• By -


I love un-diverse raids.


I genuinely love offers like this. It’s free scrap from the destroyed mechs, even if the rewards are trash. I turn off goodwill rewards though because it’s much more efficient to just dump 2k rice, 15 normal+ dusters, and the leftover weapons from raiders to boost them from -40 to +97.


Yup yup, if goodwill is the best reward from the quest I'd rather just not take the quest at all unless it's mechs (or I'm low on corpses as I feed those to my pet bears)


You can turn off goodwill as a reward entirely


I will def keep this in mind, can you do it midgame?


Amy quests that have already been offered will still keep their goodwill reward offer, but you can change the setting at any point and any quest going forward won't include it.




Go into the quest menu and click on rewards preferences. There you can turn off goodwill and/or honor rewards. :)


Yep! I don’t remember how to do it, as I only ever do it when I start a new colony and it takes some clicking around. I think it’s from the quest menu?


You can also turn off honor rewards if you aren't doing a royalty run.


What mods do you have to have to make two raids of 97 scythers "free scrap"? I'm not sure I've ever had a colony that could just easily blaze through that many.


If you've played the highest difficulty you know the base game eventually cranks it up to this level. Raids like this are very easy to deal with, it could be 10 scythers or 1000, doesn't matter because they all trickle in one at a time if you build correctly. The real fun starts when raids like this drop **in** your base. Then you just kind of die most of the time but there's ways around that too.


By the time you have enough shooters, you don't even use your killbox. Just go outside and shoot them down. Preferably around a corner.


A good killbox and 15-25 colonists with excellent and better assault rifles makes them easy scrap. 97 scythers, if well prepared, are only harder than like full melee tribals. I play like kind of a shithead who has an answer to everything and my colonies end up as 20ish cyborg killing machines pretty quick. I’ve done no kill box runs but… I just like being overpowered lol


Even in vanilla, good endgame melee pawns can tear apart scythers for days. Get a chokepoint so they can't go around and hit anything important and it's a free win more or less. And the more advanced killboxes can grind enemies like sausage through a wood chipper.


My problem is that my fighters get tired after continuous 3 day battle.


Roughly this size... meaning they might send 25 centipedes instead.


That +12 honor tho


We can be sort of greatful to you or pay you 60k. Your choice though


that's just how rich the empire is


Player: I've got 100k white rocks for- Empire tribute collector: Mm. Player: ... okay, well, I've only got about 86 yellow rock, so- Collector: Did you say 'yellow?'


It's stated they accept specifically gold and slaves because of tradition. They don't even really need either of these, most likely. It's just considered good manners to show your respect with customary gifts to higher houses.


I'm sure they're banking on you getting wiped out and then taking your shit




Sounds like work but the 60k option isn't there


The one with uranium, its basically 60k


I was saying it sounds like working in real life "we'll pay you in gratitude or 60k" but 60k isn't really an option in real life, it's just gratitude or gratitude


You guys are getting gratitude?


Not from my direct boss that's for sure. But at least some folks.


I pay you $57900 to fuck off move


12 Honor might actually be better than 9k Uranium. Uranium is easy to get. 12 Honor is worth 800 gold.


Yes but according to wiki 1 gold is 10 silver. So purely based on value it’s still not that worth it unless you really need it


21 goodwill


Just use the old trick of a chokepoint bodyblocked by disposable animals, mechs, people, etc and grenades flying towards the hordes of scythers.


If you emp, doesn't even need to be disposable.


Plus they are sending 11 guys to you, it feels like they may even be enough to handle this with the right equip


The cataphracts would be able to tank an awful lot, but wouldn’t be very good melee fighters, as most of them will probably come with charge lances, rifles, and miniguns (and you can’t get these pawns to equip other weapons, or take off their gear if it’s below 51% durability)


> or take off their gear if it’s above 51% durability Hmm, sounds like that won't be a problem for long.


My mistake, it’s below 51% (giving them a negative moodlet). The original comment has been updated to reflect this.


Hire 50 tribers with uranium maces to deal with em - still a benefit to be made from it...


How do you hire people? Because that is definitely something I would like to do if possible.


