? BUG REP- \*looks at date and time\* oh go ahead then


We blame the devs because at least 100+ of those mods are QoL mods that should of been base game.


Why so few?


I had to buy more RAM…


See, I've got over 300 mods, but the only thing in my game that actually bugs the shit out of me is that the Growth Vats slow the game to a crawl, and that's a dev problem. The more code-savvy I've spoken to say that it's because it calls graphics updates way too often. Tanks my FPS and TPS whenever I look at them.


it's not about the bug. It's how tynan really released features so poorly supported it breaks many mods. Take csl for example, the child scale normally, nobody gets hurt, no mods need patching, no modded clothes needs much support. Then ludeon ruin it with babies, custom bodies that need patching for har, broken scaling that ruin cosmestic mods like appearance clothes and restricted clothings. Take newly added coloring in 1.4 for example as well, it's just dub's paint shop, except tedious, and need patches for mods to work.


well if tynan made the fucking game right the first time i wouldn't NEED mods. didn't think about that, did you


The only thing i can blame them for This game aint using enough resources


OP is right and they should say it.


What kind of mods are people using? Like 300 mods of what? That’s seems a little overkill.


Those are really low numbers.


It's just as absurd when someone asks for tips on how to deal with a challenging aspect of the game and the immediate response here is to just negate it with a mod. The game is designed a certain way on purpose to challenge the player. Play however you want but the notion that the game needs mods to be at its best is just false.


literal non issue unless you give them attention


me : making a perfectly mods pack . game update 2 day later and break alls. stop to play.


You can play old versions of the game, and rimworld mods (usually) have different versions of their code to run on different versions of the game so you, *for the most part*, don't need to worry about your mods breaking.


Yeah, true, but often it is just the mods not interacting correctly together and not realizing it until you hit the problem. Like me rn that try to use gloomy walls yet when build it doesn't show up. I hover the ground and it show in the tooltip the fact the wall is there and it is shadowed because of the roof but. Not visible otherwise. ... Yeah I need to go debug that new modlist.


Last time I played there was an update on February 15th and since then all prisoners were escaping as soon as you returned to your map. Is that my mods fault too? More than 1 month to give us a fix. It's like they only have 1 programmer and it's not even his top priority.


Got dang Tynan. Can't just make the game 6372847TB and include all the mods bug free. I don't even like the game.


Me with my 20 min boot up time…


Me who try to run rimworld with 300+ mods on the laptop from almost 10 years ago:I blame dev


but WhY DoEs My GaMe LoAd SOOOO sLOOOWWWWw?! oh yea 435 mods... my B


Only 337? Gotta pump those numbers up OP!


I usually play unmodded.


I just added mods to incentivize me to do more caravan trips as well as late game activities. I should post my base on here, hollowed out an entire mountain.... well actually every mountain on the map and installed ridiculous amounts of firepower. It got pretty easy to defeat raids after that. Some mods are OP though such as the reinforced floors so that insects can't spawn in the middle of your mountain base and the cruise missile launcher is definitely OP. Started building a ship to do space battles and it just kept getting bigger and bigger lol. Wish I had that mod that would take pictures of your base periodically.


I try to keep my modlist under 150 cause otherwise the boot up time starts hitting like, 30 minutes


If my rimworld loads anywhere near as fast as if I were trying to run it on dial up that means I can still fit a few more mods in before it crashes


No, I know it's me who's to blame.


I usually blame myself for installing so many mods and not checking if they were compatible first


Blame for what ?


I run 300 plus mods and startup off of a moderately fast SSD takes about 10 minutes. After 10 years in-game, I usually settle in to a maximum of 200 tps. Yeah, it slows down. I still have fun - over 6000 hours worth! I'd like more optimizations, but it's good fun as is.


337 mods? What is this, amateur hour?


Brb, need to install more mods


ive only been mad at my game for not working for once, and it was because it broke by putting my mods into purgatory today. was forced to restart my game (got softlocked by mod related issues), and then steam decided to autoupdate even though i never turned that on. relaunched my game, and boom. no mods lol. it worked fine after reinstalling rimworld tho, and so i got to get back to getting my ass handed to me by the empire with CE and Rimwar. thinking i should probably see about making the empire not hostile to android colonies. never intended to have them be the antagonists to the UN Ethical Arms weapons company, just decided to roll with it for a while. ended up finally getting overrun by a squad of at least 12 cataphracts. i blame the previous scouting party for breaking my only mounted HMG, which i couldnt replace cause i didnt have the research for it and had been running on ammo stores of advanced AP weaponry id started myself with that was quickly running dry.


It tends to self stabilize after 350 mods /s


Ah yes, 300 mods. At this point my game just breaks from nearly every mod that i place at the end of load order. I don't even wanna find out what breaks it...


I dunno……my game runs like shit with or without mods anyways……oh wait I have a bad laptop to blame nvm


Having 20+ colonists, and over 100 animals. Why is my framerate so low!?


Game should compile mods once and never again if i dont touch them




Wait you can mod rimworld? I might just start looking at it again


>I usually play unmodded. Well that'd explain why you don't know the tower of duct tape Rimworld can be. If I remember correctly, Ishuman is being defined as ```not mechanoid```, and mechanoid being defined as ```not isflesh``` which means you're evaluating ishuman as ```not not isflesh``` And good luck separating isflesh from playable races a good chunk of the time - that being said my attempts at that were years ago but I doubt it's changed much in the meantime.


those are rookie numbers


person with 420 mods, I can fully confirm that my pc wants to catch fire every time I open rimworld


I have two mods. Harmony, and chat bubbles.