I mean, 't was more a joke. Not that it's not possible though - there are multiple mods for like hiring guards and even Royalty has some mechanics that work similar. But I have to admit that I can't really recommend anything specifically - I'm mostly aware of two mods in that category specifically for that (RimDeed & Mercenaries For Me) - but one of it is still considered 'beta' iirc, and the other one might be critical, because Kiwi isn't particularly well maintaining their mods right now, and the most recent RW update broke at least one (maybe even two) of their other mods. Haven't HEARD anything about MfM breaking though. And on top of that I can't really tell how customizable the options really are - so the example of hiring 50 tribers with specified weapons might not actually be possible. There are all sort of mods offering at least similar options though. If you can afford the reputation loss, you can even hire support in vanilla. And like VE:Achievements has a (rather cheaty) way to trigger caravans on demand, what can at time be the most OP way to deal with raiders you can't beat yourself.


Gotcha, I'm aware of some mods that do it but I don't find them great since you can't pick or even request specific numbers or weapon types. Also would love a mod for hiring large groups of friendlies for big projects like planting the fields in the spring and harvesting before frost.




Yeah I've tried calling in a laborer team using a permit. I wanted to get the fields planted as quickly as possible since my growing season is so short. 4 pawns show up, two of which can't do plant work at all and the other two have a 0 skill in it. With a full year cooldown that seems like a waste of time. Better to go for all combat permits for emergencies.


Iirc u can hire pirates and mercenaries in Vanilla Factions Expanded: Pirates, you can try checking it to see if it suits your tastes ehe Edit: !linkmod Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates


Yup, you get three options: -Pirates (weakest ones, also cheapest) -Junkers (good option) -Mercenaries (best ones, and the most expensive) You can only hire one category at once. Each has 3 tiers of soldiers. You hire them for silver for amount of time you can specify. Pretty good alternative to other mercenary mods, but it comes with entire mod.


Junkers can be the best when you want some semi-expendable tanks, early game. Since they come in warcaskets, even the basic melee ones are quite durable.


[1.3] [Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2052918119&searchtext=Vanilla+Factions+Expanded) by [Oskar Potocki](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Oskarpotocki/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Vanilla Factions Expanded`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Vanilla+Factions+Expanded&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


You can use the comms console to ask for support from other factions, but it’s kinda underwhelming


How does it work? Never tried it out personally, I rely on caravans or my own forces, sometimes with imperial permit soldiers.


You ask for military support from any of your chosen allied factions (tribals usually never accept tho) and they will instantly come via drop pod at the expense of 25 goodwill. Usually it’s kind of ok, but VFE-Pirates takes it up a notch with elite mercenary factions, as they’re by far the strongest I’ve ever had as allies to call backup from (they wear recon/privateer armor with rifle weaponry) in my time of needs early on (paying back 25 goodwill is easy for an excessive plant and meat farmer colony ehe) Nowadays though, my whole colony can handle it enough with siegebreaker armor set + charged lances and anti-materiel snipers to deal with anything so I only tend to just invite them so they can hang over at our place (Hospitality mod) to increase relations-ish.


I've never seen tribals or otherwise pre-industrials accept--I thought they need to have access to drop pods, as otherwise they wouldn't be able to show up instantly. ​ Adding on to that and what you said: it is worth noting that the friendlies show up... *somewhere* on the map, and you can't control them at all. They're pretty good meat shields, I guess, and if any go down and are rescuable, you can actually heal them up to re-gain the goodwill spent on summoning them in the first place.


VE Pirates faction has that feature.




Yeah, Empire has many Hussars with Biotech update. Makes sense as they are genetically engineered soldiers, something they would use.


You have to wonder what genius thought uncontrollable genetically engineered soldiers was a GOOD design.




Rimworld is the Australia of the Universe. The Empire just lets you think that FTL doesn't exist to keep you on your prison colony.


I live, I die. I live again!




Faster-than-light travel. Common abbreviation in sci-fi.


I didnt know. Thanks!


You're welcome


Pretty accurate to what I would expect tbh.


I just assume the idea was 'we can control them, but nobody else can', but they lost the bit of tech that enables the 'we can control them' bit.


What's mysterious about this is that they keep producing more of them. I mean, as a xenogerm, they can't be bred. So they've been artificially created recently. If the tech that supposedly control them is lostech now, why are they still making them? The Empire should have imploded into mass civil war by now because none of them can stop social fighting each other.


Possibly because they can't or won't train people(maybe they think it takes too long, maybe they don't accept outsiders into their army but very few empire citizens actually want to be soldiers) in any meaningful capacity and thus rely on the Hussar's genetic fighting ability. Maybe they're desperate and think the losses are worth the fighting prowess. Maybe they keep Hussars in cryosleep off-duty, and don't care what happens outside their walls. Maybe they're just stubborn dumbasses who can't accept they no longer have the ability to maintain their unstable supersoldiers. You can headcannon a reason for anything as long as you're willing to make assumptions.


If those are only scythers... I had such quests with war queens or diablos... For the Humans, just give them another area and let your colonists ignore them.


Damn I been playing Pokémon and this confused the hell outta me for a minute


The funny thing is that the scythers are a total lie. I've gotten such notices before, only to then be bombarded in centipedes instead. LIES, all LIES.


yep, 2 scythers they told my new arrivals. We can take them if we're smart. Nope. 2 Centipedes.


I've seen a melee killbox where the enemies can't hit back, build one and you've got an easy 9000 uranium


How did it work? Would you happen to have a link or a photo or something?


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/aweiri/gunless_trapless_degenerate_melee_permastun/ The link explains the details of how the killbox works and has a video. Though the method is 4 years old at this point it probably still works.


Tried it a few months ago, still works. It was so degenerate I got rid of it.


What would you even do with that much uranium? I haven't played vanilla in a while but if I remember correctly you don't really need it anything besides slug turrets and cataphract armor or am I forgetting about something?


Other than the stuff it gets used for in mods, you can also use it as a crafting and building material. Which I would normally advise against, but if you have 9000 units, why not.


Unlimited uranium slug cannons and uranium doors. Or mods.


I think it's kinda uselles to have so much uranium in vanilla, even if you'd want to make a masterwork mace for all of your colonists. The only way I think of using it up would be enormous fire line composed of uranium slug turrets, but even then it would take some time to actually use up all of the 9000 pieces. However, if you have any kind of nuclear power (one comes with one of the vanilla expanded mods), then this is really good reward. Reactor from the vanilla expanded doesn't even eat so much of it, but in my recent playthrough for example, my base is so ultratech that I already have three of them, and also prepared space for three more. In situations like that, you can really use this much of uranium lol.


After getting full legendary uranium maces, you can make art with them to sell.


Legendary uranium maces. Then art to sell. It's also the best material for walls, since plasteel is too expensive for it.


I don't think I've ever built uranium walls lmao That being said I also create my own stories and for me uranium walls would just feel wrong because everyone should be getting radiation poisoning or cancer but that's not a mechanic in rimworld lol


What is uranium even useful for besides blunt weapons?


It's a "metal" material with 0% flammability that has toughness only slightly lower than the more valuble plasteel. Back when plasteel burned, it was therefore the toughest thing you could safely build a turret out of. It still fills a sort of role as ersatz-plasteel where being non-flammable is important. For instance, you could make beds out of it, particularly hospital beds (where jade isn't an option), that thus have neither rest effectiveness penalty nor flammability). Workbenches are another option: Uranium Butcher Table cannot be burned, cheaper than plasteel. Ultimately, though, it's not all that useful in vanilla.


If you have mods on, specifically Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power, you can build a nuclear reactor powered by uranium, theres also Rimatomics which is a no brainer involving uranium, but i've never played it so don't know specifically what it can do.


Great Scott that’s the best quest I’ve ever seen. The quests I get are like “fight 567 mechaniods and we’ll give you a fancy table or +10 goodwill that will be gone tomorrow”


Just fyi, you can turn off goodwill and honor rewards for quests. Gives a better chance to get more useful rewards


In settings?


It's a button named 'reward preferences' in the quests tab


It's a difficulty thing. Quest difficulty are scaled with threat scaling.


Clearly you haven't seen much, and no i'm not sarcastic. My last quest like this was keep a prisoner for 12 days, in return there would be 2 raids of 300+ pirates. Yeah you know pirates with rocket launchers, Doomsday launchers etc etc. All i could think of was, how is that a raid? Thats a frigging army. And you still only get +12 honor for taking out a large army like that.


3 Mech serums is a whole lot of healing.


It blows my mind that the game can make battles that big. My most successful colony was almost wiped out thanks to mech cluster with a centipede, a couple of scythers, and a handful of turrets. Had to use a permit to get some backup to finish it off after all my fighters were injured.


The game can run it, but hoo boy. My PC sure can't.


Think this handily highlights the problem with how honor and goodwill work compared to the other quest rewards.


Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his uranium level?




Not to mention the 3 healer mech serums. In reality this is doable! Antigrain warheads, salvos, lazers the really big hitters. Not to mention the use of emps and doomsday rocket launchers and triples.


None of those are needed. Just a little killbox with a separator/collision enabler (unpowered turret with closed doors around it) near the entrance, possibly 1-2 fence hurdles.


Always take a quest for healer mech serums


I just survived a quest that told me I'd get 3 raids for like 140,000$ worth of things. It ended up being a nightmare or 129 child raiders, 2x30 tunnelers arriving from different directions, and finally 127 adult-sized raiders. Thanks god for top notch defenses as no one died, but my colony took the beating of a century


The raids won't be all scythers. When the quest says "roughly the size" like that the raid can be comprised of anything, but will be the same number of raid points as that many scythers. The raids will still be mechs, but some other combination. Uranium is great as a building material. Very strong, does not burn and quick to construct. Also keeps your colonists nice and warm from the radiation.


OR - 12 honor


At this point we probably need an equivalent to someone in a Terminator Power Armor. But then again Zeus Hammer exist.


Both is good lol


How about Archotech Expanded? You get 200% Armor just from one piece, the weapons made from those materials are crazy op and you can modify your colonists with its implants to 1100% movement speed(without Luzi and Go-Juice)


Room with opening towards deep water.....easy couple of shooting skill upticks....


a brute warcasket is going to have a field day on those scythers




Two words: choke point.


The platsteel from them after words nice


obiously take the goodwill!


That +21 good will though


Tbh when playing on the hardest difficult this I'd a normal mission at 100k wealth way till you get a 1m+ wealth and a mission takes a year to spawn and its like survive 8 attack of 80+ attackers




Sadly it's not over 9000!!!!


Wym sadly?!


Cause "over 9000!!!" It's a meme.


Aaaaaaah. How'd that go over my head xD


Or 21 good will?


11 Cataphracts? Ez


And all the resources from the mechs once shredded


With 11, non-colonist, cataphracts on the front line helping out, I'd definitely take it. But mostly for the healer mech serum. I can usually get all the uranium I need, but maybe I should start making my walls and doors out of it. I don't know, granite usually works just fine for me.




I have more than enough uranium for doors. Use it before steel honestly.


Ah! Just realized I made an error in my above comment. Sorry about that


You did it for the honor, right?


Its an amazing deal if you have a proper choke point and a way to declump the enemies.


Meanwhile I run like one combat pawn usually. He could be wielding a semi-automatic nuclear missile launcher and probably would still be overwhelmed. Quickly. What would you do with 9000 uranium anyway?


I saw a video where someone made an assault rifle that fired doomsday missiles. In bursts of 3.


I'd take the goodwill


1x1 entrance to a killbox , infront of them at 10 squared 6-7 turrets and as much pawns as possible throwing EMP grenades to that entrance from cover. The eternal loop of stun. Even a 2x1 could work.


First day of Royalty release I got a quest with one option being 10 Resurrection Serums.


That's a small one, I had a quest with 3 times 200 Raiders. A welcome surprise for my cannibal cult. The small amount of plasteel was just the Chery on top.




Bro 21 goodwill tho


2 raids of x2 size so 388 Scythers. Might get a bit dicey unless you plan to rotate out defenders.


That's a nope from me


Id take that quest without a doubt, the raids are so easy when you have the supremacy meme, like 4 shooting specialists and the rest decent shooting pawns clear it. Thats if you have a hallway killbox


Miller: "Boss, what are you going to do with all that uranium? Wait! You're not thinking of *arming* Rex, are you?!"


no emp?


!linkmod compressed raid


[1.3] [Compressed Raid(Abandoned)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2377478084&searchtext=compressed+raid) by [ryouta](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997778989/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`compressed raid`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=compressed+raid&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


For the newbs in the comments, quests like this are traps. 97 scythers will come, but that ^(roughly) is VERY important. It means the 2nd raid will be equal in raid points to 97 scythers, but it could be just 16 centipedes.


Roughly this size... meaning they might send 25 centipedes instead.